Ep'-gj- «*<?* W "•**$£ Page A#- V^f j. * v ; j ^ • s 7, V * ? »>// "- 3i * ,, *3 ' * - ,< " -" v* :• *f' THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER **" ~ , Tuesday ^November 25. 19^ Wonder Lake HOLD RETARDED CHILDREN GROUP MEETING DEC. 4 by Jane Ducey -- 2781 Betty Burns--5501 The McHenry bounty association for' Mentally Retarded Children will hold a meeting Thursday, Dec. 4, at 8 p.m. at Harrison school. Mrs. Paul Tigard, who teaches the EMH group in the class in Woodstock, will be the guest speak-' er. She will display some of the work of her class and tell of the need for teachers to work with mentally handicapped children. A question and answer session on the education of retarded children will be conducted by Mrs. Tigard. first vice-president; Mrs. Henry Nell, second vice-president; Mrs. Gussie Diedrich, record- • ing secretary; Mrs. Jerry Dorn, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Harold Frettv treasurer. The nominating committee consisted of Mrs. Daisy Smith, chairman, Mrs. Marilyn Van Zeverin and Mrs. Ann Miller. The ne\v. officers will be installed at the January meeting which will be a dinner meeting With the husbands invited. There will be no meeting in December. The executive board will meet in the next two weeks to appoint standing committee members. Special Thanksgiving Services There will be a special- - Thanksgiving service at the Wonder Lake Bible church Wednesday evening, Nov. 26, at 7:30 p.m. The Sunday. School offering received on Sunday morning, Dec. 7, will be set aside for the "Jack and Flora" gift, in kfeeping with the custom to give a Christmas gift to the missionaries of the church. Even though the Loshboughs are home on furlough it is the wish of the congregation to continue this blessing. If you are not attending Sunday school at Wonder Lake and would wish to contribute to this gift kindly send-same to the church labeled "Jack and Flora gift" and it will be placed in the offering for you on that morning. Pastor Wright will have the opportunity Monday, Dec. 8, to go to the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago. He will be speaking to about 300 men from off the streets of Skid Row. ^ The adult Sunday School] class will support a Korean orphan, it has been announced. This will afford the class many opportunities for presenting this Korean boy with spiritual and physical blessings. Any indvidual or group of people may support one of these unfortunate children at a very nominal cost per month. More information may be .obtained from Pastor Wrignt or Mrs. Ed Dornbush, if any one is interested in adopting an orphan. The ambassadors for Christ meet every Sunday at 5 :30 p.m. at the church. This is a fine group of young people coming to church on Sunday evening. Club time is devoted to singing and Bible lessons and quizzes. After club there is choir practice. The Missionary Guild ladies are asked to circle Thursday, Dec. 18 on their calendar. That evening both day and evening groups meet for the annual Christmas party. More information will be supplied later. Garden Club Plans Thanksgiving The Wonder Lake Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Walter Troxell in Hebron Thursday." Mrs. Charles Kopp and Mrs. Howard Pliner went to the Hartland home Saturday to decorate the tables for Thanksgiving and to -take jellies contributed by the members of the club to the old folks there. The lesson on evergreens was given by Mrs. Arthur Hoppe at Thursday's meeting. It was a most interesting and enlightening talk including the all important winter care of evergreens. Mrs. Leon Switzer proprovided the floral arrangements for the evening: one was a dried arrangement in a crescent shape and the other a Japanese- influence Moribana arrangement. The ladies have been attending a class in flower arranging conducted by Mrs. Sally Fulue of Crystal Lake in her home. Delicious pumpkin pie was served by Mrs. Troxell. vision passed away Wednesday at Veteran's hospital in Downey. "Cap" had been ill for the past seven months. .._ He is survived by his' wife, Helen (McMahon), his sons, John and Victor of Wonder Lake, and Robert of Miami Beach, Fla. He is the grandfather of Judy, Janice, Joan and Jane Jurgensohn of Wonder Lake. This wonderful man will be missed by his many friends here. Born on June 22, 1888, in Rega, Latvia, he had been a resident of Shore Hills subdivision for the past twenty years, moving here from the Southwest side of Chicago. ' Mr. Jurgensohn had served in both World War I and II. A guard of honor represented the American Legion and the V.F.W. when Requiem Mass was said Saturday at Christ the King church. Interment was at Christ the King cemetery. Christ the King Church News Thanksgiving Day Mass will be said at 9 a m. Thursday. All are encouraged to attend Mass and Communion on this day in thanks for all our special blessings. Sew-N-Sews Busy With Xmas Articles The Sew-N-Sews, who supply the Memorial hospital Gift and Thrift shop with gift items, met at the home of Mrs. Harry Davidson Thursday afternoon. The ladies are working on clown puppets, baby bottle covers made in the form of kittens, and Santa Claus dolls. Smorgasbord, Nov. 30 The Pledge Club invites everyone to the Sunday afternoon smorgasbord in the new school hall. This is a good chance for dad to take Mom and the youngsters "out", after all the Thanksgiving cooking. Come ai\jd bring your friends and relatives. Ham, beef, many salads and vegetables, not to mention all those