1 W?& . . ^ . vl TUB McHEOTtY PLAINDEALER Pistakee Highlands- Women's Club Holds Meeting Carla Bales 2R95-J Hazel Morley 640-J-l The Women's club held their monthly meeting Wednesday evening. The entertainment for , the evening was a game of galloping bunco. Before the game started a short business meeting was held. Plans for their forthcoming bazaar in December were discussedv a Marilyn Lammert volunteered to be chairman for the annual children's Halloween party with Barbara Sisk; and Gerry . Cinami hel^^g. More help is needed, so if you are interested give Marilyn a call. Both Meryl Fletcher and Myrtle Bentz had demonstrations and their combined points will get an appliance for the kitchen, ' W Joyce Heir won the Queen's prize, while Toots Spankuch, Joyce Heir, Marcia Dowd, Gerry Cinami, Lorraine Ullo, Agness Wroblewski, Meryl Fletcher and Emma Marse won wastebaskets for top bunco and the booby prize of toy harmonicas were won by Delia Wesselink, Marilyn bammert and Audrey Misaviee. f Congratulations girls. The ostesses for the evening were Marilyn Lammert, Beverly Lewandoski, Blanche Haefliger, Hazel Jensen, and Darlene Neesan. Our Deepest Sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. James Rodafmel on the recent death of Dottie's mother, who passed «way on Wednesday, Sept. 24. iurial was in Indiana. z Happy Anniversary to Henry and Marge Walden who celebrated their twentyfifth. And also Mr. and Mrs. John Haddock who celebrated their Anniversary on Sunday, / ' Sept. 21. Many, many more! Surprise Baby Shower Q was given for Jocelyn Stoudenmaier at the home of Joyce Heir on Monday afternoon.' Surprising her were Meryl Flet cher, Lorraine Ullo, LaVerne Sarver, Blanche Haefliger, Audry Misaviee and Ann Szyplebaum. Brownie News Brownie leaders, Dot Erbin And Lee Conway, have started <^heii* Brownie* 'troop. Place: flffrs. Erbin's basement; time: after school Tuesday. All Brownies are urged to attend as we are preparing our exhibits for the Fair, to be Jield Oct. 26. The Brownies will have a booth to display the many crafts they worked on through the year. New girls the community interested in the tJrownies can call Mrs. Erbin at McHenry 3342-R to get your name on the list, so she can in turn call you when there is an opening. This week - the girls are going on a hike. Happy Birthday to Mrs. Ray Maddock, Mrs. George VanZevern and her mother, they will* both celebrate fkunday, and to Mrs. Healy, who spent her birthday, Sunday with her daughter in'Michigan. • 'Teen Club 'Teen club members; will resume basketball playing each Wednesday evening starting Oct. 8. Other residents ' are welcome to participate. Terry,Phillips .is back home again. Keep' dropping him . a line, it helps to pass the time. He will have a state teacher tutoring him in -two subjects while he is home. Why was the choo-choo the favorite game of the evening $t Barb Schlick's birthday party? Some of the 'teens will start bowling at Johnsburg Saturday. Saturday night a group of our 'teens had a gay old time roller skating at the McHenry rink. We hear that Pat Johnson is the chairman of the committee in charge of make-up for the Junior class play. And also that Erna Rock^l, K a t h y M c l n e r n e y a n d B a r b Schlick are student leaders for gym classes. The homecoming parade will take place Friday in McHenry. All the king and queen candidates will be on the floats matte by different clubs and classes. Sorry to hear Barb Beamer has the. mumps. Hope you will be well soon, Barb. Surprise Birthday Party was held in Jerry Janquart's h o n o r F r i d a y e v e n i n g a t t h e home of Marge and Gordon Sergant. Janice, naturally, plan ned the whole thing, and invited ten couples to help Jerry celebrate. Congratulations, Jerry. Here and There Dot Erbin's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Schurak, spent the weekend playing cards and enjoying their grandchildren. Then Sunday was topped off (by one of Dot's delicious dinners of roast duck and honciemade apple pie. Marilyn ahd George Lammert attended the wedding reception of Audrey Dam and Harry #Lemm Saturday evening. The reception was held at the Fox Lake Lions' club. Bill and Marie Schlick are attending another one of their get-togethers in Chicago Saturday. What's this we hear that you're going to play choochoo? Mr. and Mrs. Kastens daughter, Meryl; is now on vacation visiting-the Grand Canyon and Los Angeles. We hope Mr. Kasten is feeling much better. Mr. *Burk is at the veterans' hospital at Great Lakes. Marcia Dowd, is having a birthday party for Eddie Sun-/ goodies th'6t were there day. SOhl e w--.i2l1l* 1b_ e servi:n g dj»i? nner nil to Eddie's father, his brother, wife, and