Thursday, March 19, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McCullom Lake DISCUSS ROAD THOBIEMS WITH VIUAa BOARD by Eve Levesque W. L. Rakow of Elgin was present at the last meeting of the president and trustees to discuss the condition of our roads and what could be doq^ in the way of improvement. One vital fact became very prominent, it being that more mater ditching for drainage MiLilI ST be done first. If the water is not first drained away, any large expenditure would be money wasted. The subject of storm and Sanitary sewers was covered to a small degree. At some time in the future, depending on the growth , of our community, these will be a necessity. According to the road commissioner, minor patching of the bad holes will be done when the frost is gone. Since this has probably been the worst winter we have had to endure, no doubt our streets will be in deplorable condition, and will need a great deal of work to put them in fairly good driving shape. A meeting to discuss the possibly of obtaining blinkers for*the railroad crossing will be held in the near future. The next meeting of the village board will be held Monday, March 23 at 8 p.m. The public is invited. This is for the Kiddies Through the joint sponsorship of the Ladies of the Lake and the Cullom-Knoll associatioj) the annual egg roll will be held this year on Saturday befor Easter. It was the mutual decision of the committee that Saturday would be better for all concerned. Youngsters 2 through 12 years of age are eligible, to hunt for the eggs and win prizes. A word to the parents: Please! let the wee ones do th«r own hunting! It is hardly fair to the others, if come of the children receive assistance from Mom and Dad. Donation? of hard boiled colored eggs are being asked. They may be brought to the homes of Lois Parenti, 3140; Betty Poledna, 3293-J; or Louise Hammerstein, 3193, no later than Friday night, March 28. If you would like to give trot don't care to mess around with the coloring, the gals will do it for you. Just' give them the eggs, and they will be appreciated. Starting time for the "hunt" and party will be 2 p.m. In the event of Inclement weather, festivities will be held in the beachhouse. This is one affair that the smjjl fry look forward to every ye§r. This one promises to be bigger and better than ever. Wearin' of the Oreen St. Patrick's day was celebrated with a big splash on Saturday night. Parties were held at both "amusement centers." Many authentic Irishmen were in Harry McDade's group that came out from the city toVhallenge McDonald's bowling team. Good hosts that they were--our local men "allowed" the visitors to win! Actually-- the score was quite close-- but who cares? They all had fun! After the bowling match-- the gang congregated at McDonald's for an evening of pleasant chit-chat and plenty of||"Irish turkey", and all the trimmings including two kinds of potato salad, cole slaw, spaghetti, baked beans, pickles, and olives. Purely "dee-lishus"! Shutter bug Mary Nihill snapped many of the couples, and presented them with the pictures on the spot. Nice souvenirs. The weather was mighty nasty for all those who had to make the journey back to Chicago, but they had memories of a lovely evening to gladden their hearts. More Green and Shamrocks, Too! The McCullom Lake Men's club staged a shin-dig. at Berenice and Whitey's--for members only. A cocktail hour was held' from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Green derby hats decorated with a white shamrock plus a lapel ornament were presented to all comers. A pantomine barber shop quartet singing skit was delivered by those fine "Irish" .warblers, Chet O'Helwig, Dave O'- Hansen, Ken O'Brand, and Lennie O'Jensen. Very good! With a quick chance of costume-- Lennie O'Jensen emerged as a bashful country girl being courted by O'Hansen, in the next act. Len's acting should put him in line for an academy award. Not only that --he was cute! Even wife, Gerry, was astonished at his histrionic ability. Audience participation games were interspersed with the different acts, insuring a fine time for everyone. Corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, coffee and cake were served at midnight. The fellows were supposed to do all the K.P. work, but the story goes that Ardell Brand emerged as "queen of the kitchen!" The fellows went all out--to make the party a huge success. Enthusiasm in the organization is growing and new members are cordially invited to join. reports of her inner spiritual strength which emanates from he? and has cheered those Who came to cheen Her deep religious feelings) have sustained her