r«grsfiitx teen : ftstakee Highlands % Club Bi§jf During Summer Bales & Hazel Morley j4\ 2895-J 640-J-l l;The 'teen club enjoyed a hay fide Friday evening. After f their ride the 'teens enjoyed refreshments. Their booth at the picnic was a big success. Erna Rockel has a friend, "Andy", visiting her for a couple of weeks. And Delores Formella went to Chicago Thursday and brought her Cousin out to the Highlands for the hayride. Delores was very surprised at her birthday pajrty because her cousin and future sister-in-law were there, lion Swanson is visiting with a the Taylor family and enjoying the* 'teen activities. After the picnic the 'teens danced at the Schlick home. What's this we hear about Bob Messel being a Romeo?? Delia and Bob Wesselink will Beverly Lewandowski and be entertaining Delia's sister children, Jane Malek and her and husband, Mr. and Mrs. ! chUdren spent the day visiting Dwayne Wellendorf of Rock with Mary Madock. They en- Rapids la. and also Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson of Cincinnati, Ohio. After her guests have departed, Delia will leave fbr a Vacation at her home town, Ashton, la. Wayne Taylor surprised his parents and friends by arriving home for the picnic. This is hisjast leave before he is discharged. Dorothy Radarmel is now in St. Anthony hospital in Chicago. Hfer daughter Dottie Leonard and her three sons will leave August 5, to join Dottie's huband, Ronald in Germany. Bill Schlick's mother, Mrs. joyed a lunrh in Mary's back yard. « Wally Sielisch started his vacation last week, as usual he will spend it working on the yard. Kay and Wally will take a trip to Briggsville, Wis. Hope the weatherman is good to you. Pat Jackson went to see her dad who is very ill at a hospital in Chicago. We hope he will be well soon. Bob Van Zevern is enjoying a \yeek home from his job. He is doing odd jobs around home and taking his family to see different places. Dot and Bob Jenkins and Remke. was out to enjoy the toolLa ,rip .Br0(% • field Zoo. They are taking advantage of Bob's vacation to Little League Scores for the past week are 'Cards, 16, the Sox 5. And the Orioles beat the Tigers, 20 to JR. Thursday's game was rain- Red out. ?'k . - Happy Birthday To j Jeffrey and Cheryl Dowd, /Who celebrated their birthdays Wednesday afternoon with their friends. Jeffrey, who was 5 years old, and Cheryl, who was 4, had plenty of help in celebrating with Ken, Cary and Davy Sherman, Ronnie, |iiike and Stevie Lepnard. Pam and Roger Pechous, Bryan Wesselink, Debbie Oziminski, Glen Ludwin, Kim Lopke, and Reed and Kevin Bales. Here and There Renee and Jeanne Janquart have just recovered from the measles. You kids are supposed to get them during school not summer vacation! rToip and Lois Mason enjoyed a club picnic at a resort in Antioch Sunday. Lois says, "No rain please!" Marie and Bill Schlick attended another one of those poker parties in Melrose Park Saturday night. We hear Mra Taylor has so many guests she might as well be running a hotel? Vi and Dominic Gu'adagnoli are spending their vacation at '$ome here in the Highlands. Pearl and ChesW Smolin- ' riii had a surprise visit from their friends, Mr. and Mrs. |Jenry Landberg and their : three children of Morton I Grove, and also a nephew, james Landberg of Hallock, I $flinn. | ^ Ginny Emmerich has her | sfwin nieces visiting with her •->, faniily for a few days. J| ;f Mr. and Mrs. Jo Npvotny ,1have been entertaining Mrs. Novotny's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Shiska of Chi i\ * cago, for a couple of days. . . . ' t ar ii: %isiting in Norfolk, Va.,. and Art and Myrtle Bentz are their daughter, Betty and her two children, are staying here to the Highlands 'till her new home' is completed. weekend and our picnic. Ann Szyplebaum's sister and her husband and two boys have been visiting this week. Gene Sarver is now on vacation. He is working around the house, but also manages to go fishing too! Bill Schlick is on vacation too. They have planned a lot of one day trips to various places. Some hot card" games too, I'll bet! Chester, Pearl and Darlene Smolinski will enjoy dinner and the day with Pearl's aunt, Mrs. Emelia Witt of Evanston, this Sunday. Jeff and Kip Novotny enjoyed a vacation at their grandma and grandpa Lindens of Chicago. Bob and Gisela Heilgeist entertained a huge number of relatives at their famiiy picnic Sunday. /Barbara Beamer is visiting with her aunt and uncle in Chicago. Carla Bales enjoyed the company of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Andrew, Sunday. The neighborhood children had a surprise party for Mrs. Haddock last week. They read her poems, mad? pictures, and served kdol-aid. We just know Mr^. Haddock had the time of her life. From all the reports the boys had a great time on their recent Sea Scout cruise. Belated birthday greeting to Dolly Novotny. It has been reported