"V mA" JfHE ^IeHtNHy P . c i . : , - * • • iit M*»«w • ; Sharon Ootihtey Current Reporter news by Laura Belford --r~r--- *< for next jnorith 11T&».written by.Miss Sharon Couniey. If anyone . is intere& edin Writing.for the Lilynioor %ews call 5S6-W-2. 'Tfi&nk yoa for all those who have written your neVs yp and hfinc&d it in this month. It was a big helR. New t>en Mfother for Den 8 :^Its. George paly is the new den mother for Den 3. Mrs. L&wrence Schuerr is the assistant. Thie weekly meetings are held at airs. Daly's home on Friday afternoon at four. Attendance at the last meeting included Tom Bostler, Duane Brossman, Bill Daly, Albert Hirsch, Bill arid Kenneth Sibhuerr and Bob Tobias. They are making clow/! heads to be used, for clothes hangers. ffhe Mothef's Club The Mothers' club met at the Lilymoor school on Wednesday, Oct. 22, with a lively eighteen mothers present. Money: was .^collected for the party fund. Each child was asked to give fifty cents for the year td be used for three parties pt&rined. A total of $13 was collected. *There are twenty-five first graders and twenty-seven second graders. Twenty-six of the total fifty-seven have contributed their share. life first party is to be the owe'en party tomorrow, children are surely excited about it: Next meeting of the cjub is slated for the first Wednesday in December. This was t&e bes& turn out of the meet was. held at the home of Mrs. E.. M. Belford with the following.' giris present, Gail Cannon of ^£Vonclei\ Lake, Lillian ftosie, Judi Vacondio, Lana Maher, of Lakemoor, Sharon Couniey of Lilyinpor plus a new member Rose Anne Brzezinski. Plans were* made to go on a scavenger hunt., It was decided, to begin promptly at 7:30 and adjourn before 9 p.m. There would be no other meetings held at club Lilymoor. The girls' refreshments were grape juice and cup cakes they baked at the meeting. The meeting was closed at 8:30 sharp. Ward of Trustees Earel M. Belford attended Wednesday, Oct., 22 a special meeting of the board of the Community Methodist church. Rally Day The Lilymoor Sunday school had Rally . Day and a fine program Sunday afternoon, Oct. 19. Adults and children enjoyed a wonderful tirtfe together. Rev. Mclntyre from Faith Presbyterian church McHenry w&s with lis. Everyone participated in making this a very joyful day. ' lags so far ftnd it is hoped more Will cohte to the December • tteeting. jThe committee in charge of > the Hallowe'en party includes ; Mrs. George Kawell, Mrs. Suline Redmer, Mrs. Herbert F^antus and Mrs. Vernon Ehreflt. lo' Happy Birthday Birthday greetings to Hdyt' Fields of Nunda township celebrates his birthday on l4ov. 3. He and his wife prdba riy eat that cake on their Wrge new sun porch. They n oved here about seven years a jo from Chicago Although Mr. Fields was born in Martin, Tjenn and his wife, in Newburn, Are ABgcftt The meeting Tuesday, Oct. 21 Krownle Troop . The new Brownie Troop in this area is under the direction, of Mrs. Herbert Fantus, leader and Mrs. Fred Karmel, assistant leader and is sponsored by the Mother's Club. The meeting began today and will be held every Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. in the Lilymoor school. Any girl age 7 to 9 interested in joining may attend the meetings to register. to their home m McHenry Shores. •, Mr. arid Mrs. Clarence Eggert 'of Fritschfes Estates had dinner guests on Sunday, Oct. 19 from Chicago. Clarence's brother, Gilbert Eggert and a friend, both of Chicago, visited while out in the area duck hunting. The Eggert family moved, here from 2505 N. Fairfield, Chicago. Clarence is from Indiana originally anck Ethel is from Denver, Colo. Clarence claims carpentry as his trade,. They have four children, Michael 4 months; Beverly, 5; David, 8 and Nancy, 11. Mrs. Eunice Tobey had friends of years standing from Chicago, Oct. 12. Among the dinner guests were Mrs. Rose Kreisinger, Earl Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gallette. On Oct. 19. the Laroccos family and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Smith, came to see Mrs. Tobey bringing supper and gifts. Mrs. Tobey fell several weeks ago and is now recovering nicely. On Saturday the Tobey family motored to Elgin where they were present for a birthday party in honor of Mrs. Mathilda Spring at her home. Also present was John Clausing. Lakeland Park ROAD HMD'.S if¥k• Homebuilders The married couples club of the Community Methodist church held its regular monthly meeting at 8 p.m. with its topic of discussion