Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Kitchen Shower For Bride-fo-be Twelve ladies from the 'neighborhood gathered at the home of Mrs. LeRoy Welter on Grove avenue last Friday evening, July 8. to honor Miss Judy Freund at a kitchen shower. A buffet lunch was served from1 a table decorated with a the Robert Schmaling and Williafn Hermann families of McHenry. Garden Club Party Today Thursday, July 14, 1960 OSRITAL notU The McHenry Garden club met at the heme of Mrs. Robfloral centerpiece and tiny, um- j ert Thompson Thursday, with brella nut cups; Miss Freund will be married lo Tom Mc-Mahon on Aug. 27. TilrtInlay Party tinners Mrs. Nelson Mrs. Magnus Nelson'of Crystal Lake, formerly of McHen McHenry Hospital Patients in the McHenry hospital during the past week included William Schwalge, Wauconda; LaForrest Libby, Chicago; Mary Oester and Joseph Justen. Jr., Richmond; Pearl Miyashiro and Irene Hohenstein, Woodstock; Margaret DiTego, Round Lake; jean Frank. Ingleside; William J. Tyman, Anna Shaler and Elma Johnson, Crystal Lake; Bernice Dougherty, Cary; Selma Kirk, William Wyant, Lillian Berg, Otto Koehn, Leo Blake, Marie Schuttler, Anna Hay, Laurp Arney, Leo Firsching, Elma Johnson and Donna 4-H ACHIEVEMENT DAYS PLANNED IN COUNTY JULY 19-22 4-H Achievement Days for 4-H girls will be held at the Marengo high school on July 19, ,20, 21 and 22. The firs>t day will be devoted to model training, hair styling and make-up, conducted by Pat Hogan of Ringwood. On the twentieth, the local clUbs of Ringwood, Wonder Lake and McHenry will hold achievement day at McHenry Lutheran church at 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend the event, for which the Ringwood Home Bureau unit is hostess. July 21, garments will be judged. Ratings will be given in the rrtorning, and in the afternoon there will be a style show based on the t-herne, "Coming Up Roses", held at Marengo high school. This is open to the public. The program will include piano solos by Evelyn Harrison and Ida ,H?r , , , , . . . . . - , . ... . , _ , May Walkington gf Ringwood turkey dinner for her family j o c c'< members and in- Antonina>Gignac, Michael Civ- j Sunshine Girls and vocal selecjast week. [vited guests. I iek .and Joseph Cahill of Won- tions by Nancy Mathison of PERSONALS sixteen members present. The June garden show was discussed, and constructive criticism given by the judges was j Sue Mathews, McHenry reported by Mrs. Martin, clerk, Memorial Hospital so that members might benefit j Patients at Memorial hoslpifor future shows. ! teal. Woodstock, this past week A card party will be held at 1 were Mae Angelo, Marie Berkry. rolohi-;ited her birthday at! >^;l^ of Burdahl at 1(,, Mrs^ Donald Lefler ,£a nd '.»r home with, a delicious! P'S'akee Bay July 14 at 1.30 Eu!:c.„e Ro(Mc of McHefcry; vited guests. Present to enjoy tTi^ day! The table (bridal buffet) ar-.; der Lake. wet* Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. j ranged by the club at the Mc- Nelson and family of Sterling, i Henry show by Mrs. C. W. Harvard Hospital Theodore Garrelts and Kel- Lronard Nelson and family, the , Goodell, Miss Ethel Jones and ; Carbonaro of McHenry have Donald Puller family of Mc-i Mrs. Martha Dietle won first Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene j P^ze, as well as the one dis- Oxtnhy of Ringwood and the j played at the Crystal Lake Donald Armentrout family of ! show (garden wedding recep been patients in Harvard hospital this past week. Cedar Lake, Ind. tion) by Mrs. Dietle and Mrs. Daisy Jones. The club is sending Glen Hartmann, a sophomore in the local high school, to the junior conservation school at Spring- Anna Miller Surprised j At Family Reunion I A family reunion was held at i the home of Mrs. Anna Miller . Wednesday evening when her j July 10 to July 15. nine children and several of her grandchildren called to SELECT MODELS surprise her on her birthday. | pQR DEMOCRATIC A decorated hiithday cake and : rjrrixrT rp ntptttTTT ice cream brought by the i -L^Hi xvHi V UHi guests were served and the honored guest presented with many gifts. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jake Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. William Millet H! R I I l."