Pig* Fourteen THE McfiENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday* September 8. 1960 lakeland Park COMMUNITY HOUSE IS GLAMORIZED CURING SUMMER Carole Humann EV. 5-1605 Or EV.5-4048 In case you hawn't noticed lately tfhe community house is having hor face lilted. Those artists in charge of the glamor treatment are Frank Bartos. Bill Casey, Wally" Laurence, Floyd Leigh. Glenn Uhies, Ray Grote, Dick Burmann. Bud Uttich. and last but far from least, the old master Jerry Rogers. This group is very democratic and will allow any one who is interested to work with them as the glamorizing hasn't been completed as yet. Thanks to all these fellows for their lime and acting arms. Engaged Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lavin of 103 Pleasant avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, Patricia Aim, to Fredrich Schafler of McHenry. Patricia is a 1959 graduate of McHenry high school. No wedding plans have been made. Reminder I o f W o s n c n V o t e r s minds us that th\? deadline to register to' vote is Oct. 10. Attention Men Has your wife been tellinp you that you never take her ou$ anymore? -Cure that situation fast by getting tickets for the welcome committer dinner on Sept. 20 at 7 p.m. in the community house. You'll be giving yourself a treat besides. Tickcts are now available through members of the welcome committee including Lyxla Ractfsch, Vickev Bottari Frances Cina. Jean Parisi. Rutb Roach, Jo Rfzzo, Dolores Rtv» ers., Jean Gatrnon and Lou'*<~ McEnerv. Don't delay, it's jus' a few short weeks away. Hats Hats Hats There were enough origins' designs at the crazy hat' con test at Women's club 1 a s 1 Thursday to put Lily Daehe t' shame. From growing flowe gardens to edible salads lack ing only the dressing, not t<" mention one made of brear' topped with merinsue an' cherries. They were beautifu1 they were funny and they wer' certainly original and the poo' jiiiges had to decide wh;cv was the most. After much scru tinizing the decision was fo- Gayle Laursen. most beautifu" with Marv Contraries Garden Bemiee Boyce. funniest with Tip Toe Through The Tulips and Art en e Bartos, most origi nal with a b^ck-to-school Har py Mothers' Dav Hat. Mrs. A1 'Stiffing, Mrs. Ed ward Buss and Mrs. Edward Fieroni, the iudges of the era zy hat contest^ did such r wonderful ija<Kro^r»\ vw t JW>" IffHt Tire Bob- brother, Bil from MfedeMVi. nas purchased a 1918 Reo fire truck. The truck is the original first fire truck in Lakemoor. He is using "the old antique" for parade: or displays. Some of the neighborhood children enjoyed a ride around the community, or did you notice. Bus The Chamber of Commerce in McHenry has been conducting a syrvey for a regular bus service into town. There is a coupon in the paper which should be filled out and returned. It would be nice to have regular transportation to town especially at Christmas time. Rizzo home were Mr. arfd Mrs. H. Chacona and daughter, Jane of Oil City, Penn., and Mrs. Frank Geltner of Chicago and son. Pvt. Frank Geltner Jr., who is on leave from Massachusetts and will soon be leaving for overseas duty. Brother Bob and sister Flora were also here. Mrs. Chacona is an old school friend of Jo's and Mrs. Geltner is Jo'fe sister-in-law so thev had a reminiscing day's visit. Mrs. Ann Bell of Racine, Wis. spent the weekend with the Ed Bocks. The Bells were former residents and neighbors of the Bocks in Lakeland Shores. Here Today - <«one Tomorrow Almost that fast Arlo Mnrge Schmidt and crew deeded to make their home in Waupa<sa, Wis. An excellent \>b opportunity lured them back to more familiar stamn- 'ng grounds. Goodby from all the'r neighbors who miss them already. A Day At The Farm Grace Camoo and B a r 1 Mewer and their children went to Barb's folks' J arm in Lombard on Thursday. They rode the ponies and horses and ha-* i grand time on the farm. Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Borchert tf 505 Willow Lane entertained friends and family on Saturday evening. The occasion be ng Fritz's fiftieth birthday. He says he's only 25 on each nde. Among those attending vere his daughter and hus- Mr. and Mrs. George Leone, and also Mr. anid Mrs. Joe Leone. * v Happy number 5 birthday lo Toanrte Gladman on Sent. 1. And a habpy twelfth year fo Miss Jo Cina who marked *he occasion 1 w'tv. he help of a JEew mends to demolish her birthday cake. To David Ladd who cele- 'v»o*ed h's birthday on Sent. 4. To Audrev Kaczor whose birthday is Sept. 9. Get Well Wishes To Anna Leone who spent i few days iti Woodstock hosnital but is home again now. To Mrs. Wally Woods who "nderwent surwrv on Aug. 27. She is back home again now feeling better. Completes Training Marine Pvt. John F. Lavin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lavin, completed recruit training Aug. 18 at Ma rind Corps recruit depot, San Diefeo. He has been assigned to Camp Pendeltpn, Calif., and is ° due home around Sept. 26, on leave. . Birthday Party Young John Knebel, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Knebel of 10-1 S. Meadow Lane, celebrated his seventh birthday on Aug. 31. All of Reggie's family came to help him celebrate. One of her sisters from Wisconsin staved overnight and the rest of the gang returned to Chicago. Meet Your Neighbor Howdy to OLD TIMERS Joe nrd Marilyn Stanek of 308 Lakeview avenue, who have been here for a short 5 years. Marilyn hails from West Chi cago and Joe is an Eola boy which is in the Aurora area Thev have three sons, Steve, 5, Pat 3, and Kenny 1. Steve is starting kindergarten this term. Joe has his own business 5r McHenry. He has been co- "Uiirrnan of the beacti committee this year which ha> done a splendid job of improving both beaches. He is also on the baseball team and in a bowling league and is a member of the American LegiO" Marilyn relaxes at the ni and they both swim frequently and like to travel. This is a shorter column due to the early holiday deadline. Thanks for news and keep it coming. Your comments are invited. Holiday Hills WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET SEPT. 14 AT LUTHERAN CHURCH Rita Oleyar - EV. 5-476S Sally' Lubke The regular monthly meeting of the Holiday Hills Woman's club will be held Wednesday evening, Sept. 14, in the basement of St. John's Lutheran church in Island Lake. The meeting will start promptly at eight o'clock. The social part of the evening will feature bunco. All women residents of the subdivision are cordially invited to attend the club meetings. Jeanne Baird, program chairman » tries to present a variety of programs throughout the year. The club fills a real need in the community; they perform many community services, such as the swimming lessons in the summertime for the children. The club also sponsors two girl scout troops. of Girl Scout Troop 478 last year. She attends McHenry junior high school. Frank is employed in the construction business, and Jane enjoys all kinds of sewing, knitting, and likes to swim. Attend Music Festival A group of local music lovers drove into Chicago to the big Chicagoland Music Festival on Saturday, Aug. 20. at Soldiers Field. Hank and Virginia Mroz, Mrs. Ellen Erickson and Mrs. Lorraine Bernis reported that they all had a wonderful evening listening to music under the stars. rapidly now and should be released soon. Bernice Malstrom spent some time in the local hospital also with very bad leg trouble, and is now convalescing < at home. Mary Jungwirth made a switch and entered the McHenry hospital as a patient for a few days to undergo some tests. \ Second Drowning In Lake : The second death by drowning in Griswold Lake occurred Saturday, Aug. 27 at Shores picnic grove. This time the victim was a child, a sixyear- cld Chicago boy. The water is very shallow at the beach where it happened, and the true story probably never will be known. It was an accident, but it should serve to point out to all of us the need for extra caution when in swimming with our youngsters. Carlsons Entertain Visitors Ken and Carol Carlson of Pine street had a houseful of visitors Wednesday - the..twenty- fourth for a day of swimming, fishing ajid sitting in the sun. Guests included Carol's, brother, Dr. Thomas Emmerirrr. of Wheaton, with his wife and son. ' Ol hers in the party included Mr, and Mrs. Charles Gudowski and their three children from Lyons. Next-door neighbor-;. Bernie and Marv Wem- . ken. and