and film presentation centering around 1 family camping. Mr. and Mrs. Earel Belford enjoyed this along with eight other couples. Before leaving, cake, coffee and ice cream were served. Anniversary Celebration Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Wollak^ pf Lilymoor were with their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Deskis for their first wedding anniversary at their new home on Arthur drive in Woodstock. On Sunday, Oct. i9, the couple entertained their parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Deskis of McCullom Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wollak. After dinner Raymond and Lorraiile left for Rockford where they celebrated the evening. Lorraine's parents were the honored ones to care for the two month old granddaughter, Susan Marie. Hunter Bill Hollertback has been with his hunting club and' his shots have brought in a dove and a mud hen this season. He believes in leaving his mark! If you don't believe it see that gold plated, hole in his living room wall! VMM Richard Pollnski and his wife, Judy, spent a few days at the senior Polinskis home in Lilymoor, recuperating from a severe cold. * He is now feeling better and they have returned Blue Ribbons Members of our Lilymoor Garden club are walking away with the ribbons at Garden showings every place they enter. One look at their wares would leave no doubt in any judges eyes! The Crystal Lake Garden show sponsored by four clubs was the latest place to give One good idea may provide jobs for a dozen or a million men, as has been proved bver and over. SHOP IN McHENBT Don't ...in an Automatic PAYABLE, NOV. 1 V(ckey Bottarl 2262-J or 1524-J . Please note that the fourth quarter dlies plus the road fund dues are to be paid Nov. 1. Instead of having the block captain go frofri house to hou&e in his respective territory, will Vou please Call On him or her as the case may be arid make prompt payment of said dues. If in any case you do not happen to know who your block captain is, you can then bring your dues direct to Mrs. Helen Strandquist, treasurer, at 515 Shore Drive. SPECIAL 'Before *5.00 down • * * 36 month* to P** Price Just pop in messy garbage -- and close the lid! In just seconds, the magic gas flame takes over and consumes smoke and odor for the enture burning cycle. Installed in your Tbasement or utility room, a handy GAS Incinerator disposes of anything bum able -- even bones, old shoes, egg shells, coffee grounds. Burns automatically--leaves fine, powdery ash you can use as fertilizer on lawns and gardens--all for just pennies a day] Plan to enfoy this wonderful coBBw@BBB©rtce right now. ¥«iiF'-ftppKance' Dealer or our " nesurby store today and select the size anfl style to fit your heeds. Phone McHenry 2081 Gas DEPENDABLE SERj/tC^ Women's Club There will be a meeting of the Lakeland Park , Women's club on Thursday, pJov. 6 at the ftizzo home at 323 Home ave. at 8:30 p.m. All members are urged to please, attend this meeting, as further plans for the coming dance to be held on Dec 13 will be made. how many years you have iived here in' Lakeland Park and have never attended a party before, you are invited to. this one. Please call either Mrs. Lyda Radisch at 2754 or myself at either of the above two numbers to let us know that you wish to attend and have a very enjoyable evening with us. Stork Shower A surprise stork shower was held for Mrs. Joan ftane given by Mrs. Phyllis Michalik and Mrs, Gale Laursen. Those attending and enjoying the evening, with a very delicious buffet dinner and beautifully decorated cake were Dolly Noewell, Betty Gladman, Beula Hoard, rDorothy Zimny, Jean Gagnon and of Course the guest of honor, Joan. She was quite surprised as she had gone there under the assumption that it was going to be a demonstration. Hallowe'en Party Let's not, forget the Hallowe'en party to be held tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 31, starting at 3:30 to 5:30 for the real young and then in the evening for the 'teens and the little older. There will be prizes and games played and anyone who attended the other Hallowe'en parties sponsored by the Lakeland Park Property Owners association know tljey will have a real good time. As usual it will again be held in the empty lots between the Frank Parisi and the Len Bottari homes on Pleasant avenue. Welcome Party There is going to be another welcome party .sometime in November and I will keep you informed as to when this will be. Again, anyone, no matter away ribbons to our residents. Mrs. Helen Haines and Mrs. Marion Leske, both owners of green houses, received six first prize ribbons on their entries on Wednesday, Oct. 22. Family Picnic Mr. and Mrs. R. Laursen arid their four children atterided a family picnic at Powers Lake, Wis. While there the children and their grandfather went for a boat ride, ran out of fuel, water was getting choppy, darkness was setting in and mother Gale was chewing her nails up' to the elbows, but of course everything turned out OK and all in all everyone had a very nice time. 