homemade cakes and pies--mmmm. Since this is for the benefit of the altar boys to purchase new cassocks, your support will be appreciated. Jack Frost Frolic A second hop for the 'teen group has been planned by the Property Owner's advisory board. The Jack Frost Frolic will be held Friday, Dec. 5, at Mathew's hall from 7:30 to 11:30 for all 'teens. Admission is 35c for single tickets and 50c for couples. Chaperones will be provided by the board, whose youth recreation committee has a year around program of activity slated for the young people. The next advisory board meeting will be moved ahead a week because of Thanksgiving, and will be held Dec. 4 at Harrison school. Altar and Rosary Society The card party was a tremendous success and the ladies express their appreciation to all who helped in any way. With this wholehearted cooperation the many tables were filled, luscious ' cakes were served, many prizes were won and everyone had an enjoyable evening. The next meeting Dec. 4 will be the annual Christmas party. Mrs. Jack Rice, president, hopes all the members will attend and bring guests. Special favors and a fun program is being planned. Everyone is asked to bring a homemade ornament to hang on the Christmas tree. Santa will distribute the grab bag which the ladies are asked to participate in. Advent Season to Begin With Communion Holy Communion will be administered at both services, 8 and 10:45 on Sunday, Nov. 30, which is Advent Sundtfy. VWomen of the Church Christmas Party Monday, Dec. 1, at 8 p.m. the women of the church will have their annual Christmas party. A play, depicting the true spirit of Christmas, will be presented, complete with choir. A special Christmas devotional service will be followed by a fellowship period. All ladies are welcome to come and bring your friends. * J Casualty Terry 'Miller, sixth grade student at Harrison, found his classmates to be most sympathetic when he hurt his foot in a freak accident while playing football at •school. It seems he got carried ay?ay with enthusiasm and slid right into the cyclone fence, and the teacher Mi. Wightman had to rescue him. Last report is he was back at school--"hero of the day." illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiliillllllllllllllllllllMIUllll F.A.A. MEWS iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiilmniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Teachers and Officers To Meet f Tuesday, Dec. 2, the ^teachers and officers of Sunday school will meet at 7:30. Plans for the Sunday school Christmas program at Harrison school will be made. The intermediate group is already in rehearsal for their play, and the junior department is working on its verse choir presentation for the program. Klwanls News All the Wonder Lake Kiwanians who attended the dinner at the Wing and Fin enjoyed thoroughly the highlight of the evening -- the address by Dr. Ivy. Nov. 24 meeting -- a Nova Scotia dinner of moose, at their usual meeting place, LaGrecas. Speaker Bill Tammeus with a showing of slides on India-- both beautiful and interesting. Plans are being made for the football banquet, Dec. 4. Chamber of Commerce At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, Thursday, plans were made to have a central place for burning the Christmas trees in the lake area. Place to. be published later. In union with the American Legion and the Kiwanis club, the needy families will be given Christmas baskets. American Legion Post 1169 Every Saturday night at the Matthews Hall the Legion plans a social night. Refreshments will be served. Everyone is urged to come and bring a friend. Starts at 8 p.m. The rescue squad answered a call this week when a man from Elgin had an attack while working. We hope all's well now. Get well wishes to some Wonder Lake ladies hospitalized at this time, Mrs. Cora Anderson, Mrs. Raymond and Mrs. Betty Schau. Birthday on the calendar are those of Ed Raske, Bobbie Habich, George Gergits, Dorothy Nemsick, Harriett McCall, Billy Wines, Bob Melvin, Debbie Kremer and Peggy Wrede. It's A Boy! Mr. and Mrs. G. James Amdt have a new baby boy named Calvin James, born Friday, Nov. 21 at the Memorial hospital for McHenry county. Sister Laurie is 4 years old and brother Joe is 2. The maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jacks live in Chicago, and the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Arndt, live in Highland Shores. The first half of this month the McHenry Future Farmers of > America were verywbusy. In the first week of Novem-( -her, the agriculture boys were glad to be able to start work in their new agriculture shop. Then on Nov. 5, the agriculture boys went to Huntley for the fat stock judging contest. The animals they judged were brief, hogs, and sheep. The boys on the team were Larry Stilling, Dick Stilling, Jim Etten, Gary Freund and Johnny Smith. The team placed fourth out of the eleven teams at the contest. Also, there were individual placings given. Gary Freund received fifth place and Johnny Smith ninth place. The three teams above McHenry were Woodstock, Belvidere and Warren. After standing around in the cold, windy weather at the judging contest, the boys were glad to go home to a warm fireside. Lastly, on the seventh of November, the pest control contest ended. It had been started in October and ran for a month. Pink and Blue Shower Honoring Mary Bernacki and Roberta Dicker, a "Surprise shower was held at the home of Beverly Backus including all the ladies of Evergreen drive: Kathie Meyerowitz, Lorraine Kalleck, Virginia Welsh, Mary Lou Baudin, Virginia Glavin, Lorraine Laing, Pat Mackaluso Marge Yager, Dorothy Laird and Irene Beiers. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS Republican Women Elect Officers The biennial election of officers of the McHenry Republican Wompp's club took place Tuesday evening, Nov. 18, at the V.F.W. hall in McHenry. j "Cap" Passes Away Mrs. Eugene Miller is the new I Emil N. Jurgensohn, U.S.A. president; Mrs. B. R. Redman, retired, of Shore Hills subdi- Back the Boy Scout Drive The Wonder Lake ' Scout drive is now under way. Your donation will give boys the chance to get the entire scouting program that is due him when he joins the scouting organization. By helping out on this Scout Drive you are helping boys become men who will be a credit to the Community, to the country, and to themselves. Nativity Evangelical Ltftheran Church All are welcome to attend the special Thanksgiving day service that will be held at 9:30. The junior choir will sing the anthem. On this day set aside to express our gratitude to God for the bounty of His Blessings we urge all to attend church where true Thanksgiving begins. Fall Festival Saturday, Nov. 29, at Harrison school, the Luther League will have its annual fall festival. Starting at 7:30, there will be games, dancing, entertainment and refreshments for all the leaguers and high schoolers in Wonder Lake that attend. Election At the meeting of the Highland Shores Property Owners association the following were elected to office for the fiscal year 1959. president, James Laing; first vice - president, Stanley Samp; second vicepresident, Orville Yager; secretary, Mildred Kopp; treasurer, Ada Margetts; roads and signs, commissioner. Shorty Kotyza; park beach and pier, George Booker; ways and means, Jackie Allman and Floyd Brandt. PURCHASES KENNELS • Kai Hansen, originally of Chicago, has purchased the Curran Boarding Kennels on Rt. 12. Mr. Hansen has been in the small animal business since 1932. The business will be operated as boarding kennels and will also provide animal grooming, i Mr." Hansen has already made several improvements and has | plans for many more which he hopes will make this the finest boarding kennels in the area. Business & Servia Directory o) Wonder Lakt and rFSNDEBACH oeneral Contractor* NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake 5432 Since the world began, peace has always been all dressed UP with no place to go. SHOP IN McHENRY Only $2=pER wkk puts this completely deluxe, top quality j SPEED QUEEN ELECTRIC DRYER into your home to give you the greatest convenience in modern housekeeping Every feature a QUALITY feature • HI LO-OFF Heat Control • In-A-Door Imt Trap * Mognetic Door Cotch Quiet Running the day they're made I • Drum stops when door opens. Restart button our of children'! reach i f ;^j Make* m ptrftci tnstcb with the new A24 Automatic Wdsber. %J|f ' ' NOW AT You'll Mver know how toll your towels con be until you tumble-dry them In .a Speed Queen I And you'll never know how mony unnecessary hours of "ilovcry" you ore putting In until you own a dryer. Here's your big chonce for a wonderful buy, at only $2.88 Per Week AN 6 DRYER LOAD @P Dy*tu!=£atR. »i Come In Today For Free Entry Blank PHONE 251 # 1ST PRIZE--$5,000 cash and new automatic Electric Dryer. # 60 Electric Dryers as SECOND PRIZES (10 winners each week--for 6 weeks) # Nothing, to buy! Nothing to write but your name and address. .... _ . ' !" ...... L •!. jkfCAREY EL EC?! IC 119 S. GREEN ST. PHONE 251 McHENRY The individual winners in the contest were Jim Etten, first place, $5. Fred Wahl, second place, $3, Jim Christensoh^ $2. In the contest the seniors and sophomores were hgainst the juniors and freshman. Well; the • juniors ' and freshmen slaughtered the seniors and sophomores. . Reporter, i Chuck Schuringa Trouble is only opportunity dressed in work clothes. The bigger a man's head gets the easier it is to fill his shoes. H News : BUSY THREE CLUB There was a meeting of the Busy Three 4-H club on Nov. i 18 at the McHenry high school. ! Seventeen members and twb | guests were present. £ .Bob Schmitt, Duane Schmitt and Bruce Christensen gave project talks. We will hand in our project cards at the next meeting, which will be Dec* 14. After the meeting, refreshments were served. Norma Anderson, reporter. LASTS ALL YEARLONG ...IN PICTURES Mokt- us- he*cid.qu.ortors £oi Kdd.cik camer.as • e'quip'm'ent' • film- BROWNIE SijaMulv OUTFIT With Starflash Camera in your choice of colors Everything needed for day-and-night snapshooting. New Brownie Starflash Camera that takes Ektachrome color slides as well as black-and-white and Kodacolor snapshots. Built-iiw 'flasholder. Plus batteries, flashbulbs, Verichrom© Pan Film, ; instructions. Camera available in your choice of four custom colors: coral red, skyline blue, alpine white, or jet black. BOLGER'S Drug Store 108 S. Green St. PHONE 40 McHenry, 111. The picture has changed, but the spirit abides... It's Thanksgiving again, and what a wonderful time of the year it is to relax with the family, and enjoy the rewards that come from hard work well done. It's a time to express the gratitude in our hearts to those of you whose confidence and loyalty have enabled us to be of greater service to the community than ever before. SAFETY OF YOUR SAVINGS V5 UP TO ave tor oMorrcHirt .ZJJaJ $10,000 206 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. PHONE McHENRY 2