-SsPP- '* •-'- ^Thursday, February 20,; • ,7f. r* K -? -•#: '<;>!' .« ; L.*iu ••,*«.•'- •c'iv*. ? '• i 71*?£»'. f' NdticE TO BIDDEES SAlcd proposals will tie receiver by the Council of the City of~ McHenry until 8:00 o'clock P.M., C.S.T., March 3, 1958 for ' M-F.T, Section 7TL-CS. The Improvement will consist of trig installation of fixedfrime traffic signals at the intersection of Elm Street and Riverside Drive in said City. Hans, specifications and proposal forms rtjay be . obtained f%m W. A. Rakow and Associates, 202 E. Chicago Street, Elgin, Illinois upon payment of $5.00 which will not be refunded. All proposals must be accompanied by a bank cashier's <iheck or certified check in an amount of not less than ten (10) perpent of the bid. A bid bond Will not be acceptable as .a proposal guarantee. Council reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and tq waive technicalities. By order of the Council oi the City of McHenry EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk (Pub. Feb. 13 - 20, 1958) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of LILLIAN M. KELT ER Deceased. Wlco tice is hereby given to all persons that April 7th, 1958, is the claim date in the estate of Lillian M. Kelter, Deceased,, pending in .the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. City National Bank and # Trust Company of Chicago by E. C. REID, Trust Officer HAROLD F. WAGNER, AUGUSTINE M. FREUND Executors Attorney: RICHARD L. PHELAN 105 W. Madison Street RA 6-8885 (Pub. Feb. 13-20-27, 1958) £ SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of execution number 35812 issued out of the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of McHenry County and State of Illinois, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgment recently obtained against ROBERT WINKEL MARGUERITE F. WINKEL, his wife, in favor of MILTER BORDEN doing business as Dunes Coal, Lumber &• Material Co., out of the lands, tenements, goods and chattels of the said ROBERT WINKEL and MARGUERITE F. WINKEL, his wife, I have levied on the following proper* ty, to wit: Lot fifteen (15). in Edge- "brook Heights Addition to . JtfcHenry, a Subdivision of Npart of the Northeast Quart er (NE %) of the Southwest Quarter (SW%) of Section Thirty Five (35), Township Forty Five (45) North, Range Eight (8), East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded January 6, 1953, as Document No. 260822 in Book 11 of Plats, J>age 68; WHEREFORE, according to said command, I shall expose fo^ sale at public auction all th# right, title and interest of the above named ROBERT WINKEL and MARGUERITE F. WINKEL, his wife, in and Ijo the above described property, oh Friday the 28th day of March 1958 at ten (10:00) o'clock A.M., at the East fropt door of the Courthouse, in*Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois: Dated at Woodstock, this 17th day of February 1958. HARRY C. HERENDEEN • Sheriff of McHenry County, Illinois (Pub. Feb. 20-27, March 6, '58) fled check, payable to McHenxy Community High School District No. 156 McHenry County, Illinois, in the amount of 10 percent (10%) of the Bid. Checks qnd Bonds shall be returned to all accept the three (3) lowest bidders on each branch ort branches, immediately after awards of "contract is made. The owner reserves the right to reject all bids," to waive minor informalities in any bid, and to-make award in the best interests of the Owner. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION, Mc- HENRY COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 156, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. Dated at,. McHenry, Illinois, this 18th day of Feb., 1958. DON HOWARD, Secretary (Pub. Feb. 20, 1958) February 20 'Teen-Aage Dance -- Moose Lodge -- 7:30 to 10 p.m. W.S.C.S. Guest Day--Noon -- Community Methodist Church. February 21 ^ World Day of Prayer Service -- Community Methodist Church -- 1 to 2 p.m. -- Public Invited. February 28 Crime Stoppers Meeting -- City Hall--6 p.m.--Movies. March 6 'Teen-Agers Dance -- Moose Lodge March 16 Annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner--Sponsored by St. Patrick's Altar and Rosary Sodality. 