-- . "-V * ^ &&'&&&& '£:i&!&*ii£ THE HcHBfRT gLAINDEAIXR IPTA Futt Fair } Set For April 4 ~ Joyce Toepper - 885-8044 • 4 f * *> * r ";SfaWrday, April 4, Is tlie tate of this year's Johrisfiurg Fun Fair. For you1 neftcombers, the Firti Fair is sponsored eafch spring by the johnsburg Public School PTA arid is ifi^fr one big fund raising affair each school y6ar,' It will begin, at 3 p.m. Chris Williams is chairs man of the affair this year. Johnsburg School Take* First In Tournament Johnsburg grade school basketball team, having pieced second in the Lakes conference play behind Channel. Lake, beat the same Channel Lajke team in a round robin tournament in Fox Lake on Saturday evening. Johnsburg jflwtf;i;»^s pitted against Lotus on Friday evening whom tliey beat 36 to 24. Saturday afternoon their foes were from Big Hollow with' Johnsburg attain on the top of a 41 to 36 final score. Saturday evening the regulation game ended 32 to 32 against Channel Lake. In the first overtime both teams scored two points. However at the end of the seconda0v^time Johnsburg emerged ' victors with a 40 to 36 win. T6' "complete an already perfect day the Johnsburg cheerleaders were picked to receive this year's cheerleading traveling pleague. On the cheerleading team are Nancy Jorgenson, Roxanne Kenton, Sheila Marshall, Margaret Moore, , (Jail Neilson, Lorelei Neilsen, Peggy Peterson, Jean Petrov, Marjorie Ruth, and &n6t Thoren. Congratulations for a job well done to all of these boys and girls. Cub Scouts Cub Scout Dili 4, 'Pick' 45? project for Easter were Easter Lilies which they presented "to their mothers. After their regular meeting at the home of co-den mother, Joan Stull, the boys stopped in to see their other den mother, Marilyn Wiggerman and present the new Wiggerman baby with a gift. I imagine many of the boys claim a dislike for girls but doubt that anyone of them could dislike this little girl. Farewell Farewell and best wishes to Ceil and Millie Coleman whq have been residing at 1308 W, May Avenue since the summer of 1962. The Coemans left pur midst on March*1, - ; * Terrace New-Betas Christened : Sunday, March 15, was thcf day little Jeffrey James Kaiser Was in the limelight. Jeffrey Was baptized at the Mount Hope Methodist church following the regular servi<£by Hey. Doertecke. His sponaei* were Marilyn and Jim Kinder bf Sunnyslde. The Hinders and family joined the Kaisers for dinner and were present at the open house held by Jeff's parents', Frank and Pat. in honor of the occasion. Others attending the open house included Mr. and Mrs. Hannemann and family, McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Westman and son, Round Lake, grandparents, Mr. and Mr*. Frank Kaiser, Fox Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Sy Hansen, L4bertyvile. Ron and Marilyn Wlgger* man's daughter,. Dawn Elizabeth, was christened on Sunday, March 15, at St. John's church in Johnsburg by Father Dording. Godparents .lor the oeremony were Annette, Wiggerman and Jerry Connerty, Attending a dinner at the Wiggerman home folowing the event were the Connerty family, Annette and Roger Wiggerman; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farnsworth and son, David, Chicago; Mrs. Julia Mika, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herbig, Chicago; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kolan, Pistakee Highlands and Mrs, Catherine Wiggerman home following the Chicago on Friday to spend the entire weekend and help Marilyn get ready lor the big day. Terrace Tidings Mary and George Mecko received a call from Cdlumlms, Ohio, early Monday momin» informing them of the arrival of their second gwafflmmWOL Weighing in at 8 lbs.,, 4 ozs. This little dattltig Is" the sec* pnd girl for Alice and George Mecko, Jr., Mary left immediately for Columbus where she spent the week. Ufocle Mike is taking care of the home front until Maiy returns on Sunday. Chalk two more up for Jeanniejo Benoche. Jeanniejo was selected by her teachers as the McHenry high school representative to the Illini Girl's State sponsored by the American Legion and taking place yin June. Jeanniejo also joined: the other McHenry high school students interested in music at the state choral competition ;in Evergreen Park on Saturday. Jeanniejo was a member of the sextet that gained » superior mt*; ing and also participated, in a quartet and the choral competition. Clara's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hayes of CWcagp. Tom and Pat Merhaut l^id family visited with itr. and Mrs. Louis Merhaut of Oak* |awn on Saturday evening. Sunday dtyner guests at the TomMerHaut home were: Linda Hafc and I^qn Lamberg. ; TJuj Russell . Parkerfamily spent the weekend at the home of her .parents, Mr. andMrs. Charles Schwebke, Chicago. On Saturday evening Russ fiftd Dorothy went, to Gleh^. Vleft where they joined three other couples in a reunion df eld friends who hadn't been together ior about13 r; yvm&h P* tote domihg ..HqRHMI .flhpiwfe the Parker family stopped by to see the Kenneth Partem In Chicago,, and dined with Mr. ttnd- "-'MtSi Bert' • Carlson &nfl family, of Des Plaiijes,;; a . Sunday dinner guests, at. the Fred Woerner homewere^itis sister, Mrs. Bertha Kifchhofer and niece, Mrs. Harold-Garner of .W^ieatoft. ;$cbl$$$ Rabb returned t^ lfe Terrace' on Wednesday foilta^ ing an eye operation at the Oak Park hospital the precedi n g F r i d a y . M a r i o n s p e n t Thursday through Sunday at the home of her son, Jack Adair, to avoid the long drive from home to the hospital. Birthday Greetings Many happy returns of the day to the following birthday celebrants) as we finish up the month I of. March: Marcia Merhaut who will be four years j>ld on March 27, former Terrace resident, Eola Hillman on March 29, and Cynthia Waugh who will be seven years old on March 31. Happy birthday also .. to ...Chester Gullachson of jStpinyiide an March 31. Begfo Bernard V. Narus'u Vote Republican "j'< at From Major Cities Coast-to-Coas* A Only Northwest serves the great Alaskan adventureland direct from major cities Coast-to-Coast . . . for the finest, fastest, most frequent services to this land of rare vacation pleasures. You're just a few hours away . . . with direct, non-stop Northwest service from New York, Chicago and Seattle. For Imihediate reservations, call your Travel Agent or write your nearest Northwest Airlines Office. ORIENT AIRLINES upmost h of April is Benoche, 17 on April 1 along with Dawn Hawkins, who reaches t he ripe oldageof 6 also. .-V -' V; • - Anniversary Wishes ! CohgmitulttloM to Werner atod Infl^Ut^ Tieptau who celebrate their wedding annivers* aiy oh<April 2. Just V couple of quick notes. Don't forget to vote on Tuesday, April 14 at the Sunnyslde village hall. Our ancestors fought- Jiard for our right to vote for our representatives, let's not abuse it. It seems the auxiliary got a late start on the spring dance tfils yfftp aitd 4aa't find a date open that is eatisfactory. The annual spring dance just may be postponed until a fall dance.; This is the last notice to pay 8S& delinquent dues. Liens will be placed the beginning of ApHl. Any penalties for past due payments on the liens will be paidhby the delinquent party so if you are interested in sav- .tog a few dollars, and who isn't? better get your name cleared now. SSIFIED NMUSS fat Holiday Hlllt SCBIBE GREETS READERS WITH,- • EASTER" WISHES IsosVoqag 'Here wer are almost a week into the spring season, and right in the middle of the season of the Passion story. For all the Christian world it is a time for mixed emotions as we relive the events "of the first Holy Week with feelings ot -sadness and joy. Many of you will attend your church in the next few days and find renewed faith to go along with the Joy of Easter. Even mother nature takes part as the buds begin to swell, the tulips and crocus start pushing their way up, a sure sign of spring along with all our familiar feathered triends who are back with us again. Do I sound like I h*ve spring fever? Maybe we're supposed to have spring -fever so that we take the time to find a new lease on life both spiritual and physical. A happy Easter to all. H.H.P.O.A. Meeting Vi and Rich Wyczesany opened their home to the members ot the Holiday Hills Propi erty Owners Association* on Monday evening March 16. Vice-President Dick Bemis presided in the absence of President Harry Postal. The new officers and board members reported on their meeting assuring the members present that they and the various committees are working for the common interest of all residents and will appreciate everyones help In whatever capacity they would like to help. Board members will be in touch with the people in their districts and will be available if you have any questions. Julia Ann Christened Julia Ann Mahon, infant daughter of Mary Ann and Bill, was baptized by Father Parker at St. Patrick's church in McHenry on Sunday, March 15. Acting as godparents were Mary Ann's brother, Frank Rachwalski, and her cousin, Jacqueline Sawisch. The baby was named after her two grandmothers, Julia for Mary Ann's mom and Ann for Bill's mom. Following the ceremony at church a combined birthday and christening dinner was held at the Mahon home. Those Complete Ante Rebuilding Service "Everything done In our shop" • Wheel Alipmenft "' j' # Frame Mghteolng # Radiator Repair • dim ft Upholstery All this adds up to greater savings to you. Cheese the shop that has the complete equipment INSURANCE ESTIMATES F R E E New lOfMin. Car Wash Mon.-Sat. 8 bjh - 5 p.m... 4707 W. Route 120 Lakeland Park Phone Day or Night Days: 885-0444 Nltes: 885-1422 in attendance were Mrs. Ann Nataro, Bill's mom, whose birthday was being celebrated^ Mr. and. Mrs. F. Rachwalski, Mary Ann's folks, Mr. and Mrs; J. Nataro, Joey, Jr., and Cheryl, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sawisch; Louis, Jr., and Ricky along with the godparents and the other Mahons, Debbie and Billy. Pink Bundle No. %/'. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Grasser welcomed their second daughter at McHenry hospital on Sunday, March 8. Connie and Gerry live on Sunset Drive; with their other daughter. Con-1 nie Grasser is the daughter of Ed and Grace Karlic who live on Tower Drive. Congratula-; tions to the entire family. Ahlgrim Family Grows Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ahlgrim now have three grandchildren. Pam and Mike Ahlgrim presented them with a granddaughter, Denice Marie, bom on Friday the 13th at McHenry hospital. A grandson, Dayid Forrest Ahlgrim, was born last month on Feb. 15 to their son, David, andhiswlfeDlauie,. Mt. Prospect; grandchild was boni lasi in^ Soutlr Americap-8^ tiijS w daughter Joyce. •• A veiy, very late birthday greeting to my neighbor, La-f < von Dowhin, who celebrated'^ her birthday early this month iSt' on March 12.. . I1® ' And belated greetings to • both Midge Tebber and 1 Weiss who celebrated last Friday, March 20. ' -J-.- • - , -' Neiy* - Please' T t f T notice that offe^ of !tK»^- other columnists has a fevipi^ ghost writers. In other word# people who call when the^jV know a neighbor has some"* news. Sometimes it's easier t# call about your neighbor thaiv|% about yourself. How about it --your neighbor having a birthday, anniversary -- something special going on -- nice news -~ of course, but we need news before we end tijp not haying any' column ,,at • Every persbn<ris ; Ignorant, only on different things* <"r FREEZER BEEF SALES U. ©. ©rade Good <S Choice : Here's how to save on food bills ftndmake menu planning eaner, too. West Side Locker can help turn your home freezer into your personal store. West Side Locker Service helps you select meat in quantity . . . then cuts it just the way you like it and wraps it in special freezer paper, clearly identified. You save real money by buying in quantity. And think- o£ the^/time and trips to the store you'll save, too. So, take advantage of the home freezet segvice at West Side Locker Service. Let us . . . Meat . . . your Freezer['at rent you a locker to SAVE you money. We can arrange financing for Qualified Customers. WEST LOCKER SERVICE 8910 W. Main St. Phone 885-8550 McHenry mr&m •WJ^l-smofltffChivtolet (mpafa Sport Coupe (119^n. wf^eefbase) 'i.: X .<> , ' ' :-i t (• . ± . ( t Qb to New Chevelle Malibu Sport Coupe (115-in. wheelbaseX ^^^ i avi-' fcw-i i- .. i .>• > s r X-y * i* ^ A// ^ vw % s Cn ' i HI iM V •u it: '64 Chevy n Nova Sport Coupe (110-in. wheelbase) to make Viirltn '64 Corvair Monza Club Coupe (108-in. wheelbase) you happy Thugs haw changed a M since a Chevy was only a Chevy. Especially your ideas of wlhsit you want a Chevy to be. mmm yom the Jet-smooth Chevrolet--17^ feet of pure Jmmsf'p bumpsr.'to- bumper. The si?e ©Sone .might make it a luxury car# ©waif nothing else didL MM everything else does, but the price,, Or can choose th® tteifty Chevy II, a 15^-foot family car witli all kinds of passenger and luggage space--and three kinds engines (4, 6 or extra-cost ¥§) to choose from, taides. This year, your choice might be the new 16-foot-plus Chevelle, sized to fit nicely between Chevrolet and '64 Corvette Sting Ray Sport Coupe (98-!n. wheelbase) 7 . •' Chevy II (and between parking meters, with five whole feet left over)r but with its own special looks and room. "Then, too, there's the sporty 15-foot Corvair, so right for so many people (you girls, in particular) that we've never touched an inch of it--except for things like bigger rear engines for $4* And finally. Corvette--still 14>£ feet and still too much for any true sports-car lover to say no to. ' The long and short of it is, you don't have to go to any length to find exactly the size and price and kind of car you want. Just see the live different lines of cars at your Chevrolet dealer's. fUS .QliAT HHWAY Pi FORMERS See them at your Chevrolet • CheveHe • Chevy n * Corvair * CwnHi Chevrolet Showroom •3 CLARK ALES m ^KMNT. STREET McHENRY PHONE * " • »-*"» ffc' - •• •^W& '• .-.fir':-, •* . • -Mil • 'fvjKW' " i it* fifW ' *&£ • ;:4; VM®