Thursday, October 16, 1958 Lilymoor THEMcHENRY PLAII^ DEALER HOLD PARTY (0 BENEFIT MAD REPAIRS by Laura Belford The Lilymoor association is sponsoring the gala event to raise money for the roads. Thanks to co-operation last year the party was fun and raised money for many repairs, This year we hope--you. '|til contribute again whether can attend or not and'road improvement can be made in 1959. Fritasohe's Estates Saddened by Death of Child Residents of the area were saddened to learn of the passing of Cynthia Mathews, 2 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. TYoy Mathews, long time residfBits of Fritzsche's Estates. Cynthia was rushed to McHenry hospital the afternoon of Tuesday, Oct. 7, with pneumonia and high fever. The young child passed away later that evening. Cynthia Mathews was born Nov. 22, 1956 at Memorial hospital in Woodstock. She is survived by her parents, two sfcters, Donna, .8 and Larinda. and three brothers, Michael, 10, Ronney, 9, and G<?ry. 6. Her •parents were formerly of Mount Vernon, 111. and interment was held at 2 pm„ Friday, Oct. 10, in Oakworfd cemeterv. Mount Vernon. Local friends and relatives were able to pay their respects at the Peter Justen Funeral Home on Thursday af- -tfyioon and evening. Relatives arriving in McHenry to accompany the Mathews to Mount Vernon included Mr. Mathews' mother, Mrs. Gladys Talbert of Chicago, Mrs. Mathews' parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Drennan of Mt. Vernon, and Mrs. Mathews' sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Biil Goodman of Champaign, ^^fter the services the Mathews' children went to Champaign to spend the week with the Goodmans. y > Birth vMr. and Mrs. Edward Thomas Schuringn, formerly of Lilymoor, now residing in Lakemoor had their second child on Sept. 28. Master Scott Edward tipped the scales at ial hospital at 8 lbs., 3 oz. Scott was welcomed bv a sister. The paternal" grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Schuringa of Fritzsche's Estates and the maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. PeLisle of Wauconda. Birthday aMvs. O. Salmon celebrated l"r birthday on Saturday, Oct. 11. Richard Zahn had his day on Sunday, Oct. 19. Dennis Karmel celebrates his eleventh birthday on Oct. 17. President Dvvight D. Eisenhower celebrated his birthday Tuesday, Oct. 14. Earel M. Belford celebrated birthday Tuesday, Oct. 14. Mrs. La Verne Schueler was entertained last Thursday at her home on the occasion of her birthday by the neighborhood "Klutch" who brought in cake ar.d coffee. Invading her home were Mesdames Karmel, Belford, Schiavone and Fantus. darbage Pick-up Garbage pick-up for members of the Lilymoor association has reverted to the regular winter schedule. Pick-ups will be made every fortnight beginning Oct. 8. So if you missed the first of the new schedule, be sure to have your container at the curb on Oct. 22, and every second Wednesday morning thereafter. --The Lilymoor Garden Club-- The Lilymoor Garden club met at the home of Mrs, Maurice Haines at 1 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 6. Mesdames Donald Leske, William Hollenback, Garrison Lattimer, Victor Bassie, Herman Crawley and Louis Schueler toured the green house of the hostess and also that of her neighbor, Mrs. Leske. " The club is presently concerned with dried flower arrangements and are planning to attend a lecture demonstration On the subject soon. The group is also planning to attend several garden and flower events in Wonder Lake, Waukegan, and Crystal Lake. Mother's Club The next meeting of the Mother's club of Lily Lake school will be held on Wed- I nesday, Oct. 22, at 8 p.m. Plans will be made at that time for the Halloween party for the children of the local school. If you want to see the youngsters have a fine party, turn out and give these willing workers a hand. Page Fifteen the favorite months for weddings -- at least these couples considered it so at one time. A paper anniversary will be the event celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Deskis on Sunday, Oct. 19. Many friends and relatives will remember the beautiful 11 a.m. nuptial Mass at St. Patrick's last year. The bride of a year is the daughter, Lorraine, of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wollak of Lilymoor. | Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Raven, residents of Nunda township who were wed on Oct 19. 1926 in Wood- Lakemoor Elect Officers To L.LA. Club by Marlon Sulok--592-R-l stock. Their daughter, Lillie, is a resident of Lilymoor. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leske observed their thirty-eighth wedding anniversary on Monday, Oct. 13. i Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fantus selected a fine autumn day. October 15, 1936, as their wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graham will celebrate their fortysecond . wedding anniversary this month. They presently reside at Fritsche's Estates. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Schuringa were married on Oct. 20, 1956. Arch Angels On Tuesday. 0"V 7, the Arc Angels met r-.t trie home of Miss Lillian Hosie of Lakemoor. Members present were Judi Vacondi, Nancy Ehrhardt, Allana Maha, and sponsor, Mrs. E. M. Belford. After making plans for future meetings, the hostess served a beverage and entertained with her accordion. Mumps Under this heading are those recovering from same. Miss Gaye Ann Baccia, Miss Judy Franks, and Ronney and Donna Mathews, children of Mr. md Mrs. Troy Mathews, al1 of Fritzsche's Estates and Miss Judy Fantus of Lilymoor. Wedding Daze October seems to be one of ^ Personals I Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Sadow- | ski and Mr. and Mrs. Walter ! Sado\Vski spent Sunday. Oct. 5, ! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schiez in Braidwood I Visitors on Sunday, Oct. 5, | at the E. M. Belford home were ' Mr, and Mrs. William sCollister ! and sons, James and Donald, of Galva, HI. Also present for dinner at the Belford home i was Miss Pat Martinson whose , address appears in this month's j issue" of Dig. I Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schueler ! were visited on Wednesday, | Oct. 8. by Mrs. Schueler's aunt, j Mrs. Marie Bond of Chicago. Mrs. Walter Martinsen and her daughter, Patricia, joined Mr. Martinsen at their summer home this past weekend. Walter is currently enjoying a three week vacation from his duties as postal clerk in Chicago's .main post office and spending same in Lilymoor. Mr Martinsen's brother joined him during the past week. HE# BUi OOTMttf^ V* MttUQOS 01 The members of the L. L A. club held their election of officers on Saturday evening at the Fire - Community - House Those elected were president, Mrs. Dorothy Bonder, secretary and Mrs. Marion Sulok, treasurer. A light smorgasbord was enjoyed with cards and r-buneo--following--to -make -the- [ evening complete. The club has j been responsible for the library j being open and will continue to j help with the trustees in add- ! ing more books and shelves, j Four trustees from the library board will attend the state library convention on Oct. 25 in Rockford and will meet with the State Librarian who will aid -them in any information that they ask for. Miss Diane Zundel is our librarian and will give you more information just for the asking. Girl Scouts The girls opened their meet. ;ng at 7:15 with the flag ceremony. The displays which the girls have been working On must be in for the fair by next week. Plans were made for a Halloween party; the committee for decorating are the following girls. Lorry Beahler, Jucly Steadman, Judy Hamil, Lorraine Steadman, Janice Wall, Diane Wolf and Katherine Erzeziriski. Those in charge of games, Sharon O'- Leary. Betty Becker and Ruth Schmitt, Carol Booster, Diane Winters, Donna Gorgo, Pat Morrison and Christine Hose. For refreshments, Pat Gray, Karen Nickels. Ricky Nicklas, Josephine Parratore, Joyce Phernetten, Ann Shaw and Joyce Wall.-The girls are busyworking on their badges and for the closing of the meeting ai game was played and the singing of taps. C,ub Scouts Den 3 Den 3 has a ne»v mother who is Mrs. Betty Daly. -The" cubs held their first . mating Oct. 10. A Halloween skit was prepared for the party, which is the regular pack meeting for Pack 361, it will be held Thursday, Oct. 16 at the VFW in McHenry at 7:30. The boys are all making their own costumes which will make their meeting a very amusing one to attend. , Are Angels The regular Tuesday eve- | ning meeting of the Arc Angels | of Lakemoor and Lilymoor was j held at the home of Lillian Hosie's. At: the last meeting | the following girls were presi ent: Lillian Hosie, Allana Maha I Judi Vacondio, and Nancy Ehr- ! hardt. It was decided to go roller skating next week and to do various things on meeting nights. Let's all try to attend the next meeting. To get further information about this club and about going roller skating contact anyone of the above girls mentioned. October Birthdays' Mrs. Shirley Hosie celebrated j her day on Oct. 8 and Little Tottsie Hose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hose, became another year older on Oct. 4. Sick List Mrs. Walter Biehl was taken to the hospital on Tuesday afternoon and will be there for a few days. Let's Che®1 this fine lady and send her a card or two. Mrs. Biehl is at the McHenry hospital and would enjev seeing some of her friends. Hurry and get home agaih. Ma. OK? Let's Dance Tickets arc now on sale for the annual Hallovfeen dance that the Firemen of Station 3 hold each year. Tickets are in all the business places and all firemen can supply you with them. A good time is in store for everyone mat attends so let's all get out and help our bovs. . | and daughter of Chicago were I Saturday afternoon callers at i the hdme of Mr. and Mrs. John j Sulok. We were sorry to hear that Joe Yaeger's brother, who resided in Buffalo, N. Y., passed away on Tuesday, Oct. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rogers ; cf the village have sold their home and have moved to 415 : Clearbrook in McHenry. All your friends are sorry to see you go but know that you won't forget to come and visit. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. John Nembke The world almost lost Thomas A. Edison in his 'teens when a policeman, not knowing ^f his partial deafness, mistook him for a thief one night, and shouted a warning which got no response, then fired a bullet past his head. Peter Wl. ^uilen & Si* on OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone McHenry 63 ax ft While we take c are of ALL your building requirements. ? Planning & Estimating • Proper Selection oi Materials • The Right Contractor for Your Particular Job • Financing -- Both New Home and Remodeling McHENRY LUMBER CO. 611 Main Street McHenry, 111 PHONE McHENRY 46 Now ... all America sees the one that's truly new! , ITS POSSIBLE FOR A WAN TO HAVE ONE WIFE TOO MANY AND NOT BE A B16AM1ST. SAY POP-IS BIGAMIST A THEBES A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION IN ANY FAMILY BUT ALL WILL A6REE MAN WHO THAT HAS ONE WIFE TOO MANY? ALWAYS READY-MIX 15 THE BES"1" PLACE IN TOWN TO DO BUSINESS McHENRY 920 ^£ntjoch • FOG 7CX~L. Ff?E£S£GVtCe TfyuU* • <?200 MCHENRY FRESH • • vemm CANDIES made! NOW AT BQLGER S DRUG STORE McHENRY PHONE 40 J.'the all '59 Chevies, the Impala Sport S*dan has Safety Plate Glass all around. what America wajits, America'gets in a Chevy! 5 It's shaped to the new American taste with a lean, clean silhouette, crisp new contours, beautifully restrained accents. It brings you more spaciousness and comfort with a new Body by Fisher. It has a bright new sheen--a new kind of finish that keeps its luster without waxing for up to three years. New bigger brakes. Vast new areas of risibility. New Hi-Thrift 6. New handling ease and road steadiness. It's new right down t% the tires! ? Never before has an automobile manufacturer made such sweeping changes two years in a row. And never before has any car been new like this one. The 1959 Chevrolet is more th*in a restyled car--more, even, than a completely new car. It's yovr kind of car. Shaped to reward your new taste in style with a fresh Slimline" design that brings entirely new poise and proportion to automobile styling. Inside the new and roomier Body by Fisher you'll find truly tasteful elegance. And you'll have clear seeingfrom every seat. The new Vista-Panoramic windshield curves overhead--and there are new bigger windows, too. When you take the wheel, you find Chevy's newness goes down deep. A new steering ratio makes handling easier. New suspension engineering gives you a more stable ride. There's a sweet new edition of Turboglide*. A new Hi-Thrift 6 that goes and goes on a gallon. Vim-packed V8's. New and bigger brakes. Even tougher, safer Tyrex cord tires. There's still more! A new finish that keeps its shine without waxing or polishing for up to three years. New Impala models. New wagons--including one with a rear-facing rear seat. And, with all that's new, you'll find those fine Chevrolet virtues of economy and practicality. Stop in now and see the '59 Chevrolet. *Extra-eo$t option ALL NEW ALL OVER AGAIN! see your local authorized Chevrolet dealer CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 204 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. McHENRY m