Page Tweniy-Six THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALER Thursday. December 7, 19& MANY FAMILY GATHERINGS OVER HOLIDAY WEEKEND (Continued from page 23) Salurday Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Greffin and family enjoyed dinner and movies at the Ryans. They are from Midlothian. The Priesters took the children down into the Chicago loop Friday where they joined the throng viewing all the Christmas decorations, etc. Friday the John Coughlins went to Park Ridge to visit in the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Houlihan. Peggy and Homer Anderson celebrated their wedding anniversary by going out for supper with Elpha and Bill PJhilippi and then doing some bowling. - Ed and Mary Vestgard have selected the name Deborah Ann for their new doll-baby. The three Simpson children, Steven, Martha and Susan .spent the weekend at grandmother Simpson's home in La- Grange Park. Trips Friday Melvin and Louise Griffeth and three children drove to Otesego, Mich, to visit his sister, Vivian Lang. Enroute home they stopped in Benton Harbor and visited Aunt and Uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Rorick. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Harnes and son, Roger Dale, made a trip to Metropolis. 111., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ellerbusch and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burchett. Rob and Bert Stoll and son, Gary, drove to Maryland during the Thanksgiving holiday where they visited in the home of Mrs. Frances Brown and also visited Arthur Swann. Gary's eighth birthday came at this time so he returned home loaded with many nice gifts. Saturday the John Coughlin family drove to Seneca to visit in the home of the children's great, great uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Carey. Visiting in the Robert Grom home was Jackie's father, John Theisen, from Manitowish Waters, Wis. Demonstration Party Erica Haldeman was the •hostess for an afternoon demonstration party Wednesday, t h e t w e n t y - n i n t h . S e v e r a l friends, neighbors, and iheiv children attended and enjoyed the very delectable pink and yellow cake with their coffee. Christening Baby Kimberly Ann Rad was christened by Rev. John O. Mclntyre in the Faith Presbyterian church Nov. 19. The godparents are Laura and John Sietiel of Berwyn. A buffet dinner was served in the Rad residence. Attending were the grandparents. Mr. and Mns George Rad. from Johnsburg and grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. William^ Colburn, from Spring GroveAAunt and uncle Pat and George Barber from McHenry and aunt and uncle Carol and Bert Baldocchi from Island Lake. Also Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rad from Johnsburg and Bob Colburn and Corinne from Chicago. Sympathy We extend the deepest sympathy to the Donald Arendt family and the Robert Grom family on the loss of Don and Jackie's grandmother, M r s. Mary Theisen, of Wauconda who died Nov. 21. Wishes for a Speedy Recovery To George Rad who was in the hospital. Lydia Fenner is now home after surgery in a Chicago hospital. Jimmir Salo who has been sick this past week. Bridge Club Elpha Philippi won first prize this past week while Hannah Harner took travelling prize and Rita Simpson got the booby prize. Pat Kellogg was the hostess serving salad and sandwiches. Cub Scouts At the last meeting the Cub Scouts made ornaments to go to the Children's Home in Woodstock. The Cub Scout Christmas party will be held Dec. IS at 7:30 in the Johnsburg school. Brownies Wednesday, Nov. 22, the Brownies enjoyed a playtime day and discussed the gifts to be made for their parents for Christmas. The next two weeks will be spent working on the gifts. Remind the girls to bring their spools