fiit*kee Highlands MBT AT INTER TO FORM MI TEAM by Carla Bales ,,.^vluid Hazel Morley 2895-J and 640 - Several people have express- 3~ari interest in forming a 16 icfo Softball team to compete .a league. All men interested getting on the team, meet ie community center, Tues- J. Apr. 1, at 8 p.m. You must 21 years old or over. We »8t have twenty men to form team With sufficient reserves. New Owners! Best of luck to James and JUian Bur&s, who are' the J roud new owners of Lak&view ?. They will officially take the store Monday morn- As of yet, they do. not w if tfifere^will be any inge ip the^tbre hours? Sain, best of lUck! Brownie News H|pue- to the fact that Mr. ] j&asles is. visiting a few of homes, the Brownies met £ the cpmmunity center for 3ir last meeting. They learn- IOW to pare apples so they be mo^e of ,a help to their jipthers. The girls also played les and sang songs. They busily engaged working on others' Day presents. The ct ipeeting will be held at Sis Mason's home. Association Meeting! niDon't forget the association ieting at the community cen- Mi April 2. See you there! Happy Birthday to Carter Gregg, who was 1 ir old on March 18. He cele- Iftt&ted his birthday in Chicago feiih relatives. Also to Mark itz who was 3 years old ^esday. We know that he is really going to have fun on Wat new two-wheel bike he g$L from his jnom and dad. 4 ^ Our Servicemen i'A«Dick Rapp will be back in thfe United States this Saturday. after his tour of duty overseas. We hear that he is Jtfihging back loads of gifts arid souvenirs • for his many t?nds and relatives, and is d to be getting a leave to Visit his family. , ion Andy Anderson will be isferrefl v frtim Newport, Rhode Island, to New London, Ofon. where he will go to submarine • sfchooife^ ;• couples Sfrdm dhicago over the weekend. We are sorry to hear that Dot Erbin's mother is in the hospital for an operation. A Marilyn Lammert had company for'luncheon Tuesday. The lucky guests were George's cousin and their two little girls. Today is Marie Schlick's turn to hostess her card club. The red hot card players attending are Jerry Vrbik, Vi Johnson. Dorothy Freund, Audrey Misavice, and Harriet Wilson. * Mrs., Bentz is having a demonstration Tuesday afternoon. She says the girls have been to so many demonstrations, she is going to ask the demonstrator to speak for three minutes, and then spend the rest of the afternoon playing cards. ( Mrs. Taylor is spending the day in Chicago having luhcheoh with her godmother. Those busy Schlicks were in Melrose Park Saturday playing cards again. Mr.. and Mrs. Bentz will be sorry to see their daughter. Janet, and her son, Timmy, leave Sunday for Norfolk. Virginia, to join her husband. Janet has been enjoying a two month vacation here in the Highlands. After PTA last week, Wanda Dobecki, Janipe Janquart, Lois Mason, Dot Erbin, and Hazel Morley, decided they didn't have -enough coffee and not enough gabbin'l so they retired to Hazel's house for more of the same. Don Bentz and Barb Schlick. along with the Bentz family attended the annual sports banquet. Don has also received a trophy from the Foresters arid an award as the most valuable basketball player. Congratulations, Don, ypu sure deserve it. We hear through the grape vine that Shirley Johnson has a spanking brand new refrigerator. Reed and Kevin Bales were might.v glad to welcome their grandma and grandpa Andrew Of Fox Lake, back home Thursday evening, after a vacation in San Antonio, Tex. Carla was glad to see them too. as she had been both a dog-sitter and a bird-sitter. Barb Schlick, who is a member of the Senior Girl Scouts of McHenry, has really been busy. The girls are planning a May Day dance, and Barb is head of decorations and refreshments. Every other Saturday, the girls visit the rest home in McHenry where they write letters, read to the patients, arid do any little jobs that need done. If you have any old magazines you are not interested in keeping, please bring them to Jhe Schlick home before March 29, and Barb will see that they are taken to the rest home in McHenry for the patients' pleasure. Thanks! The basketball and volley ball games held on Monday evenings, will be discontinued after March 31. So Come on out on March 31 and "let's have a real good time for the last Tame of the season Monday evening at the Johnsburg grade school. The 'teen club held their meeting .Wednesday evening. March 19, and made