through a rough time. Here's hoping for a quick and complete recovery for this most courageous woman. Keep those cards flowing because they do so much! More Hospital Patients Irene Sales was admitted to McHenry hospital last week, to join Mary Kantorski and Mrs. Liston. Mary was discharged on Friday. Oops! Miss Pamela Parkhurst's name was omitted in the list of St. Patrick's confirmands recently. Sincere apologies. Deepest Sympathy To Jake Kantorski who is mourning the passing of his youngest brother, Leo, 61, who succumbed to a heart attack on Sunday, March 8. He was laid to rest in Chicago last Wednesday. Leo made his home with Mary and Jake until his marjiage, after his mother died. He is survived by his widow, Helen, and three daughters. After the funeral on Wednesday Mary was visited at the hospital by Mr. and Mrs. John Kantorski, son Chester, and daughter and husband, Jo and Bob Loesch. Village clerk, Emma Pyritz, is walling to accommodate you any day EXCEPT Sunday. And who can blame her? Besides, it just isn't legal to transact business on this day. Do it now while the reminder is fresh. Progress Report Happy we are to reveal that Mrs. Ed Liston is making great strides towards recovery. This Saturday will be seven weeks in the hospital for her following the tragic accident which took the life of her husband. According to reports, Fran is taking some steps in a walking device although she is still encased in a cast. From all who have visited her -- have come Ladies of the Lake At the last meeting held Thursday, March 12, the women voted funds to buy plastic coverings for blankets for the police department. Blankets are being donated by generous folks. If you have one to spare, call Larry Murray, chief of po-1 lice. In the event of an acci- j dent, the squad car was not equipped to provide covering for accident victims. This situation is now being remedied. Refreshments of cake and cookies were provided by Laura Slater and Wilma Zody. There is some doubt as to whether the next meeting whilh is scheduled for Holy Thursday, will be held. Another day may be chosen. Members will be notified by card. It would also be much appreciated, if the dues would start coming in, TTie year is well along, and they are due and payable to Mrs. Marie Howe, treasurer. Coming Closer Is the deadline for purchasing 1959 auto stickers and dog tags. Equip your car and cannine in the latest and be up to date -- AND inside the law; Reason to Celebrate Katie and Tonny Lennert motored to Chicago recently to have their first peak at grandson, Joe Buri, Jr. who was born in Germany, Sept. 2. The little fellow and his mom, Anna, flew home in an Army plane along with many other wives and children. Sgt. Joe Buri who has been stationed in Germany, has been tranferred to France with his outfit, but should be home some time this summer. The trip, though pleasant, was exhausting as can be witnessed by the fact that the little tyke slept for 16 hours after his arrival! According to Katie, li'l Joe is a darling youngster and good as gold. He and Mamma will live with the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Buri until "Daddy comes marching home." "Young" Gadabouts With their seventy - sixth birthdays coming up. Mr. and Mrs. Theodor Olsen (mom and pop to your reporter) have hardly resigned themselves to their rocking chairs. This adventurous couple has just completed two weeks of soaking up the California sun. They will arrive at O'Hare Field this evening. They joilrneyed to the coast by train to visit with youngest son, Capt. Ted Olsen and family, who reside in Vacaville. According to correspondence and a telephone call, the entire trip has been most pleasant. T?ie warm air and sunshine have done wonders towards restoring Ingeborg's health and strength! Ted, an Air Force pilot, was able to get a few days leave in order to spend more time with his parents. A trip to San Francisco was one of the highlights of their stay. Pa Olsen who has never travelled via the commercial airlines is adding that thrill to his many adventures. Most happy that my favorite couple have been able to "live it up." More Flying Fans Next door neighbors, Anne and Frank Passalaqua have spent a week in California, also 'twas business for Frank and pleasure for Anne." During their absence, Anne's mother has been keeping the home fires burning and meals prepared for Sandy and Linda, and Rambi. of course! crab m«?at in the shell and then had to struggle with it! Their motions just "broke up" Frank and Ben wl|o ordered the more conservative steak. Wonderful time--laughs and all. Another Slip According to Lil Hansen, I'm just trying to add another year to her age! She and hubby, Dave, were married thirteen Years on the ninth instead of fourteen, as reported. A thousand apologies! Three Way Fun Fest The Parkhursts, Ginny and Frank, together with Vi and Ben Gates were customers at a restaurant near Dundee on Saturday night. The celebration was for Violet, Ginny. and Frank who all had birthdays recently. For "something different," Ginny and Vi ordered Your Roving Reporter Barbara Brand, who will resume the column shortly, writes that the Florida sun is divine. With Barbara's complexion, she tans beautifully, and you can just imagine what color she will be Wearing, upon her return! She and young son, Nelson, have been steady customers at the beach. They have been visiting Barbara's family in West Palm Beach. Smart of all these local folks missing winter's last (we hope) sting. i • . | Natal Days and Matrimonial Milestones Mickey O'Flaherty is in line | for congrats today, -Thursday, j March'19. Her birthday. ! Jimmy Dean Hocin will be !;3 tomorrow, March 20, while next door neighbor and brand new citizen, A1 Oberhuber, also celebrates his natal day. March 20 marks 33 years of wedded bliss for Evie and Walter Patzke. Wilbur Hecht, Sr.. Jack Schlofndr, and Paul Nitz share Sunday, March 22 for birthday greetings. Nancy Burg will turn 11 on Tuesday, March 24 while Mary Kantorski and Anne Matthesius aren't revealing their ages, on the same day. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Langerbeck will be wed 46 vears, March 22. Travelogue gal, Mrs. Alice Gustafson, hopes to reap a har- I vest from hubby, Conny. on her | natal day, March 25. Heaps of j best wishes to all. Thanks for keeping the phone ringing. Sure makes the job a lot easier and more enjoyable. Keep it up. See you sometime soon. GIRARD REORGANIZATION Gov. Stratton announced the assignments of major commanders of reorganized Illinois Army National Guard. Army units of the state guard are in the process of reorganization to meet the threat of either conventional or atomic warfare as part of a nationwide program. The Illinois organization' is expected to be completed by June 1. The three infantry regiments in the 33rd Infantry division will be expanded to five infantry battle groups ,in connection with the -reorganization program. One doesn't have to live alone to feel lonesome. , I Tomorrow's Homemaker I' T . . . Illinois' homemaker of to-. ! morrow is Joyce Zars of Proviso E&st high school. May- | wood. Miss Zars, daughter of i Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Zars. ; received the highest rating in I a written examination on homemaking knowledge and attitudes administered to 18,827 j senior girls in 540 schools j throughout Illinois. She will 1 receive a $1,500 scholarship | and becomes a candidate with •47 other state winners and the representative from the Disj trict of Columbia for the title | of All-American Homemaker ; of Tomorrow- E'leen Knox , was McHenry high school's I winner. TAG DAY "Doughnut Day," the annual i tag day for the benefit of the ; Salvation Army, wilt be held I on Friday, June 12, in Chicago I and suburbs, Commissioner ! Claude E. Bates. Central Ter- J ritorial commander,--announced this week. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI 1C@ENIMM!N COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS LEAN HICKORY SMOKED. BACON 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, 111. Phone McHenry 667-W-l / The standard of the world in <y' Durability Traveling the highways of the world are many Cadillac cars that have covered a million miles or more! Most motorists, of course, relinquish ownership before one tenth of that distance has accumulated. However, it is a constant source of satisfaction to know that a Cadillac could--if you demanded it--carry you so far as easily. Why not visit your dealer and let the 1959 Cadillac speak for itsell--it's a wonderful story told in silence! 'I could have saved myself all those buying headaches if I'd just looked in the Yellow Pages." r S£ gmf* cini x• t> \& / 'IJssrVi; <": ? , S; *v4 V >> ....... ^ X * * " «.N % YOU MEAN IT'S AS SIMPLE AS THAT?" find H fast in ihe Yellow Pages VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. 400 FRONT STREET PHONE 17 or 3200 McHENRY, ILL 3t Pap Jo Save - Where Sc auin p< g-5 /clu Time Deposit Plan 4% -- 5 Years 3 -- Payable By Check Semi-Annually V2F/0 -- Bonus Payable at End of 5 Years Member Federal Home Loan Bank SAFETY OF YOUR SAVINGS INSURED UP TO 1 J . (10,000. ave our ^SomorrowA - ^ J o a a u . 3 1/0/ /9>h CURRENT ANNUAL RATE 206 WEST ELM STREET PHONE McHENRY 3000 SAVE BY MAIL McHENRY. ILLINOIS