and wood for the making of these projects. The wood should be about 10 inches by 3 inches. Also bring Christmas wrapping paper and seals. Does anyone have a recipe for modeling clay? If so. call Peggy Gnrrelts at 385-2101. Wednesday the twentynineth, the girls made a box of fruit which was given tp a needy family. It was decided to make a scrapbook for the Brownies and JoAnn Qual was elected tp be in charge of it. Nancy Olson brought the treat. The twentieth is the date of the big three occasion party. If the mothers of the Brownies can come please let the leaders i know. The party will be held at i the Faith church from 4-5. Be sure to bring your 35 cents wrapped grab-bag gift. Dec. 22 the girls will all meet at the barn at 7 p.m. to go I carolling. If any mothers wish to join them come along. A written permission slip is necessary so don't forget to bring it with you to the next meeti ing. They can still use another mother to iend a hand at the meet'nsjs. Anv girl who has missed four consecutive meetings will be automatically replaced by another from the waiting list. If your daughter wishes to drop out please call. Faith Presbyterian Church Dec. 7, 8 p.m. -- Third teacher- training session with the pastor at the church. Dec. 10, The sermon will be entitled, "The Infancy Narratives." ^ Dec. 11, The church building, committee will meet with Rev. Charles Filson, Synod's Director of New Church Development. Dec. 12, 8 p.m. -- Choir rehearsal. Mr. Mclntyre will be attending a meeting of Presbytery's Christian Education committee at Rockford. Dec. 13,.. 10 a.m. -t-- The Executive Commi 11 e e of the Women's Society will meet. Dec. 13, Evening session at 7:30 p.m. At 8 p.m. Board of Deacons and Joint Board's annual planning meeting. Dec. 14, United Presbyterian Women's Christmas Program will take place at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. M. E. Peck, 1916 N. Orchard Beach road. Birthday Wishes Dec. 8 is shared by Glen Messer and 13 years young, , Brenda King. Happy birthday to Terry Philippi who will be six years old Dec. 9. Dec. 10 is the first birthday for Wally Barry. On Dec. 11 David Borcovan will be 8 and Larry Tucker will be 7. Celebratirig right along with them will be Sandy Leonard. Note -- Change of Date The date of the E.M.P.O.A. children's Christmas party has been changed to Dec. 23. Please take notice and mark your calendars so we will be seeing you all there. Comments I have a correction to make on the Nov. 11 birthday party at the Mclntyre home. It was for Priscilla and not Marissa. These late hours I keep are beginning to show! Thanks to all of you for your many, many phone calls. Remember the meeting at the barn tonight all you interested Women Club exmembers. Cast your vote and make your suggestions so the treasury can close the book. HERD AVERAGfe The Holstein-Friesian Association of America has announced a new lactation average for the registered jfrolstein herd of Henry Wegener, Round Lake, who has forty-four complete production records averaging 15,888 lbs. of milk and 619 lbs. of butterfat. BEN FRANKLIN 00 to i slippers Relax around the house with a pair of comfortable slippers. For the kids, corduroy with soft bunny fur cuffs. Pixie Slippers of soft mallo-vyn for the young girls and luxurious quilted satin slippers for mom. CELEBRATE r NEW YEAR S EVE at the ARLITE s S i LOUNGE and RESTAURANT 3924 W. Main St., McHenry "PRIME RIB DINNER" Served 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. ALL DRINKS and FAVORS PLUS CHAMPAGNE at MIDNITE and MUSIC BY THE PLAYBOYS" By Reservations ONLY! CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC $25.00 per couple -- Tickets at the Bar Phone 385-0f 51 4-ROLL GUFTT IfRAP Extra wide for big packages. 8 holiday designs. 