Page Twenty THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 17. 19& finltwood Manor LIST SLATE OF CANDIDATES FOR EMPOA ELECTION Lois Ryan EV. 5-5377 r The September meeting of the EMPOA is election night. Tomorrow, Sept. IS, at 9 p.m. <it the barn, the election of officers for the EMPOA will be held. We sincerely hope that every home owner in the subdivision will turn out to vote. This is your association and voting is the best way we know, outside of .running for office, for you to have a very important say in the way it is run. The nominations were closed the first Friday of September and here are t+ie candidates who were chosen by you. President, Tim McCormack and Tom Simpson; vice-president, Lois Ryan and John Coughlin; s e c r e t a r y , R i t a S i m p s o n ; treasurer. Murray Alford. William Harner and John Sheehy; corresponding secretary. Delores Woohvine and Raymond Lessard; boards of directors, Robert Newlon, \Harr^*Durkin and Thomas Simpson. There they are. Now the rest is up to you. You and only you can decide who will win this election by coming out to vote for the people you think will do the best job for your community. Please be at the barn tomorrow night for this all important meeting - election night in Eastwood Manor. Good luck to all. the same day Joel Saynor will turn six years old. William Philippe will blow out his birthday candles on the twenty-first. On Sept. 23 Karen Alford will be four and Bill Schmidt chalks up one more year to his credit. Fence Painting Tim McCormack is in charge of a committee who will be painting the fence around the corral by the barn in the very near future. Tim needs some more volunteers for the job Come on fellows, give Tim P. call and sign up for painting fun. Happy Anniversary Our best wishes for a happy anniversary are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mathes. who will celebrate the anniversary of their wedding day on Sept. 17; to Mr. and Mrs. William Hutchinson and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ryan, who share Sept. 18 as the .anniversary of their wedding day; to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoll, who will celebrate on Sept. 21; to Mr. and Mrs. George Thienes, whose anniversary date is Sept. 22, and to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stephenson, who will celebrate the anniversary of their wedding day on Sept. 23. Welcome Wee Ones Joy and Ed Wickless are quite happy over the arrival of twin girls on Saturday, Sept. 5 about noon. The little gals weighed in ait Ei1? lbs. each. Jill and Judy Wickless are just darling as only baby" girls can be. Sick List Connie Dethlefson has just gotten over measles. She has a cold now. Please get well soon. Connie. John Coughlin is down with a cold also. We sure hope that he's better tomorrow so that he can be at the election. He's running for vice-president, you know. Get well and good luck, John. Faith Presbyterian Church News The sermon for Sunday. Sept. 20, given by Rev. Jack Mclntyre, is entitled "What Can You Do When You Can't Do Anything?" based on Mark 15:31. That evening at 8 pm. in the church all the women of the church will meet to organize and elect officers for a United Presbyterian Women's group. Block Rosary The John Coughlin home will be the site of the Block Rosary for Tuesday. Sept. 22. The address is 139 Mill Lane and the time is set for 8:30 p.m. All Catholics of Eastwood Manor are invited to attend. and Mrs. Jim Geraty in Kalamazoo, Mich. They left home on Saturday and returned t6 Eastwood Manor the following Monday at noon. Bob Dethlefson's cousin, Ron Dethlefson, from Oakland, Calif., was an overnight guest at their home in the subdivision recently enroute home. On Sunday the Dethlefson family attended the races at Meadowdale. It was a great thrill. Grandpii Lightholder celebrated his seventieth birthday with fifty people helping him do so. Included in the guest list were the Radner family. Betty' was given this happy day by her brother in Chicago. Dee's aunt anji uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bruaker from Nitro, W. V., spent Friday night with the Penicks here in Eastwood Manor. The Bruakers were on their way to a family reunion in Iowa. Because of the distance between homes Dee didn't think that she would ever see her aunt and uncle again. She was so surprised and pleased when they drove up to the