BAKE SALE IN CITY ON JULY 12 Lois Krebs Come one •-- come all; to the Eastwood Manor bake sale, at Jus ten's .furniture store at the corner of Green and Elm streets on Saturday, July 12, from 9 a.m. 'til ?. We have some 'mighty fine bakers in Eastwood Manor so come on out and try the fruits of their labors. is Faith Presbyterian Church News "The Majesty of Service' the topic of the sermon to be given by Rev. Jaclc Mclntyre on Sunday, July 13, in the community barn1 -of Eastwood Manor at 10 a m. Welcome New Neighbors Welcome to Jeanne and Milt MdHale, who moved to 207 Eastwood Lane on Saturday, June 28, with their daughter, Patty and son, Michael. Loads of luck to you in your new home. Happy Birthday To Willard Barnes and William Malcolm, who celebrate their birthdays next Sunday and to Margaret Pickett whose big day is next Tuesday. Kerrie Lynn Moore celebrated her fourth birthday on June 28 with a big party. Qelping her blow out her candles were Billy Urban, Pamela and Shirl e y C a m p b e l l , D o u g l a s a n d David Messer, Steven and Ward Hansen and Nancy ' Shaw, all of Eastwood Manor, and her cousin, Susan Musynski, of Wauconda. Her sister, Maureen,' and brother, Ricky, came to the party with their g r a n d m a G o l z e f r o m Des Plaines," where they are spending the summer. Dottie Messer did a beautiful job of baking and decorating a cake for th$ occasion. ,' Peggy and Timmy Cary, Jackie Dalton, Diane, Rosemary and Michael Rogers and Georgina and Mark Thienes all helped little Laura Grom celebrate her second birthday oil Wednesday, July 2. the same illness when her her Paul came down with it and little Mike Mathes has just recuperated from a bout with Mf\ Chicken Pox. Anniversary Greetings Belated anniversary greetings to Jeanne and Milt Mc- Hale, who celebrated their anniversary on July 4 Happy anniversary to Pat and John Coughlin and to Arlene and Ronald Tinsley, who will celebrate tomorrow and to Emily and Jack Smithson, whose anniversary is next Wednesday. Best wishes to all of you. Sick List Poor little Debyie Garrelts had to be rushed to the Mc- Henry hospital on Wednesday of last week when her .brother, David, slammed a door on her finger and practically severed the tip. Stitches were taken with the hopes that it will grow back together again. Florence Noonan came down with the three day measles and her husband Ken developed a bad cold, which spoiled all their plans for their vacation. Paul Cisewski was rushed to the McHenry hospital last,?week when he hit his head in a fall on the sidewalk but luckily he suffered no ill effects. The twins, John and Michael Schmidt, quite naturally, both came down with the regular This and That Elaine Rogers was the hos tess for a demonstration at her home on Wednesday even ing, June 25. Those present were Kay Stephenson, Irene C a r y , J a c k i e G r o m , Mary Thienes, Yvonne Davis, Marjorie Brodin, Betty Weisskopf, Pat Cisewski, Marie Dalton, Grace Gruhn, Donna Rohrer and Jackie French, all of Eastwood Manor, Mrs. Karl Ol son of Crystal Lake, Mrs. William Scheid and Mrs. Orville Tronsen of Wonder Lake and C e i l Z i m m e r m a n o f C o o n e y Heights. Pat Cisewski, Marie Dalton and Betty Lahman enjoyed a day in Chicago on Thursday, June 26. They had lunch and did some shopping- and Marie came home with a new chemise dress tucked under her arm. Helen and Tom Birmingham had*Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Birmingham and their son, Jerry, and Mrs. Marie Armstrong as house guests for the weekend of June 28, in celebration of their anniversary. Lois Ryan had a pleasant afternoon on July 2, when she e n t e r t a i n e d J e r r y ' s m o t h e r , Mrs. Lillian *tyan, his grandmother, Mrs. Martha ^Schmidt a n d h i s s i s t e r - i n - l a w , M r s . Alice Ryan, when they drove up from Arlington Heights far a luncheon with Lois and the children. . The Merisch family journeyed to Chicago on July 5 for the wedding of Jean's father, John Timmons and Celeste S c h e r m e r h o r n , w h i c h t o o k place at St. Peter's church, followed by a reception for the family at a downtown restaurant. Otto Shaw, Pat and Lew Kellogg, Mim Hansen and Helen Mathes all enjoyed watching out-door movies at the Harner home on Monday evening, June 30. The Len Hansens and the Len Lawrences drove to Cross Lake, Wis., June 29, for an afternoon of swimming at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lawrence. I Lois and Jerry Ryan and the children spent July 4 in DeKalb picnicking with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Greffin. Pat, Kellogg of Manor Lane spent a pleasant eyening June 29 at a baby, shower for Mrs. Doris Brooks in Wonder -Lake*. Doris Shaw enjoyed a visit with her brother, David Tarnow, when he spent the day in our subdivision, June 30. Helen and Dan Mathes attended a garden party at the W. P. Winslow home in Wilmette, June 29, after taking Helen's mother to the airport for her flight back home to Memphis. Pat Kellogg of Manor Lane enjoyed a barbecue on Saturday, at the home of Dorothy and Jack Kelsey in Pistakee Bay. Doris and Otto Shaw spent a busy Friday and Saturday on the weekend of June 27. Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Bill Egan arrived unexpectedly with the intention of staying just long enough to show* the Shaws their new baby boy but time whizzed by and they departed at 2 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Lubke were invited to spend Saturday at the Shaw home and they also arrived with their brand new baby boy. Dr. and Mrs. LeRoy Harner of Chicago enjoyed a Sunday their son and daughter-in-law, the Bill Harners. Cfirol and John Hayes attended the wedding of Carol's friend, Barbara Gliot and Gordon Shiefelbind, at the Edison P a r k M e t h o d i s t c h u r c h , J u n e 21. Joay Welp's twin sister, Mrsi Lauren Onckeri, of Millidgeville, 111., spent July 1 and 2 visiting the Welp home. The Noonan x family# spent a pleasant evening June 28, when Ken-s brother and Sister-inlaw, Ray and Shirley Konen, and their son, Tom, came out from Oak Park for supper followed by a card game. Hannah Harner made her yearly expedition to the golf course on July 1 with a group of friends from Chicago and reports that she had a wonderful day. Patrice Lindemann spent five days visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs., Michael Mc- Grane, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs Raymond Lorden and Mrs. Vincent Sullivan and children, of Pine Bluff, Wis., spent July 3 at the home of Helen and Tom Birmingham. Charlotte Urban's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hoffmann, were overnight guests at the Urban home last Tuesday on their way home from a vacation in Wisconsin. Connie and Bob Dethlefson are enjoying a visit with A1 Granados of Oakland, Calif., who is spending his vacation at the Dethlefson home. Meet Your Neighbors The Erwin Haldeman family, of 135 Clover Lane, moved into thfeir home on January 30, 1956, making them the second family to reside in our subdivision. Erika and Bud are the proud parents of Dale, who celebrated his eleventh birthday this past May, and Monica who just turned 3 in April. Bud works in Chicago for a tannery and synthetic rubber company. In the hobby department Erika lists sewing, bakr ing and playing the accordion and Bud likes to bowl and watch baseball games. Erika is a native of Bremen, Germany and while Bud was born in Chicago, he was raised in Streator. The Leon Hansen family, of 107 Manor Lane, moved into their home on April 28, 1957, j u s t o n e d a y b e f o r e t h e i r youngest son, Brian, was born. Mim and Lee also have two other future football heroes-- ;Stewn, who was 5 in January and Ward, who will be 4 years old in November. Lee is an engineer for an electric company. Mim reports that her hobbies are reading and painting and that Lee's hobby is resting. Mim was born in Noblesville, Ind., and Lee hails from Missouri Valley, Iowa. Thanks again for all the calls. The July Fourth week- SUCCESSFUL CAKWVAL AT LAKEUNDFAtt Vlckey Bottarl 2262-J . 1524-J On behalf of the people of Lakeland Park, the board of directors wish to extend their sincere and heartfelt thanks to the beach committee chairmen and their committee fpr the fine way in which our recent carnival was Conducted. The board of directors would at this time also like to thank all the people who gave of their time and efforts to make the carnival the success that it was. It proves one thing that the right spirit and cooperation on the part of* the people and committee is of great essence in the undertaking of sUch a project. It further shows that no project is too great for the people of Lakeland Park. Once again our many thanks and commendations for a job well done. Danger On the 4th of July a 5-yearold child visiting one of our residents was nearly drowned at the West Beach (the new beach), so please do not allow children at this beach alone under any circumstances and if they are accompanied by parnets see that they stay near the shore line and do not go near the "Danger" signs that have been placed there. .As soon as possible the Beach Committee is going to rope off an area for the children making it safe for them and leaving the rest open for those who are good swimmers, so again please make sure that if the children go down to the beach unattended by a grownup that they f?o to the East Beach (the old beach). -a at their beach on Saturday, July 12 from. 1:00 p.m. until ? The public* is. invited to attend and there wifl be races, games and refreshments for all age groups. The highlight of the day will benthe crowning of a little ki#gv and queen from West Shore Beach. The age group for this is 3. to 6 inclusive. Those children eligible to enter are the children or grandchildren of anyone from this subdivision,The judges for this contest Wpl be Miss Virginia Cooling, Mrs4 Lynn/Beaver and myself from Lakeland Park and Mrs. Eva Levesque from McCullom Lake. (I've *seen several children from this area, and this is going to be quite a job girls as they sure are a bunch of cute kids). In case of rain this will be held on the following Saturday, afternoon. Country Art Fair The Women's Auxiliary of the McHenry Hospital will hold their Art Fair on Saturday and Sunday. July 12 and 13 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the McHenry jupior high. Donation for this is $1.00 for adults and 50c for students. There will be an auction on Saturday at 9 p.m. Ring Lost On June 27, Bill Struwe lost a 14K gold ring with a red rubie and gold initial at the East Beach. Will anyone who finds this please contact Bill by calling McHenry 1713-J. Women's Club wish to thank all again who made their bake sale a success on the carnival grounds and continued on Saturday morning in front of Glosson's Farm. West Shore Beach Festival The first anniversary of the Westshore Beach Women's Organization will hold a festival end was a busy one -- letV hear how you spent it. Just call 2755. Bye now. J C Copper Demonstration A copper demonstration was held at the Eleanor* Last's home on Tuesday, July 1. Those attending were Berniece Boyce, Marion Hulbert, Delores Roge r s , S h i r l e y O z o g , M a r g e Franklin, Elmira Kujak, Virginia Biring and Rosemary Schaefer. Delicious coffee -and cake were served to all, and a good time was had by all the ladies who attended. Visitors ^ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Uttich were Bud's brother and family, Mary Laurence, [ CEMENT CONTRACTORS j Phone 409 | | COMPLETE LINE OF CEMENT WORK j iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Betty arid Wally Laurence, Ann and Floyd Leigh. Other neighbors who dropped In were Frank Bartos and Glen Uhles. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Radisch are still entertaining their three grand children, Nancy and Paul Lexow and Susan Riley and they will be for the next two weeks and others were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Block, Mr. arid Mrs. Spero Triffon and daughter, Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Dalstrom, Miss Eleanore Vickers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lexow all of Chicago, also Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Allen of Gary, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Gagnon entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ted Oko-. niewski and daughter, Barbara and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. James Lobas from Chicago, Harold and Gertrude Gorman and three children from Beverly Hills and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Cerny and two daughters frbm Riverside, Ill- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Qloi'ch had their niece Dot Becker and her children who live here in Lakeland Park over for pizza on Satuday night, also Mr. and Mrs. Rodene from Broadview and their son, FOss and family also from here, in Lakeland Park came over with home made ice cream. •s Happy Anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lezak on the sixth wedding anniversary. They celebrated this occasion on June 27 by going to dinner with another couple, Mr. and Mrs. Mullera from Pistakee. Happy Birthday to Christine Ann Sweeney who celebrated her second birthday. She celebrated by going on all the rides at the carnival with her family. New Baby On June 18 a little boy was born in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Uelman. This little guy tipped the scale at 7 lbs. 6 ozs. ahd has Jeffery Kenneth. His daddy wient overseas the same day the baby was born so he has not seen his first child as yet but he will probably be home for Christmas. This i£ the first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krycyk of 81 Clearview Drive with wKotai Mrs. Uelman and little son will make their home. • \ Granddaughter i Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Glorch are tlie proud grandparents of their fourth grandchild, this time a little girl. She is the daughter of Ed and Lee's oldest son, Bob of Chicago. Hie little Iftdy weighed in at 7 lbs. 1% ozs. and she has been named Gail Roxanne. They have one other child, a little boy who is just two years old. Welcome To. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Deitz who^ust^moVed into their new hofne at irt"Shore Drive. Mrs. Deitz is Ken Joyce's sister. Sure hope you will like it here as well as Ken, Berniece and I do. SHqp IN McHENRT ISSUES qHAfcTO?fc? ft Secretary of Stat F. Carpentier has * i charter to A. P. R." ing and Sales Corp*, 308* W< Elm St., McHenrjt JTosepfi, X. Waynne, John F. H. Christian G. ZacHartas4pto "purchase or acquire^' import, export, manufacture, refine, distribute, market, 'sell or dis«* pose of or generally deal and trade in and with, wholesale or retail, any ar^d all r^'ins, plastic materials, and chemicals of every nature, any and all inventions, devices, .processes, discoveries, formulae, letters patent or applications t h e r e f o r , c o p y r i g h t s , t r j ^ e m a r k s , l a b e l s a n d 4 e s i g h s , Other indications .of origin! or ownership, all other rights; interest or privileges in any riianner incidental thereto;" to carry on engineering seiHice in connection with above Purposes. , ' •• ^ . .Scientists say none of the planets is fit to live on. ^ It hardly seems fair to judgeliill of the others by this one of oute. ' *n READ TrfE WANT ADS 1--1 ' ' •. FOR THE FINEST IN A CATERING SERVICE o • WEDDINGS • INDUSTRIAL • PARTIES • PICNICSV • LUNCHEONS • BANQUETS ALL TYPES OF CATERING Norman Graham John Graham ^fort/tern \noid (Catering. .?> 119 SO. MAIN ST. -- ALGONQUIN, ILL. v Phone OLiver 8-7021 t' V % • ? .4 8• •?; .• V V " '1:"- 9irt/S#{jettj[ buy staple drugs, too, from Prescription Specialists X • It is prudent to buy every drug item from th« source to which you entrust your Doctor's prescriptions. Only a pharmacist is fully qualified to counsel you in the selection of household drugs. Let this pimple maxim be your guide: lj it belongs in your Medicim Cabinet* buy it from a DRUG Store. Of course, we hope it will be this one. Try us, next time. Bolgers Drag Store 105 So. Green Phone 40 McHenrj SAVE with SAFETY SAFETY IF \<L fi/ fill SAWIRIS <2:/ 99 TO A* % A SAVE with PROFIT CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 North State Street * JOrdan 8-7258 M4BEMGO/ UHMOIf TOTAL ASSETS OVER $9,000,000.00 Tire$tofU Oi TIRES , ) only Pennies More SPEED SAFE Firestone's exclusive nylon race tire construction provides .an extra fifteen miles-per-hour safety margin for your driving peace of mind.. •< * HEAT SAFE Firestone "500's" with allnylon cord withstand up to. 40 degrees higher road temperature than ordinary tires with ordinary cord. SHOCK SAFE Double-strength all-nylon cord body takes rough bumps and bruises right in stride--makes the "500" virtually immune to impact damage. & Cheek That Battery Now! FIRESTONE'S FAMOUS DRY CHARGE BATTERIES AS LOW AS * As "High As, $6.00 TRADE-IN for your old BATTERY $16 00 t) McHENRY TIRE MART 526 W. Main St. Walt Freund, Prop. PHONE 294 McHenry, I1L O •U •-N