26x300 in. 3-R0LI SIFT WRAP 9 different holiday designs to choose. 20x360 inches. LIFE SAVER Gilt Books 12 flavor roll* to suit every taste. In handsome foil book. SURPRISE f STOCKINGS I 10c Colorful holiday design. Candy and toy s©8» prises inside. 6-R0LL ©iff tfIIP Specially priced to save yon more. 20 x 528 inches. FESTIVE CANDIES 5<M50 Drum, ' Flame- Glo and Pilgrim Lite holiday candles. H0IIDA1 ST0CKINJ Red net with candy and toy surprises. Loop for hanging. Can# Stick Zesty pepper* mint striped candy stick. 12- in. long. On TV! 8 : PER ©SStY-10771 ; ases! « wis • wivw vfi boclc of neck. Dainty dress, rooted hair, movingeyes. Cathy knows 11 phrases! Pull voice string at y w MATTEL TOYS HATTII. TOYS -pT\V {Of ^ play 'fe„.,es a yjatt princess or ,1,C loveW vnrt>«SM-UP LA WOMBEffiFOL CHEISTMAS SUKFMISES Brighten the holiday for \ your own w o n d e r f u l someone with a Christmas s u r p r i s e from PHONELAND. There's something for everyone (you, too) to make living e a s i e r and h a p p i e r a l l year long. Bell Chime announces calls with a gracious mclodic chime; also converts to the conventional ring. Comes in ivory or gold. 6E-TAR-- Yogi SesiP 74-in. plastic Ge-tar -- nylon strings; plays Vagi theme. JALOPY-- M0900 Drives! 814-in. car--battery operated --rocks, rattles, rollsl SPINNING WHEEL It really works! Exact in detail. Reg. 7.98 With wool, 2 needles, 3 spin heads. ICO TOYS Home Interphone will change your home into PHONELAND! Lets you talk room-to-room, answer the door, check baby, relay calls--by phone. Wouldn't Home Interphone surprise your family? nsmmm Get 3 balls thru maze first! Tower lights for winnorf REG. 3.98 m "EfCIM Plastic and glas knobs for d erase easily. .11 Turn _ complete Selection At Low, levy Prices. Give gift-wrapped telephone services--ready to put under the tree. Get low cost details at our business office -- or ask your telephone man. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE BEN FRANKLIN $ miry" * - T"'TTffnntwflnmotmow)uui ALL-ALUMINUM 6-FOOT TREE Priced"* 4» Lasting beauty at such a low price. Won't tarnish or rust. Easy to put together POM POM TRIE 4 Ft. High $fl99 Pom Pom end on each branch. Metal standL FINGER TIP Towel Sets I98 SHINY Ornaments $1 19 3 gay g u e s t towels by Cann o n . T e r r y screen designs. CAFE Curtains .12! Colorful chromspun pinch pleat cafe and valance sets. Box of 12 Kg 2%-in. assorted solid color glas* balls. CANNON BATH SET 2»8 in* vJ, Set includes bath towel. guest towels, 2 $ wash cloths. S 3-PIECE Carving Sets 298 Stainless steel jjj b l a d e s , horn ^ Yi plastic handles. Fork, 2 knives. jn Boxed Jew For the ladies on your listl Choose stunning necklaces, brooches and earrings in matched sets. Fashion colors in handsome gift boxes. BAR11S6 •ytae tee Ruth Barry boreleg nylons. 400 needle, 15 denier. Sizes 8Vi-11. HANKIES I Gifti©n®d | CSk $ Three fancy hankies with f t lace c o r n e r s . zj White, pastels. JS- FOR children Boys' white shirt with cuff links, tie. In sizes 3 to 12. TODDLERS' DRESSES 299 Smartly . trimmed dresses in assorted fab* rics. 9 mo. 3-yrs. i Bunny ears and g bells in pink or blue. Padded sole. Sizes 2-8. £ BULKY Cardogas 100% knit Orion j with crew or \J\ sshhaawwll ccoonll ar* ft. J§ Colors, 4-8* X HOLIDAY €©i§AGES 2§fi-39c Add sparkle and holiday spirit to your wardrobe. Jiwiimr BC'liES $1.0 $5.98 Lift-oirt tray, simulated leather, gold color trim. Lined. Hao MEGS'S Giffu L'ICJ: «3 |00 1311 N. Court Street -- Phone: 385-9981 3 rolled hem white handkerchiefs in attractive box. HANWAT BRIEFS 2P'135 Men's briefs with built-in comfort.| In sizes M. L XL |00 The season's newest fabrics, and colors. Holiday boxed. Rep. $22.50 Shick Electric Razor $ Automatic Model K with 3-way adj. Comb Head # *12.88 1 s Our Price Limited Qtys. <•