that she was served breakfast in bed by Ray, but the truth of the matter is, he took her out to dinner instead. Mr. Woodlock, Harriet Taylor's father, is having a wonderful time on his vacation. Joyce Heir "had a demonstration Thursday afternoon, and held it outdoors. Appropriately iced tea and cake were served to Lorraine Ullo, Blanche Haeflinger, Loraine Erdmann, Kay Reilly, Meryl Fletcher, and Laverne Sarver. Wanda and Don Dobecki enjoyed a weekend vacation. They left their children in the able hands of Jack and Dpt Erbin. Have fun, cause next it will be your turn to baby sit. Thursday afternoon, Reed Kevin and Carla Bales, and Jfeffry, Cheryl and Marcia Dowd, and a cousin, Brock, all had a good time at Deer Haven. get out and spend some of their hard earned money. Saturday afternoon Jean a,nd Wayne Bates and son, Tommy from Sunland, Calif., came to. see Tom, Betty and Tommy Warczak and gave them news from B e t t y ' s mom and dad in; California. Darlene Neesen was happily surprised Wednesday morning when her mother and brother Keith and her brother, Wayne and his wife and baby Tommy, arrived to spend the day. They stayed to see George and left for home after a very happy day for all. \ Horseshoe playing has been Retting a work out down Meadow Lane way. Last week Bill Hensley, Adam Rzechula and Bill Gingery played all day and it looks like Bill and Bill are .practicing to take the championship awafy from a couple of other guys we know. Kay and Wally Sielisch enio. ved coffee and cake at the Warczak home Monday evening in honor of Tom's birthday. , Hazeii; $nd Martin entertained thirty-five people over the weekend ~ at their • family reunion. Each lady .brought along a dish for the table and' there was enough food for two meals. Hazel said it was nice seeing all of her family but right about now all she wants to do is sit by her self and fish. Mrs. Marge Moreth and Mrs. Muriel Peterson attended the McHenry Council of P.T.A. in Harvard last week. Election of officers were held and Mrs. Moreth is the new vice president and Mrs. Peterson is the new program chairman. Little Terry Fromey is home from the hospital but has to spend a conple of weeks taking it easy. He sure had his parents scared for a while. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lester of Iowa paid Harold and Muriel Peterson a visit over the weekend and returned their two daughters, Sybil and Sharon. Harold was glad to see his brother and his family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown had the pleasure of a visit"from Mr. Brown's mother and sister from Chicago for a few days last week. Happy birthday to Dot Jenkins who celebrates on Aug. 4. Many happy returns of the day. Dot. Have you noticed the nice blue shirts the P. H. patrol were wearing at the picnic?? Each member has one and noy they can easily be identified when they are patrolling the channels and roads. The patrol is doing a fine joh/ and working for the benefit of the whole community. The Women's club held its executive meeting at the home of Mrs. Bob VanZevern last Monday afternoon. Those present were Lorraine Erdmann, Merle Fletcher, Blanch Haeflinger and Mrs. VanZevern. They discussed plans for their coming metings. Mrs. Collins had her two granddaughters staying with her for a week. Helen and Don Rainey and their son Ken, from Round Lake Park enjoyed a steak fry Sunday with Helen's brother, Dick Morley and his family. They consumed delicious steak, baked potatoes and corn on the cob. Don't forget the association meeting next Wednesday night at the community center. We will get all the reports of the various activities and the outcome of the picnic. See you there? George and Marilyn 'VanZevern enjoyed a play in Chicago last Wednesday evening. Marilyn's sister-in-law, Marilyn, took care of Georgie and Julie while she was gone. Lilymoqr .-. - ASSU MEETS AUGUST 12 AT by Sharon Counley Phone 696-M-2 The next meeting of the Lilymoon Association will be on Tuesday, Aug. 12 at the regular meeting place the y little white schoolhouse. Summer residents £re urged to attend these meetings. A Reception A reception honoring Rev. and Mrs. George Martin was held July 30 in the reception room of the Community Methodist between 8 and 9:30. This was to help the minister get better acquainted with his congregation. Each family was asked to bring a recent snapshot of their family listing the names of each member of the family and directions to their residents. Besides being of considerable help to the preacher, this naturally caused %ufte a topic of conversation. No Weeds No Bugs The weeds along the county highway were finally cut by the government Now it is easier to see oncoming cars and there aren't so many of those pesfy things that most normal people call bugs!!! If everyone in Lilymoor would take an extra vacant lot and cut the weeds down there would be less bugs and