their four children, and Marcia's mom and dad. Many happy returns of the day Eddie. Dolly and Ray Novotny had a n i m p r o m p t u d i n n e r p a r t y Monday evening. They entertained Ray'is folks, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Novotny, Ray's sister, Min Krauz and his brother Joe. What we want to know is, was that your dad, Ray, whirling the hula hoojp? Mrs. Lorraine Erdmann had a demonstration Friday evening. She donated the» prize she won to the Women's club bazaar. What three women have been keeping x time with Paul Fogerty? The Bentzes attended a morning church wedding in Milwaukee and attended the breakfast afterwards, returning home in time for the dance at the community center. Carla Bales was mighty surprised when the koffee klutch she was supposed to attend at Dolly Novotny's house Wednesday morning turned out to be a surprise birthday party for her. She received many odd and unusual gifts, such as two aspirins, a can of soup, 8 King Korn stamps, a rose and some garlic, a can of snuff, and a couple other unmentionables. Then Dolly served a whipped cream cake and coffee cake to Janice Janquart, Barb Sisk, Audrey Zetterberg, Dot Erbin, Wanda Dobecki and Ginny Emmerich. Mr. and Mrs. Corcoran leave for Hot Springs this week on their vacation. After the meeting adjourned the. parents paid a visit to their child's room and met the teacher and were welcomed to look through ttofe work books. Coffee and cake wpre served in the basement and the cakes P.T.A. News The first meeting of the Johnsburg P.T.A. was a success with many parents coming and taking an active- part, it was nice to see the lathers there too. It was voted on that we purchase twenty-five more folding chairs. Mr. . Dority introduced the members of the school board who were there and the faculty. - - < SAVE I A' B WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McH leads? Mi CO., 806 Front St. PHONE 920 McHenry, Illinois CANDIES >RES§1 the they're made! NOW AT BOLGER'S DRI STORE McHENRY PHONE 40 were all vejcy/, tempting. .Our t h a n k s t o t h e \ s e v e n t h a n d eighth grade: mothers for the nice job of being the September hostesses; • , Sympathy Our sincerest sympathy to Mrs: Lindeman whose mother died in California a week ago last Saturday. Mrs. Lindeman was unable to get. to California and we would like ,to express our deepest sympathy to her on her great loss. Lasf^Sunday afternoon the Sandelins and the Sielisches being law abiding citizens, asked the permission of the farmer to scout his wdods for hickory nuts. They spent a very pleasant afternoon in the woods finding nuts and mushrooms. On the way back they stopped to see the pigs being fed and the cows being milked. It was the first time Betty had ever seen these wonders and she was really thrilled by it all. Roy Rzecfula* had added a white rabbit to his menagerie which includes $ parakeet, dog, chicken and his new1 rabbit. Janice Janquart '"attended a shower for Marion Tometich in Fox Lake last Wednesday evening. Marion also has German shepherds artd trains them along with the Janquart's "Duke." Happy birthday to Mrs. George VanZevern who. celebrated her birthday last Sunday, Sept. 28. When asked just how young she was, she admitted to be at least 25. George VanZevern is going to Roosevelt college every Tues day evening. He is taking a course in business organization. Sharon Peterson was made president of the Girl Scouts for a three month period. Congratulations, Sharon. Happy birthday •« to Frank Krumwiede who celebrated his birthday on Sept.\*21. It's a little late, but, happy birthday anyway. Muriel Peterson, Elsie Brown and Hazel Rodge. went to Chicago 'on a shopping trip."The girls spent the day looking in all the stores and we hear that Hazel was quite funny trying on $40 hats and having just a few dollars in her purse. Muriel did end up buying one. Dee Gr^gg spent two days last week visiting with her mother in Chicago. Hazel and Martin Rodge and Trudy, plus Hazel's sister and her family {pom Kentucky will visit wkh^Hizel's mother in De Kalb over the weekend. Hazel's niece, Joan Boers, just returned from a six weeks trip to Europe so should be many interesting things for her to tell all the guests. About forty persons are .expected to be there. George and Marilyn VanZevern gave a party last Saturda night for the old administration. All the people who were in office with George along with their husbands and wives enjoyed a good time. Those who were there enjoying G e o r g e ' s f a m o u s g a m e s a n d delicious food were Ed and Virginia Thoren, Marcia and Eddie Dowd, Jim and Ruth Lemmons, Vi and Floyd Johnson, Lorraine and Joe Ullo and Skip and Harriet Wilson. Punch was served and we hear that therifr was plenty left the next day. » '• Hazel and Dick Morley had a "get-together" too the same evening. Lois and Tom Mason, Lee and Dick Conway, Pat and Ron Jackson and Wanda and Don Dobecki had a swell time playing charades and jus£ sitting listening to Tom's "tales." George and Darlene Neesen were Saturday night g^sts of Bob and Marilyn Van Zevern. Seems everyone had something doing that night. iJoe Shively's mother left last Saturday to return to her home in Kentucky after spending a month here with Herb and Jo. While she was here, Mrs. Jewel made many cute things for Jo's home and it was a pleasure to Come home from work every night and have dinner on the table. Jo and Herbie are going to miss her very much. -It has come to this reporter's attention that many little children have been playing in the streets. Many of these children just/stand there and refuse to move and this is a hazard to> the driver when he must drive through two lanes of children plus bicycles and UNUSUAL COMPANION Those police "Wante*J" ers gained an unusual compan* wagons andJffie kiddies won't i ion last week when a .plant: wet irons ON DISPLAY SS THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHwy Comly WeO St Piaf Co. WELLS DBILLED OH DRIVEN TinfiNH b> Ik* Village el McCuQoat Lake One mOr frc*n McHenry «n the McGuDcn •ad WM*r lak» Re^ 713 move out of the way. So please see that your child is off the street or at least moves out, of the way pf cars arid trucks. SECOND CHILD BITTEN RECENTLY BY RABID SKUNK Another child Has been bitten by a rabid skunk in McHenry county. He is Joe Ebel of rural Algonquin. The skunk was taken to a veterinarian for observation and when it died Sept. 16 the head was sent to the Illinois Public Health Laboratories in Chicago for examination. A young rauskrat also bit a 2-year-old boy, son . of Arnold Harvey of the Ringwood area, and has been under observation since that time in Woodstock. .SHOP IN McHENRY sjaeciman was exhibited ^longside faces of the public's greatest enemies. Mounted specimens of the inarijuana plant were posted in state police districts in Illinois in an attempt to help stamp out marijuana on state rights-of-way. Purpose >of the scheme^ coordinated between the Illinois State Museum and the Illinois Division, of Narcotic Control, is to. acquaint state troopers with the appearance of marijuana, as it grows uncultivated in isolate^ locations along Illinois h i g h V ways and on state property. With the help of the mounted specimens, troopers will be able to identify the plant and report it to Narcotic Control* whicf^ will take steps to eradic a t e i t . M a r i j u a n a h a s b e e n found growing wild in varied locations. Lack of familiarity w i t h t h e a p p e a r a n d o f t h e growing plant has sometimes caused it to escape official attention. - While we take care of ALL yofxt building requirements. : • Planning & Estimating • Proper Selection of Materials • The Right Contractor for Your Particular Job u \ • Financing -- Both New Home and Remodeling McHENRY LUMBER CO. 611 Main Street McHenry* 111 PHONE McHENRY 46 Introducing -the "Linear Look".. totally new... so typically Olda I 4 f y ; '*• 1 v ^ " J, llllii A I Foreground! Svper It HoMay SportSedan left Reari Ninety-BgM HoJMay SceniCovpe Right lean Dynamic >8 Holiday SeortSedan took for the Oldunoblle Certificate with . ••••»•!! i • 1 V V complete tvggetfed retail prteet on every '59 Oids. / i 1 \ \ X. / / / / J \ \ \ You wished for it! You asked for it! It's here! So step into the roomiest Rocket Olds ever built! Here's spacious new passenger room plus greatly increased luggage room! Sit behind the new high, wide and handsome Vista-Panoramic Windshield that lets you see ahead, above and aside better than ever! Test the new stopping power of Oldsmobile's Air-Scoop Brakes... on all four, wheels! Experience the exceptional smoothness and comfort of new "Glide" Ride. •. the quietness and power of fuel-saving ne^r Rocket Engines! See the beautiful new Magic-Mirror p^nts?with the built-in luster that lasts! You are cordially invited to come in and see the start of a new styling cycle--the 1959 OLE)SMOBILES--&t your dealer's now! '59 QUsfliobll* : i ; Hie car that conquers "inner" space! Red stretch-out comfort for passengers and driver ... up to 64% more luggage capacity In trunk. Put yourself behind Hie whe*l of th« roomiest Rocket ever builtl /Uw OK> -fit <2-- AT YOMR LOCAL AUTHORIZED- OLDSMOBILK QUALITY DEALER'S R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SA 403 FRONT STREET PHONE 6 McglENgtY* IM THI "N|W OLQ9 SHOW*? SUftSINO PATTI PAGI • IVtRY WEEK ON ABC-TV ^-