~> The chairman and members of the models' committee of the Democratic Women's club met last week to complete of Fox River ! their part of arrangements for Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mil- j the Democratic style show to ler and Connie, Mr. and Mrs. j he held Aug. 23 at 8 o clock Chuck Miller, Butchie and Al- Iin the evening at the V.F.W. Ian, Mrs. Clara Hermance of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Miller, Ronnie, Joanie and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller, Lisa and Annette, Mr. and Mrs. Carl N e u m a n, Yvonne, Carla and Eddie, and Bob Miller. Fox Valley Camp Plans For Outing Fox River Valley Camp, No. 3251, R.N.A., will have its evening outing at the Oak Park hotel on July 29. Those planning'ftr^ TftbYfd will nPteet at Methodist church at 6:30 o'clock. For further information, call Eva, Bacon, Evergreen 5-0175. UNA Plans For County Convention The regular meeting of Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A., was held July 5 at the Methodist church, with three guests, Mrs. Ua Gumprecht, Mrs. Haze! Mortensen and Mrs. Rhoda Ormsby of Crystal Lake, present. A discussion of the forthcomclubhouse in McHenry Eleven adult models were chosen. Mrs. George Freund will return to the runway again this year. Many of her friends were disappointed last year because she was out of town and unable to appear. Other models are Judy Bauer, Carol Bolger, Dolores Glosson, Shirley Jager, Carol Jepsen, Kaaren Olsen, Barbara Rauen, Georgia Stueben, Jane Weiss and Lori Wilhelm. Juvpnile models .will be selected later "datefram a m o n g t n T c h i l d r e n o t m e m - bers. Mrs. William Bolger, general chairman of the show, could not be present at last week's meeting as she was in Los Angeles attending" the Democratic convention. FAITH CHURCH MEMBERS TAKE ON PULPIT DUTIES Members of the congregation of Faith Presbyterian church have taken over pulpit ng county Royal Neighbor jutjes during the vacation of county convention was held. the pastor> Rev John G. Mc- Sponsored by McHenry and Crystal Lake camps, the meeting will be held in McHenry in November. Mr. and Mrs. John Reed of Woodstock are parents of their fifth child and fourth son, born at Memorial hospital Friday, July S. Little David Edward was welcomed home by Michael, 11, Bobby, 9, Billy, 7, and Peggy, 2. Mrs. Reed is the former Jean Nickels, daughter of Mrs. Edward Nickels of Cooney Heights. The paternal grandmother is Mrs. Lena Reed of Woodstock. Mrs. Mary Dibler of Woodstock is the only' great-grandparent. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mooberry of Aurora, Colo., are the parents of their first child, a born July 4 at General Rose Memorial hospital, Denver, weighing 5 lbs. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Gus Unti of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mooberry of Marysville, Mo. Mrs. Mooberry is the former Eva Unti. Mr. and Mrs. John Weingart are the parents of a boy, born at Memorial hospital July 6. A son was born July 6 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Childers. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zamastil weffcomed a girl at Memorial hospital on July 5. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanahan are the parents of a girl, born July 10 at Memorial hospital. A boy was born July 10 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller. James Leo is the name selected by Mr. and Mrs. James Pinkstaff for their new son, born July 8 at Memorial hospital. Mrs. Pinkstaff is the former Mary Jane Winkel. The baby was born on the eightythird birthday anniversary of his great-grandfather, Theodore Winkel. Harvard. Refreshments will oe served by Pat Hogan, general chairman of the style revue. On the last day, July 22, there will be county food demonstrations and flower arrangements at the Marengo high school, starting at 9 a.m. July 15-16 Jewish Studies Group Rummage Sale -- Gladstone's Barn, Richmond Road -- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. -- Benefit Woman's Auxiliary of McHenry Hospital. July 16-17 St. Peter's Parish Carnival, Spring Grove. July 17 Fiesta Day July 24 Ice Cream Social -- Pistakee Terrace July 29 Fox River Valley Camp. R.N.A., Evening Summer Outing -- Oak Park Hotel. August 13 McHenry Shores Fun Fair-- At Beach and Ball Field. August 28 Democratic Women's Club Style Show -- 8 p.m. -- VFW Clubhouse, McHenry. August 24 Lady Foresters' Annual Picnic St. Mary's P.T.A. Fall Fashion Revue and Salad Luncheon -- V.F.W. Clubhouse. Confession may be good for the soul, but it's often bad for the reputation. Relatives who attended the funeral of Mrs. Jewell Young Shetterly in Franklin, Ohio, Tuesday of last week, included Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt, Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young, Mrs. Helen Young, Mrs. Charles Dowe, Miss Rosina Young, McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Reinert of Elgin and Sister Edulfa of Glenview. Misses Genevieve and Lucille Knox left, by jet, from O'Hare Field Saturday for a vacation in Pompano Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs.. Richard Stenger and daughter, Susie, of San Carlos, Calif., were guests of her mother, Mrs. William Spencer, the past week. Mrs. Anna Barron of Milwaukee, Wis., a forager teacher in the local grade school, spent a few days last week with < friends here. Mesdames Kathryn Worts, Alpha Pedersen, Agnes Wissell and Ethel Holly attended the annual picnic of the McHenry County Past Oracles club held, at the Woodstock City park, Tuesday of last week. A 2/c Dennis Conway "relumed to Scott Air Field Friday after spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cpnway.. Other recent visitors in the Conway home were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blanner and daughters of Rockford. Miss Linda klanher remained for a several days visit with her aUnt and uncle. Mrs. Robert Weber and daughter. Ann Loretta, spent a few days last week in the George Miller home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Tonyan of Tucson, Ariz., are spending the summer in McHenry. Mrs. Edward Nickels has been spending several days in the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Reed, in Woodstock. Miss Marie Nickels was a Sunday visitor there. Mrs,. Clarence Conway and children of Janesville, Wis., were visitors in the Robert Conway home Tuesday of last week. Miss Anna Dwyer of Rolling Meadows spent the past week with her cousin, Mrs. Walter Walsh. Edward Dwyer of Chicago was a weekend guest in the home of his sister. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jorgenson and the Alfrejd family of Chicago were visitors in the Ben J. Miller home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Powers and son of Pekin were weekend guests in the Alford Pouse home. L e g a l Christen Son Of Donald Freunds The first son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Freund of Crystal Lake and t h e thirty-first grandchild {the unique program Sunday, A. P. Freund of Mc- j July 3, with his sermon, "The Intyre. The church session and board of deacons elected to have laymen conduct the services and offer the sermons this year. In the past, guest clergy have replaced the minister during his absence on vacation. Deacon Dale Maule opened of Mrs. Henry, born at Memorial hospital June 21, was christened Donald Charles at St. Thomas church. Crystal Lake, last Sunday. Cornerstone Of A Noble Life". Elder Warren Krebs followed on July 10 with a moving sermon entitled "Love". Philip Masslich, who will be CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank" everyone for their visits, cards, flowers and many kind deeds during my recent illness. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. I would like to thank especially the nurses at Memorial Hospital who made my stay a pleasant one. Larry Geier *11 Sponsors were an aunt and j m the pulpit July 17, has seuncle. Mrs. Elaine Schmaling I lected "Growing Up" as his and William Hermann of Mc- - topic and Elder Roy Kissling, Ilenry The new baby has a sister, Cindy. 4 years old. Supper guests in the Freund home Sunday evening were Mrs. Agnes Nell, maternal who will preach the July 24 sermon, has announced that his subject will be "My God, My God. Why?" Elder Dan Mathes will conclude the vacation schedule grandmother, and her daugh- ' July 31 with his sermon "What ter, Sandy, Mrs. A. P. Freund, Is it Worth", NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of CARRIE E. COVALT, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that August 1, 1960, is the claim date in the estate of CARRIE E. COVALT, Decease d , p e n d i n g in t h e C o u n t y Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. FLOYD E. COVALT, JR. BANK OF WOODSTOCK and FIRST NATIONAL Co-Administrators Joslyn, Parker, Kell & Conerty Attorneys 116 Benton Street Woodstock, Illinois (Pub. June 30, July 7-14, 1960) CARD OF THANKS Our recent bereavement leaves us with grateful hearts towards neighbors and friends. Your helpfulness and comforting expressions of sympathy will always be remembered. Mrs. M. Klinkerberg and Daughters 11 No man ever got lost on a straight road. |iniiimHiiimiiimii«iiiiiit||||||ji|[ ijUH Yes, we put the accent on you distinctively styled to flatter your features and bring out your beauty. Just right for summer. /\iverdi(Ie ^J£a,ir&lyui(ui icf 126 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0147 Member of N.H.C.A. Open: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6; Sat., 8-5; Closed Mon McHenry, 111. HilMllllllllll lUfl Don't bug ang WATER HEATER until you've seen the world's finest Mrs. Joseph Petitclair and daughters, Carol and Jean, of Waukegan, visited her mother, Mrs. A. P. FreUnd, Tuesday. The Peter Roche family of Rockford, former McHenry residents, called on friends here Sunday. John Hoffman of Indianapolis, Ind., was an overnight guest in the home of his aunt, Mrs. F. J. Aicher, Thursday. Misses Doris Turrey and Virginia W illiams, R. N.'s of Hines hospital, were guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams, Thursday. * Mrs. Lyle Briggs and daughter, Noel, of Royal Oak, Mich., are spending the week in the Bernard Doherty home. Misses Clara Miller, Marion McOmber and Mrs. Annabel Aichpr, visited Mrs. Fred Merrill of Fresno, Calif., in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold- Abbott, in Woodstock, Thursday. . Mrs. Lydia Engeln spent Sunday in the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Hironimus, in Wauconda. . Mrs. A. P. Freund, Irvin F r e u n d , d a u g h t e r , D a r l e n e , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith and daughter, Debby, visited the former's sisters, Sister Ildefons, Sister Arcadia and Sister Jeremia at Campbellsport, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Larsen and daughters, Linnea and Karen, have returned from a week's vacation trip in which they visited Washington, D. C., Williamsburg and Jamestown, Va.; where, they did much s i g h t - s e e i n g . E n r o u t e home they called on relatives in Akron, Ohio, whom they had not seen for several years. The George Freund family of Woodstock and the Leonard Burge family of Grayslake were guests in the Sibre Whiting home Sunday where they helped Mrs. Mabel Powers celebrate her birthday which fell on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Matthews of Evanston visited McHenry, relatives Sunday. Mrs. Gerald Carey and Mrs. F. J. Aicher were at Old Orchard Thursday where they renewed acquaintance with three ladies from Oconomococ, Wis., whom they had met 1>n their Hawaiian cruise. Rev. Fr. Nicholas Schmitt of Ponca City, Okla., has been spending the past month with relatives in this vicinity. Members of the Catholic Daughters of America who made the trip to Downey last Wednesday evening included Mesdames Bobby May, Helen Heuser, ^ Rose Staines, Irene Guffey," Madeleine Mayfield, Elizaheth Thompson, Frances Widhelm, Mildred Miller, Ann Rodenkirch v and Misses Laura Weber and Bertilla Freund. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoenhoeltz, children, Jack and Ruth Ann, and Mrs. Ben Freund spent a few days recently in the Robert Rusboldt home in Michigan City, Ind., where Ruth Ann and James Wiles of Michigan City served as sponsors for Donald Edward, the Rusboldt's new son born June 6. Mrs. Rusboldt is the former Delma Freund and the new baby has four brothers and two sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund are the only grandparents. Varney Tanner, a former local resident, stationed at the Air Force base at Colorado Springs the past few years, ha: been transferred to German; His wife, the former Sis Webe and little -daughter, Marciai', who are .visiting her mother, Mrs. Anton Williams, here arid his parents in Kenosha pi ail to join him later. Sunday guests in the Howard Lockwood home were Mr. and Mrs. Delro Hefferman; Karen and Tab, Indianapolis, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lockwood, Mr., and Mrs. Rowan Lockwood. Cavin and Keith; Mr. and Mrs. Merton Lockwood and Jeffry, Crystal Lake; Miss Lillian Behrens, LaGrange and Miss Amanda Behrens, Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reihansperger and children have returned from a trip through the east where they called on relatives in Washington, D. C., visited many points of interest in Virginia and spent some time in Philadelphia, New York City and at Niagara Falls. Mrs. May Ruth and granddaughter of Elgin, were weekend guests of her sister, Mrs. Agnes Nieman. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hennikin, of Woodstock visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Gary Lockwood spent a few days, this week, in the home of his sister. Mrs. Dallas Davis, in Algonquin. Mrs. Elliott Tinne and children, Ann and Beth, of Park Ridge, were visitors in the home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas fenwick, a few days this week. Mrs. John Mackinder and children, Debra and Douglas, have been spending the past few weeks with relatives in Fort Madison, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Carlos have returned to their home in Hillside, Mich., after a visit in the home of her mother, Mrs. lAnton .§cfri$eidQr.. * The FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products -- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and , Operated Phone EV 5-0195 or EV 5-0232 Vit-Rock So good it carries a 10-YEAR CUARANTEE . . . backed by a $500 WARRANTY BOND Can never rust! Double Protected: GLASS LINED heating surfaces p l u s S T O N E LINED tank walls. 100% safetj pilot. Automatic controls. Fast --efficient--reliable. Althoff's Gas Service 700 Front St. Phone EV 5-4200 Cindy Freund are spending a * week with friends in Washington, D. C. Enroute they visited the Alan Freund family in Cincinnati, Ohio. Raymond Fitzgerald has returned to his home in Mary Crest, 'Kankakee, after spending five weeks with his grand^} mother, Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch. Mary Terese Long, daughter of Odilon Long, is visiting her uncle, Rev. Albert Long, in St. Francis, Maine, and expects to. remain there the rest of the summer. CASH FOR "(GREEN THUMB" The home gardner and orj| chardist have a wonderful opportunity to cash in on their green thumbs at the Illinois State Fair. Harry Fulkerson, Grafton, superintendent jf the agricultural department, said premiums . this year will amount to $6,484.50 for the best in grains, seeds, fruits and vegetables grown in Illinois, and for the best regional exhibits. One of the better pay£ ing competitions is in the fruit section where the best and most artstic display of a variety of fruit is awarded $125 and coveted blue ribbon. MARRIAGE LICENSES Eugene P. Schaefer, McHenry, and Marilyn J. Shufeldt, Woodstock. William G. Herz and Claric^ Rozak, both of McHenry. Frank Hromer, Chicago, and LaVerne Opal, McHenry. AWARDED DIVORCE A divorce decree on behalf of Julius Goffo was entered in circuit court last Friday by Judge William M. Carroll. He was divorced from Grace Goffo, to whom he was marriei in 1940. The human spccies, according to the best theory I can form of it, is composed of two distinct races, the men who borrow, and the men who lend. -- Charles Lamb. Jen^'dark and Club Lilymoor Friday, July 15th The Golden Tones' At Club Lilymoor Route 1 <10 it teflfc -4* Fashions for Children Sizes: Qirls: 0-14 -- Boys*. 0-7 The Store That's FIRST! --,gg-__ With Values FIR\T With Better Brands I III J I with Finer Gifts Come In And Shop With Us! THE DEBBIE SHOP, Richmond, 111. One Door West of Anderson's - Candy Open Daily 9-6 -- Closed Thurs; Afternoons Jfcintzen stripes take Girl, color stripes a new approach to summer magic made simple. Around the pool a few ohs-andahs for the perfectfit of famous French bra cups and the low, square backview. Please note the companion towel. Swim suit .8-16 -- 19.95 Towel 4.98 other Jantzens * from $10.95 up 117 S. Green St. Just wear a Smile and a Jantzen OF EGGS AND BASKETS. More and more Americans are re-examining the old saw about not putting all their eggs in one basket -- at least, as it applies to saving money. Of course life insurance and U. S. Savings Bonds have their place in a sound family savings plan, and an important place it is. But when it comes to ready cash reserves, more and more savers are concluding that the best "basket" for those is the bank. At the bank, savings dollars and savers alike benefit from a unique combination of advantages. FOR SAFETY PLUS AVAILABILITY, EARNINGS, SERVICE, AND HELPFULNESS, SAVE AT OUR BANK! McHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 'McHenry County's Largest and Finest Financial Institution" Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone EVergreen 5-1040 !•