>y. May 29, 1958 -ivj£•;•».- McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pistakee Highlands of cm scouts CLOSES SEASON J bv r»rln Ra tasur by Carla Bales 2895-# ft Hasel Morley 640-J-l At tteir last meeting the ,\_'gfrls had a teauty demonstration. Mrs. Leaderbach wap the l J * * d e £ p n s t r a t o r a n d t o l d t h e I gins all about applying cosemetics, good, grooming, etc., ' lyith a very full Question and .answer period after the dempnstration. Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Heir were also there. ' .The girls have been busy goi' ipg on ahikes and following trails. They are also working on Father's Day presents. . Harriet Wilson and Vi Johnso)|| atttended a training course for Day Camp. Any mother " interested in helping out at Day Camp, please contact Harriet Wilson for information. Just recently, Harriet Wilson and Mrs. Bob VanZevern ati tended an adult scout meeting held in McHenry. Brownie News Jhe Brownies ended their king this year with their _ - M o t h e r - D a u g h t e r b a n q u e t . They had a terrific turnout, 'the food was just delicious, ^..and the girls hated to go home. J&nice Janquart also expresses her wishes to thank all the committee members; Mrs. Moreth, Wanda Dobecki, Lois Mason and Audrey Misavice, for their contributions amL willingness to help .anytime. Also many thanks to her other leaders, Lee Conway, Dot Erbin and Audrey Misavice. See you all in September! Here and There Janice and Jerry Janquart just had loads of fun at a surprise birthday party held for Curt Medirie of Fox Lake. received a beautiful bowlin ™ bag and a wallet. Janice says the food and punch were terrific. George. VanZevern, Jack Erbin and Tom Mason rowed the diving pier from Pistakee Bay to our new beach. We here Jack just couldn't wait to go swimming, so he' did. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Wrobleski has pneumonia, ai^i Mrs. Wrobleski fell and him her ankle, while admiring Harriet's tulips. What a day Wednesday was. .Carla Bales met her girl friend " M a r g a r e t M o l i d o r a n d t h e y proceeded to Chicago, where they were joined by another girl friend, Elsie Van de Mae.le of Moline. They did some shopping, a lot of gabbing, saw a stage play and enjoyed a deilidfcus dinner and a delightful day. Blanche Haeflinger had a demonstration Thursday aftern o o n . A n n a C p h r s , A g n e s . ' W r o b l e s k i , J o y c e H e i r , L o r - raine Ullo, Jocelyn Standert- "' maier, Lorraine Erdman, Jean "Sherman and Meryl Fletcher were all on hand to spend a pleasant afternoon. Marilyn Lammert has been hd$ng trouble with her back, b u t t h e e n d c a m e w h e n s h e found she couldn't get out of b e d . So G e o r g e s t a y e d h o m e from work and took her to the doctor. She's much better now. Lee Conway is now one of those working gals. The Dobecki's were visited "by Dwight and Mary Elliot "and their three sons Sunday TH% were neighbors of the Dobeckis in Maywood. Mary . .baked a,- beautiful three-tier f cake for the new baby boy „ .Douglas. They barbecued and pleasant visit. Wanda also says her dad had a fire pi his kitchen. No one was hurt, and right now he and his wife are re-doing the entire kitchen. Carla and Jim Bales attended a wedding Saturday. The bride was a school chum of Carla's, Abadine Hughes of F o x L a k e . T h e c o u p l e w e r e married in the Fox Lake Community church, and the reception was held at the Legion home. Sea Scputs On i^unday, May 31, the scouts are taking the what boat on a test run. They will pass the main beach, off Pistakee Lake, about 2 p.m. in their dress whites. Come down to the beach and take a look. They now report the boat is sea-worthy. She is in the water and has no leaks. For their meeting Thursday evening the scouts will clean up the beach and take the boat out for a p r a c t i c e r o w . T h e y a r £ now planning a campout and cruise to be held June 6-7-and 8. They plan on a 15 or 20 mile cruise and will pick out the best spot Saturday. See you at the beach Sunday! Little League Right now Archie Fletcher and Mr. Fisher are working on a schedule of the games. So far the tentative date for the first game is June 3, at 6.30. Luncheon for Teachers A luncheon for the teachers at the Johnsburg grade school was held on Thursday. This luncheon was put on by the executive board. The hostesses were Audrey Zetterburg, Betty C h r i s t e n s o n , Vi S c h u b l e , P a t Jackson, Angie Nielsen, Edith Klatz, Marge Moreth, Dot Erbin, Lorraine Hurckes, Connie Thomas and Meryl Fletcher. The> dinner consisted of scalloped potatoes, porcupine meat balls, mock chop suey, home made rolls, jello salad, tossed salad, coleslaw, relish dish, coffee, and cake. Mr. Dougherty thanked the P.T.A and Audrey Zetterburg in turn thanked the teachers for their co-operation with the P.T.A. Teen Club Terry Phillips was voted a member of the club at their last meeting. The picnic is June 14 at Lake Geneva. Friday, May 30, a party will be held at Ron Spankuch's house. We are glad to report that Maria Greiner is home from the hospital again. Her mother is coming in from Germany to spend a little time with her daughter. , Harold Peterson is glad to be h o m e f r o m C l e v e l a n d a n d another trip isn't expected until July. It's so nice to spend some time with the family AOW. While taking down storm windows last week, tolrs. Esbrook fell off a ladder and hurt her legv She was in the Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan. Hope she'll be up and around soon. Barbara Kolb is sporting a new two wheeler bicycle. Mr. and Mrs. Risto's daughter and son-ip-law have left for Florida after spending a pleasant visit in the Highlands. We are sorry to see them leave and hope they'll be back again next year. Lois Mason spent a day in Chicago last week. Went along with, hubby Tom for the ride. We are sorry. to report that M r . M c N a m a r a h a s n ' t b e e n feeling too well lately. Happy birthday to Tommy Hurckes who celebrated h i s sixth'birthday May 28. He had a party with a few of his little friends. George and Arlene Fick entertained company from Chicago over the weekend. Betty Warczak is doing fine and out and around. On Vacation George and Marilyn VanZevern along with Georgie and Julie have been enjoying the past week at a resort in Land O' Lakes, Wis They expect to be h o m e s o m e t i m e o v e r t h e Memorial Day weekend. Cob, Scout News Last Monday night the Cub Scouts had a meeting at t h e Community center. They had a circus program planned for their parents and everyone enjoyed it quite a lot. Den mothers were Marilyn Lemmert and Lee Conway. Special Meeting A special meeting was held at the community center last Wednesday night. This meeting was for the purpose of amending a few of the by-laws and approving an amendment that only boat docks and boat lifts that meet with the standards stated in the amendment shall be erected on any property here in Pistakee Highlands. These docks and lifts must meet with the county building code and there will be a few men here to give anyone the details if they are interested and maybe save them a trip to Woodstock. Picnic News Now that the weather is g e t t i n g n i c e , t h o u g h t s h a v e turned to the annual picnic. In charge this year is capable Jack Erbin. Along with a crew of able helpers the picnic this year promises to be a very eventful day. There will be games to keep every one interested and a tug of, war across the channel between the mfen from the north side of the black top and the men from the south. Dancing will be In the community center and food and drinks will be available to everyone. There has even been rumors of a kis?ipg bpoth. Watch this column f o r m o r e d e t a i l s . T h e date??? It's the twentieth of July. Running Dpgs It seems that some people just don't care what their dogs to to other's property. Dogs running loose have destroyed gardens, flowers and shrubs. If the dog owners can't keep their dogs in their own yard, some sort • of action will be taken. We all love dogs, but keep them in your own yard. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 • Just East of Route 12 - Volo, III. Phone McHenry 667-W-i SOLVE YOUR GRADUATING SHOPPING PROBLEMS AT LEE & RAY ELECTRIC $1 1 95 Schick ELECTRIC SHAVER Only .y •*» ."JC * ienl n & Lady Sunbeam r«? S14 95 ELECTRIC SHAVER jrWpc Special For This Sato SAVE $5.00 G.E. PORTABLE RADIO AC-DC $2095 FREE 1 Complete Set of Batteries --.... $5.10 Total Value $35.00 G.E. TRANSISTOR RADIOS SO >1 95 t (/rTrHHnEwY PnLr Aa Yv Aa \NnnYirWtTiHc»ETRiiE^\) • 1 FREE Set of Batteries with Each Radio 516 Main St. , McHenry, I1L PftgeFifiee* Gates Away A whirlwind last Wednesday came across the fanner's field r i g h t d o w n < D i c k M o r l e y ' s d r i v e w a y , l e a v i n g . b o t h ' t h e gates ripped frqm their hinges. Luckily no small children were in the :|>ath. Bud Times Anyone who attended tji e hard times party last Saturday will have to admit they had a good time with or without shirt. A big crowd turned out and the place was jumpin'. Ham, baked beans, olives, and all the rest that goes along with a good meal were on hand free of charge. The entertainment was out of this world. The "Flat Courtet" sang four delightful songs with everyone joining in. The roaring 20's skit was real cute with Hazel Rodge and Muriel Peterson at their very best. Thanks to Angie Nielson who helped take over Wanda Dobbepki's job, helping along with many others to make it quite an evening. Those on the food committee were: Joyce Torney, Jof^Sincin, Mrs. Betz, Cletes Stewert, Angis Nielson, Muriel Peterson, Elsie Brown, Grace Reinhart, Mrs. Gaberil, Lelia Brown, Violet Blaney, Janice Janquart, Jo Shively, Hazel Rogde, Dee Gregg, Lorraine Hurckes and Wanda Dobecki. The members of the quartet were Jack EiV bin, Ron Jackson; Bud Gregg and Ski the Sailor. Madame Susie was Hazel Rodge and the Charleston Kiddos w el- e Jo Sincin, Joyce Torney, Dee Gregg, Grace Reinhardt and Pat Jackson. Muriel Peterson was the lady and Angie Nielson as the tramp. Toots Spankuch accompanied on t h ^ piano. It was an entertaining show and the girls did fine. Another Boy Mr. and Mrs. O'MaHy are the proud parents of their fourth child and also their fourth boy. The baby arrive^ at the Woodstock hospital last May 21. The newest member of the O'MaHy family weighed in at 9 lbs. 2 oz. Passenger cars were involved in over 78 percent of all U traffic fatalities in 1957 &*)<#* 86 percent of traffic Ringwood ^ v ... MRS. EMTERTAMS CARD CLUB by Shirley Cristy Mrs. Ruby Shepard entertained the Women's 500 club at her home Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. Hifeh score went to Mrs. LouiftHrawley and low to Mrs. Lester Carr; M. Y. F. The Junior M.Y.F. met at the Stanley Hunt home Friday evening where they enjoyed a weiner roast. Personals Mrs. Louis Hawley was a visitor in Elgin Monday. Mr. and Mris. Ben Walkington spent the weekend with Miss Virginia Jepson in . Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson of Lake Geneva spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Flora Harrison. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent the weekend with her daughter and family in Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Thursday evening in the Ernest Reinwall, Jr., home at Cooney Heights. Mrs. Georgia Thomas and son, Loren, and Mrs. Ella Gratton of Woodstock spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. John Smith and children of Mattison, 111., spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas. Mr. Smiths came and got them Friday evening. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Mr&i James Wegener spent Tuesday in the Phelps Saunders home at Sycamore. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aissen and Mrs. Arnold Harvey were Elgin shoppbrs Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Sunday in the Ernest Reinwall, Sr., home at Fernwood. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stock of ,Woodstock spent Friday evening in "the Weldon Andreas home. $ Mr. and Mi^s. John Skidmore Jand daughter, Jackie, were Elgin visitors Monday evening., The pupils of Prairie Grove school and their teacher, Wel- .don Andreas, went to Springfield Tuesday to Salem Park and other places of interest. Mrs. Bertha Harms and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frank of Wilmot spent Sunday evening with Mn and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison of Chicago spent Sunday in the John Skidmore home. Mrs. George Shepard with Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of Chicago were dinner guests Sunday in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron. Mrs. Shepard returned home with them to Chicago to spend the yveek. Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, and Mrs. Flora Harrison were visitors in the Roy Harrison home Monday evening. Mrs. Millie Rush of Richmond spent the weekend in the John Ehlert home, Mrs. William G1 a w e of Woodstock spent Tuesday evening in the Roy Harrison home. Mrs. John Hogan returned^ home Tuesday from the Mc- STROJNY FAMILY GETS GOOD NEWS FROM EUROPE Good news came to the Strojrty family of Wonder Lake on the recent First Communion day of their daughter, Roseann. . It was then they learned that the last member of her Henry hospital where she underwent surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Finel of Gurnee were luncheon guests in the Dr. William Hepburn home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian and Mrs. Cor^ Woods spent Thursday " afternoon in the Robert Woods home at Genoa City. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson of Greenwood spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and R^rs. John Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian and Mrs. Cera Woods spent Sunday in the Leonard Woods home at Woodstock and celebrated the birthday of Mrs. Leonard Woods. father's family was still aUv&:; Since 1917, they had no trace of the only two brothers cif* Mrs. Strojny's father, Johh Guzy, ljut word had spread that one was killed and the other seriously wounded and taken to a prison camp in- Siberia. ;• ; Recently, a letter reached, this country which put Mrs} Strojny in touch with the latter brother, who, broken in health but not in spirit, had been returned to his home in* Europe with a wish to heart about his brother in this couri- . try. She informed Mr. Guzy df . her parents' death in 1933,- making him the only survivor in his family. ' , He has written to the Wotl-. der Lake family of his happiness in being released after sO many years--just iyi time to see his only granddaughter take her.. final vows as a nun * in Europe. Nearly 27 percent of ,U. S. drivers involved in 1957 traffic fatalities were under 25 years of age. Claire Beauty Shoppe 200 S. Green St. McHenry 10 5oc Graduation Call us for a CASUAL PERMANENT Swedish Message $3.00 with Steam Bath $4.00 WE FEATURE Patricia Stevens Cosmetics Business & Service m --Directqyy of Wonder Lake CRISTY STENDEBACH General Contractors 'm MEW HOMES Pbone Wonder Imlrit 5432 "A Bad Beginning Makes A Bad Ending" * (Author's N ame Below) The beginning of any illness is the best time it may be more quickly cured. Serious sickness has not yet taken full hold. Some people begin badly by either neglecting to take care of themselves or attempting self treatment. Unless they are lucky, sickness time is prolonged and sometimes life, itself, is endangered. A quicker, happier ending to any sickness is almost assured if you cons u l t y o u r p h y s i c i a n quickly and take the specific medicines he may prescribe for your particular trouble. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE • " Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great mao^ ^people entrust us with the responsibility of ^filling their prescription May we compound yours? NYEDRUGS PHONE 26 129 K. Riverside Dr. McHenry, I1L PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER •Quolatidn by Euripedes (480-406 B.C.) »nusiiTrsiHtxpt«sitt "TDtlujc* WITH THESE ALdMINIIM BMflfrft You Save Up To 60% Keep Cool and have good ventilation The "walk-in" feature avoids the ^need of "stepping over" the seat support bracket. Cannot tip over The ski-type legs permit easy mov ing when cutting the lawn. Build it yourself -- we'll cut the lumber for you, or we'll' build the table complete. Easily disassembled for storage STORM WINDOWS DOORS A COMPLETE LINE Painting Supplies CHOOSE FROM A NEW COMPLETE LINE OF GAY Springtime Colon OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" , On Highway 31 -- ftauth of Main Street -r McHenry, Illinois PHONE 1424 "ALWAYS FIRST... SERVICE TO OUB CUSTOMERS'