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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jan 1959, p. 11

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Thursday, January 22. 1959 * THE McHENRY PLAINDE&LER Page Eleven Wonder Lake FIRST CHAPTER OF CCD GIVEN ^)CAL PARISH by Jane Dncey -- 2731 Betty Burns--5501 Christ the King Church News Christ the King parish has received one of the first charters of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine in the diocese. CCD is dedicated to Catholic education fqr all age pups that are not attending W holic schools. The CCD parish executive board consists of < President, Mrs. Otto Kersten, vice-president Mrs. Thomas Mathews* treasurer George Burns, secretary, Mrs. Frank Higgins. Chairman, Leroy McCall, lay teachers, chairman, Mrs. William Wight, assisted by Mrs. Vincent Clinton, Mrs. Frank "\||»silewski and Miss Nancy Cristy. . . Discussion club chairman, Dr. Santo Ruggero, assisted by the Catholic family movement section and action groups. Helpers chairman, Mrs. Edward Waldy, assisted by Miss Nancy Cristy, who has charge of the high school girls teaching Sunday church school. jfTeachers; Misses Patricia CTark, Pamela Carlson, Joan Marke, Cathy Majercik, Joanne Miller, Joyce Motulewicz, and Cheryl Vacula. Supervisor in charge of clerical work is Mrs. Otto Kersten. Assistants in charge of the young men; George Burns, and Gerald Raske. All Wonder Lake Catholic families are urged to attend the ijfeited Action campaign rally at Woodstock, Thursday, Jan. 22 at 8 p.m. at St. Mary's high school. The Most Rev. Loras T. Lane will be the guest speaker. This eventful trip left a deep impression on the boys and perhaps they will be inspired to vocations in the newspaper business. Wonder Luke Fire Dept. Busy John Johnson's home in Indian Ridge was badly burned and damaged by smoke when fire broke out in their floor furnace. Apparently it had been smoldering for hours, because the wall tiles were curled right off the wall. Most of the damage was^jjj the living room, and the fire department was able to save the rest of the home. The family had been visiting in ^Chicago at the time and a neighbor, Mrs. Frank Wnsilewski turned in the alrm when she noticed smoke pouring out of the louvers from the attic, vents. Another fire, with minimum of damage, was put out at the Don Lowery home. The fire apparently started from an overheated furnace. The fire department held- a successful fire drill at Christ the King church Sunday at the children's Mass. The church was emptied out in two minutes. A word of commendation doesn't seem enough for the work these men do for the community. They're the greatest!! topic at both the 8 and 10:45 service will be "The Missing One." All are welcome to our services. they're, "in the pink" real soon. Luther League Bowling Party j Sunday evening, Jan. 25, the j Luther League will have a ' bowling party and they invite | all Leaguers and any young I people of high school age to attend. They will meet at the church at 7. Burglarized Returning to his Wonder Lake home in White Oaks Bay, Robert Wiggs found four guns and two antique powder horns missing. Sheriff's deputies inl vestigated. through to her we'll tell about the "Blue and Gold" dinner plans. The Cub Scout dinner, March 17. Final Session of Group Discussion Monday The third and final session of the group discussions on youth will be held on Monday evening. Jan. 26. at 7:30. This group, led by Mrs. Stinespring, has been most interesting and lively as the Christian's responsibility for young people has been frankly discussed. All are welcome to attend this last meeting of the group. Since there have been' several complaints from people in the area of gas being stolen from their cars. We wish any one knowing or seeing this be- ' ing done would report to the i nonstable. It's A Boy! Steven Michael is the name selected by Mr. and , Mrs. Charles Tracy for the baby boy born to them' Wednesday, Jan. 14, at the Memorial hospital. Steven has two brothers, Charles. 10 and Craig, 2, and three sisters, Joanne, 8, Penny. 4, and Julie 1. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brook and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Tracy. Lost or Strayed? A young redhaired freckled i faced bov has been looking for his Springer Spaniel puppy for about three weeks. Jet black haired, droopy spaniel ears and big feet for a four month old dog, he answers to the name of j Sammy. Tho' the dog might be j getting along with put the boy, f the boy is not doing so happily without the dog. If you see Sammy, please call < George W.L. 5501. Good Luck Mr. and Mrs. Edward Druml of Shore Hills have moved to Lakeland Park with their four ! sons Bud, David, Dennis and ! Kevin. Now Kay can walk to | work at McHenry hospital and let the boys have the car. Feb. 8 all Catholic Boy Scouts should plan to attend the 9:30 Mass in uniform and receive Communion Together. Bridge Enthusiasts The Wonder Lake CathoTfc Women's bridge club held their first meeting of 1959. at the home of Harriet McCall. Win-, ners for the evening were Joanne Higgins and Lorraine Houda. Others present were Alice Condren, Marie Shrosbee, Betty Selsdorf, Harriet VanKanegan and Mildred Ker- 5^,n. The ladies Enjoyed chiflfon cake, kolachyi and coffee. The next meeting will be at the home of Millie Kersten. Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church At the annual meeting Tuesday, Jan. 13, the congregation approved plans for building a new $128,000 church. Construction plans are now being drawn up by the architect and it is hoped that bids can be let in March or April. This event climaxes much hard work and loyalty on the part of members ar.d friends of Nativity, and we are deeply grateful for the splendid support that we have received toward the building of a desperately needed newchurch. There have been such wonderiful expressions of interest in the past, and we ask that as we have the most important way to go, we do not let down, but rather do everything possible to make this a reality sooner. Pictures of the new church will be printed as soon as they aie available. Groundbreaking for the new church is planned to be held in the spring. Happy Birthday We have several people on our birthday, list this week. If you see any of these people be sure and wish them "Many Happy Returns o' the day!" They are Steve Schroeder, Mrs. W. A. Brown, Roberta and Kathy Noble, Wallace Sinclair, Laurel Lee Bergdahl. Santo Ruggero, Terry Sullivan and Mrs. George Gergits. Field Trip The Cub Scouts of Pack 9 were enthusiastic with praise of the cordial hospitality exr tended to them when they visited the Plaindealer office. William Burfeindt explained tlfe planning and operation of machinery to Cub Scouts Chuckie Pedersen, Bob Freund, David McKibbin, P^alph Wenck, Forrest Borre, Ricky Weeks, Tommy Basile and George Burns, Jr. The scouts were accompanied by their den mothers, Mrs. Gordon Pedersen and Mrs. George Weeks. Installations ' All oficers of the organizations, the church council, teachers, and officers of the Sunday school and choirs, will be installed at the 10:45 service n e x t S u n d a y . T h e s e r m o n Get Well Quick List Convalescing after their stay in the hospital, are Dolores Wines, Helen Asmus, Stanley Samp. Ed Cook, Elmer Murphy and Maybelle Nelson. We wish them a speedy recovery. Still hospitalized after a speedy trip to McHenry hospital in the Wonder Lake rescue squad car, is Stanley Kandul of Sunset Drive in Deep Spring Woods. Three ladies from Highland Shores \\%re taken to Woodstock hospital with injuries sustained when the car in which rhey were riding slid off the Elm Road at an intersection in Highland Shores. Injured were Dorothy Polke. Elsie Teuscner and Antoinette Jaenak. They're home &gain now and here's hoping the black and blue disappears and Telephone Snafu and Why? Because! Several new neighbors have rrioved in to Wonder Lake during the past month but everyone is staying so close to their fireside wc haven't been able to find out names. The telephone company has left us a lot to t>£ desired in service (beep, beep! is what the Burnses have been getting) and short on news and shorter on tempers. When June Keller was called for the Cub Scout news she kept saying, "I can't hear a thing so don't bother talking. I don't know who you are!" She is an able secretary for Cub Scouts so next week IF we get Red Cross Chairman William T. Born of Wooded Shores announces with regret that he must give up his chairmanship of the Red Cross in Wonder Lake, under doctor's orders. Mr. Born served as chairman for several years, and has participated for many years in Red Cross work, starting as a worker in the fund drive. Robert Luna'k of Shore Hills will take over the chairman's post, his wife, Jackie, will serve as secretary, and Betty. Selsdorf will continue as a treasurer Greta • Weisenberger is home service chairman at the Lake. The fund drive chairman has not yet been selected. Mr. Born expresses his sincere appreciation to the many people in all subdivisions who have assisted him in the drives, and hopes they will continue to support the new chairman in the same way. Duping his years in Red Cross work. Mr. Born has seen first hand the many cases handled by the county office, relief being given, service men brought home in time of grief, workers sent to disaster areas, and the 24 hour a day operation of the McHenry county chapter. Reports show that from one to eight persons or families at the Lake received aid each month for the past several years. needed in the performance of ! classes for all ages at the Bible duty in the county that night. , church. This means parents Mr. Boerner was appointed can bring their children and atto his office Dec. 1, and though j tend Pastor Wright's adult new to McHenry county, has a > class while the youngsters are life time spent in social wel- j in their own class. I fare work in Chicago to draw j | upon. j Men's Friday Night League j A nominating committee was i Team Standings--Paul's and elected consisting of Mrs. John George's Firemen tie with 35; | Ducey, chairman, Mrs. Frank jPiller. Mrs. Harry Davidson, j Mrs. Paul Gergits and Randall I Josserand. The committee will ' present a slate of officers at i the February meeting. The ! ,reom count was won by Miss • Brickley's first grade with was held in Geneva Sunday, Jan. 11. Post 1169 was one of the first in the district to reach its 100 percent, membership and has now exceeded the '58 quota. The District commander, Clarence Sandberg of Joliet and the chairman of the Sons of the American Legion will be present at the April 13 meeting of the Post 1169, and will discuss the formation of a S.A.L. group here All Legionnaires having sons are requested to attend this W. L. Bldrs, 34; Streets. 33; Circle Inn, 31; Cristy's 30Vi; Vans and W.- L. Oil tie with 29; Lake Cleaners 28*2; Mill Inn and Silks tie with 27; and Kruegers 20 games won. Last week Bob Sandgren won mpeting and t first hand in_ the "over 250' award which . . , • forty percent of the parents in ; the bowling alley gives with a formatlon about this organiz- ; attendance. 1256 He is the third man in atioi\ Prior to, mee}inZ< I Hostesses for . the evening i this category this season, the members are asked to submit , were Mrs. Allen Schimke, Mrs. ' other two being Ray Pipowski ! Gordon Larsen, Mrs. Mel Sel- j and Gordon Pederson. • Mrs- Elroy Johnson, Mrs. j Friday night George's Fire- Ray Roehowicz, Mrs. Sam Wy- jmen Won 2: Vans 1; Pauls won • att and Mrs. Randall Josser- ; 3. Cleaners 0; Silks won 2, ant*- j Streets won 1; Mill Inn won 2, . • " --i Cristys 1; W. L. Bldrs. won 2, | Bible Church News w L on 1; circle Inn won 2, Last week was a week of j Kruegers 1; F. Ross 209-503; the Snames of their sons to the adjutant, in order to get an idea of the number of boys interested in becoming.members of the Sons of the American Legion. , Legion Auxiliary News The Jan. 15 meeting of the ! special prayer for the members-wR. Schau 214-530; B. Ditwiler Legion ^ux^'ary, was^well at of the church, and all those at- ! 502"; S. Yokley 201-544; A. Diettending experienced a time of I rich 208-523; E. Johnson 548; spiritual blessing. Prayers were T. Willeg 500: L. Freund 200- offered especially for the iu- j 537; V. C.ustavson 214-533; B. ture of the church, the pastor, j Houda 242-578; H. Hill 206- the leaders, for the missionar-1545; J. Cristy 557; A. Olsen ies of the church, and for all j508; H. Wohnrade 507: G. Pedthe dedicated people working j erson 551; C. Kopp 202-566; G. in the far corners of the world ; Gergits 538; H. Brady 521; J. to bring the gospel to the un- [Wurm 526: B. Sandgren 507; J. Sullivan 238-564. Panel Well Received The Harrison P.T.A. enjoyed its introduction to Bert Boerner, county probation officer, at the January meeting Tuesday night. Mr. Boerner was one member of a panel consisting of Judge James Cooney and Richard Tazewell, moderated by Rev. Eugene Maxwell. The I subject of the discussion was | the problems of children in | the county. Chief Deputy Ed |Dowd was unable to be present due to the fact that the full force of the sheriff's office was civilized. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Cothron were present for a brief time of fellowship during the Wednesday evening service. Mrs. Cothron, who is Mrs. Wright's sister, was enjoying a final visit before1 leaving to resume their missionary work in Brazil. The Cothrons are going back to the Cain Gange Indians, with fheir own two children and the | Brazilian girl they have adopt- 1 ed. I The young people's group I elected officers for the A.F.C. ' club. President Diane Cartan, ! vice-president. Ken Pope, sec- I retarv. Elvi Van and treasurer, Jim Lord. There are Sunday school Legion Post 1169 News tended despite the bitter cold. The 1959 membership exceeds the '58 by several cards and an invitation is extended to all women eligible for membership in the organization to contact President Nancy Elbersen for an application. Membership in the Junior Auxiliary is also open for all daughters of Legion and auxiliary members. The seventh and eighth grades at Harrison school have been ^ , 'contacted with reference to an ; George and Lois Weeks and cssay contest sponsored by the 1 Richard Kelley attended the auxj]jary_ All students in these ; winter meeting of the 11th Dis- _i jtrict. American Legion, which ! (Continued on page 14) Something Cute, Something Pretty, Something Clever, Something Witty. 'JM|||||||||||||||||||||||||lll!tllltll!tllllltt!lllltlimilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllltn!l!lll!llll!IIIIIIIIIIHIIIt VILLA NURSING ON PISTAKEE BAY NEAR McHENRY Heme for the Aged SENILE BED PATIENTS 1 PHONE McHENRY 461 s IF illllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!. When a car stands in Winter cold, moisture from tho air can collect in ytlie low points of the gas line--freeze it shut--stop the ' flow of fuel. You're stopped until a tow-truck comes! This WONT happen to you with Standard Gasolines with DE-ICER. De-icer prevents gas-line freeze! Get it at NO EXTRA COST, in Gold Crown Super-Premium and Red Crown King-Size Regular--drive worry-free. My^actvice sir-get De-icer!" SL OARD You expect more from Standard,..and you gel it! 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