-i. THE Jlcft^NaY piAnbEAtis T" TlKurida^, • MoCullom Lake VILLAGERS HEAR REPORT OH USE # NATURAL GAS Eve Levesque interesting vacations, recently returned from another memorable trip.' Their 7,000 mile journey by car took them through sixteen states, including such scenic .splendors as Yellowstone ^national Pa iik, Glacier^ national park, the ice fields of Canada, San Francisco, Albuquerque, N. M., Crater Lake in Oregon, and along the Pacific ccean through the giant red wood forest.. They were gone for three and a half weeks and took many pictures as a living memorial The beachhouse was packed |o capacity at the last meeting «f jttfe village board, held Monday, Sept.. 22. ' It was a .gratifying sight for the president tQ their trip «nd trustees. C. F. Jones, dis- i _ , . . Ifict manager for the Northern , P"ra, 'w °'s^ ° - Illinois Gas company was the :hav'^ followed the sea, g--i vitedj speak, er andj gave ff act4 s !I -v out^h, c laims that &„ and data concerning the proposed gas line into the village. * Disappointing was the fact for fih advance try at a turkey.-j would be Sunday, Young ladies will be calling on Here's hoping the you and explain the set-up. The through! next meeting - will be held Thursday, Oct. 9 at 8 p.m. Oct. plans 12. SQ An his Farewell and Welcome Sorry to- report that Mp/ and Mrs. "Ed Chappel sola their home at 518 Fountain Lane. They have been among us for many years. But we offer a sincere welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Groh and their three youngsters who purchased the domain. Here's hoping we see lots of them! Hospital Patients So sorry to report that Mrs. Lilliam McCarthy, Floyd Fry and Rickie Morris have' been hospitalized. No reports as' tb their conditions. of the greatest attractions of the trip was a jaunt aboard the old clipper ship, the Arfibaska, a three masted English full rigger, that space heating will not be , whjch is now laid up at the available immediately but will , dock at San Francisco as a be processed on a waiting li§t floating museUm. It brought Basis. This is NCJT a company | back vivid memories of his x policy but one which is govern- j sailing days wheft every harbor by. Illinois Commerce , was a forest Gf masts, and he Commission. All other types , pictured himself in Freemantle, Of gas service will be available | Australia in the year 1918 such as cooking, water heating, j when that ship and others were refrigeration, air conditioning, | j0ading grain for Europe, and clothes drying. There are j It would be interesting to two exceptions for immediate jearn from Mr. and Mrs. Gusspace heating. . _ • j tafson just how many miles .Mr. Jones related to the , they have covered in their fabgathering that work on the ; ulous journies during their gas, line will commence as soon ' marrie(j jjfe as possible in the spring. Any ' Vehicle License Applications Applications mays now b made for 1959 license plat through Mrs. Emma Pyritz or ictor Howe. In order to obain the same number as you had lost year, you must apply, before Nov. 1. Last Call; For residents who \^ish to register in order to vote ^ in the ejection to be held Tuesday, The deadline is Monday. <3>ct. 6! Please see Mrs. a Pyritz, registrar and take care of this matter right now!! one requesting service will be called on by agents of the comDany. Property owners wishing to make application for natural gas may write to the Nortl HI. Gas Co.. 61 No. Williams St.. Crystal Lake, 111. The village ordinance concerning gas installation was j -- read by Bill Creutz and ap- Cullom-Knoil proved unanimously | by the Wil] meet Sunday. Oct. 5 at board, as of Sept. 22, 1958.' |2:30 p.m. in the beachhouse. At Z I this time the annual election of - Village Board Notes ! officers will be held. Be sure X Another speaker was present ! to,attend. »t the village board meeting, j He was R. J. Schultz, district superintendent for Public Service, from Crystal Lake. He rejtorted on the delay in hooking tip the overhanging light at £»ate 6. A small part of the Advance Announcement The West Shore Beach Ladies auxiliary will hold a card and bunco party at the American Legion Hall on Thursday. ( Oct. 9 commencing at 8 p.m. property located on the south-1 There will be door prizes and ^est corner of Greenwood j refreshments. Tickets may be Road and Hickory Drive would | obtained from any one of the have to be crossed^ Because of members or purchased at the IJiis fact, the property owners door. Another notice next will not give permission. Many Week. letters requesting same have Seen written. In order to overcome this obstacle, permission $jll be requested from the property owners on the other side of the street. When this last obstacle is overcome, Gate .6 will shine as brightly as all the others! Because of military duty. J. Hulas Twirling Brightly colored hula hoops adorned McDonald's field on Sunday, when most of the younger population turned out for the first contest. Many winners were selected and some of the kids "gave their all." The difficult task of judging was left to those gentlemen Frank Poledna and -Chester Helwig. They did a wonderful job! The winners included Barbara and Michael Lorch, Nancy Burg, Linda, Celia, and Janet Schlofner, Karen Slater, Karen Smith, Linda Gelvin, Joanne Reid, Louise and Nancy Matthesius, Marilyn Scarbrough, Danita Tomasello.^Margaret Mullen, Berenice Bjork, Linda and Darcy Watson, Lorene and Dorene Vycital, Carol Aalto, Carol Anne Fluger, Tiny Tomasello, Dawn Parenti, Mary Jo and Rosemary Mullen, Diane and Kathy Klapperich, and Geoffrey Houck. The corrtestants were treated to ice cream and the winners awarded prizes. It was a tremendous tJ^Lng for . the youngsters arid ^hats^off" to Jean and Mac for giving the kids this opportunity. At this writing, there are tentative plans to hold another Contest in two weeks which Humble Apologies to Barbara and' Joe DeMar for reporting news of their seventeenth wedding anniversary. It should be eighteen years wed for them. This makes more sense, since oldest, daughter Donna is 17. The, date should have read Sept. ,28. Next time we'll get our information frpm Barb ihstead of Joe! What man can keep up \tfith statistics! Best wishes to lovely gal Lottie Piotrowski who is celebrating her natal day today, Oct. 2, behind the counter ^of their "grocery emporium." Master Garry Parks will be, celebrating his eighth birthday on Sunday, Oct. 5. Bye, bye for now. next week? See you 4-H M©1 Busy Three Club The Busy Three 4-H met Sept. 23 in the ag. room the high school. New officers were chosen and are as follows: Prudent, Geri Jelinek; vicepresident, Sandy Bykowski; secretary, Carol Jean Anderson; treasurer, Dick Jelinek; reporter Norma Anderson; r e c r e a t i o n c h a i r m a n , t h Weingart. / We decided that we would have a party-a-month plus a business meeting every month. The next party will be Oct. 7 at Geri Jelinek's home at 7:30 p.m. The business meeting will be Oct. 21 at the high school. After the meeting, refreshments were served. They were furnished by Marlene Lundy and Carol Jean Anderson. Norma Anderson, Reporter travellers from OVER WpRLD VISIT SCIENCE MUSEUM Its popularity with summer tourists from all over the' world is graphically portrayed | in a survey just made by the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, which incidentally reports that its 1958 attendance is running about 6 percent of 1957 when it had 2,366,- 618 visitors. To lea^fi where these visitors are coming from.Vthe Museum's staff individually questioned 49,793 of them during the six jdays, Aug. 11 through 16 inclusive. All were asked the names of their home towns. Of this: sizable guest list, 48,- 791- visitors hailed from 2,787 cities and cmnmunities scattered throughnall of the fortyeight states, Alaska and the District of Columbia; and 1,002 of them came from 230 towns in fifty-seen foreign countries. On two Qf.«athe^ survey days visitors were present in the Museum from forty-four different states; on two other days they represented" forty-six stMes; on one day forty-seven, stated; and on the remaining day jeM forty-eight states were itor in 0ery * forty-four was .TWO MINISTERS ' United^sTates ; and°orie ^fn ! AT RINGWOOD HAVE every fifty from a foreign FINE BACKGROUND country. visitor Ladies of the Lake The gals met for a social evening and short business meeting on Thursday, Sept. 25 in the beachhouse. A hearty "Welcome back'\to Mrs. Louise Hammerstein whd% has been missing for too long. Mrs. Laura Slater became a new R. Levesque will be absent member. from the next meeting of the village board. When this fact was announced, the trustees voted unanimously to meet again on Monday, Oct. 27. There will be NO meeting on Monday, Oct. 13. , Seasoned Travellers ?Llice and/Cbnrad Gustafson, who are well .known for their It was reported that^almost oirahundred dollars was clear-* ea at\the bake sale held ijy August-Vnianks to everyone who contributed and helped to make the venture a success. Plans were discussed for the feathyer party to be held in No- - vember, at ^rnice and Whitey's. In the near future, every one will have an opportunity "A Bad Beginning Makes A Bad Ending" Author's Name Below The beginning of any illness is the best time it may be more quickly cured. Serious sickness? has not yet taken full hold. Some people begin badly by either neglecting to take care of themselves or attempting self treatment. Unless they are lucky, sickness time is prolonged and sometimes life, itself, is endangered. A quicker, happier ending to any sickness is almost assured if you cons u l t y o u r p h y s i c i a n quickly and take the specific medicines he , may prescribe for your particular trouble. • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 ' WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us1 deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? • NYI IMiJGS PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. - PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER •Quotation by Euripedes (480-406 B.C.) " , HOOVER the cleaner that walks on air! k v^glides ON -fi- Exclusive ©@wfe8oSSr®9ch Host. •^•Ovortlit Threwsway Tolweopimg Wend N*w Forecast Color* NEW LOW PRICE 54995 Only $9.15 Down 5$ w'n virair^ii .CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP 119 S. Green St. McHenry PHONE 251 ... a bedside phone adds peace of mind! The step-saving convenience of a bedside phone means a lot, of course. But there's much more for you in this modern telephone idea. Like the peace of mind you feel when you know help s at hand during the night. Like the lift you enjoy when you take a telephone break during the day. Bedside phones work for you around the clock. And they come in colors to match your mode--or mood. Let us show you. 1L1JI3&JS BELL TELEPHONE 136 N\ Riverside McHenry 9981 Choose your cotor, arrange for installation through your Service Representative. Ask about the lighted phone, tocr. The number is sho.wn on Page 1 of your telephone directory. yr^reeafd. One vis- lands. , The heavy'preponderance of non-Chicagoans at the Museum during the summer vacation months when tourist travel hits its peak was reflected in the fact that 71 percent of the visitors covered by the survey came from outside Chicago. After the summer months, the out-of-town ratio is largely reversed. Reflecting the world - wide pulling power of the Museum, visitors from all six continents were recorded in the survey. There were twCnty-one visitors from ten Qpmmunities in six continents were recorded in the survey. There were twenty- one visitors from ten communities in six African counttries; eighty-Six from twentysix communities in twelve Asiatic countries; 190 from seventy- seven cities in eighteen European countries, including communistic Russia, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia; fortyone from twelve cities iri six South American countries; and sixty-eight from thirteen towns in four 6f the West Indian is- Rev. John Eddy is the new miiiister at (Ringwood and Greenwood churches. He is a former missionary to Asia and has served five .church institutions as well as several national boards of the Methodist church in the city, suburbs and country. Rev. James McChesney is minister of youth and education. He has been associated with a suburban church as a youth counselor and ils a former associate minister of a city , church. . r * Both Mrs. Eddy Mid Mr^JVlc- • Chesney have a broad fiackground in church work as leaders in their respective denomi-. nations. They aha training theriisefves for church secv^i through additional schooling) and on the1 job training. Bob Repke and Ja^'Walkington add further strength to the total program of the church through their leadership work. Bothjoy them are preparing foij the mil-time Christian stry. SHOP IN McHENRY. I I • a B 1 a FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KQENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES >. • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED * HAMS ® LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON. • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, IIL Phone McHenry 667-W-l INSIDE OUT YOU'RE WAY AHEAD WITH GLlDDEN QUALITY! improved m *0USI NUHT : • lira @dded to the famous qualities M A© 1®@% Latex Wall Paint ... *•, NEW I QECORATOR SOFT SHEEN • NEW I EA'SY CQVmm® FOR HARD-TO-PAIN? SURFACES We've improved on the perfect to give you the best wall paint ever I And in new beautiful stay fresh colors. Try no-fume-no-odor SPRED SATIN today. Guaranteed washable. [SPRED] GLE/UTdOKl HOME ili AS LOW AS Ltpi OALi FAMOUS GLIDDIN NNRANCE HOUSE HINT ,\ • EASIER BRUSHY© I • GIVES TOP PROTECTION AGAINST WEATHER • SELF-CLEANING--STAYS BRIGHTER I • READY NOW IN 3© BEAUTIFUL COLORS I ( ) tICMMONft FOI lA«l. AftlA JOMNSBUtO •Ult VAUITV A«IA« •! Main' Itrnt MO FAKKIN9 MOftilM COME IN NOW FOR FREE COLOR CARD-- FREE x ' k ESTIMATE OF XOUR PAINTING NEEDS Here's the best painF value you can get! Exclusive Glidden formula makes Endurance a tough, elastic paint that resists checking and cracking, keeps moisture away from the wood to prevent rotting and deterioration. Chalking is actually regulated for even wear and better selfcleaning. You'll be able to paint a lot more, a lot easier for a lot less with Glidden Endurance. See us now for the best in lasting home protection and beauty. OUR NKW lOCAMN IS IA(Y TO FIND OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING" PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING > , MEXANDFP UIMBEE CO "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On iw 1 D§ [}]woy 31 -- Sojuth of Ntein Street -- .McHenry, Illinois P NE1424 'ALWAYS FIRST SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS'