Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB Tuesday, November 21, 19jk Kent Acres Group Will Sponsor Da lire The Ken1 Acres Improvement association will sponsor a dance at the V.F.W. clubhouse on Nov. 25 at 9 p.m., with proceeds to be used for general improvement of the subdivision. The public is invited. Tickets may be purchased at the door. Pan Hellenic To Meet In McHenry The McHenry Pan Hellenic groups will meet at the home of Mrs. John Johnson, 4220 W. South, Cooney Heights, on Tuesday, Nov. 28. Members will plan for their dessert benefit card party to be held at the Legion home oh Feb. 22. Proceeds will aid in sponsoring a scholarship for a deserving M.C.H.S. girl graduate of 1962. Mrs. Johnson may be contacted at EVergreen 5-4543 for further information. St. Clara's Court Will Meet Nov. 30 St. Clara's Court, No. 65S, Women's Catholic Order of Foresters, will hold their regular meeting Nov. 30 at 8 p.m. in St. Mary's school hall because of the Thanksgiving holiday falline on the regular date of Nov? 23, Mprian Club Plans Scholarship Program The Marian Fathers' club will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 28, at Marian Central High School cafeteria. At this meeting, final plans will be drawn up fcr a deceased member scholarship fund. This fund, when drawn up, will underwrite an education at Marian Central for the son or daughter of any deceased member of the club, in good standing, at the time of the father's death. This should be a great incentive to join and take part in the club's activities for those who haven't as yet joined the club. HOLD ANNUAL SMORGASBORD AT METHODIST CHURCH Velkommen! That's welcome in Swedish, and everyone will be very welcome to the annual smorgasbord presented by the W.S.C.S. of the Community Methodist church on Wednesday evening, Dec. 6, serving from 5 until 7:30 p.m. This will be Smorgasbord in tine truest sense of the word, with choice of three meats, beef, ham and Swedish meatballs, succulent home baked casseroles, jellied salads, Swedish delicacies, cheeses, breads and tasty desserts. Mrs. Mae Stinespring is chairman of the dinner; dining room hostess is Mrs. Anita Vaupell; posters, Mrs. Bette Davidson, assisted by Vivian Bassett; table chairman, Mrs. Ruth Barger; table decorating, Mrs. Jean Weyland. Ticket chairmen Mrs. Ethel Bailey and Mrs. Ruth Olson announce, that tickets should be purchased in advance as a limited number of only 350 will be sold. Tickets may be purchased from all W.S.C.S. members. An interesting Innovation for this year's smorgasbord will be a before-dinner divertissement for those who are waiting to be seated. In keeping with the Swedish theme, colorful slides will be shown, a few fascinating stories of Sweden will be told, and hearty community singing will be offered. This will help the time to pass quickly and keep the mind off of the tantalizing odors wafting upstairs from the dining room. Wed Nov. 4 THE ROGER GORES Miss Josie Bellino of Lilymoor exchanged nuptial vows with Roger Gore of Crystal Lake in a wedding ceremony which took place Saturday. Nov. 4. in St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry. NEWLY FORMED EDGEBROOK CLUB SPONSORS DANCE The first dance sponsored by the newly formed Edgebrook Heights social organization will be held Friday evening, Dec. 8, at 8:30 o'clock at the Legion home, with an orchestra for dancing. The dance is being held to give everyone in the subdivision an opportunity to get better acquainted. Almost half of the families in Edgebrook Heights were represented at the first meeting, and the club has been named the Edgebrook Men's Social club. President is Michael J.. Mc- Donagh; vice-president. Louis Spidalette; secretary, Anthony Pintozzi; treasurer, Walter Anderson; executive board, Dick Hester, Jack Fleming, Roland Herrmann, Paul Mandli, Gib Hagenjos and P. Billiter. ALPHA THETA INITIATES NEW COUNTY MEMBERS The November meeting of Alpha Theta chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma was held in Crystal Lake recently. This was an especially important meeting of the society, for initiation of new members, a meeting of the executive board, and the visit of Miss Florence Cook from Shabbona, 111. were all items of the day's program. Preceding the luncheon the executive board meeting was held at the home of Miss Agnes Thomsen, president of the McHenry chapter. Then in the initiation ceremony at Crystal Lake, Mrs. Ellen Howard ol Harvard and Mrs. Dorothy Ullrich of McHenry became members of the organization. Mrs. Florence Colby was responsible for conducting the initiation ceremony, while Mrs. Blanche Eubank, Mrs. Bertha Fyfe and Miss Faith Harrington were in charge of the brief program which followed. Hostesses for the luncheon were Miss Marcia Hillier and Miss Cecile Morris. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to the clergy, many friends, neighbors and relatives for the spiritual bouquets, floral offerings, cards, prayers, and other kindnesses shown at the time of our recent bereavement. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. The Family of Math N. Schmitt 11-22-61 PADDOCKS RETURN HOME FROM 5,000 MILE TRIP WEST HOSPITAL WILL BENEFIT FROM DEMONSTRATION v The cooking demonstration of the Pistakee Highlands Roman's club for the benefit of McHenry hospital is entitled "Tis the Season", and will bp held Thursday. Nov. 30th at 7:30 p.m. in the Johnsburg community hall. The public is invited. Jean Cooney and Judy Inj.- wersen, home advisors of the Northern Illinois Gas Company, will prepare colorful foods foi the holiday season, including appetisers, vegetables, main dishes and desserts. Emphasis will lje on easy to prepare, economical foods available in December. * P.ecipe books and foods prepared will be .'liven away at the meeting. Cake and coffee will be served by. the Pistakee Highlands Woman's club. Hostesses will be the officers: Mrs. Walter .Sielisch, president; Mrs. Richard Zilligen, vice-president; Mrs. Robert O.'Malley, tsecretary; Mrs. Charles Murgatroyd, treasurer; other hostesses will be Ct1 thy Weber, Doris Hansen, Elaine Galetka, Alice Harris, Doris Kitterman. Delores Gregg, Elizabeth Hanish, Rosalie Spankuch, Dorothy Jenkins and Betty Sandelin. Blanche Haeflisier made arrangements for the demonstration, and will sell tickets along with Barbara Sisk, Sally Jo Von Bruen c h e n h e i m, Lynn Rosinski. Doris Hans :r\ and Sylvia Murray. "HOLIDAY MOOD" FLOWER SHOW IS HOSPITAL BENEFIT 0SRITAL: noSu Memorial Hospital Patients admitted during the past week at Mempjial hospital, Woodstock, included Richard Madden,' Robert Weirick, Zeney Milnsh, Mildred Hay and Paul J ad wick, Wonder Lake; Rosalie Kittleson, William Miller, Carol Justen and Herman Peters, McHenry. Harvard |Iospitai Mrs. Roger Jacobson, Mrs. Thomas Moore and Mrs. Henry Reese, McHenry, were patients during the past week in Harvard hospital. The Fox Lake Garden club is presenting a Christmas flower show and bazaar for the benefit of the Countryside hospital on Thursday, Nov. 30, from noon to 9 p.m. at the United Church of Christ, 25 N. Forest, Fox Lake. It has been entitled, "Holiday Mood". The flower show is not limited to club members, and everyone is welcome to enter. In addition to arrangements, there will be sections devoted to horticulture and juniors. Mrs. Arthur Klein of Fox Lake, formerly of Spring Grove, is a member of the bazaar committee. CARD pp THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends who were so kind to remember me with prayers, cards and gifts during my illness. I will never forget them. Lorraine Boyle 11-22-61 SHOP AT HOME McHenry Hospital Patients admitted to the McHenry hospital during the past week included Marion Vaughn. Joseph Redalieu and Elmer Murphy, Wonder Lake; Goldie Gooslin, Minnie Kreuser and Paul Malina, Jr., Wauconda; Clara Atkinson, Mark William Farrell, Philip Tade, Vicki Tade and Jane McDonough, Crystal Lake; Thomas Cullen, Round Lake; Catherine Maxwell, Ingleside; Angeline Sass. Spring Grove; Daniel Harden, Island Lake; Gregory Koenig. Fox Lake; Arthur Mongeau, Lake Villa: Sharon Bokina, Chicago; William Noyes, Woodstock; Diane Vo'pendesta, Michael Levand, Alan J. Robel. James Lennon, Darcie Clark. David Stilling, Ida Mathews, Evelyne Guy, Ronald Spankuch. Walter Drake, Sidney Hays, Ronald Kwak and Edith Barwig, McHenry. GALA HOLIDAY FESTIVAL AT CHURCH DEC. 2 Greenwo od Community Methodist church will hold a Gala Holiday Festival Saturday, Dec. 2, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This year there will be a display of all wares in separate booths -- toys, Christmas decorations and novelty gifts, bake r y < C h r i s t m a s c a k e an d Christmas cookies) as well as regular bakery items; candies, home canned goods, baby clothes, aprons, house plants, work basket items and a miscellaneous booth. A delicious turkey luncheon will be served at the noon hour and coffee and cake all after- DIVORCES GRANTED Ruth Zdon of McHenry was granted a divorce from Emil Zdon by Judge Carroll in circuit court this past week. A divorce was granted Sharon Danko of McHenry agains^ Norman DankO. . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock, Sr., of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Paddock and son. Verpon, of Wauconda returned recently from a 5,000-mile trip through the West, where they visited all major attractions in a number of states. Included were the Grand Canyon, Painted Desert, Petrified Forest and Indian reservation in Arizona. In Boulder, Colo., they viewed the Hoover dam, now known as the eighth wonder of the world, and wisn visited the birth place of former President Eisenhower in Denison, Texas. It was a most enjoyable trip which the Paddocks will long treasure with its many pleasant memories. liBS @ AIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Product* -- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phono 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 GIANT DOLLS and Stuffed Animals up to 35 inches long only 19 with $3.00 Cleaning Order (less than Vi retail price) LIMITED SUPPLY -- HURRY 1304 N. Front St. McHenry, 111. SAVE CASH & CARRY Always Plenty of Parking at Rainbow's Drive-In McHenry's Oldest, Largest, Most Modern Cleaners HONOR McHENRY GIRL ON COLLEGE "WHO'S WHO" LIST Thirty-three Western Illinois University students have been selected to appear in the publication "Who's Who Among Students yi American Colleges and Universities." Dean John Henderson said this distinction means that these young men and women have been outstanding students in all phases of college life -- academic and social. Before they were selected, their