0SPJTAL ilo&i OFFICIAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby g3£n that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of McHenry Community High School District No. 156, McHenry County, McHenry, Illinois, for. the construction of a new Football Field, Quarter-Mile Track and Floodlighting System, for said School District, including General Construction Electric Wiring Uleachers At the office of the Board of E d u c a t i o n , M c H e n r y H i g h School Building, McHenry, Illinois, until the 3rd day of March, 1958 at the hour of 8 o'clock P.M., C.S.T. at which time Bids will be opened and publicly read. Plans and Specifications will be available at the offices of gpard of Education WcHenry Community High School District No. 156 McHenry County, McHenry, Illinois W. F. McCaughey and Associates Architects and Engineers Pickwick Building Park Ridge, Illinois * at any time after date of this njotice. Pr^osalA-^cbaU -be-acoempaniedby Bidders Bond or «erti- Mcllenry Hospital Patients at McHenry hospital'this past week included Archie Biggers, Barbara Mahal and Frank Schroeder of Wonder Lake; Edward Parz, Eric Tengbom and Otto Ludtke of Crystal Lake; James Curran of Round Lake; Katharine Greenwood of Richmond; Michael McCulla of Jak Ana Heights: LeRoy Carpenter of Ingleside; Anna Hay, Wayne Heir and John Reinboldt of McHenry; John Engeln and Karen Howard of Woodstock; Beverly Wurm of Lakeland Park; Stanley l&plinski and Emma Olson of Sunnyside Estates; Connie May and Mary Rita Daley of Johnsburg; Althea Schulgen of Island Lake; Joseph Gilson of Duluth, Minn. Clarence Rose of Lake Geneva; and Curtis Tinsley of Eastwood Manor. Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week included Mrs. Helen Johnson, Randy Ferguson and Linda Delatowski of McHenry and Dan Tomano of Wonder Lake. OBITUARIES Richard J. Walsh Richard J. Walsh, 86, former resident of South Beloit, Wis., died in the Villa Rest home at Pistakee Bay Saturday, Feb. 15, after an illness of several months. Mr. Walsh was bom in Nunda township Aug 31, 1871, and spent his early years in the McHenry area. For several years he had lived in South Beloit and recently had spent some time with his brother, the late Walter Walsh, and Mrs. Walsh in McHenry. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Jack Walsh, of McHenry; a step-daughter, Mrs. Clarence Hanson, of Racine, Wis., and a step-6on, S. E. Earl, of South Beloit. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home until Tuesday at 10:30 o'clock when last rites were conducted from St. Patrick's church, with burial in Shopiere. Wis. Dr. Norman Taxman -Friends in McHenry learned with sorrow of the untimely death last week of Dr. Norman Taxman, 27. of 1256 North Shore avenue, Chicago, who made his home here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Maurice Taxman, as a young boy. Dr. Taxman was a professor of physics at Illinois Institute of Technology. He was found dead on the Farwell avenue pier in Chicago. Surviving besides 'the parents are two brothers, Barry of Phoenix, Ariz., and Harold of Brazil. Arthur A. Thompson Arthur A, Thompson, husband of the former Marguerite Fenske Thompson, died early this week in Chicago. He leaves besides his widow, a sister, Lillian B. and a brother, Roy W. Thompson. Services were conducted Wednesday at 3 p.m. from the funeral home at 3440 N. Central- avemter with interment in Aeacia Park. TOUGH WINTER, IS DANGEROUS TO FISH POPULATION Illinois' toughest winter in more than a decade is proving dangerous to the fish population of lakes and farm ponds in the northern third of the state, it was revealed here today by Director Glen D. Palmer. The prolonged cold wave which began in January has frozen ice to a thickness of more than a foot on many impoundments. Further aggravating the injurious conditions was from 5 to 10 inches of crusted snow on most of the bodies of water. Director Palmer,' pointing out that heavy snow crust curtains out sunlight and shuts off the manufacture of oxygen in the water, said that department fisheries biologists have been making regular inspections of each department lake in their districts and as many other impoundments as there was time. . "It's a long and difficult, procedure,'/ Palmer explained. "Our men work in zero temperatures on the ice, sometimes for hours, taking temperatures and water samples, and then spend another hour in the back of their station wagons, where it's mighty cold, testing the water samples." Where possible, on small lakes and where the ice is strong, sweeping off the snow can alleviate the danger. On the larger lakes, the accepted method of treatment is to move in a large portable pump and to pump water out of the lake itself on top of the snow and ice. This relatively warm water melts the snow. City fire departments often cooperate by loaning the use of one of their pumpers. Many farmers save small gasoline pumps which would be adequate for use on their one-acre ponds. POST 491 by Mary Einspar CLASSES ON* BABY CARE ARE OFFERED BY RED CROSS The McHenry county chapter of the American Red Cross plans to offer a course for expectant fathers ^nd 'mothers called "Mother and Baby Care." This will be a lecturedemonstration course given in three weeks, two evenings a week. A doll will be used in the actual practice of bathing, taking of temperatures, feeding and dressing. A crib and bassinet will be loaned for demonstration purposes. Due to the a,ctive practice of members of the class, only twelve persons or six couples, may be enrolled in one class. The plans are to hold one class in the spring , and one class in the fall. Through the cooperation ot the Illinois Association of the Crippled, the first class will be held in the new therapy clinic on Route 14, Woodstock. The class will start after the middle of March, so registration should be made immediately with the American Red Cross chapter in Woodstock. There is no charge for this course. It is one of the many services given by the McHenry County chapter of the American Red Cross. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Spring Groive by Mrs. Charles Freund Meetings Mrs. Math Nimsgern was hostess to members of her club on Feb. 6. The afternoon was spent at games of five hundred and prize winners were Mrs. Mark Pierce, Mrs. AJice Wagner, Mrs. William Britz, Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. Ben May. A lovely lunch was served after cards. The Christian Mothers sodality of St. Peter's held their regular meeting at the parish hall on Thursday night. It was decided that there would be no refreshments served at the meeting which falls during lent. There was an announcement that there would be a St. Patrick's party on March 18. Luncheon will be served at noon and bunco and cards will be played throughout the afternoon. Many prizes will be given away at this affair. After the meeting cards and bunco were played' and. those winning prizes were Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Nora Miller, Mrs. Eugene Robers, Mrs. Donald Wagner, Mrs. Leo Dam and Mrs. Jasper Buxton. A lunch was served by the oommittee in charge. Mrs. Charles Freund and Mrs. John McGovern attended a McHenry County postmasters meeting at Crystal Lake on Wednesday night. A delicious dinner was also enjoyed. President Lauretta Homo, Ruth Mrachek, and Mary Einspar attended the McHenry County auxiliary meeting Feb. 7 at Harrison school, Wonder Lake. At this time we were asked to donate thirty dozen cookies for a. card party to be given Feb. 26 at Elgin hospital. A mid-year convention was held at Elmhurst on Feb. 8 and the following, delegates represented our unit: president Lauretta Homo, Marie Howe, Mata Schroeder, Eleanor Reld and Ruth Mrachek. Out* McHenry auxiliary Unit 491 received a standing ovation for leading McHenry county with twenty-one new members over quota and for having one-hundred percent in the Eleventh District. ; ner dance took place Saturday, Feb. 8 and our thanks go to *Lee Bassi, membership chairman, for making it such a errand" occasion. Her beautiful table decorations will long be remembered. Also thank you to our thoughtful rifle squad for the lovely corsages given to all members present. Our honored guests at this dinner were &nily Cowan, eleventh district. director and her secretary, Kay Visin, and Dorothy Rogtnan,; McHenry county president ahd her secretary, Helen Cor^y. Our guests also congratulated our auxiliary for their wonderful work on the membership drive. The winning membership team were presented with lovely gifts for their work on this drive. Pearl Pietsch received her twenty year honor guard pin and the congratulations of the unit. Henrietta Vycital, Doi> othy M. Miller, and Marion Schoenholtz were congratulated on receiving their ten year pins. A delicious roast beef dinner prepared by Paul Karts, with the assistance of Skip Wirfs, was served by Roy Homo, George Mrachek, Shorty Mueller, Ed Reid, and Harry Mueller. Dancing to a fine orchestra brought this memorable evening to its close. The Junior auxiliary will hold their monthly meeting Feb. 22, at 1 p.m. Please try to attend and don't forget your fly-swatters. SCOUT ftEWS BOY SCOUT NEWS Scout Week Banquet The Girl Scouts of Troop 89 and 100 and the Senior Girl Scouts handled table service at the father and son banquet and the Scout mothers helped in the kitchen. Members of the V.F.W. auxiliary prepared the meal. The boys are grateful to the unit leaders and committeemen who did the planning, organizing, prepared the program and general ground work for the banquet. The den mothers prepared the beautiful table decorations and patrol dads also assisted. The young men are also grateful to the many dads who gave up other engagements to be present with their sons and make a memorable evening of this annual neighborhood Scout affair. GIRL SCOUT NEWS We had a skating party behind the Admiral and invited the sixth grade troop. We had a bake sale Jan. 23. We thank the mothers for baking for us: also thanks for use of the store window for our sale. Troop 89 and TrOop 146 and guests went to Chicago to see a movie recently. We went by school bus. May Kirk, scribe CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my. sincere thanks and appreciation to my relatives, neighbors and friends for kindnesses, prayers and cards at the time I waS in the hospital and at home with my broken arm. •42 Mrs. Jacob F. Justefl Support the volunteers who oall--at your -door on Heart Sunday* Feb, 23* COOKS CORNER by Marie Schaettgen If there is some. turkey or ham, in the refrigerator or freezer, use it up. If you have something a little different with it, it will, be welcome by .the family. . They may be tired of sweet potatoes by this time so try these. Escalloped Potatoes 3 cups raw potatoes, sliced thin 1 tsp. salt. 2 tbsp. flour 1 cup milk, slightly warmed 2 tbsp. butter Mt tsfo. paprika 2 tbsp. chopped green pepper Method: Mix the potatoes, salt, flour paprika and green pepper. Place in buttered baking dish or casserole. Pour the milk over the mixture and dot with butter. Put a cover over the dish and allow to cook for half an hour. Remove cover and cook twenty minutes 'onger. More warm milk may be added if mixture becomes too dry. The thickness of the potato slices determine the cooking time. Use a moderate oven but if milk boils or threatens to boil over, lower temperature. COMPANY MEETING The regular annual meeting of the McHenry County Service company will be held at the Woodstock Community high school, Woodstock on Saturday, Feb. 22, 4t 10:30 a.m. for the purpose of receiving and acting upon reports of the officers and board of directors for the preceding fiscal year; for the election of seven directors to hold office for a term of one year and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. McHenry County Service Co. L. Russell Beard, Sec. and Mrs. Claranoe Miller alid Charles Freund. Bowling Since there was no school on Lincoln's birthday, it gave the Catholic Youth club an opportunity to enjoy an afternoon of bowling at Johnsburg alleys Thursday. The outstanding bowler of the afternoon was Miss Dolores Smith who bowled a 217 game. The Holy Name Society of Peter's had their regular monthly bowling night at Johnsburg on Sunday night. Those who attended the dinner following the C.O.F. bowling tournament at Johnsburg last Saturday night were Mr. and . Mrs. Leander Lay, Mr. Furthers Education Miss Charlotte Freund has entered Gale Institute in Minneapolis and is taking a course in airline employment business. Mrs. Charles Freund and Martina Kattner accompanied her to Minneapolis last weekend. List Hours e Holy season of Lent began this week on Ash Wednesday. On Wednesday morning services at St. Peter's, which began with the Holy Saci|fice of the Mass at 8 a.m., were well attended. There was also a Mass at 8 o'clock in the evening with distribution of ashes after both services. There will be a Mass at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. every Wednesday and Friday during Lent. The way of the cross will be said on Friday. FOURTH ANNUAL WCOF CONFERENCE IN CITY APRIL 27 Birth Mr. and Mrs. Edward. May are the happy parents of' a new daughter, weighing, 7 lbs. 10 oz. born at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan early Saturday morning, Feb. 15. The young lady will be named Gloria Lynn. REVOKE LICENSES Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the revocation of drivers' licenses of several countv residents. They included Richard T. Bortny of Rt. 3, McHenry, and Ben A. Dieterich of Spring Grove, driving while intoxicated; Creola Hollins of Barrington, James P. Johnson of t.akemoor and Bernard J. Sexton of Algonquin, three offenses, suspensions. LIBEL SUIT A libel suit was filed in circuit court at Woodstock early this week, askipg $400,000 from the editor arid publishers of the Lily Lake News and the Beverage Dealers and Tavern News. It &as filed by Claude F. McDermott, village president and liquor commissioner of Lakemoor. oCenten Special VUedi. £? 