their plans for next month. Several people have requested an old time oolka party, so the "teenagers have decided to hold a square dfcnce and polka .party together. This wi^l be much the same as the previous square dances, with some 'polkas thrown in. The time will be April 11. The community center was ill decked out in green, as the 'teen-agers celebrated St.' Patrick's • Day, Friday evening. From all reports everyone had i swell time together with dancing and refreshments. Also discussed at the meet- :ng was the problem of how to set the juke box, donated to the 'teen club from a relative, from Milwaukee to" Pistakee Highlands where it will be used at the community center. P.T.A. News Election of new officers took place at the P.T.A. last Tuesday. The new officers for the coming school year are; president Audrey Zetterburg; vice oresident, Mrsj. Klotz; secretary Dot Erbin; and treasurer Chris Williams. ' The P.T A. is having a breakfast at the community center oh April 9. Everyone is invited, so bring along your kids •and have coffee, rolls and milk. It's April 9 at 9. There will be a Hard Times iance at the Johnsburg school, April 19. This is also sponsored by the P.T.A. He's Still Around Mr. Measles that is, his latest victims are Judy Zetterburg. Dave Fletcher, Bobby Hurckes and Janice Erbin. Easter 'Egg Hunt The Easter egg hunt will be from 10 to 11 in the morning. It will be for children under 10 and will be at the community center April 5. We are glad to see Ronnie Kolb has recovered froip the phicken pox. , , The Kolbs' rdog- tad five tiny baby puppies. •j. Mr. Measles i Ms just about done with all tils dirty work at the Janquarts, and he is also leaving the Ron Jackaon family too. he stayed around just long efuugh to leave some of his tfvwK on David Fletcher. ~'i ' Here gad There yjtfle Shivleys entertained two DmW».,4MI •lltttaf weshsM# «uj>- * Inguinal htrnl*. Back ffrone 40 BOWSER'S DRUG STORE McHenry - ^ < * " ' " ' ' ^ SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE l RADIO DISPATCHED McHenry Ready Mix Co* Inc. 606 Front St. PHONE 920 McHenry, Illinois . (Political Advertisement) RE-ELECT A. B. McCONNILL Your Republican Representative on His Record Experience Not experiments Performance / Not Promises Seniority Is Valuable in the Legislature TJil Only Representative from McHenry County YOUR VOTE WILL BE APPRECIATED APRIL 8 This ad sponsored by friends in McHenry County. T^ieMcInerneys had dinner in Chicago and a nice visit with Jim's aunt and a few other relations. Steve and Jerry Vrbik had < a nice visit with Mr. aand Mrs. Gunirsen of Lake Bluff. Who was it who built himself a ladder, climbed down his septic tank and din't quite come out smelling like a rose? Don't Forget the Social It's on the thirtieth of March at the community center from 2 to 4 and a bake sale will also be held. Come on out and relax. Down Meadow Lane Herb and Jo Shivley entertained quests over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Good all and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cambon were the welcomed guests from Chicago., Judy Krumwiede and children spent Tuesday in Park Ridge visiting relatives and another trip to the. dentist. Lou Tomas celebrated his birthday the fifteenth of this month. , He received money, gifts and cards. Mary and Dick Madock and boys will go to . Chicago this Sunday to help Mary's mother celebrate her birthday. Hope you have a nice visit. At last Kay Sclisch has gotten rid of most of that terrible case of laryngitis. nice to hear her talk in her natural voice again. ; It's so nice to see baby buggies on the road again, a sure sign of spring. Most every day Betty Warczak and Daijene Bresen take their babies for a walk. Adam Rzechula has recovered from a mild case of laryngitis. He wen I to his doctor before he completely lost his voice. He is feeling fine now. Some folks are using "the empty lots of Meadow Lane to discard bottles, cans and boxes. This looks terrible and should 1 be stopped at once. very bad cold and little Kirk was a little under the weather too last week. f More Birthdays , It's a happy birthday to Alice Wilson who just turned three, and also to Kirk Van Zevern Who will be two on the thir- -j j'j tieth of March. A belated happy birthday to Bobby Jenkins who turned a ripe old age of two March 16. Mam& Jenkins entertained about twenty-five guests from Chicago. Little James Sabielny, just