Page "Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER morgasbord Dinner .^ervpil , At Church A smorgasbord dinner will be served at the Community Methodist church basement on Wednesday evening, April 1, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The menu will feature many favorite recipes of the women, including beef and ham. In order to accommodate everyone. advanced ticket sales have been arranged at the Mc- Hcnry Theatre, Main Pain Center and Agatha shop. They are also available from the circles, t h e C o m m u n i t y M e t h o d i s t church and the. ticket chairmen. Mrs. Clyde Bailey and Mrs. Clarence Keim. Tell Enffagment Of Mary Ann Bolger Mrs. John Bolger announces the engagement of her daughter, Mary Ann. to Jerome A. Sharp, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A. Sharp of 326 River Bluff road. Elgin. A July 25 wedding is planned. j Miss Bolger is a second grade > teacher in Edgebrook school, j Christ?^ Son Of j Kupene Lafontaines The. infant son of Mr. and • Mrs. Eugene Lafontaine of ; Edgebrook Heights was Christ- j ened Thomas Eugene at a bap- j tismal rite which took place 1 March 15 at 1:30 o'clock at St. ; Patrick's Calholic church. Rev. i Fr. William Collins officiated j at the baptismal rite. j Sponsors for the baby were Mrs. Cletus Lafontaine and Cletus Lafontaine. the latter acting as proxy for Bernard Laiontaine of Alvado. Ohio, who was unable to attend. Supper guests in the Lafon- j taine home were the sponsors ; and their family, Mrs. Emma | King, maternal grandmother and Kathy and Timmy, brother and sister of Thomas. The baby was born at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, on March 5. PERSONALS CARD OF THANKS Your kind expressions of sympathy are gratefully acknowledged and deeply appreciated by the family of the late Stephen Zriny. We realize now more than ev er, just how much our friends mean to us. Thank you again. *46 Mrs. Stephen Zriny and sons. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take, this means of thanking friends, relatives and neighbors for their kindness during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Theresa Neiss. Norman & Carl Neiss families *46 SHOP IN McHENRY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson attended the Modern Living Home and Flower Show at Navy Pier, Chicago, Monday of last week. Paul Barbian has returned from El Paso. Texas, where.he spent the winter. Mrs. William Heimer visited in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Edward Gitzke, in Cary the past week. Mrs. Howard Weyland, daughters, Joanne and Kathy. Mrs. Anthony Weyland, daughter, Judy, Mrs. Vincent Weyland, Mrs. William Weyland, Mrs. Michael Leonetti. Mrs. Thomas Wiles, daughter. Jean. •Mrs. Walter Harris and Mrs. Jerri Minters? attended a shower at the home of Mrs. William Steans in Oak Park, Wednesday evening honoring Miss Joanne Weyland who will be an April bride. Mrs. Henry Stilling spent a few day?, last week, in the home of Mrs. G. Chicione in Skokie. Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams attended guest night of the Crystal Lake Writers club, neld at the home of Mrs. Dolores Burgett in Crystal Lake. Thursday evening and heard Jack Satorius give an interesting talk on his recent trip to Russia. George and Leo Heimer visited their brother. William Heimer, at Highland Park hospital Saturday. Fred Ulrich of Oak Park called on McHenry friends Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago spent the weekend with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goll of Harvard were Sunday dinner guests in the Elmer Winkelman home. Mrs. Walter Vogt of Geneva spent the weekend with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams of Elgin were McHenry visitors Sunday and attended the supper at St. Patrick's that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey and Mrs. George Jones have returned from a vacation at Lake Wales and St. Petersburg, Fla. At the latter place they visited a cousin, Merlin Wright of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rad are now making their home in one of the former Wattles apartments necently vacated by the James Jackson family who moved to Woodstock. Mrs. Arthur Hoppe and Miss Frances Vyeital attended the Modern Living Home aiid Flower show at Navy foer, Chicago, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Sprouse of Crystal Lake called on friends here last week. They had just returned from Tarpon Springs, Fla.; where they spent the past several months. Mrs. Regina Kleitsch of Chicago, who was visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Palmer, was called home Friday^ by the unexpected death of her son, Mathias Kleitsch. The Palmer 4amily accompanied her to the city. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin of Waukegan visited McHenry relatives Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Landgren and daughters. Julie and Mary Elizabeth, formerly of Elgin, are now making their home in St. Charles. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Elgin were recent visitors in the Robert Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Albert Foley. Guests in the Herb Simon home Sunday were the James Thompson, Charles Hansen and Carl Elshoff families of McHenry; the Gerald Hettermanns of Johnsburg and the Robert Waymans of Arlington Height's. The occasion was Mr; Simon's sixty-ninth birthday. Mrs. Ben Jung, daughter, Margery and Miss Clarice Blake were Elgin visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wolowic, sons, John and Ricky, Druce Lake visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake, Sunday. Mrs. Anna Ziolkowski and Mrs. A. H. Mosher have returned from a visit with the former's daughter in Miles City. Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Freund are spendin;: several weeks in Florida where their daughter, Cind.1 pbns to j in them for her ^aSter vacation. Mrs. Pearl Patzke sp?nt a few days the last of the week :n the home of her son, Ralph and wife, in Champaign. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stilling have been vacationing in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. William Pearsen attended the World Garden and Flower show in Chicago last Wednesday and Thursday. The standard of living in this country will remain the highest in the world unless we lose a war. Thursday, March 19, lfe9 MUSIC IS THEME OF COMMUNITY - PTA PROGRAM Members of the McHenry Community PTA will honor the men and women who are making a place for music in the lives of local children at their meeting Thursday evening, March 19, at 8 p.m. in the high school cafeteria. Mrs. Sam Leibsohn, -music v chairman for the P.T.A., will present the music teachers of the schools, who have donfe an outstanding job of instruction and encouragement in their field. Mrs. lima Blomgren, who teaches music to fiffh graders at the Landmark school, will join the other teachers in telling what her teaching program includes, and what an ideal program might add. Miss Jackie Stohler, who teaches at Edgebrook school, will organize adults into a rhythm band to demonstrate some of the techniques used with younger children. Paul Raasch, junior high band teacher; Miss Adele Froehlich, high school choral director and Paul Yanda high school orchestra and band director and, incidentally, ' for twenty - two years the town's bandmaster, will discus? tb ur program and present er.semb1' s which have won high honoi.; for McHenry schools !n rec ;nt competitions. This evening of^nusic. and talk about music,$snould be of interest to all parents in the community, who are cordially invited to join P.T.A. members for the program. Memorial Hospital . <\ Patients at Memorial hospi^ tal, Woodstock, this past week included Antonia Gignac, Randolph Russell, Irene Liptalc and Roger Reinke of Wonder Lake and Charles Ju' ack andl Samuel Statnm of McHenr&J^ Harvard Hospital John Laurence, James Garrity Robert Holas of McHenry and Mrs. Andrew Thompson of Wonder Lake have been patients in Harvard hospital. McHenry Hospital Patients at McHenry hospital this past week included William Althoff, Dorian Wilkinr son, Grace Latimer, Peggy Merz, Mary Rita Daley, Charles Blake, Jeffrey Thomas, Myrtle Martell, Mary Kay Mann, Joan Richardson, Anton Noel, Jr., Ernest VonOepen, June Bonker, Ethel Smith and Carl Bohl of McHenry; Irene Sales and Ingebord Picket of Mc- Culiom Lake; Donna Dobecki and Kenneth Thoren of Pistakee Highlands; Joan Burns, Deborah Churan and Frank Bohl of Crystal Lake; Dennis Anderson of Wauconda; Carol Johnspp of Spring Grove; Herman Breytung of Barrington; Patricia Hogan of Ringwood. PLEDGES FRATERNITY Twenty men were recently pledged to Phi Delta Theta fraternity at Lake Forest college, including Gordon H. Johnson of Rt. 4, McHenry. PAINTING DISPLAYED An oil painting of 1-year-old Diane Lynn Freund of 707 Ponca street, Cocney Heights, was displayed at the Arts fair at Crystal L-'ke last weekend. ELECT OFFICERS OF WORLD WAR GROUP MARCH 26 Election of officers will be the order of the day at' the next meeting of the McHenry barracks of World WapJI veterans. This important duty was postponed at an earlier meeting because of poor attendance for which we blamed "ole man winter" arid his skiddy roads. The roads and the weather are guaranteed to be good (we hope) on Thursday, March 26 so do come to the meeting, at the American Legion home at 8 p.m. Comdr. Kinsey found it necessary to move to Florida for the benefit ol his" wife's health. In his absence, Vice Commander Ford Hanford has been officiating. At this next meeting an effort will be nftad'e to increase the membership, so members are urged to brin^ in prospec-' tive cand.dates and to renew their own memberships. Lester Bacon, adjutant, informs us that Victor Howe has been appointed legislative chairman. . It has been an interesting year for this group of veterans. They have enjoyed their association with contemporaries and the congenial friendship of the American Legion members, who have been on hand on all important occasions. Ladies nights, too, have been fun, so join now. The trouble is that the car of tomorrow is being driven on the highway of yesterday by the driver of today. COMPLETE LINE OF laterality. cu e& FOR MOTHERS-TO-BE Ben Franklin GREEN STREET McHENRY or blaster Three-piece Eton suits Jacket and Slack Sets and matching hats Toddler Sizes 2-4 -- Regular Sizes 3-7 For style and quality come to 109 Elm Street McHenry, 111. TEL. 746 Shop Friday until 9 p.m., other days 9:30 to 5:30 CLOSED SUNDAYS TODDLER SHOP BSSOBOE Q lOBXOl ioesoi IOC3CI iosaoi F0C301 tor** PUV'URg©® SERIES IN vinyl corlon ONLY A BANK.. oor o Previewed in the House of Tomorrow in California and featured in Celestial Room, National Home Furnishings Show in New York. The Futuresq series in Armstrong Corlon is a plastic floor that is extravagantly different! Combine# metallics with the beauty of clear vinyl. Truly, a floor that's absolutely breathtaking in beauty No wonder it has been hailed in the previews as the floor of tomorrow! See it now in our display room. Its real beauty cannot be illustrated in an advertisement. You have to see the material to see the beauty. orrow Display hours: Eveningi by appointment Phone: I o NIESEN S F _____PHONE 38 OR 787 528 Main St. W. McHenry, I1L CAN GIVE YOU BANK service and BANK protection BE SURE YOU KNOW WHY! As a matter of public interest, the Illinois Bankers Association publishes the following information. Onlf a |A is a Bank l There are many State and National laws regulating the operation of a commercial Bank designed to protect depositors. Only a Bank organized under these laws can legally use the words "bank" or "trust" in its title so that the public will know it is under the jurisdiction of these laws. Unless the words "bank" or "trust" are in the title, you may be doing business with an organization which cannot give you the services of a Bank, nor the special protection It affords yon. Be sore. TEACHERS LEARN ABOUT CHARM, GOOD GROOMING CL0 PAY Last week, members of Delta Kappn Gamma met at the Smith school in Crystal Lake foi a most interesting program. A ladies' wearing apparel sHop representative was present to discuss what the well dressed woman will wear this Spring. Other speakers were Mrs. Ruby Hill Johnson, who talked on "Care of the Skin," and Mrs. Charles Krupp cf Evanston, who explained the essentials to be developed to accomplish charm in one's personality. Following the program, the president, Faith Harrington, urged all members to attend the state convention which is to be held at Rockford this year on April 10, 11 and 12. Miss. Genevieve Knox is a member of the;, decorating committee for the founders' breakfast at the Faust hotel. Members from McHenry who attended last week's meeting were Miss Knox and Mesdames Bolger, Foley, jurack and Mc- Gee. | • O \ WATCH ; THIS PAPER FOR OUR GRAND OPENING BARGAIN SAVIN# ANNOUNCEMENT Our patrons May We Offer an Easter Suggestion? Since our accommodations are limited, and many of you have kindly patronized us and enjoyed our Lenten specialties, we anticipate a number of dinner guests Eastern Sunday. Besides our regular menu that day we will serve Baked Ham, Roast Lamb and Kassler Rib. Please make reservations prior to March 29th by phoning McHenry 12. ^Jlpton 6 ^Jown cu 301 RIVERSIDE DRIVE "A Bar of Note with Food to Harmonize" ESTABLISHED 1906 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Phone 1040 •5or C^adter... RAINBOW CLEANERS ° Sanitone Dry Cleaning Colors, patterns, bloom like new because we get out the deep-down soil that dulls their beauty. Stubborn spots are gone, perspiration too. Fabrics look alive... feel just like new because Sanitone restores the original body and texture. Our perfect press recaptures original drape and fit through cleaning after cleaning. Try our Sanitone Service just once and you'll never be satisfied with regular dry cleaning again! SAME JAY SERVICE AVAILABLE SAVE 10% Cash 'n Carry INBOW CLEAN Around Corner North of National Tea C' N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, ILL. • PHONE 927 Open Daily 8 A.M. To 6 P.M. -- Fridays 'til 9 P.M. ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING AT RAINBOWS DRIVE IN IOE locaoc I0001 aocsosssaonoi I0E30