3rii. Only PERCH DINNER - 60< (Includes Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Bread and Butter) ! Serving from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. JOHNSBURG BOWLING ALLEY JOHNSBURG, ILL. A meeting of "representatives from the hostess courts for the fourth annual conference of the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters association of the Rockford Diocese, was held at St. Mary's hall Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 12. Mrs. Ella Buss, president of the association, presided. The association consists of all W.C.O.F. courts of the Rockford diocese. The hostess courts for the dinner and conference this year are St. Clara Court No. 659 of McHenry and St. Agatha Court No. 777 of Johnsburg! The fourth annual conference of the association will be held on Sunday, April 27, at St. Mary's school hall. Registration will begin at 10:30 a.m., followed by Holy Mass in St. Mary's church. Dinner will be served at 12:30 o'clock. The '^it'ation of candidates from the various courts of the diooose and workshop will be held following the dinner in the gym. The workshop will be conducted by the officers of the high court. Committee members appointed at the meeting were as follows; dinner, Mrs. Paul Gerasch and Mrs. George P. Freund; reservations, Mrs. Carl Martin; exhibits and photography, Mrs. George Rodenkirch; prograniS," Mlas Kathleen Freund; Decora tidns, Mrs. George J. Freund, registration, Mrs. Alfred Oeffling, Mrs. ^Anton Schmitt, Mrs. Paul Pitzen and Mrs. George Rodenkirch; program arrangements, Mrs. Bernard N. Smith ahd Mrs. Carl Freund; publicity, Mrs. Paul Pitzen. Hostesses are Mrs. Anton Williams, Mrs. Ben J. Thelen, Mrs. Leo Blake and Mrs. LeRoy Miller. Officers of the association are: president, Mrs. Ella Buss. McHenry; vice president, Mrs. Mary McCormick, Sterling; secretary, Miss Kathleen Freund, Johnsburg; and treasurer, Mrs. Florence Nlcklas, Elgin. CARD OF THANKS We woul& like to thank relatives and friends for their many kindnesses extended at the time of our bereavement. We are especially grateful to Miss Bette Milelr, Mrs. Mildred Miller, Dr. Paloucek, Dr. Griesbach, George R. Justen & ^on and ReV. Fr. William Collins. 42 The Calvin Babcock family CARD OF THANKS The Viscounts Drum & Bugle corp would like to take this way of thanking everyone for their help and support at the recent puppet show. Your response was greatly appreciated. 42 Viscounts members. buy drug items from Prescription Specialists • Do not be misled by persuasive salesmen offer' ing "food supplements"--often at prices three to times higher than drag store items of equal potency. And avoid buying staple drugs at nondrug retail outlets. Only your pharmacist is fully qualified to dispense health items; to- counsel you in your selections. For safety and service, buy all drug items from the source you entrust with your Doctor's prescriptions. And at this pharmacy, we're always happy to help. Call on us! Bolger's Drag Store 103 So. Green Phone 40 BfcHenr} HOSE WERE THE DAYS By ART BEEMAJ NOPE/ THEY'RE' ~ BILLS FOR CORMIER RITES Miss Loretta Quinn and brother James, have returned rom Chicago, where they were called by the death of their half-brother, Armand Cormier. Mr. Cormier was well known here, where he spent the summers. Services were held Monday from St. Thomas Acquinas church, with burial in Bourbonnais cemetery near Kankakee. ISSUED CHARTER A charter was issued for an amended foreign'*1 corporation by the state this week.. It was Weber Waukeshaw Brewing company of Rt. 6, McHenry. Let every dawn of morning be-to you aS the beginning of life. VtS - THE VULETIDE ACTIVITIES ARB VERY TIRING/ BUT I LOVE IT/ OH SOy--MORE WONDERFUL LATE CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS, FATHER? 9 m -FOR TODAYS POPPA, THE STRAIN IS JUST STMTlNB/f THE OLD DAD NOW FELT THE HOLIDAYS WERE OVEg-- HOSSFACE HANK By FRANK THOMAS .IA N VT SoHa Strrict -AMD NOW--CHAPTER, JM AND PETTICOAT THE EXCITING STORY OF LIFE IN THB ROMANTIC WEST i 4^- 50NNY SOUTH By COURTNEY ALDERSON AN" TURN TH' OTHAM\ CHECK WHEN 60M*0NE AH VE BEEN ABLE T BUT TK ONE WHERE KEEP ALL d MAH NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS SO FARPECI ALLY WHEN IT WW^ AH RESOLVED NOT T BULLY DAWSON WHO TOOK F1SHT ANYMOAH -- TH* riRCt PUNCH I ATDU6H tURAL DELIVERY By ALSMrri HE. WORKS HARD ALL DAY AND HE DOES THINGS FOR ME... I'LL DO THIS FOR HlNA/ I D LIKE TO &O To THB MOVIES BUT I'LLSHOV/EL THE SMOW OFF FORI*>P/ m