'Teen-Club There is no news at this time from the 'teen-club except of course that they are still looking for several new members. !43fi»ppy Anniversary /. to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ahrens who celebrated their twenty- eighth y6ar of wedded bliss last week. H&ppy Birthday to Jackie and Eugene Ahrens on their birthdays. to Mrs. Mecic who celebrated hers on Oct, 22. to Mrs. Jean Glover who celebrated hers on Oct. 25. On Friday afternoon Marge Franklin baked and decorated one of her very beautiful cakes and she and Elaine Jett, Daisy Kru-- pinski arid yours truly walked in on her and surprised her With it. Then all went horjie to collect their children when school was Out 'and came back with two more guests, namely Mrs. Esther Cygan and her sister, Mrs. Rita Zimny, and of course aill the kids. agsain to Mrs. J6an Parisi who of course celebrated hers last week but as the girls found it impossible to get together for the usual coffee and cake Celebration, we all went over to Lee tHorch's on Tuesday, Thoge who.. attended" and consumed. loads of calories were Marge Franklin, Fran Cina, Edythe Lavin, Elaine Jett and myself. to Mrs. Meta Oilier who celebrated her sC^enty-ninth birthday with a surprise party given by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ahrens (Mrs. Ollier's daughter). Other members of her family helping her celebrate were Mr. and Mrs. Fryer, Mr. and Mrs. A. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. E. Jennetten, Mr. and Mrs. Minor, Mr. R. Schodtler, Mr. and Mrs. Li • Gomez, Mr. -arid Mrs. W. Schpdtler, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kane and Mr. and Mrs. G. Nye. They were all served a very delicious buffet dinner and she received many beautiful gifts, but the one which she got the biggest thrill out of was the corsage given to hep in the name of her four little puppies, three cocker spaniels and one collie and also a* cocker spaniel bank given to her by 9 year old Stephen Jennetten which he purchased himself because he-said it looked just like one of her cocker spaniels. to Eddie Gilbertson on his seventh birthday which he celebrated on Oct. 22. i Demonstration Party A demonstration party was held at the home Of Mrs. Campo at 317 Prairie ave. with the following ladies in attendance: L. Glosson, Barbara Milinac, Jackie Hagen, Agnes Prazek, Norma Bivona, Mrs. N. Bi- , '•* - i' 'i • £>v'V vona, Delia Kroening and Vif# ginia Krispin, and one man who acted as a v<ery able baby sitter aind hQ was Pop Bivoria who*^ 89 years old. TOHie detn|>5 onstrator at this party was Mrs. Eleanor Last, . _ . . . F u n d b i f v e . . . * § ! . The Boy Scouts of America are again having a fund raising drive this year and if you have not as yet been contacted by one of the committee, you wfll be within the next; few days and when they do, give to thii very wonderful organization no matter how small or how large your donation may be, it^gB mounts up. - One person in 40 is injured each year in a home 'accident, according to the NationaHSafety Council. [ Most fatal auto accidents in- [ volve only one car, according to the National Safety CounciL jbeL • Baked Lasagna 'ehciouA The Easy . . . Economical Way! * P&gia Fasula 1 Bar-B-Cued Chicken 8c Ribs * Home-Made Bakery + Salads Many More Tasty Dishes To Choose From f-^antry. <2}efi 134 N. Riverside Dr. PHONE McHENRY 754 cacies McHenry "So ahead atid thivsr. YOU ms the 6pe who forgot to order hotter-burniiig, cleaner-burning 'Flying A' Heating O'if!" I Of»nFJ» "FLYING *" HEATING OIL CASH DISCOUNTS l^LUS KINO KORN STAMPS McHENRY COUNTY FARMERS CO-OP 523 WAUKEGAN RD. McHENRY PHONE 729 " , 7! m. '"•'"ir"' - jy Bill! lilt! GUARANTEED to GO thr J ICE, MUD or SNOW ALL PASSENGER TRUCK AND TRACTOR TIKES 20 TO 40% OFF 11 CHECK THAT BATTERY JJOW! FIRESTONE'S FAMOUS DRY CHARGE BAITlliS Ac xji<?h as $6.00 Trade-In on Ydur Old Battery AS LOW AS MART 526 Striet WALT FBEtmD, P*op. PHONE 294 iieHhsnry