to. Page Fourteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Ringwood WSCS Program At Cristy Home fe Ruby Shepard Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from the files of January 21, 1909 The voters of the west side arc no more dissatisfied than a ' Greenwood Circle II at the [home ,of Mrs. Harrison Tuess day at a 1 o'clock luncheon. | Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley i spent Sunday in the Ernest Renwall Jr., home at McHenry. Linda Low, Ida Mae Walkington and Pat Hogan attend- The Woman's Societv of rd a safety club meeting at Christian Service met at the Crystal Lake Monday evening. church Wednesday evening. Hogan also attended a Mrs. Clara Cristy had the med- r°orn improvement meeting at number of respectable voters itation, worship and program Crystal Lake Monday evening. are on the east sirfe as to the leaders wore Viola Low and Al- Mrs. Paul Norman and spring elections. You are right thea Walkington. The usual daughter, Mary, of Glenview wjien vou say the petitioners business meeting was held. and Miss Virginia Jepson and think that the division of the Hostesses were Gloria Harvey M'ss Hallen of Chicago spent village into wards will be for and Marilvn Bacon. ! Sunday in the Ben Walkington getting better men on the coun- 'home. | cil. Breaks Arm | Mr. and Mrs. C..E. Lovelette ' The village authorities of Miss Alice Peet had the mis- and family of Park Ridge and Spring Grove have purchased fortune to slip and fall in the Mr1, and Mrs. Francis Costello several of the power gasoline church Tuesday afternoon and and family of Hartland were.istreet lamps that formerly ilbreak her arm just above the Sunday dinner guests of their luminated the streets of Mcwrist Her sister, Marian, came parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Hertry. up from Elgin to assist in car- Cruickshank." , Why not build a coliseum in ing for her mother. Stanley Jepisori returned home McHenry? Every other enteri from California Monday where j prising town around has done, Nick Jung ; he was called by the serious ill-; or is doing, this very same This community was sorry nesS of his sister. His wife and . thing and in every instance the to hear of the passing of one son went to-Chicago to mee't J project has proven paying inof its former residents, Nick him at the Union statioh. I vestment. Jung. We all extend sympathy j. Mr. arid Mrs. Johnson of Pal- j While delivering oil at Spring to the widow, Maggie Jung. |atine were callers in the Dr. i Grove one day last week, the ----- Hepburn home Sunday after- , tearn attached to the Standard Surprise Party j noon. ; Oil wagon in charge of Nick A group of friends of Miss Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert i Schaefer of this place took a Yvonne Bruce came in and sur- and daughter, Mabel, spent ; lively run. The horses sudden- Thursday, January 22, 1959 Roy Hankermeyer and Joseph W. Rothermel have formed a partnership and expect to open up a new business house in McHenry on or about Feb. 1. The new enterprise will be known as the Northern Illinois Trading Co., on the west side, where OBITUARIES Ervin Cameron Ervin Cameron, 57, of Richmond, formerly of McHenry, a "choice and"complete"'line^of Memorial _ Hospital for groceries will be handled. I McHenry County in Woodstock Even at this early date, one Sunday Jan. 18, after an illoccasionally hears local poli- , "e™ of l,ttle more than a week, tics discussed "Who will be Mc-'Mr- hved m ^c- Henrys next mayor?" is one ienry for ab°ut six years while of the questions that we have, 16 was empJoyed' at R Place heard asked. | tavern He moved to Rich- The windows are now in at I mond five months ago to open St. Mary's church and with a ,a business of hls ownfew more favorable days of He ls survived by a brother, weather, the workmen will also i William, of McHenry, one complete the tile roofing job. : nephew an(i tw° nieces. It looks as .if the rebuilt edifice ; , Services were held Wedneswill be re-opened sooner than ; day afternoon at 2 o'clock from had been expected. • , • the Peter M. Justen chapel, The freshman class of the ^'ith Rev. George Martin of the McHenry high school called at Community Methodist church the home of Mary Pender ! 