nm:- Page tVo , : . N ITiS IIcHENRY Pi&INDEAiOT Garden Club Meets At Krickl Home The December meeting of the McHenry Garden club was held at the home of Mrs. G. C. Krickl at 311 Richmond^road on the sixteenth at 10 a.m. There will be a pot-luck luncheon served and Christmas stockings will be filled for the Hartland home and Shangri- la. of McHenry; Mrs. Murle Blowers and Mrs. Harry Benston of Fox Lake; Mrs. Floyd Freund, Woodstock; Mrs. Victor Hunt, Wonder Lake; and Mrs. Robert Schoenbeck, Hebron. Family Reunion At Pistakee Bay A family reunion of the late Mathias and Jennie Schaefer family was held at the Harrison resort at Pistakee Bay Sunday, Nov. 16, with 110 present. Pot-luck dinner was enjoyed to begin the first reunion of the family ever held. The reunion was a special pleasure since Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schaefer of Woodland Hills, Calif, (he is a brother of Ambrose and Herman Schaefer of McHenry V were visiting here at the time. Guests attended from Park Ridge. Arlington Heights, Waukegan, Libertyville. Lake Geneva, Wis., Mount Prospect, Elmhurst, Harvey, Wheeling and McHenry. Announce Engagement Of Eileen Stilling Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stilling announce the engagement of their daughter, Eileen Marie, to Jack Powers, son of Mr. and Mrs; James Powers. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Couple Honored At Surprise Housewarming Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ostergren were honored at a surprise housewarming held at their new home at 713 S. Green street Saturday evening. Friends presented them with a room lamp. Attending the party were Messrs. and Mesdames Len Antonson, Charles Adams, George Dason, Frank Gregory, .Henry Jackson, Jake Stoffel, LeRoy Smith, Al. Stilling, Robert Stueben and Robert Winkel. Unable to be present were the Homer FitzGeralds. Ray Nellises, Tony V;.reses, R. W. Freunds and Vern Thelens. C. D. of A. Officers Attend Meeting On Sunday, Nov. 16, Madeline Mayfield and Barbara Leight were invited to an informal gathering and meeting of the grand regent? and vice regents of the Catholic Daughters of America from the Rockford dioceses. It was held at the Catholic Student Center in DeKalb. The meeting, held by the student center chaplain. Rev. Hubert V. McGinn, was to acquaint the women with need for the Newman foundation and what a large project it is. The women toured the university sites and the site for the Newman chapel and student center. Father McGuinn thanked the women personally for their past beneficences and expressed the hope that they will continue with additional funds. A buffet supper was served after the meeting. Shower Honors Joyce Schmitt A bridal shower was held at St. Mary's school hall last Sunday afternoon for Miss Joyce Schmitt, About sixty relatixes and friends attended. Hostesses for the party were Mrs. Betty Wagner, Mrs. Virginia Schmitt, Miss Hilda Schwanke, Miss Eileen Stilling and Miss Linda Schumacher. Miss Schmitt will become the bride of Axel Schwanke at St. Mary's church Nov. 29. Shower Honors Mrs. Merle Freund A pink and blue shower honoring Mrs. Merle Freund was held at the Laurence Freund home last week. Following a social hour, a tasty lunch was served from a decorated table which featured a baby scale as centerpiece. A variety of gifts, placed in a bassinet, were presented to the guest of honor. Attending the shower were Mrs. Thomas Adams, Mrs. Alex Adams, Mrs. Kenneth Diedrich, Mrs. Harold Frett, Mrs. Nick B. Freund, Mrs. Ted Kaelin, all Celebrates "Sweet Sixteen" Party Saturday On Saturday, Nov. 15. a surprise party in honor of Sandy Nellis' "sweet sixteen" birthday was held at her home on Charles street in McHenry. - The guests arrived at 6 p.m. for a buffet supper Sandy'hSd been baby sitting and was returned home after the guests had arrived. Among the guests who helped her celebrate were Mrs. Jennie Mancini, Robert Frisby Sr., Lenora Frisby, Melvin Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. George Frisby and son, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Tasic and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mancini and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mancini, Mr. and Mrs. Richard D'Angelo and son. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Roman Korney. Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Roman Korney, Jr., and daughter, Miss Rolanda Kissinger, Concetta Valenbio, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hansen and family, Mr. ana Mrs. Al Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nellis and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nellis and sons, Ed Nellis, Peggy Vilumis, Mrs. Gertrude Donald, Nancy, Robert, Donald and Jackie, and Miss Janet Marie Glosson; also her sisters and brother. Many beautiful gifts were received, and a delicious supper was served. 3251, Royal Neighbors, of America, will hold the regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Peter Justen on Tuesday, Dec. 2.' In addition to the regular meetihg, there will be the annual Christmas party and gift exchange. Wed Recently BETTY FELTES BECOMES BRIDE IN FORT WORTH Worwiek Studio Photo THE THOMAS THOMPSONS Miss Jean Blake became the bride of Mr. Thomas Thompson in a pretty wedding solemnized at St. Mary's Catholic church on Saturday, Nov. 8. Bridal Couple Worwiek Studio Photo THE ALFRED KREPELS Christ the King church at Wonder Lake was the scene of a lovely wedding Nov. 8 which united Miss Kathleen Buss of Highland Shores and Mr. Alfred Krepel of Nunda township. CARD OF THANKS My very special "Thanks" for the beautiful cards I've received since being hospitalized; to the Catholic Order of Foresters and the Dick Jagers for their gifts; to my patrons cf postal route number 5; to the neighbors who have befriended my family; to the American Legion and Auxiliary and above all to my friend, John Dreymiller, for his countless acts of kindness and charity. *29 Paul Peter Karls, Sr. Ward E. Room 304 Hines Hospital Hines, Illinois Fox Valley Xmas Party December 2 Fox River Valley camp, No. ATTENDS CONVENTION Kay Jeanne Kirk of Emerald Park was among twenty-six University of Illinois juniors in the department *of physical education for women who attended the Illinois Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation convention Nov. 13 and 14 at Pere Marquette hotel, Peoria. A wedding of interest . ideally took place la^t Saturday in Fort Worth, Texas, uniting in marriage Miss Betty Feltes, daughter of Mr. and Mi's. John Skidmore of Ringwood, and Mr. Jerry J. Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Williams of Fort Worth. The ceremony took place at 7 p.m. in- the „ Riverside Methodist church; with Rev. Milsop officiating. R. L. Anderson was soloist for the nuptial rite, singing "At Dawning" and "O Promise Me". The altars of the church were beautifully decorated with bouquets of white glads, palms and candelabra. The charming bride was attired in a white, floor length dress of chantilly lace over satin, styled with sabrina neckline, long, pointed sleeves and alternate net and lace ruffles on the skirt, extending into a chapel train. Her fingertip veil was held in place by a double queen's crown of pearls and rhinestones and she carried la white orchid on a Bible. Her dhly jewelry was a pearl necklace, a gift of the groom. Miss Feltes was attended by her sister, Miss Jackie Skidmore, of Ringwood. Paul Williams, brother of the groom, of Fort Worth, acted as best man and ushers were Fred Mason and Dave Detweiler, friends of the groom. Miss Skidmore chose a blue net dress over blue taffeta, with apron effect, and carried a bouquet of white carnations. Mrs. Skidmore selected for her daughter's wedding a navy blue, brocaded, crepe dress with which she wore accessories to match. Her corsage was of red roses. Mrs. Williams was also attired in navy blue, frosted crepe with matching accessories and a matching corsage. F o l l o w i n g t h e c e r e m o n y , about 200 guests enjoyed a reception. at Fellowship hall, after which the couple left on a trip to Mexico. They will reside at 1718 Brittian, Ft. Worth, Texas. The bride is a - graduate of the McHenry high school and for the past two and one-half years has been serving as an accountant in the Air Force. The groom graduated from Carter Riverside high school and Texas Wesleyan college and did graduate work at Texas Christian university. He is also an accountant for the Air Force. Wed Nov. 8 Hetrlin Studio Photo THE GEORCrE NICKELSES An autumn- wedding at St. Mathews Lutheran church in Barrington Saturday afternoon, Nov. 8 united in marriage Miss Jewell Moore of Barrington' and Mr. George Nickels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nickels of 511 E. Main street, Barrington, formerly of McHenry. The couple will reside in Forest Lake. PARENTS TAKE - CHILDREN'S PLACE EDUCATION WEEK MEDICAL MEETING The McHenry county medical society will meet on Thursday, Nov. 20, at 6:30 p.m. at Woodstock, for their annual meeting and Christmas party. The members' wives are especially invited to this meeting. J. P. Revenaugh, president of the Professional Business Management, Inc., will speak on medical economics. SHOP IN McHENRY Parents took the part of children last Wednesday eveni n g a t t h e n e w J u n i o r h i g h school when they came to • • school when they came toschool to attend their children's classes. In honor of American Education Week, parents were invited to follow the regular class schedule of an ordinary school day. In this way, each one had an opportunity to meet the teachers conducti n g t h e c l a s s e s , s e e a l l t h e books from which daily assignments are made and ask questions about work being • • questions about work being d o n e a n d a b o u t g r a d e s b e i n g given. Many of the comments heard included, "How I wish I could go back to school," or "This is an interesting way of teachi n g , " o r " I w i s h we c o u l d have more of this," all of whidh proved the interest of today's parerits. The administration and faculty were gratified at the cooperation and enthusiasm shown by the numerous pare n t s who p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e program and who took advant3£& of the opportunity to k n o w m o r e a b o u t - h o w t h e schools ar£ operated. tT There will be no school Thursday or Friday Thanksgiving week. CARD OF THANKS I wculd like to thank everyone for their £,'fts, cards \and many kindnesses during my recent stay at the hospital. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. 29 Kevin Freund Really FRESH <3a OZEN ay they'ra mad© NOW AT Rfl l r.ED'C^ DRU6 STORE McHENRY PHONE 40 You'll love the way your Presses h WORLD WAR I VETERANS PLAN FOflmEGTIOir Because Thanksgiving falls oh the fourth Thursday of November, which is ordinarily the regular meeting day of the McHenry barracks of the World War I veterans, the next meeting will be held on Monday, Nov. 24 at the American Legion home at 8 p.m. Election of officers for the coming year will be discussed, so do try to be present. It is also likely that the De-' cember meeting Will be changed to Monday, the twenty-second, since the fourth Thursday will be Christmas. There was a wonderful turnout for the last meeting, which was ladies' night. We hbpe these next two meetings will be just as well attended. Several of the members of this organization were seen at the American Legion pot-luck supper on Veteran's Day. Many of the World War I vets hold memberships in the American Legion also, so it is not unusual to see the same faces at both meetings, it makes memberships in either organization, or both, doubly enjoyable. Don't forget to talk to at least one eligible prospect and bring him along to the November meeting. CARD OF THANKS Thanks to all our relatives and friends for their prayers, letters and cards; also our dear neighbors and friends ih Spring Grove who contributed toward a farewell gift for us. A special thanks to Fr. Daleiden, who was our pastor for twenty-five years. May God bless each and everyone is our daily prayer. Gratefully, Fr. E. Jung, M.S.C. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Jung, *29 parents. CARD OF THANKS The family of Phyllis Ann Letizia wish to express their heartfelt thanks for the many lovely flowers, Masses and sympathy shown in our tragic loss. Our special thanks to Fr. J. Vanderpool, Fr. F. H. Nilges, the Sisters of St. Mary's, Mr. and Mrs. F. Higgins, the Altar and Rosary ladies, the Wonder Lake rescue squad, state police, friends and neighbors. 