five weeks old was baptized in 'he Lutheran church in McHenry, Mar. 9. Mrs. Peloquin reports . she heard from her son Jim, who. is in the Navy and he just got back to California after spend-~ ing awhile in Oregon. Jim;* hopes to be home in May and; then it looks like he'll be head«; ing for Japan. *1 (Continued on page 11) Home Sick , Trudy Rodge has been home for the last two weeks sick with a cold and ear infection. Dee Gregg is spending the whole week in Chicago with her mother. Gary Morley has been quite a little stinker lately. Cutting i two more teoih you know. | Primary Don't forget to vote in, the pVimary election coming Up Apr. 8. Try to get to the polls <ind support your favorite candidate. Ricky and Michael Madock are sure enjoying their new vfllow cars. They got them jfor Christmas but just got brave Chough now to bring them out. [Marilyn VanZevern (Bob's It will be tyife) is still suffering from a ax ft • 'f:> While we take cfare of ALL your building requirements. • Planning & Estimating r- • Proper Selection of Materials •' The Right Contractor for Your Particular Job • Financing Both New Home and Remodeling *" ' '"A ' J McHENRY LUMBER CO. 611 taain Street McHenry. Ill PHONE McHENRY 46 LOOK YOUR VERY BEST MEN'S WEAR FROM . . . W H I T E ' S The Smart Dresser Prefers SPORT COATS Choose your favorite, from our famous collec* £ion-of luxury sports coats in a wide variety of Spring- fabrics and patterns! Stripings, overplaids, tweeds, flannels and silk blends. 2 or 3 buttons, all meticulously tailored along trim, natural lines. $ 29 95 Regulars or Longs--sizes 36 to 48. Step out In Style with these New Spring SLACKS They're expertly cut to give you that "casual smart appearance" plus a perfect fit and the utmost comfort. Quality tailoring throughout further assures you of these thiftgs. Choice of flannels, gabardines, striped and other new patterns. $1095toM795 rain • sun • cold ALLIGATOR the coat . • .1 . you'll live In There's an unmistakably elegance every Alligator coat, from luxurious all-weather outercoats to feathe» light rainweM-. Come in now and choose from many fabrics, style*, colors . . . water repellent or waterproof ... all great values from *20.95 to *50.75 •• ' H COOPER'S MEN'S HOSIERY In keeping with the current fashion, these latest Cooper hose are styl* ishly conservative. Neat trim patterns on contrasting backgrounds. Fine combed cotton, rib knit for smooth fitting comfort.1 55* to *1.25 also Stretch Hose--41.00 THE WORLDS MOST POPULAR SHIRT ARROW Five fitting reasons why men prefer ARROW five to one. 1. The Perfect 2. The Perfect S. The Perfect 4. The Perfect 5. The Quality Collar - Designed Shoulder-- Tail- Waist--Cut the Sleeve-- Shaped Extras-- Anchto conform with ored {o lie flat tapered Mitoga to follow arm ored, chip-proof n a t u r a l n e c k a n d s m o o t h , w a y t o c o n f o r m c o n t o u r . C o m - b u t t o n s . " F i n e s t slope for better Never binds or with natural fortably roomy pre-tested fabfit, greater com- bulges. Comfor- body lines. Al- at armhole and rics. "Sanforizfort, smarter table with or ways trim and elbow. Trimly ed". Easier to appoarance. without a coat, smooth. tapered at cuff, launder. ARROW DART -- $4.00--Non-Wilt Collar - Button Cuff ARROW LANE -- $4.00 -- Soft Collar - Button Cuff ARROW PAR -- $4.00 -- Soft Collar - French Cuffs- ARROW DALE --• $5.00--Non-Wilt Collar - French Cuffs /ARROW PAGE -- $5.00--Soft Collar - French Cuffs ARROW HITT -- $5.00 -- Drip-Dry & Wear - Button Cuff EASTER TIES That are Easy on the Eyes In the newest, smartest patterns, shapes and colors. Who can think of a better way to greet the Easter season than with the glorious colors and spirited designs of our newest tics. *1.50 - *2.00 *2.50 - *3.50 Dark Brown is Good . . . Black is even Better BLACK IS THE KING OF FASHION Yes black is black, smooth shiny blacks and when they're Crosby Squares you know they're styled right, made right and priced right. AUTHENTIC ^FASHIONS IN MEN'S SHOES. WHITE'S "HOP 2Q8 S. Green St. McHenry, I1L PHONE MeKENRY 19 what a new hat does for a "gal a STETSON can do for you It helps keep your chin up--especially this newest version of the telescope shape -- with pinched front! The neat back bow band and narrow snap brim give it a vital youthful look. Rich new grays and browns, $io« Others from $12.95 to $15.00 COMPLETE FORMAL RENTAL dbn v iV/Jj ITS FUN TO GO FORMAL .;,N