0^,'c'a*'n£- Burial was in Walsh on Main street last Sat- i Woodland cemetery, urday, giving her a complete j surpise in advance of her Dirth day. In behalf of the class, i William Miss Dorothy Walsh present- known in ed her with a beautiful foun- McHenry tain pen. ~ ' Friday, Ja William G. Ricks G. Ricks, 81, well the Johnsburg and communities, died n. 16, in Peoria. He prised her on her twelfth birth- Wednesday in the Russel Ehlday Saturday afternoon. Those ert home at Richmond, to make up the happy group Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey. were Sandra Hoffman. Susan Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and Fossum, Judy Pope, Ida Mae daughter, Cindy, of Richmond Walkington, Pat, Donna and were callers in the Mrs. Emily Linda Low and Evelyn Harri- ; Beatty home Sunday afterson. Games were played and : noon. lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and ly took fright and during the mad'flight, one of them slipped and fell to the ground, the heavy wagon passing over it. Charles B. Harmsen, for nineteen years with Wilbur Lumber Co., has resigned. Floyd E. Covalt, for eight years employed by their company at the Martin B. Schmitt, the West divided his time between side tonsorial artist, this week Johnsburg and Peoria for the rented his chairs and fixtures Pas* severa' years. to John Franzen, who has been ! Mr. Ricks was with the Inemployed at the shop the past dustrial Training Institute, Inc. few months. , j in Chicago until his retirement Miss Eva Blair of the Home i fi^een years ago. Improvement association will I IS survived by a daughconduct a meeting at the home 1 Mrs. Emil Boiler, with of Mrs. William Bonslett next w'"om ne made his home, and a week and give instructions on SI^er. son, Bob, of Waukegan spent I yards in Crystal Lake, has been the curing meats. and canning Rest Hofrie Sunday afternoon in the Fred Mrs. Lena Peet entered the Wiedrich Jr., home. rest home at Woodstock Sun- Butch Leonard of Lake Gendav which was formerly Todd's neva spent the weekend in the Seminary. p Fred Wiedrich home. • I Mrs. Tony Senkerik of Sun- Personals I nyside Estates and Mrs. John Mrs. Louis Hawley spent i Ehlert spent Thursday in the Thursday and Friday with Bob Speaker home at Richfriends in Chicago. mond. Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent from ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Low of Thursday until Sunday in the McHenry spent Thursday eve- Mrs. Georgia Thomas home at ning in the Beatty-Low home. Woodstock. On Saturday "she Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wifln of attended the Production Credit Richmond spent Sunday eveassociation dinner and meet- | ning in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., ing at the Woodstock High ; home. school with the Alan Ainger Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox family of Hebron. of Woodstock-spent Saturday Mr. and Mrs. John Black- in the Beatty Low home. promoted to the position of manager of the company's yards in McHenry. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken from the files of January 23, 1919 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty-Low home. Mrs. J. C. Pearson and son, Jim. visited Mrs. Flora Harrison at Round Lake Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams attended the basketball game at St. Charles Sunday between | Graveside rites were conduct- | ed Monday morning in Woodi lawn cemetery, Forest Park. Wonder Lake News (Continued from page 11) two grades interested in taking part in this contest can get information from Mr. Thomas. Amanda Donash and Lois Weeks will attend the annual mid-winter convention of the 11th district Legion Auxiliary as Wonder Lake delegates. The convention will be held Feb. 7 at the Elgin Post home. Any auxiliary member wishing to attend can contact either of the delegates. Mothers March The polio benefit party held at Millie's Pizza Monday night was well attended with seventy- five people enjoying the evening. Mrs. Jasper Indelicato and Mrs. Jules Stich wish to thank the merchants of Wonder Lake, McHenry and Woodstock for their help as well as the mothers who provided the cakes. The Mothers March will start Saturday, Jan. 24, and continue through to the thirty-first. The co-chairmen hope that everyone will be as generous as they were last year. Also on Saturday the Cub Scouts will be selling peanuts in Wonder Center to benefit the Polio drive. Be Wise--Use thie Classifieds News Briefs Mrs. Muriel Olesczcuk and two daughters, Mrs. Harriette Wilson and daughter, and Miss Gladys Moreton were guests in the home of Ralph Ostrander in Woodstock Sunday to see movies in color which the Ostranders had taken in Eng- ! land. The children especially,, enjoyed seeing the grass as green as their mothers tell them about. « . \ \ Happy birthday wishes go | to George Unwin who celebrated Thursday, and to Rene Sommers and Norma Swearingen on their eleventh birthdays. Tiny and Rich Ruzicka ob- ! served their thirteenth anniversary last Monday. Many happy returns to all of you. I The zero temperature and . cold wind only made Ann Wer- | etka's living room seem more , cheerful for the Canasta party Thursday night. Guests play- | ing for the benefit of the Me- I morial hospital were Melvina j Knackstedt, Dolores Peterson, i Grace Markel, June Kiddell ! and Neva Fuhrer, and the lucky winners were Marie Milbrandt and Pat Gallas. Marie Bendl had the misfoi> tune to fracture her toe, walking into a piece of furniture in her home, and must be off her feet for a few days. Jo Pryor is celebrating the removal the cast from her leg, whfcn took place a month • earlier than expected. Birthday parties over the weekend took place in the home of Sharon Moore and Patty and Mary Lou Hendricks. Sharon had twenty-four boys and girls from school and the neighborhood to help her celebrate her eleventh birthday on Saturday afternoon. (Brotl^ Jack was in bed with the flu). Patty Hendricks' eighth birthday and Mary Lou's seventh were celebrated jointly Sunday with ,their classmates from Harrison and everyone had a wonderful time. ANNOUNCEMENT OPENING of OFFICE Isaac J. Levine, M.D., wishes to,announce the opening of his new office for the Practice of Medicine at his home, 300 Timothy Lane (off Clover street) Edgebrook Heights, McHenry, 111. Special attention to Heart Diseases and^ Allergic Disorders. HOURS: 1:30-5:00 P.M. Daily except Sunday & Thursday 7:00 - 9:00 P.*M. Monday, Wednesday & Friday Phone McHenry 3494 for appointment Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Laurence and family of Elkhorn, Wis., TAKES HOLD AND man and sons of Ant'ioch spent j j^jr. and Mrs. Cyril Pacey of : St. Mary's of McHenry and St. Sunday afternoon in the Dr. . Wilmot spent Saturday after- Hepburn home. noon in the John Ehlert home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank V^alk-J Mrs. Davis of Genoa city ington of LibertyviUe called on spent Thursday afternoon, in spent Sunday afternoon in the their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Fred Diedrich, Jr. home. Walkington, Wednesday. i Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce' and family attended a wedding anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Shook at Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Peck of Elgin spent Sunday afternoon in the Ben Walkington home. Mr. and Mrs. Orton and Mr. aiid Mrs. Richardson of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the Charles Uhl home. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Pacey of Wilmot spent Saturday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mrs. Roy Harrison and Mrs. Howard Vogel entertained the Bethel 98 The members of Job's Daugh-^ ters are busy this month. K'\ bake sale on Saturday, Jan. 17, | was a great success. Homemade bread, cakes and cookies sold at an alarming rate. Now that the business is over, our fun begins. A snow party is planned for Jan. 24. All members are invited to attend. We are leaving from the bethel at 1 p.m. Bring your skates, sleds and saucers (room for all) and dress warmly. Here's hoping there is snow. Dorothy Cook. horn uotK PROJECT FAMILY FUN! BUILD A tion o "Life Is Nothing Without Friendship" Author's Name Below Operating a Pharmacy is different from other businesses, because we s u p p l y m e d i c i n e s a n d health-aids that vitally affect your life. Pharmacy is a friendly Profession, because like all good friends we are able to be of service. When sickness invades your home, or you need any of the many healthaids we carry, come to us, as you would to a friend, for any service we can Ethically perform. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE DRUGS * PHONE 26 129 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER •Quotation by Quintus Ennus 200 B.C. e ere a i ion r^\oom A FINE PROJECT YOUR FAMILY CAN ENJOY BUILDING AND ENJOY USING We'll Be Glad To Help You Plan It WE CAN SUPPLY ALL MATERIALS A Few Simple Tools Can Mean Lasting BEAUTY - UTILITY - VALUE No other tractor tire gives d@@p@r feitf No other tractor tire gives s© S@w n price ) tICHMOMO SEE US VONMt tAMI AHA THE VERY FN CMivMitntly •• Mtgt»w«y 31 • •vtH Mai* COMPLETE SELECTION NO PAKKINO FtOtllM ENGER-TRUCK-TRA S tB.Ml.lif F . . . and for finishing use GLIDDEN PAINT PRODUCTS „. . j".wAI AA»',- As High as $6.00 Trade-in on Your Old Battery CHECK THAT BATTERY NOW! FIRESTONE'S FAMOUS >ry Charge latteries AS LOW AS ^16 McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND. Prop. 526 Main Street PHONE 294 McHenry OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Irfiftmay 31 -- of Main Street -- t^islKkoiry, Illinois PH0NE.1424 "ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS"