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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Aug 1960, p. 17

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Thursday, August 18, I960 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Seventeen Lakeland Park NAME MEMBERS OF NEW COMMUNITY HOUSE COMMITTEE las, Denise Bucaro and broth- j trrtained Sunday with an outer. Bill. Mrs. Doherty, Sirs. Pe- ! side B.B.Q. dinner. Guests were ters, Mrs. Rees and Mrs. Alt- ' Mr. and Mrs. Stasiak, Grandma hoff also came. i Kozieki and Miss Irene Kozic- There was a surprise party | ki all of Chicago. for Jimmy Hansen on Aug. 11 ! . Carole Humann EV. 5-1605 !o celebrate his tenth birthday. ; Happy Birthday Or EV.5-4043 The entire Cubs Little League To Billy Burman, who will team came aipong the thirty be 3 years oid Aug. 21. To Bill Announcement has b e e n k ' d g i n a l l . W a l k e r , w h c c h a l k s - u p a n o t h e r made by the LPP^OA of the year on Aug. 21. Belated greetn e w l y f o r m e d c o m m u n i t y Sr. Teens ings to Mark Bartos. who celehouse committee. These peo- At their meeting on Monday. 1 brated his birthday on Aug. 6, pie have the keys, are in charge Aug. 8. they decided to have ; and to Denise Bucaro. who was of rentals and general responsi- a Picnic. Further details can r, years old Aug. 12. bility. They are Bill Herzog, be had by attending the next ; Ted Kaminski, Foster Glorch. meeting on Monday. Aug. 22. Visitors Melen Strandquist and Jo Riz- : Only those members present I Mr. and Mrs. Johr) Hoglund zo. • ^ ! at the next meeting may come j of 213 Home avenue. L. S. en- -- s - | t o t h e p i c n i c . ! t e r t a i n e d f r i e n d s a t d i n n e r o n Hear Ye The annual business meeting Saturday night. Guests were Heralding the arrival of a |is scheduled for the first part | Miss Margaret ""Hoglund and brand new baby girl named September, ait which election [Harry Barley of White Plaines, Karen Marie are Mr. and Mrs. 9^ officers and acceptance • of -j- New York, Mr. and Mrs. Er- Hpnry Kawa of Meadow Lane. ! new members will take place, i nest Sjosted and Mr. and Mrs. This lovely 7 lb. 13 oz bit of . sure to attend! femininity was born Aug. 8 at . 1 - Harvard hospital. She was ea- j Splash Party gerly awaited by brothers; Ke-I A. splash party was hel d <§n and Mark. Ringwood BRIEF PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT OF WSCS MEETING Baby Shepard The W.S.C.S. held the monthly meeting at the home df Miss Alice Peet Wednesday evening. A short program in charge of Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Ruby Shepard was held and each one found out the name of her secret pal for the year and received a gift from her. Names were drawn for the coming year. At the close, refreshments were served. , \---- ' ' Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hammond, formerly of Lakeland Park and now living in Br.adenton, Fla., spent several days last week with the Herzogs. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hountras. Mrs. Sophie O'Gara and Mrs. Irene Koehl spent Monday evening renewr. M f-'iendshins. On Tuesday t i m i n g t h e y w e n t t o t h e Hountrases for brunch and returned with them for dinner with the Herzogs. All in all. it turned out to be a fine reunion. Vacationers Betty and Bill Walker of 80 Glen Drive in the Shores are back to routine work after enjoying two weeks of leisurely Lenny Sjosted of Skokie. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bolander and Mrs. Hilda Paulsen of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson of | Saturday night at a pool near Highland Shores. J Johnsburg. Attending were; Mi-^s Ethel DiModica of Niles i Bonnie and Sandy Bucaro. j is spending the week with the Pete and Marge Parisi. Sue j Bucaros before leaving on a Dahlquist, Sharon and Adrien- i trip to Florida. ne Ozog, Mary Hanly, Carol Krumsee, Don Diedrich, George Blast! Scharbough, C.ordie Rehberg I The Becker home was deckand Terry Krueger. A f t e r : 0d out on Sunday for all the swimming, the group went to , rriends of Irv's :mother from Parisi's home for dancing and I Chicago. They were greeted at P'zza- the door by the brother-in-law dressed in a middy blouse. Little League Schedule • black bloomers and a derby hat Thursday. Aug. 18, Cubs v% j who presented them with a Tigers at L.P.; Braves vs. Sox ! favor Must've been twenty at M.L. Tuesday, Aug. 23, Cubs j cars of 'em, but thev sure had vs. Braves at L.P.; Indians vs. a good time for their monthly Tigers at M.L. ] tret-together. Ed Glorch, bro- Scoreboanl Tuesday. Aug. 1, Indians 1, M.L. Sox 7, Tigers 5, Cubs 3. »cation. They visited Fon-du- I Thursday, Aug. 11, Cubs 3, M. Tfjc, Madison, and Twin Lakes. ! ^ Sox 0; Tigers 4, M.L. Braves Wis., and then spent a few;"- Saturday, Aug. 14. Indians days with their parerits in Jo- vs- Tigers. 7-7 playoff, final liet and New Lenox. i score was Indians 5, Tigers 3. Dclores and Glen Belohlavy ' Sunday, ^Aug. 15, Indians 3, of 502 Home avenue and their j M.L. Braves 6. two sons, Douglas and Scott just returned from a nice vacation. They visited Glen's father. Frank Belohlavy, in Crete, I her of Irv's mother, put on his old police uniform and gave the gang a scare, but upon learning he was a member of the family, added to the gaiety. Their opinion of our community was just wonderful. Meet Your Neighbor Greetings to newcomers. Bob and Mary Lou Wilkens, of 85 Shore Drive and their children, Tracy, 2. and David, 10 months. | Home Circle The Hpme Circle was enter-, ! tained in the home of Mfs. Roy : Harrison Wednesday, with Mrs. Brn Walkington and Mrs. Pete : Sebastian as co-hostesses. A 1 ' o'clock luncheon was served. This was "secret pal" day and each one found out who was her secret pal for the year and i received a gift. Mrs. J. C. Pearson. Sirs. James McChes- 1 tiey and Mi*s. B. T. Butler were guests. j I Round-up Club The Round-up Club and their families ,.-enjoyed a picnic at Genoa City Sunday. Camp Counselors Rev. and Mrs. James Mc- i . Chesney are at Dixon this week j serving as camp counselors in j 'the senior high camp at Rey- ' noldswood. Kathy Thompson of j Ringwood is also attending this i camp. i I Springfield State Fair, where I she was a model and also took part in Share-the-Fun act. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Low of Harvard and Lieut, and Mrs. Dick Lynch and two daughters ot St. Paul, Minn., were callers in the Beatty-Low home Friday afternoon. Wm. Cruickshank attended the fair at Springfield, Tuesday. Billy Joe Baker of Minneapolis is visiting his sister and husband, Rev. and Mrs. James McChesney. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her daughter and family at Lake Beulah, Wis. Mrs. B. J. Butler and Mrs. •T C. Pearson visited Mrs. Younger ..at Harvard Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs.'Howard Shepard and- sons and Mrs.}, Ruhv Strepard-spent Thursday in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron .'•na celebrated the birthday of Miss Nancy Ainger. Mrs. John Woodward of Madison spent a few days the pas tweek with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent Friday in the Paul Norman home at Glenview. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian ;ind Mr and Mrs. Robert ^ o n c i s a r e e n j o y i n g a t r i p through the west. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shepard and sons. Howard Jr. arid I • ihby. lei t for their homo at •Atlanta, Ga„ Saturday after a week s \ isit with his mother. Mrs. Ruby Shepard. H-irry and Jerry Hogan. Jim l iaily of Lakemoor and Ruth Ann Schanoltz attended the State Fair at. Springfield Sat- ; Iowa, ai^d Mr. and Mrs. Merrill I urdav evening. Pat Hogan re- Culvey and daughter of Belvi- i turned home with them. dere spent the weekend iff the j Mrs. Louis Hawley is visiting Clayton Bruce home. i her daughter and family, the Mrs. Fleige and son, Joe. and i John Woodwards, at- Madison. Mrs Fred Bowman and daugh- : Wis. ter. Nancy, attended the pa- ; Second Lieut, and Mrs. Earl ! rade at. Wilmot Saturday. Sonnemaker and family are Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy ' making their home at the Jane sp^nt the weekend with rela- Conley Air Force base in Dal- tives at Kenosha. las. Texas. Mrs. Sonnemaker Mrs. Ronald Rowe and dauwas formerly Miss Mary Ho- ghter of Woodstock visited her gan. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ' Mr and Mrs. Andrew Butler Aissen, Saturday. of Chicago spent the weekend Miss Linda Yardley of Woodin ihe B. T. Butler home. stock is spending the week in Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr the Fred Bowman home, and son. Charles, attended the The Frank Wilson family of • Stato Fair at Springfield Sat- Hartland were Sunday supper urday. guests in the Wm. Cruickshank ' Sunday guests in the Dr. 1 home. Hepburn home - were Mr. and Mr. and-Mrs. John Roberts Mrs. Earl Waldon of Kenosha, and Linda of Wheaton, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman Mrs: Richard Romine and famand son, Donald, of Antioch i'V of MunCie. Ind., Mrs. Betty and Paul and Miles Jeriosek of Troton and family of Wood- Melrose. Park. • stock and Mrs. Jacobsen and Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nol- daughters. Patrea and Susan, son of Crystal Lake and Mr. were guests in the Byron Sowand Mrs. Birger Anderson offers home Sunday. * Chicago spent Sunday after- . Mrs. Magnus Nelson and Mrs. noon with Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Eugene Ox toby- spent Wednes- Oxioby. - 6 day at Cedar Lake, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz Mrs. John Skidmore and sjient Saturday in the John daughter. Jackie, and Mrs. Kunz home in Chicago and Dick Malsch a'nd children went were supper guests in the Jake to Wilmot Saturday to see the Meid home. parade of the Kenosha county Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Fair. Crystal Lake and Martha Mrs. Eugene Ox toby spent Schroeder of Roselle spent Tuesday in Chicago. Sunday evening in the Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Howard Shep- ; Lena Peet home. ar(j ;incj son gobby, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. James Wege- Ruby Shepard spent Friday afner and Butch I^eonard were^ternoon in the Charles Andersupjir r guests Wednesday evaJTsion home at Twin Lakes and | ning in the Rob Brennan home\ Friday evening in the Henry ! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harken Seegert home at McHenry. and children of Cedar Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz had 1 Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karper at St. Patrick's church dinner at Hartland. Mrs. Ina Wingate of Crystal Lake and Mrs.. Ruby Shepard had dinner at Twin Lakes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Norton and family. Mrs. Irene Slyter of Evanston and Mrs. Minnie Nott of Chicago spent Sunday in the Ernest Winters home. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Herbert of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Herbert, son and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the Beatty-Low home. Irving Herbert, who has been visiting here, returned home with them. Last year, the U.S. A i r Force reported 894 plane accidents, killing 705 people. The1 Navy reported S96 accidents, with 308 deaths The accident r a t e t h u s i s 1 0 . 3 f o r t h e A i r Force and 26 for the Navy, for 'each 100.000 flight hours, as against 12 fatalities per 100.000 flight hours for scheduled civilian flights. EPS RENTAL RENTS Floor Sanders to Rotary Tillers EVergreen 5-4129 Farewell Ann and Marty Bell have j They moved here last Septemmoved to Racine, Wis., where | ber from Rarrington, where Neb., and made a side trip to ! Ann will teach ninth grade j both grew up. ^e Black Hills in South Dako- j English and Marty is a district 1 Bob is an assistant golf ta. ' " i executive for the Boy Scouts. | course superintendent in Bar- ^^feichard and Ann Wohnrade They sold their, home at 320jrington and takes a busman's '•anS family of 130 North avenue ; Bonner Drive to Mr. and Mrs. 1 holiday by golfing occasionally. * v a n d R i c h a n d J u d y J a n z s a k o f B r u s h a b e r w h o w i l l b e m o v i n g ! a l o n g w i t h y a r d w o r k a n d 131 N. Meadow Lane spent a 'n soon- hunting. -- | Mary Lou has been working lTmm Good! j as a waitress at the Country Jim and Helen Brooks. 11'3 ] Club and is a member of the ! W.S.C.S. | A workshop for local secre- ; taries of Spiritual Life was i held at the home of Mrs. Mae j Stinespnng. district secretary. ; Ringwood W.S.C.S. was repre- ; sen ted by Mrs. Clara Cristy. ! Many phases of Woman's Soci- [ ety work was discussed, with \ emphasis on spiritual education ! and growth. week visiting with Judy's mouther at her summer home In Three Rivers. Mich. They had loads of fun swimming, water ""••skiing, and oh, the fishing! Frank and Arlene Bartos and Clearview, played hosts to a j Women's club. Saturday' night steak fry in their back yard. Hearty eaters Umily are back to routine af- . u'ore Bill and Betty Bockman, ' ter having a two-week vaca- Bob and Mary Kilday of Mction. The first week they paint- ; H°nry and Jim and Helen Wided their house and the second en Edgebrook Heights. week visited the Wisconsin : • an^ Mrs. Walter Kozieki Dells, White Pine State Park ; ^_d family of 94 Clearview enin Oregon, 111., and a popular attraction spot in Rockton. The only reference in ancient literature to street lighting refers to Antioch -- then, the third, largest city in the world, after Rome and Alexandria. Family Picnics The Sam Bucaro family went an annual family picnic at Irang's Lake in Wauconda on Sunday and froze to death! In honor of his mother's birthday of Aug. 2, Jerry Rogers and family attended a family picnic in a St. Charles park. Also should mention Jerry's birlhday of Aug. 14 and son, Chris', second birthday Aug. 12. John and Polly Licastro of S4 North street and family tended their family reunion p i c n i c o n S u n d a y a t a S t . Charles park. net Well Wishes To Cindy Casey who has the ' mumps now and to the rest of the kids who wiil be getting or them soon. Birthday Celebration (fcelebrating early to avoid the back-to-school rush was Diane Krater, who will be 8 years old ' on Sept. 6. Last Thursday she entertained •members of her dancing class and neighbors With lunch followed by games and swimming. Taking part in the festivities were Colleen Doherty. Betsy | Althoff, Pam and Susan Untz. Cathy Haggenjos, Rosalind and OTfelanie Rees, Susan Peters. Patty Pitzen, Jeanne Hettermann, Debbie and Sharee Ho- • ft Speediest Way To Get » Cab Service No matter where you are, our Radio Dispatched Cab is always ready to serve you. Your call brings it over fast. McHenry Cab Ph. EVergreen 5-0723 11 Reasons Why To See Us If You Need A Water System or Well! 1. Only trained personnel in their respective lield of -- Drilling Pump Installations Point Changing Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles and Sump Pumps) 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system. 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your ^ inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. ^ \ \ 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. n- Easy Monthly Payments ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHeonf County Well & Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the ViUage of McCullocn Lake miles from McHenry on die McCullom-Wand<er Lake Rd. Phone MrHenry EV 5-5252 or Residence E!V 5-0713 Personals Miss Patty Hogan spent a few days the past week at the PROFE^iOn^ DIRECTORSEARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm A Life 1^* Representing RELIABLE COMPANIBI When You Need Insurance Any Kind Phone EVergreen 5-0048 or 5-0958 112 E. Elm St. McHenry F* DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office Phone: EV S-Olf Res. Phone: EV 5-6191 Hours: Daily 9:80 - 5:0| Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:80 - 9:00 Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service < 8-60 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTAR1 Optometrist Eyes Examined • Glasses Fitter Contact Lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours: Evenings Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 8 to 6 p.m. Phone EV 52262 8-60 GEORGE J. CASTLR, £gent The Prudential Insurance Co of America Life, Retirement, Sickness & Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road McHenry I1L Phone EV 5-258S 4-60 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Visit Our Showrooms S Miles Mouth on Rt. SI TWO-CARS WITH STORAGE Ph. EVergiy 5-0950 8-60 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Teats Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programf Richmond 4193 % mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 5-60 DR. EDGAR E. VEASLEE Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR 113 Main St., McHenry, HL Office Hours: Dally except Thursday 1-5 Htm., Wed. ft Fri. Evenings 7*1 Phone EVergreen 6-0489 6-60 u- OWN PAY DON'T WAIT! Stop In Today And See Our Complete Selection of WALL PANELING ONE-CAR WITH STORAGE 2$ YES . . . now you can choose any of the latest designs and colors to finish off your STUDY or DEN. "RIGID FRAME" CONSTRUCTION IT'S NEW - AND SO DIFFERENT - AND-WILL SAVE TIME AND MONEY YOU CAN 6UILD IT YOURSELF ON A WEEKEND-- OR, .WE,HAVE RELIABLE LOCAL BUILDERS READY TO BUILD YOUR GARAGE Compare the Features! Compare the Quality! COMPARE THE PRICE! S And . . . you can very inexpensively complete t h a t much d e s i r e d RUMPUS or GAME ROOM. AND REMEMBER IT'S FULLY GUARANTEED BY ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. Let us help you whatever your building problems may be. MONTHLY PAYMEMTS AS LOW AS $13.16 First Payment Not Due Until November OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois v EVergreen 5-1424 i

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