Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Thursday. October-30> 1958 Wonder Lake URGE MEMBERS. PARENTS ATTEND PTA OPEN HOUSE ' ' by jane Diirev -- *?7S1 Betty Bnrns--5501 evening, Nov. 5, Pastor Schroeder will attend the Home Mission Pastoi^ conference to be held in Chicago. Because of tliis meeting there will be no Evangelism committee meeting that evening. Bon Voyage, Bill Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson of White Oaks Bay returned Sunday from a trip to Ft. Gordon, Ga., to see their son, Pvt. The Harrison school P.T.A. William Nelson, graduate from has programmed a regular (?]ectronical engineering school, meeting of the board of educa- j j^e w-jj shjppe(j tQ Hanau, tion of district 36 Tuesday: Qermany for the remaining night Nov. 4, at 8 p.m. School gu, years of army school. Bill, board meetings are open to the wj1Q gra(jUated from Woodgeneral public at all times but | stQck high in 1954 went info the public rarely avails itself of i tjie Army jast April for three the opportunity to learn how J vears The Nelsons flew to its taxes are spent or witness ippgrgia Wednesday and drove the establishment of policy ogjH'g car back. They report governing the education of its , tjlc Smokies were a beautiful children. . {-.sight this time of year. The talsk of discharging its terested is asked to call W.L. 6902. obligation weighs heavily -on this., seveij man board in these times of teacher shortage and. expanding population and there is need for better understanding by the public of the problems which beset our school board today. "School Policies", is the title of the board meeting, a subject with which it normally deals at one of its two meetings each month. We observe American Education week in the month of November and the classrooms at Harrison will have "Open House" following the PTA meeting, so that parents can visit through the school and see the children's work. The P.T.A. meeting has been moved up a week, since the second Tuesday in the month falls on a holiday, Veteran's Day. The public is welcome io attend parent - teacher meetings. Obituary Michael Wellov, a Wooded Shores resident for many years, died at 3 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 25, at Hehrotin hospital, Chicago, at the age of 69 following a lingering illness. He was born in Denmark and came to this community from Chicago where he had been a general contractor. Funeral services were conducted Monday at 2:30 p.m. from the Nielsen Funeral Home on West Fullerton in Chicago. Survivors other than his wife, Laura, are two sons, Harold and Robert, and three grandchildren, all of 'Chicago. New Member Sunday New members will be received into the Nativity Lutheran church next Sunday, Nov. 2, at the 10:45 service. They will be received by confirmation, letter of transfer, and renewal of faith. This is Hospital Benefit Parties Superb apple pie climaxed the meeting of thp Wonder Center Canasta club^at Lenore I future in this country. Adult Scouts Attended Meetings1 A leadership training' course of six meetings for adult Girl Scouts is being held in McHenry weekly. In addition to general policy, the course includes games, songs, outdoor skills, trail finding, etc. Attending from Wonder Lake are Fern Paetovv, Marilyn Topp, Lorraine Maxstedt, Martha Burch, Caroline Seppla, Jane Setzler and Murial Oleszczuk. Republican Women Rally A successful meeting attended by 200 people was staged by the McHenry Township Republican Women's club Tuesday at the VFW hall in McHenry. Wonder Lakers taking part were Jerre Elbersen, who gave the pledge to the flag. Gordon Fossum who provided music, singing to his own accompaniment, and Mrs. B. R. Redman who presided at the meeting. Mrs. Donald (Dorothy) Michels was introduced-, as the new committee woman, for the precinct, McHenry 5, replacing Mrs.' Redman who resigned. Zoning and City Planning Aired Paul Fisher, of the Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan area, planning commission, operating through the authority of the Illinois State Legislature spoke at the McHenry Township Kiwanis club Meet-1 ing Monday. Oct. 20. | Mr. Fisher stated that Mc- ! H e n r y c o u n t y a r e a i s o n e o f ; fifteen located within what will be termed a superCity of the He il- Jaeschke's home Thursday night. Lucky ^winners were Ann Weretka, playing with Grace Markel, Judy Ptasmussen and Marie Milbrandt, and June Kidell, playing with Neva Fuhrer, Pat Gallas and the lustrated growth in the area through ads taken from daily papers showing thousands of acres that have been set aside for industrial plants, schools, play areas, and shopping centers. He discussed the purhostess. Donations were made pose of the planning commisto the Memorial hospital build- j sion in effective use of land ing fund. The previous