^Thursday, Jane 23. 1960 THE McHEMlT PLA1NDEALER Pistakee Highlands OBSERVE MANY ANNIVERSARIES AND BIRTHDAYS Hazel Morley Hyatt 7-3330 Kay Slelisch Hyatt 7-3414 Page Nineteen Birthday wishes to Lonnie Fergon who celebrates June 25; to Rose Pechous and Dotty Rodarmel who celebrate June 30. Anniversary greetings go out to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zeman who chalk up another happy year. June 25. Roy and McGee Sluga celebrate their big day on June 25 too. June 28, Bill and Marie Schlick cel- (£pbrate 21 years. Wallv and Kay Sielisch chalk up 20 years June 29. The Schlicks 'will go out for a big dinner. The Sielisches will attend their anniversary Mass. Leo and Lil Orlowski will accompany them, after which they will" enjoy a big breakfast. Combined Celebrations for the Novaks June 10 the Frank Novaks held a bis party in honor of their son, Bruce, who graduated from high school, and for their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary. We extend our belated best wishes for many more years of wedded bliss. M-if ro'-'iv^s prid friends WP'T- on hand to wish them happiness. Xews of Your Friends j and Neighbors Your nosey reporter, Kay, attended a fire last Thursday morning at 4:35 a.m. in her night clothes. Someone had set fire to the bus shelter near the store. It is a shame the men had to be dragged out so early in tne morning for such carelessness. ,««| June 12, the James Maleks Attended their nephew's christening. Jane's brother's new son, Gregory, was baptized in their parish church in Des- Plaines. James was the proud godfather and Barbara's sister, Mary Ann Bartells of Memphis, Tenn., was the godmother. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nemeo, the proud parents, served a big dinner for'all the relatives and (friends who attended. This is their first child. When we hear things like this about our 'teens, we need not worry too much about the future of our country. Barb Schlick saved her money to. buy her parents gifts for her graduation. She said "parents should get the gifts, they deserve it most." So Barb pre- *ufl *djevv "haver, her mother, a rose corsage and toileteries. Milton and Betty Sandelin returned Thursday from a two weeks vacation in Florida w h e r e t h e y v i s i t e d many places. Carl and Blanche Haefliger enjoyed a big Father's day din- | ner with their daughter, Evelyn, in Chicago. AVally Sielisch's mother will enter the Franklin Park hospi-' tal this week for tests and ob- I solvation. She hopes to be out I and in the Highlands with Wal- ! ly and Kay for a month or two. Association News Briefs ! Fred Haubold. vice-president j of the association, and the acting board have voted to, have open meetings at the regular I monthly association meetings. : So for the July 6 meeting it^ is | hoped there will be a good turn | out. Non members, as well as paid up members, are welcome to attend. The association and the residents are waiting to have Fox Lake road fixed and i black topped. News Briefs Janet Thoren h'asl~one of her fingers in a cast. She broke it while playing." - Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lanka and children from Worthington, Ohio, were weekend guests last week of the Walter Szyplehaums. Valerie Giflin's mother, Mrs. Johnson from Mason City, Iowa, spent last week visiting the Gitlins. Mr. and Mrs. William Senne ind two daughters. Debbie and Christie, of Chicago were overnight guests of the Dowds last Tuesday and they spent Wed noFda> fishing. Several parents from the Highlands attended the dance recital held at McHenry high school. June 16. Among some of the children who danced were Cheryl Dowd, Julie Van- Zevern, Lynne Johnson and Laura Gregg. Dee Greg and her daughter, Laura, spent last weekend in Chicago where they attended the ballet and had lunch downtown. Their tour of the Zoo was hampered by the rain so they plan another* date for that. _ • The Leif Eides returned this week after spending a week! and a half on vacation in Min- j . nesota. | Mr. and Mrs. Moels of Chi- , ca/o were Sunday guests of the J Orlowskis last week and at- | tended the graduation party • for Barb Schlick Roy and Gert Snell spent i l a s t w e e k e n d i n . O a k l a w n i where they helped Roy's broth- | I er, John, celebrate his birth- ! day. . j Man- Lou Uland of Benton , Harbor. Mich., sister of Dotty Rodarmel. is spending a few, weeks with Dotty who has re- j turned home from her recent ' surgery. , j The Brownie leaders and the ! I Brownies were disappointed. ! | Their picnic planned for June i j 1 4 . had to be called off due to i > the inclement weather. They | will, try for a better day later, j j Due to the extreme shortage j of beds in the McHenry hospi- -i I tal. Mari« Schlick could not be ; entered June 14. She went in i I June 15. We really need the I | now addition < and if some of J I tlx- folks who could not con- j t ' i b u t e t o t h e h o s p i t a l f u n d i ; drive and are now in a position ' j to do so may still contact Roy Snell: Forrest Reinhardt, Jr.. en- ! tertained four boys who are j his co-workers in a bank in | Chicago' over the weekend. His j mother, Grace, kept the boys j welt fed and they really en- ' joyed their stay. I Sargent at dinner last Monday evening in honor of the Safgents' birthday and wedding anniversary. Lois Leuth and daughters. Linda, Susan and Nancy, spent last Monday with Lois's mother in Glenview. Belated birthday wishes to Emma Eide who celebrated her birthday June 12. Mr. and Mrs. Nurse and family have returned from their recent vacation. Martin and Hazel Rogde and Don and Audrey Morin and sons spent last Saturday in Chicago, visiting with Audrey's folks. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Zacharias and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zacharias were Sunday guests of Marge and Bill Moreth. . I Sea Scouts Social On June 9 the Sea Scouts held a social at the barn. The fellas and their dates enjoyed an evening of dancing, games and refreshments. Skipper Ed Pfingsten was also there. If anyone has news for the j 'teens club they can phone it into Us or to Honey Reilly at j Hy 7-3284. j Happy birthday to Robby ] Jackson who will be five years j on June 23. He celebrated on i Father's day with his family 1 and grandparents in Wauconda. Kathy Mclnerney was home from college for the Father's • Day weekend. Congratulations to Don Bentz and Miss Grace Hiller who were married last Saturday in St. John's church " in Johnsburg. In the evening there was a reception for a large group at the Johnsburg Community hall. Our bestwishes go to these two young people and much happiness: Bob and Lorraine Hurckes and sons will be among many to help celebrate the fiftyseventh wedding anniversary of L o r r a i n e ' s grand p a r e n t s . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulz, >-of i Johnsburg. The celebration will be on June 26, which = is 1 also Mrs. Schultz' seventyeighth birthday. Jim and Ann Mclnerney attended a buffet supper last week at the home of friends in Oak Park. Lorraine Hurckes will be having a home party in her home on June 29 at 8:30 p.m. Anyone who would like to attend is welcome. There will be plenty of coffee on hand. Give Lorraine a call for more information on l he party. Mount Hope Methodist j Church | Pastor Hagerty of Mount [ Hope church is in Joliet, at- . tending the annual meeting or ' the Rock River Conference of ! Methodist churches. Some 300 ; churches will be represented ! with their minister and lay i delegates. George VanZevern i will represent the laymen >-of i Pistakee Highlands. Sunday, June 26. will be the iast Sunday in the current Conference year and July 3 will be the first anniversary of Pastor Hagerty's coming here. There will be Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. and the Morning Worship at 11 a.m. The Rev. Robert Stine. assistant pastor, will bring the message. Everett Sisk, chairman, may have some very interesting announcements to make in a few Sundays. The building committee held another meeting last Thursday evening. An 'Upon This Site' sign is being prepared for erection on the church property on West Broadway. Listen for this event: probably