also there would be more room for the little children to play The Arc Angels of Lilymoor The first meeting of the newly organized club, the Arc Angels, was held at 8 pm. at the Chicken Tower Tuesday, July 22. At the time there are onjy twelve members. All the members are from -Lilymoor and Lakemoor with the exception of one from Winder Lake. The president is Allana Maher, vice president; Sharon Counley, secretary udy Vacondio, and treasurer Kathy Polinski. ; i One Penny Bgore & *•< . Qp August 1, 1958, everyone Will be digging an extra penny out of their pockets for stamps. Th& price will be 4 cents instead of 3 cents. A Friendly Get Together Mrs. Karmel'served cake' and coffee to a number of guests oh Thursday, July 24. • Among her guest^ were Mrs. Leibsohn, Mrs. Maurice Gladstone, Mrs. Lee Gladstone of McHenry, Mrs. Gerowitz of Fox Lake and Mrs. Fantus of Lilymoor. " Birthday# Tommy Counley ~ "was fourteen on July 30. Tommy will be a freshman at the.Mcllenry high school , this fall. Good luck in all four years Tom. Miss Donna' Cabbie celebrated her birthday on Wednesday, July 23. A very happy' birthday tb Miss Virginia Roehrs who became an official 'teenager pn Friday, July 25. Incidentally, Ginny ai)d her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and her brothers, Bruce, Brent and Brian have moved to McHenry qn Main street. They are relatives of the Counleys of Prairie avenue. ; r stroke, July 20. A nurse is attending him at this time. We hope to see him get well soon. A nurse is attending him at this time. We hope to see'him get well soon. Picnics , Mrs. Frances Counley and her three smallest children* Robbie, Terry and Davy, , spent the day of July 23 at the annual McH&nry county retail liquor dealers association picnic at Fox River Grove. Miss Gail Cannon of Wonder Lake spent Wednesday, July 23, at the h^me of Sharon Counley. The two girls packed a picnic lunch and spent the day at the beach. An accident can quickly toss youf whole vacation for a loss. APPRECIATION EXPRESSED FOR . WORK OF TAMS. The TAM organisation girls has .received another 1$ ter of appreciation, thia time for the food donations' received at the Woodstock ChiMrCTS home as the result of the re? cent canned food drive locally. Rev. W. E. Maxwell, superintendent of the home, wrote in part, as follows; "We.: certa'nly appreciate your thoughtfulness and consideration of our work here .at the Children's home. It 'is organizations and friends that help us to maintain a good home for Ae unfortunate ones. We exttfli a welcome to any or all of your members to visit our homes at any time." .< for better homes for lowest prices SEE US ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION Co. F.H.A. & V.A. FINANCING • Masloonnce ry PHONE: 1907 Bus. • Concrete Caipente/ 80S E,vElniv;$t. tacHenry CLARENCE'S SHOP PICNM TABLES Compltpely Assembled as low as 16.25 Full line of redwood swings and lawn furniture .-- bird houses, etc. CLARENCE J. SMITH PhoneMc^enry 1515-J SUBDIVISION • \ , A, IPS vi; i . i modem GAS Water Heaters X:- For Exclusive Country Living mmmti BEDROOM HOMES" Including Garage on V2 Acre Lot • FULL BASEMENT • CERAMIC TILE BATH # COMPLETELY DECORATED 2 Mode! Homes Open For Inspection GOOD FINANCING i ; __ -- ALSO -- Large Homesiies for Sale $250.00 Down ^ : Only ZVa miles north of McHenry on Route 81 Entrance from Johnsburg road and Route 31 PETER HAMLIN fHQNE: McHENRY 802 FasterThanEver! Stepped-up burner capacity on today's GAS water heaters replaces the supply almost as fast as it's used. So whatever need--laundry, dishes, showers for the family--you're sure of plenty of hot water at all times. Nicest of all, you've, generous reserves for those thirsty • appliances you now have, or plan for the future. What's more. Thrifty GAS Heats Water for HALF the Cost! You save dollars every month, year after year, with economical GAS. In fact, these big savings can pay the entire cost of a modern GAS water heater in about three years! See the new "quick-recovery** GAS water heaters at your dealer, plumber or our nearest store-- or send in the coupon below. , Penny Flame, Northern Illinois Gas Company 615 Eastern Avenge, Room 202, Bellwood, Illinois Yes ... I'd like more Information about the new "quick-recovery" GAS water heaters --and the Special Allowance. Address. City. .State. Very Sick Sadowski 1S77 Home Adolph Hfflf TO YOUR FAIR To celebrate 106 yean of progress, the Illinois State Fair has planned an outstanding program for 1958. It gives me real pleasure to welcome you to this showcase Of Illinois greatness. Plan to come often. UtL.fi JUt NOW. SPECIAL ALLOWANCE wafir Heater-* ft#1* easy-to-pay terms. OO DOWN mdn fh» to pay I L L I N O I MSStU Hellywoea Write lor Illustrated Folder : ILLINOIS STATE* FAIR, SPRINGFIELD. ILLINOIS STIILMAN i. STANARD • J. RALPH PEAK Phone McHenry 2081 OIXCTOI Of AGI ICUI TUKE 6 EMCRAL MANACE I