29 Mr. and Mrs. Pat Letizia 0SRITAL McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to the McHenry hospital during the past week included Gloria Schimpf and Claudie Ruge, Crystal Lake; Agnes Simmons, Lakemoor; Katherine Stollsmith, Ingleside; Mary Tomasello, Mc- Curiom Lake; Mary Strache, Chester Moller, Karen Freund, J o h n B o k i n a a n d E v e l y n Freund, McHenry; Lawrence Walters, Wonder Lake and Gerald Hettermann of Johnsburg. ' Harvard Hospital Patients at Harvard hospital this past^Week included Mrs. Peter Freund, Mrs. Samuel Wakemowich and Mrs. Maurice Smith of McHenry. Memorial Hospital Admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week were Edward Schmidt and Annamarie Johnson of Spring Grove; Candace and Robin Fossum of Ringwood; Elmer Kollenkark, Flois Adams, Celia Wirtz, Clara 6verton, Howard Lockwood and Donna Weichmann of McHenry; Gayle and Sharon Booth and Cora Anderson of Wonder Lake. VISITS SON Ralph H. Justen of 209 Riverside drive, McHenry, visited his son, James, at Alpha Sigma Phil social fraternity at the University of Illinois last weekend for the campus Dad'^ Day activities. READ THE WANT ADS ay, November 20. 1^8 ALPHA THETA iv > HOLDS PANEL DISCUSSION f ' Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met at Huntley high school Monday, Nov. 10. A panel composed of four members, Blanche Eubank, £- cile Morris, Georgianna Donahue and _ Genevieve Knox, diseussed "Professional Growth of the Teacher.". ' * • . Mrs. Eleanor Foley, was; presented with a past president's pin and commended for good leadership. The remainder of the evening was spent in wrapping gifts for patients at Elgin Si hospital. The previous meeting of the group was held in McHenry, when members had ah opportunity to hear Dr. Esther Williams lecture on "Education in Scandinavian Countries." Dr. Williams has travelled widely and is a most interesting speaker. At present, she has charge of the student teachers from DeKalb university who are woing their practice teaching in the Crystal Lake and Barrington schools. WATCH REPAIRING AT ITS" FINEST By McHenry^ Oldest, W Most Reliable STEFFAN'S JEWELRY STORE 514 W. Main McHenry Phone 123-J Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nelson in Sterling. nut elicioud I The Easy . Economical Way! • Pasta Fasula -Cued Chicken & Ribs -Made Bakery • Salads Many More Tasty Dishes To Choose From • Baked Lasagna Pa try 134 N. Riverside Dr. PHONE McHENRY 754 c a c i McHea* t Shopper | "on the go"t Alive with elastic freedom-and- *' fit for every "gal on the go"..* RAVE.. . the new bra by tormfi Soft-Set Dry Cleaning by CLEANEIS That's because they will look LIKE NEW ... all their original freshness of color, pattern and texture fully restored. They PEEL like new, too, because Sanitone Dry Cleaning now retexturizes cloth as it rlpawq . s # maintains the original "body" and "finish" so that dresses drape and fit just as they did when new. Try it and see. SAME DAY SERVICE AVAILABLE SAVE 10% Cash 'n Carry D A l M s m a # r D E i u c B c I I n • • « C» V t b H I l U t «* Around Corner North of National Tea N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, ILL. Open Daily 8 A.M. To 6 P.Bf. -- Fridays 'til 9 P.M. ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING AT RAINBOW'S DRIVE IN * Outdoor "got On Hie go"! m ELASTIC ground cupl ELASTIG stitching J ELASTIC under cup^ back I ELASTIC Rave by Formfit takes you thru busy days in free-moving comfort, shape-making fashion. Looks light... wears easy ... feels wonderful! Notice the new low cut at the side of the cup. Conforms to your body thanks to elastic .. . gives extra room for arm movement. Notice the U-shaped back. Won't ride Up because even-pull elastic ;ently hugs your body. Notice all the elastic features for extra fit and freedom. Be fitted in Rave by Formfit.. . for the active "gal on the go"! In white cotton broadcloth, 32A to 38C. jrHGItJc, McHENRY 2713 'Tor Town & Country' HOURS: Daily: 9:30 - 6:00 -- ~Fri. 9:30 - 9 -- Closed Wednesdays S06 W. Elm St. McHenry, IU. ST'-; 77 "I""? I *