Sunday, June 26, following the morning News Anyone If you have any news items of interest we would be happy »o hear'from you. Call Haze or Kay. MOTOR FUEL TAX Illinois municipalities have i hern allotted $4,148,276 as thiir share of motor fuel tax paid into the state treasury during May. the Illinois Depar: ment of Finance reported to Gov. Stratton last week. MNrNt«amf Rom where ! sit... iy Joe Marsh Ever Have That "Sinking" Feeling? Here and There Bob Messell left on June 15 to return to camp after spending his leave at home visiting with his family and friends. Dick and Lee Conway and family spent last Sunday visiting Dick's parents in Chicago. Your reporter Haze and four sons sepnt last Thursday visiting' in Northbrook. Hila and John Heineman left last Monday for a week's vacation. They are visiting in Springfield, Ottawa and in Missouri. Janice and Jerry Janquart entertained Marge and Gordon RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP OPEN SUNDAYS 7 A.M. 'til 1 P.M. K&fe *20: Closed All Day Mondays Cub Scouts The Cubs held a pack meeting last week in the barn. Planned that night was a family weiner roast at the beach for June 29. Plans were also made for the Camporee which will be held on July 23 at the Chain-of-Lakes state park. Our Cubs have some interesting things to look forward to. Around the Highlands Susan Conway is spending a week with her Grandmother Conway in Chicago. Your reporter Haze and family spent last Friday night in Waukegan. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES 9 TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Rout* 1X0 • Just East of Route 12 - Volo, I1L Phone EVergreen 5-6260 YOB probably know that "Chip" Wallace was just appointed swimmkig instructor at the Boys Club. Seems in his first group, he had three youngsters who were hesitant even about the shallow end of the [tool. They said "we'd sink." Of course. Chip didn't try to force them -- he demonstrated- He jumped in, popped right up, explained that body buoyancy had pushed him back to the surface. However, one of the youngsters shook his head in disbelief. "Gee," he said, "l aure hope Mr. Buoyancy 'is still down there when I jump in." From where I sit, whoever, said "experience is the best teacher" was right. For instance, I think all of us knowthrough experience -- how important "tolerance" is between neighbors. In little tilings too, like my respecting your right to choose a favorite beverage-- and your respecting my choice of an occasional glass of beer. That way we'll swim not --as friends! (Qoe. Copyright, I960, United States Brewer* Foumdntiat iThft ElsRiMGTRiPj YOU'VE ALWAYS GOT ONE BETTER, HAVENT >OU,GEORGE? WELL, YOU SURE HAVEN'T GOT ANYTHING BETTER THAN MY JEEP' UNIVERSAL'. AAYOLD WAGON GOT ME HERE, WOW, LOOK. WON'T IT? AT THE SIZE OF THIS ONE/ GEORGE! THAT'S NOTHING YOU SHOULDVE SEEN THE ONE I CAUGHT BACK IN '51! Jeep' UNIVERSAU WITH 4-WHEEL DRIVE GETS YOU IN-AND IT ALSO GETS >OU OUT. WHO NEEDS 4-WHEEL DRIVE? GEORGE-WATCH OUT FOR THAT MUP! HOWS THIS FOR REELING IN A BIG ONE,GEORGE? LOOKS LIKE I'M THE POOR FISH- MAYBE I 90 NEED 4-WHEEL- DRIVE. NOTHING FISH/ ABOUT THIS OFFER: DROP INTO OUR SHOWROOM TODAY FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION OF SENSATIONAL jeep.' VEHICLES! Tune-In MAVERICK Sunday Evenings, 6:30 P.M. McHENRY GARAGE 600 Front St. Phone EV 5-0403 McHenry* 11L - •-* -sc: This summer (and every summer) i / K n i! M D© de9rees ©©© Prove to yourself that electric cooking can keep your kitchen at least 10° cooler this summer--or your money back. Electric surface units transfer heat directly into the pot--not your *k itchen. Ovens are insulated on all six sides (not just five). See your appliance dealer for details on the cleanest, coolest cooking there is-- backed by a money»back guarantee of satisfaction. Try a new flameless ELECTRIC RANGE in your kitchen for 60 days_ Money-baek guarantee See your deafer for details V Public Service Company Ch»o-- from Ihete famous WESTINGHOUSE • FRIGIDAIRE • WARD'S SIGNATURE • GENERAL ELECTRIC • MONARCH ADMIRAL • KELVINATOR • HOTPOINT • SEARS KENMORE • TAPPAN