house. Happy Birthday Today, Sept. 17, David Messer is celebrating his second birthday. Cynda Lou Radner's birthday is tomorrow and she will be eleven years old. Gil Moore adds another year on the ninteenth. Danny Charbonnier will celebrate his fourteenth birhday on Sep. 20. On This and That Barbara Kuck had quite a ninth birthday party. She had fourteen guests from her old home in Wauconda. Mnm^ Eleanor, reoprts that the young gals had a grand time. The Freckman family fnf1 •he Lindemann family visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gessner it their cottage in Round L^kp for a Sunday of swimming and a corn roast with all the trimmings. On Labor D°v the Freckmans had the Lindem?>nns and I •heir company, the Bertucci family, for an impmmtu barbecue on their lovelv patio. Jerry and Lois Ry»n welcomed their friends. Pat and Don Turner and their children from Columbus, Ohio, for the long weekend. On Sunday they enjoyed swimming and pizza at Lois' mother's home in Fox River Grove. The Birminghams did some visitine over that same weekend. They left for Chicago on Saturday and visited with Helpn's brother, Mr. and Mrs. John Deasy and her mother, Mrs. Margaret Deasy. Then they paid a visit to Mrs. Marie Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. William Maroney. Busy, but fun for the Birminghams. John and Pat Coughlin had a wonderful time visiting Pat's brother and his family, Mr. Meet Your Neighbor Adolph and Irene Betke moved into their home at 201 Hillside Lane on June 30, 1959. Adolph is a tower man at an automobile service department in Skokie. The Betkes have two darling girls, Susan, who will be eleven on Nov. 15 and Karen, who will be eight years old Dec. 16. Irene doesn't have any special hobbies. She likes drinking tea. Adolph enjoys golf. Irene hails from Chicago and Mr. B. claims Evanston as his hometown. The Iverson family came to stay at 138 Mill Lane on Nov. 15, 1958. Melvin is a truck driver in Chicago. Edith and Melvin are the proud parents of Melody Ann, who was born on Sept. 30, 1954 and Cynthia, who was born on March 15, 1956 and Barbara, who came along right after her parents moved to Eastwood Manor on Jan. 8, 1959. Edie likes to bake and paints with oil. Mel enjoys tinkering with wood. Both hail from North Dakota and then Chicago. Village of Sunnyside HARD TIMES PARTY FEATURES MONTHLY SOCIAL Irma Gunther - Reporter - , EV. 5-6484 Well by this time you should have the nineteenth marked on your calenlars and your poorest wardrobe ready for wear. Our planned hard times party will give you plenty of laughs and you know you can wear whatever you care to. Don't forget to bring some flashlights for the scavenger game. Dress warmly even though there will be a huge bon fire like the one we had last year and if the weather goes against us the party, instead of being- held at the park, will be in George Schumans' basement. P.T.A. The first meeting of the new semester will be held at the Community hall on Sept. 28, at 8 p.m. I hope we will have a big turnout and that the parents of the new pupils will be present. Accident Sorry to hear about Bob Kerr's accident and %hope he is recuperating nicely. I would have mentioned it sooner but I just heard about it. Busy Week We sure had a hectic week at our house last week and it feels wonderful just to be able to relax. Last Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Freund, their morrow night at 9 p.m. at the barn. Please everybody, come on out. We need you. Bye now. See you tomorrow night at the barn. son, Neil, and my son, Fred, and myself, drove the boys up to the seminary in Wisconsin. We had a beautiful day to start with and after getting the boys settled, clothes put away, beds made, another boy who was starting his second year was our guide and showed us all around the grounds and buildings and while the two boys were having a game of pool we nonchantly said good-bye and took off for home. According to mail that has reached us they are settling down nicely to their new life and are very happy. Birthday Greetings Belatedly to John Kolmer whose birthday was last month and to my son Charles who was 13 on Sept. 11. Clean-up Most of you know that there is a refuse can up at the Certified store and its purpose is for disposal of garbage but it seems to be easier for the children to throw things on the ground rather than in the can. For sanitary and neatness how about telling the children to use the container for what its there for. Paper Boy I guess most of you know your new paper boy, Charles, because you have met him whenever he pinched hit for his brother Fred. I hope there won't be any unkind remarks made because they are both in the same family. A lot of boys want the job for the summer only, and as soon as the weather is bad they aren't interested especially when they find out that some of the customers | live in Pistakee Terrace. If | there are any complaints I j hope you make them to me or ' my son and not to anyone else. Attends Musical Warren and Lois Krebs recently took Lynn and Phil to see a musical show in Chicago. Little Barbara spent the night at grandma and grandpa's in Arlington Heights. In Closin Next week there will be a report on the family picnic and on the Women's club meeting. Once again, good luck to all the candidates in the EMPOA election to be held to- PLAN AH STARTING OCT. 2nd GEO. R. JUSTEN & SON FURNITURE STORE Legals NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ROBERT G. ORTHWEIN, Deceased: Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, Octobei 5th, i959, is the claim date in the estate of ROBERT G. ORTHWEIN, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. (File 59 P 162) w.. Catherine L. Orthwein, Executrix Paul A. F. Warnholtz, Attorney (Pub. Sept. 3-10-17, 1959) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of GEORGE KIDDELSEN, Deceased; Notice is hereby given to all persons that October 5, 1959, is the claim date in the estate of GEORGE KLDDELSEN, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. LOUISE KIDDELSEN, Executrix LEROY J. WELTER, Attorney (Pub. Sept. 3-10-17, 1959) Dairy Tales ANNOUNCING NEW D I A L NUMBERS DR. HEW1Y FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 Potent Drugs? <3 We have a wealth•« 1\ YOU GET THAT EXTRA VIM AND VIGOR WHEN YOU DRINK MILK FROM mUND'S DAIRY Shop 8c Office 3, EY 5-5252 If No Answer Res. EV 5-0713 DAIRMYtL:K •I CNRECAM. { CBpuT7rAt£GPSl : •C £HGEG&-SS'E \ > m<=wen]rys Local Dairy"' Corner of Greeti & Elm Sts McHenry Phone EVetfcreen 5-2400 EV 5-0195 ALL YOUR MONEY BACK if not completely satisfied. Prove to yourself that ^ nothing (not even the sun) dries clothes cleaner • faster • fresher ! (J Public Service Company © Commonwealth Edison Company • ••to get yew well ®nd gfjGFd] yevr health I e Our largo prescriptions volume permit! to maintain ample stocks, Including many taza drugs and the newest specialties. Thus, we are prepared to compound all prescriptions promptly--and precisely at directed. As a special precaution, we dou- Mo-check each compounding step. Yet, yoali find our prices no higher than else* where. Try us, next time. Mgers Drugstore 103 S. Green EVergrean 5-4500 McHearv Why you'll be happier with an Electric Dryer • Clothes dry sweeter in a dean, fume-free Electric Dryer. • Nothing dries clothes faster! • Fully automatic--no pilot to light or go out--ever! • Dry every kind of fabric safely. And remember, Electric Dryers cost $30 to $50 less to buy! Electric Dryer of Satisfaction TViij cntiftcat* (uuantcM that you «iU M completely aatisficd with your nt« 240-volt electric dot ha* diver.* If, within 60 daya after installation, you are not completely satisfied notify is and^m wiO airanf* lo have the dryer removed and have all the money you paid refunded (incMti* th*\zi£S cost of • Standard Dryer Wirinf Inatallation. if you arranged for tuchi aann iiinustiaaUuaattigonn aa t\s* \m ofanir purehaat) v Commonwealth Edison Public Strvic* Company mmm You get this Gold Certificate of Satisfaction when you buy any of the famous make Electric Dryers listed below between now and November 28, 1959. Offer available to any residential customer served by Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Company. SEE YOUR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE DEALER NOW Choose from any of these fem@us mokes off Electric Dryers F11418DAIRE • GENERAL IlEOTKIC • KEIVSNATOR • MAYTAG EMS' KENMOiE ° SPIED QUEEN • WARi'I §!@WKE • W H0TP0INT rife T RECEIVED 75 OF THE " RED JACKET (CADUAC CLASS) HANDLED EXCLUSIVELY JET PUMPS AW® SUBMERSIBLE! ON D I S P L A Y SEE THEM WORK OVER 100 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHENlf COUNTY WELL & PUMP WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on the McCuilom-Wonder Lake Rd.