week ten ladies always a wonderful occasion in gathered at the home of Do the life of the church, and jores McMillan for games beneveryone is welcome to come and receive these new members into the fellowship. The junior choir will sing aat the 8 a.m. service. A reception will be held in honor of the new members in the afternoon, from 3 to 5. This event is sponsored by the "Women of the Church" who serve as hostesses. Come and get acquainted with the new members and help them to feel at home in Nativity. efiting the Woodstock hospital. Present were Melvina Knackstedt, Phyllis Letizia, Jean Smith. Joan Higgins, Lorraine Moore, Louise Johnson, June Keller, Kay Belshaw and Kay Boldt. Unable to come were Gloria Coughlin and Jaunita Keith. This group will meet next at the home of Joan Higgins, Nov. 20. Special Guest Sunday Evening The Luther League will have as their special guest at their meeting Sunday evening. Miss Mary Bert Buethe, vice-president of the Fox Valley District Luther League. All leaguers are urged to come and meet her and learn more about the work of the Luther League. Plans will also be completed for the fall festival to be held Social Committee Plans Activities Friday night, Oct. 31, the children between the ages of 4 to 12 will be entertained with a Hallowe'en party, sponsored by the Wooded Shores Property Owners association. The party will be at the Daniel Dolce home from 7 to 9 and is limited to the youngsters the subdivision. .There w«ll be prizes for each child and refreshments. The social committee invites anv children with the growth of the communities involved in mind. With regard to our local situation it was suggested that to determine the best course for this community to take would be to conduct a community survey. Mr. Fisher spoke of the limitations in an area such as this to act in its own best interests, with its lack of governing body, to plan effectively and to enforce its plan. Planning control rests with the county and the county lacks a set of rules and laws that explicitly apply to an area j of growth and situation as that I which has taken place at Won- | der Lake. A question and answer per- | iod followed Mr. Fisher's talk j regarding the operation of the j planning commission, county I and village restrictions, that ; may be brought to bear on de- °f velopers through ordinances to control future building in any given area. parish administration buildings. ~ " r Though much has been accomplished, • bricks and mortar weren't enough. Many people labored, with a "never say die" attitude, each playing a part for tne "betterment of this important project. . The culmination of .it all, was the dedication ' and the Solemn Pontifical Mass celebrated on the Feast of Christ the King, Sunday, Oct. 26. Unseen hands that have been busy for the past three months programming the dedication of the new church were under the chairmanship of Ed Waldy and John Doherty. The remaining officers were secretary, Mrs. Ed Waldy, co-ordinator, Otto Kerstein, assistant co-ordinator, Frank Houda, invitation and dinner seating, Mrs. Charles Pike, and dinner chairman, Mrs. John Rice, assisted by the Altar and Rosary socfality members. The priests' hosts were Mr. Waldy, Mr., Doherty, Charles Pike, and Raymond Mendyk. Elmer Raske and George Halbauer were in charge of the ushers. : The publicity was handled by Mrs. Leo Wines and Mrs. George Burns. The police escort and parking were directed by John Rice and John Gustek. Gerald Raske and John Kline took charge of the cloakroom and William Lowery managed the parish societies. Refreshments were, under the direction of John Van Kanegon, and Frank Wasilewski. The dedication book staff was under the general chairmanship of Frank Piller, general layout and Charles Finn. The copy, makeup and detail layout was done by Mrs. L. Fuentes. The photographer was Frank Wirkus and the treasurer, Otto Kersten. The advertising committee included Frank Hnilo, Donald Lowery, Albert Yerkes, Anthony Misiak, Allen Jacobson, Edward O'Brien, Frank Houda, F e r d i n a n d F u e n t e s , L o u i s Smith, John Hendricks^ and Charles Pike. The Sunday Masses henceforth will be at 8, 9:30, and 11. All children are expected to attend the catechetical school beginning at 10:15 each Sunday. Saturday. Nov. 1, All Saint's Day Masses at 8 and 11 a.m. and'8 p.m. Nov. 5 through Nov. 12, The Rev. V. F. Kienberger will conduct a Mission. Daily Mass at 8 a.m. Evening Sermon and Devotions at 8 p.m. (except Tuesday at 7 p.m.) Father Kienb e r g e r is an outstanding preacher and missionary and everyone is urged to assist at all services during the mission. Several people have commented on the inspiring narration of the dedication Mass by Rev. John Reuland. A recording is being made, to add to the church library. Plans are being made to have a replay at the society meetings in the not too distant future. Altar and Rosary Society The Mother -and Daughters breakfast will be held at Millie's this Sunday after 9:30 Mass. Reservations can be made by calling W.L. 8601. The Ladies of the Church found out that a "friend in need is a friend indeed" when they called for assistance at the dedication dinner. Since the new stove didn't arrive, telephones- were put to use in a frantic effort to round up roasters to keep the food hot. Friends and neighbors happily gave their equipment and their services to save the day, and a most tempting dinner was served to over 300 people in the new school hall. The unified effort of these women gives one a faith in the community future. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kozial celebrated their twelfth wedding anniversary, Sunday, Oct. 26. . - Melissa Deherty, Roger Pickell, Bobby Lunak and Rev. James Vanderpool on Nov. 4. The Highland Shores rescue squad will conclude, their instructions in Red "Cross first aid this week. Certificates will be awarded to fourteen men who have completed the- instruction under the direction of Mrs. Betty Booth, R. N. Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Weber of Hickory Falls are happily announcing the birth of Cheryl Jean, born Thursday, Oct. 23, at Memorial hospital for McHenry County. A brother Artie is 2 years old and a sister Julie is 1. The maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hay live in Deep Spring Woods* No. 2, and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber live in McHenry. TWO CHURCHES PUT EMPHASIS ON MISSIONS The new son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ahrens of Hickory Falls, will be named Bruce Allen. He was born on Oct. 22 at the Memorial hospital for McHenry county. His two sisters are Terry, 15 months and ^Beverly, 2Vz years. The happy grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ahrens live in Alden, 111. FISHING CONDITIONS On the rivers of Illinois, more than 550 commerical fishermen operate annually, taking close to 7 million pounds of fish. The total for 1957 was 6,457,000 pounds, a drop of 500,000 pounds from 1956. The state Department of Conservation placed a valuation of $691,000 on the 1957 river haul which included 2,- 556,000 pounds of carp and 1,- 876,000 pounds of buffalo. Most valuable of the fish taken from the rivers is the catfish which produced a total of $272,401 for 1,114,263 pounds. Commercial fishermen took 32, 486 pounds of crappies in 1957. Greenwood-Ringwood Methodist Community churches announce a special emphasis on MISSIONS for the month of November. During the entire month Sunday morning as well as the Youth Fellowship... and Sunday evening services will center upon the cause of "Christian Missions Around the World." Rev. John Eddy opens the series Sunday morning, Nov. 2, with "Mission to Mindanao." This is an actual experience of Rev. Eddy, who was one of the pioneer missionaries establishing a Methodist mission station on the island of Mindanao. There on the edge of a ^jungle filled with headhunters, wild animals and Japanese soldiers, a group of missionaries faced the elements to start the first Methodist. missions center; Sunday evening, Nov. 2, a film will be shown, "Lands of Decision." This will show the four most needy areas for Christian missions today. It is .a first hand account of the battle against literacy, communism, poverty and sicknes " People of McHenry coUnty a invited to this series of cha lenging programs and services in the area of missions acrdB the world. Three programs oji .missions will be held throughout the day on every Sunday through November, 9:30 a.m. in Ringwood: 11:00 in Greenwood: 7 to 9 p.m. at either church (rotates). Don't Add ANTIFREEZE This Year... It's happy birthday time for Vicki Laing, Debbie Cristy, Correcteii Party Date FRIBAY, OCT. 31st HALLOWEEN COSTUME DANCE DANCING 9 'TIL 2 McHENRY MOOSE LODGE No. 691 FUN -- FJQOD -- FAVORS MEMBERS & GUESTS tT GREENE RITES Services were held last week for Mrs. Shirley Greene, 39, w$' died unexpectedly at her home on Flox street. She is survived by her husband, Howard; two sons, Larry, 7, and an infant; two daughters, Cheryl. Greene, 4, and Barbara Link. KING KORN STAMPS at RPlace Tavern with package goods. 22-e.o.w, Business & Servia Directory oi Wonder Lakt CRISTY and STENDEBACH ueneral Contractors NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 5432 ...without f§Kt having yew rqdiafQF gleaned anjdi repaired! i Anti-freeze in a leaky or clogged radi* acor is money wasted. Our modern Factory Method cleaning and repairing -- checked by our Inland FLO-TEST Machine -- costs little -- protects your anti-freeze! C-16-P Adams Bros. Repair Service PHONE 783 800 EAST ELM ST. Located in rear of Stillin'" Phillips 66 Station I at Harrison school Saturday i whom they were unable to conevening, Nov. 29. The rneet-. ing will begin at 7:30. Christian Service Work Night tact by nhone to come to the party. Non-league bowling for the The "Women of the Church" ! mommies of the subdivision is will have a Christian service j a new venture in the subdiviwork night at their next meet-1 sjon. Mrs. H. W. Clarke, social ai 8. ™ Monday evening, j committee chairmail| an_ Nov. 3. All ladies are welcome to attend and help in making the new St. Matthews Lutheran home for the aged in Park Ridge. Come and kpow the joy of fellowship in Christian service. I nounced that the association is things for t h e golden agers in | sponsoring this recreation Tuesday, from 12 to 2 p.m. at the McHenry recreation alleys. The first two Tuesdays in November are holidays, however, and bowling is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 3 and 10, for these two weeks. Anyone in- Christ the King Church News The pastor, Rev. James Vanderpool, and the people of Christ the King Parish expressed their appreciation to the visitors and friends who joined with them in dedicating their new church, school and . ."la F ir e pla cei rrsta 11 s less than a day! Pastor To Mission Conference Wednesday afternoon and LASTS ALL YEAR LONG ...IN PICTURES erssforeKoaak*comeras • equipment v film 1 Uiii-liilt ADDED INCOME from BURIED TREASURE LOOK! BROWNIE OUTFIT With Starflash Camera in your choice of colors Everything needed for day-and-night snapshooting. New Brownie Starflash Camera that takes Ektachrome color slid#* as well as black-and-white and Kodacolor snapshots. Built-in flosh<^|der. Plus batteries, flashbulbs, Verichrome Pan Film, instructions. Camera available in your choice of four custom colors: coral red, skyline blue, alpine white, or jet black. MAKE YOUR HOME a showplace. in less than a day with the sensational, new Uni-bilt Fireplace. Provides all the warmth and charm of a real wood-burning fireplace. Increases the value of your home*. The complete fireplace with its own "chimney comes ready to install ... no masonry, no mess. Engineered to draw right. Tested and approved by Underwriters' Laboratories. •Accepted by F.H.A., V.A. and local banks for new home or modernization financing*.. Smartly styled matching "1 shovel and PQker set (a $20 value) given FREE witlj your purchase of a ' ini-bll* Fireplar* between ©eft. 5 to Nov. 30 Phone now tor tree estimate! To Your ATTIC To Your GARAGE To Your BMIMEA To Your CLOSETS F©i. TH©SE UNWANTED HUMS yglLISS TO YOU - USEFUL TO OTHERS 20 rug. 103 S. Green St. PHONE 40 Michmershuizen Phone McHenry 1717 After 6 P.M. McHenry, III, n ONLY $100 SELLS A WAITING MAiiCiT • ' A PLAINMAIER WANT AD CONVERTS USELESS ITEMS TO READY CASH PHONE TODAY! McHENRY SHOP IX McHENRY PROFEmGnfii DIRECT0RV DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropratic 'Physician Naprapathic Manipulation M Steam Baths and Massage 304 East Elm Street McHenry, I1L* Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Frl. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:80 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. . Phone McHenry 743 DR. C. R. SWANSON w Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 6:80 Mon., Wed., & Frl. Evening* By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life ll * Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance *4 Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Greec & Elm McHenry, I1L SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural 8tN Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 3. PHONE 950 You can retire on the « : dollars you use to protect family. Larry Booster -- Virgil PqU«i« The New England Mutual Life Insurance Company 204 E. Elm St. Phone 2500 Expert PIANO TUNING # and Repairing A. G. SKALA o/o Steffan's Jewelry Store 514 W. Main Street PHONE 123-J DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 120 So. Green Street 0 Office phone McHenry 186 Res. phone McHenry 604-M-l Hours: Daily 9:80 - 5:00 •• Tues. & Frl. Evenings 6:30 • 9:00 Closed all day Wednesdays Eyes examined • Glasses fitted Repair Service DR. LEONARD L. BOTTAKI Optometrist ^ Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Contact lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours Eve.: Wed., Thurs St Frl 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays - 3 to 6 p.m. Phone McHenry 2282-3 Loop office - 108 N. Stat® SI Phone DEarborn 2-2096 Agug ce Co. GEORGE J. CASTLE. The Prudential Insurance of America Life, Retirement, Sickness 1 Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, IU. Phone: McHenry 2538 ALYCE JOS'1 MUSIC'S Guiucansen - Hammond Organs New -- Used Piano & Organ Instruction 808 W. Elm Street McSSeary, HL * jphonest " McHenry 812 • SOI