three-y e ar-o'l d Shady \Vayne, came over in the evennv- lor the barbecue. In the Hospital Mike Hanke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ferreri, has been in the McHenry hospital with a serious dermatitis infe c t i o n. However, he is recovering more Out-of-Town Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Haroid Seebach entertained a long-timo friend of Arline's. Miss Eva Mae McGowen, from Oshkosh, Wis. Miss McGowen arrived Sunday, the twenty-eighth and she and Arline spent a happy week reminiscing, going on shopping trips, etc. On Wednesday, the twentyfourth, the Seebachs' elder daughter, Barbara Jane, came into town with.-her three year old son, Stephen, for a few days visit with her parents, and sister, Pat, who lives in McHenry. Barbara Jane, who is Mrs. E. W. Wegren, resides in Cheyenne, Wyo., with her husband. Swimming Lessons End The six weeks course of swimming instruction sponsored by the Woman's Club ended last week v with the awarding of certificates, pins, and cards to the children and adults who, had ' fulfilled the specified requirements. The list of graduates of each group was not available when' the column went to press, but we will publish the names as soon as possible. Judging from the progress made by the children this summer and last in learning to swim properly, our subdivision promises to have the largest | group of really good swimmers in the McHenry area. Two Local Petitions To Be Heard Oct. 4 A petition has been filed before the zoning board of appeals for Wilma Aylward. The petitioner is asking for a variation of "R" residence to allow the sale of yarn in her home. This property is located approximately two blocks north .of the city limits of McHenry on Riverside Drive and is bord- I. ered on the east by the Fox; River. - The hearing on the above petition will be Tuesday, Oct. 4. at 3 p.m. in the city hall in McHenry. Another petition has been filed before the zoning board of appeals for Freund's Da^' Inc. The petitioner is asking for a zoning reclassification from "F-l" farming to "B-3" commercial district. This pfoperty is located on the northeast side of Rt. 31 and is apr proximately one and one-half miles east of the village of Ringwood. The hearing on the above petition will be heard on Oct. 4. at 3 p.m. in the city hall Q McHenry. 4 It takes a clever person to bring home the bacon without spilling the beans. \ HORSES FOR SIDING INSTRUCTIONS Horses Boarded, Bought and Sold Dowell Rd. EV 5-4391 Meet Your Neighbor Frank and Jane Van Buskirk moved into the farm house at 5 Violet Drive in August of 1959. Both are natives of Chicago. Their only daughter, Susan, is thirteen and was a member Convenient Courses For Teachers Elementary school teachers can earn college credits for certification, a master's degree, or advancement Enroll If p.m. Sept. 21 Art Education Charles Dorn, Ed.D. Wednesday 7 - 8:40 p.m. Visitors !• On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kroening entertained her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gort and family of Schiller Park. They attended the Littfe League ball games and had an outside barbecue supper. fWfJ Visitors Tuesday at the Paul One hundred thirty lynch- !ngs fT05 ttegro, 25 white) were reported in U. S. 1901, and none in 1952. McHenry Jr. High 310 Park Ave., McHenry offered by NATIONAL COLLEGE CiP EDUCATION Evanston, Illinois Most male look siato the Stone Ago! LARGE IMPLEMENT SALE AUCTIONEERS -- Wm. Sullivan & Eugene Frederick Large Implement Sale on the Jones Farm on U.S. Hy. 20 15 Mi. East of Marengo, Hi., or 4 Mi. East of the Harmony entrance to the XU. toll road. MONDAY SEPTEMBER 10:30 A.M. 12. 1960 %4' Corduroy by McGREG0R Unmistakably the correct look on Eastern campuses this Fall: the clean, trim lines of this three-piece sport suit of fine wale cptton corduroy. Jacket with narrow lapels, flap pockets, check lining. Vest reverses from corduroy to checks, matches the jacket lining. Slacks tailored pleatless and slim. In subtle new Colors of the Hebrides. 765 CORD 3 PIECE SPORTING SUIT 532.95 >TORE for MEN 117 S. Green St. Phone EV 6-0047 McHenry, I1L Qpen Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to, 9 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA DEALERS ASSOC. Farm Auction Service, Inc., Clerk $ .%%V FftvSv 69* TRACTORS -- 1959 Allis Chalmers D-17 with wide front end aind power steering. This is a hew tractor only used as a demonstrator; 3 Int. M 3 AM is Chalmers WD 1 with 3-14 Mounted plow square beam; Int. B with cult.; John Deere G: John Deere 50 Live power Rollomatic; Int. MD; John Deere A with 2-row cult.; lf$4 Ford NAA 4-speed trans., A-l cond., A C. C with cult. TRACTOR MACHINERY -- John Deere RW 12' Wheel Disc; Int. 12' wheel Dflsc; Int. 4-14 Plow Chief plow; Case 2-row picker; Slheller with holding bin; Ottawa sheller, pull type with engine; New Idea 12A Spreader; Brillion Tandem packer; Dearborn loader; D.B. 3-14 plow with cover boards; Int. No. 400 PTO spreader; 3 new Goves wagons; NE Dultmeier steel box; Int. 2 NE corn picker; JD 50 ft. elevator with gas engine; Meyers hay conditioner; 4-ton Farm Hand feed vyagon on 2 wheel trailer; J.D. 55A 3-14 plow; Int. 200 Spreader; M.M. 7 ft. Mower; Int. 45 T PTO baler; Dearborn 6' combine with mtr.; Sohultz PTO green chopper; Letz 40x PTO mill with mill feeder; AC 2-14 plow; Case 2-16 plow; Int. 2-14 plow; A.C. 60 combine with motor, new apron & pickup; A.C. 2-row mounted picker; JD semi.mount. picker; Brillion, cultipacker with brome & grass seed; Dearborn loader with independent pump & fork & material bucket; 40' Universal elevator; N.I. 4 roll shredder; A.C. PTO chopper with corn head; Int. 3-14 fast hitcto plow; M.C. chopper; A.C. 7' mower; New Idea T mower; Int. 4 bar rake; Gehl portable PTO hammer mill; Allis Chalmers blower with pipe; Knight PTO spreader; Freeman loader for MMZ; New Idea No. 60 stalk chopper; Anhydrous ammonia apoLicator; 2 Fox choppers with corn head & pickup, late style corn head; Decker unloading box with new running gear; buck rake; paper chopper with corn head & pick-up; Woods Bros. 6* combine; Harvey hammer mill; Helix self unloading box; MM 7' mower; J.D. No. 200 corn picker; Int. No. 24 picker; M.M 2-row pull type picker; Int. 8' disc; Papec 13" hammer mill; 2 wheel tilt top implement trailer with hitch. Thjs sale is sponsored by the Northern III. Implement Dealers Assoc. The following dealers have contributed to this sale: Helde Impl. Co., DeKalb Chambers Impl. Co., Ktrkland J6nea Equip. & Supply*- Dundee R. F. Houtz & Son, Elburn G. R. Johnson, Elburn Harry Kelley Co., Elgin Helm & Peareall, Elgin Poulter Impl., Belvedere Bartlett Impl., Bartlett Marengo Farm Supply, Marengo The contributing dealers have ruled that the consignments to this sale are pledged for absolute sale. No bid backs. TERMS: To All Farmers, $25.00 and under cash, over that amount 25 per cent .down payment, day of sale, balance to be paid in monthly payments up to 24 MONTHS. Long term direot loans available - See Cashier NORTHERN ILLINOIS IMPLEMENT PEPSODENT TOOTHBRUSH 491 ST. JOSEPH CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN A NEW LOW PRICE -- NEW MODERN DESIGN ESTERBR00K FOUNTAIN PEN With Replacement Point Just squeeze -- It's filled !•#!> Instant Starting -- Smooth Writing 50 TABS. 39l NOTEBOOK FILLER PAPER Jumbo pack of 250 sheets Fits 2 or 3 ring binder 69* LANOLIN PLUS HAIR SPR/gr '$2.2S SIZC 99* 69c Squibb TOOTHPASTE 24 Crayolas 35c Coil Bound Theme Books - 15c Notebook Binders 69c 8 Color Water Colors 75c 12 Lead Pencils 49c 5 Oz. White School Paste 29c Tempera Paints 15c Pencil Tablets 25c Bond Typewriter Paper 25c 12 Inch Ruler 10c ONE-A-DAY 25 MULTIPLE VITAMINS 981 TONETTE HOME PERMANENT FOR CHILDREN'S HAIR 9J7S Westclox Fawn ALARM CLOCK Key Wind $3.98 i FOR 98* "fvv as 10o^-ua7 98/ lr>9ecj co ver "rh)--e <'" y Listre-Creme SHAMPOO 4 OZ. JAR $100 SWIMMER BRAND ATHLETIC SUPPORTERS •100 Ing NEW BLEMSTICK Acne Pimple Treatment 691 WATERPROOF UTILITY BAG SAVE UP TO $150.00 THIS YEAR ON HAIRCUTS ELECTRIC HAIR CUT KIT Includes Electric Clipper, ¥10-0® VAl. Comb, Shears, Butch Attach- CQ OR ment, plus instruction booklet. T«T^ fmptpmcHptim moice Just right for gym $|98 BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 103 S. Green St. EV 5-4500 Vaseline Hair Tenia ^ 4 OZ. 59s Homicebrin Vitamin Syrup for Children Plus 10% Federal Eicim T«i on Toil«tri«(