performance was carefully investigated. This recognition means that they have won the respect of the administration, faculty and students. Jeanie Marsh of McHenry is one of those listed to be honored from Western Illinois university. • m r n i s November 25 Fund Raising Dinner For Benefit of McHenry Hospital -- Villa d'Este. November 30 Demonstration, "Creative C o o k e r y i n a C h r i s t m a s Theme" -- Johnsburg Community Hall -- 7:30 p.m. -- Benefit McHenry Hospital -- Sponsored by Pistakee Highlands Women's Club. December 2 Lakeland Park W o m e n ' s Club's Sixth Annual Snowball Dance -- Johnsburg Hall -- 9 p.m. December 2-S McHenry Choral Club Christmas Program -- 8:15 p.m. -- McHenry High School Auditorium. December 6 Smorgasbord -- Community Methodist Church Dining Hall -- 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. -- Sponsored by W.S.C.S. December 8 M c H e nry Woman's Club Meeting -- Community Methodist Church Hall --- Christmas Musical Program Featuring Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kissling. MARRIAGE LICENSES John Hay and Marie D. Hays, both of McHenry. Tact is making your guests feel at home, when you wish they were. A daughter was bprn No v. 14 at McHenry hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Freund, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wieier, Ingleside, are parents of a son born Nov. 14 at McHenr\ hospital. A daughter was born to Mi and ,Mrs. Gary Krumwiede. McHenry, Nov. 16 at McHenry hospital. An Island Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Farrar, became parents of a son Nov. IT at McHenry hospital. IVfr. and Mi's. George Montalbano, McHenry, announce the birth of twins, a son and a daughter, born Nov. 18 at McHenry hospital. IV^r. and Mrs. Phillip Schneider, McHenry, announce the birth of a son Nov. 14 at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs., Charles Kocher, Jr., 704 W. Broadway avenue, McHenry, are parents of a daughter born at Highland Park hospital, Nov. 12. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to ali who sent flowers, cards and to everyone who visited me during my recent illness at McHenry Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses and doctors for their kindness. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Arthur Stuhlfeier 11-22-61 CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank all my friends who were so kind to remember j me with Prayers, cards and gifts during my illness, also a special l hanks to Dr. Kratz. Mrs. Robert St oiler 11-21-61 ATTEND CONVENTION Zelinda Bennett of McHenry, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Ralph Bennett, was among slu Ralph Bennett, was among stUr dents in the department of physical education for women at the University of Illinois who attended the state convention of the Illinois Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreatiqn, held in Peoria last weekend. MARRIAGE LICENSES Donald Harry Grant, McHenry, and Marilyn R. Gaslfield, Deerfield. Antarctic icebergs have been known to last 10 years, whrile few Arctic onefe last over 3. PUBLIC AID ROLLS SHOW OVER-ALL DROP Over-all recipient rolls in September reversed the upward trend by dropping to 424,- 20!? recipients or 1,800 less than the August count of 420 981 persons. The number of recipients, however, was still 15 percent higher than September, 1960, when the rolls held 368,-- 091 persons, Peter W. Cahill, executive secretary of the Illinois Public Aid Commission, has reported. Over-all September costs paralleled the drop, falling to $21,253,352 from August costs of $21,450,918. In SeptembW 1960, the cost was $1 £,700,631. General Assistance ueclined sharply, reflecting improvement in the. economy in some sections of the state and also transfer of families with unemployed parents to the federally- aided program of Aid to Dependent Children. The case load for McHenry county is as follows: Aid to pendent children, 105, "53.4iS', blind assistance, 3, $188; disability assistance, 14, *687J general assistance, 214, $5,777.- 95; old age assistance, 208: $13,537. Read The Want Ads ^lAJant IfUfJabe tJ3old ^JdeadlineS ? . . . the newest & most exciting of <6f styles especially for you are as near |as an appointment with . . . >iver&ide ^Jdalrdtyiing, ^Studio -- GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE -- 1320 N. Riverside Dr. Phone EV 5-0147 McHenry, I1L Member of N.H.C.A. Open: Tues., Thurg., Fri., 9-9; Wed., 9-6; Sat., 8-5; Closed Man. <£ is a fame for expressin gra We at McHenry State Bank have a great many reasons to be grateful. We are thankful to you, our depositors, who have made the McHenry State Bank McHenry County's largest financial institution. We are thankful, too, for Federal Deposit Insurance, which makes your hard earned savings so safe . . . insured safe. McHenry State Bank is thankful for strong capital reserves, which makes our bank a tryly strong financial institution. We are thankful for our new bank building, which enables us to serve you better. mmmm What better wey to express your gratitude than by attending Thanksgiving Services in the church of your choice? McHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 "Mclfynry County's Largest and Finest Financial Institution" Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone EVergreen 5-1040 #