TEB MeHENBY .MJUNDRAiSa We Wish "In. rivers, the water that you may touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes: so with time present." This was SQdd by Leonardo dq Vinci. You are now at an end a$d at a beginning. Use your education to gain1 wisdom, strength and a successful life. 4r GLADSTONE'S DEPARTMENT STORE ' 1219 N. GREEM ST. EVergreen 5-0182 i¥i PtUG STORE (WALGREEN AGENCY) 1325 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE EVergreen 5-4426 McHENRY STATE BANK ESTABLISHED IN 190S 3 510 W. ELM ST. EVergreen 5-1040 KlilNHANS BUILDING 2913 W. ROUTE 120 EVergreea 5-0771 AROUND CORNER NORTH OF NATIONAL STORE 1304 N. FRONT ST. -- McHENRY, ILL. EVergreon 5-0927 Utcffe&A' 5TORE for MEN 1245 N. GREEN ST. EVergreen 5-0047 PET1R ®IS SHOES ' SHOES & SHOE REPAIR t 1307 N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE L & H. T! and APP 814 N. FRONT EVergreem 5-0909 is H. E & PLUMBOTG, HEATING CONTRACTOR ResttasSial -- Commercial -- Industrial 3012 W. HOWTE 120 EVtegreera §-0048 CAREY ELECTRIC sad APPLIANCE, DM. Contractor: Applaaagess 3309 W. Waukegan Rd. 1241 N» Phone EVergreen Phone E¥ergppcQia 5-3600 or 5-3601 5-5500 @2 5-5111 <m i-i Jewel Shopping Plaza 3722 W. ELM ST. EVergreen 5-2231 McffiNRY K'ATING & AE CC SJkLES & SERVICE: Gas snadl OH Heating Gutters, Downspouts and Boehs 2815 W. ROUTE 120 EWsBgran 5-0101 TOM&SELSjD'S JOHNSBURG BRIDGE EVergreen 5-1475 i'S STAN ACROSS FROM NATIGMAIL STTORE 3817 W. ELM ST. EVergreen 5*0720 THE FAMILY SHOE STORE 1246 N. GREEW EV«rgr«ea 5-iwi/ This Pcqa » Sponsored by tfie Businessmen Named Above*