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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1964, p. 10

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Ten THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Thursday, May 28, 1964 I London. She plans to spend the next six weeks tourme Italy. ' Austria and Switzerland ... . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fcwles E!5zabe!fi Thompson. Abe vcere entertained in the home Rodenkirch. Evelyn Freund. of her sister. Mrs Andrew Laura Weber. Helen Heuser. Kruii. irs Wi>„ o\-er the Frsnees Wtdhelm. Barbara GH- . weekend. pio. Irene &uff€y and Bertilla Mr. and Mrs. "Jerome Sharp Freund of the Catholic Daugh- and children and her mother, ters of America attended an Mrs. John Boiger. \isited m the ward dinner at Downey Wed- home of his mother Mrs Jenesday evening and were en- rome Sharp. S:.. in Kir::? SunlertEined with band- orchestra Qgy and choral selections by the Mr and Mr? Everett Klinveterans. - The highest award-kef. d&aete-er^ Jane. Georgia was, given to Mrs. Charlotte and Sharon, of Morris, attended Read of the American Legion a goibenng in the C'jem W;rf<- auxiliary-for 7.500 hours of ser- home Sunday honoring their \-ioe. The local chapter of the - granddaughter and also the D. of A's have been making W.rfs grandda-ogh'er. Theresa visits to Downey for the past Marie -who was baptized on ten years. that dsy June Klihkcr served Asatsag the out of town folks as sponsor lor the new bot'v here "Stlend the C- D. of A. who is the daughter of Mr. ana ilotbers Day banquet were Mrs John Wirfs. Miss Eleanor Quinn. Mrs. Con- Mrs. George Mevers of WoodnSe McGirr and Mrs. Lucille Mejsheschi of DeK.alb court and Sirs. Ettiel Ronan. Mis? Lore*-- ta Foley Mrs. James Foiey and Miss Anna Walsh of the Elgin Court. lirs. Ernestine Christian. Chicago Mr, and Mrs. William Bremsan and baby of Glen Ej- 3vn and Dr. and Mrs. Henrystock- and her guests. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Meyers- of Diamond. Bar. Ca.if.. ca.lec on old frjencu* here Monday. Miss Frances Vycital sn: Mrs. Eisie R.eiker jeft April 12 from. OTiare field for New' Y^rk'-where wr.h 45'"1 members" of the O E 5 from Un: led Spates. Canada an: vbe Wen , Mrs. Be'*y Nielsen of Sea] . Beach. Calif., is spending the summer in McHer.ry. Mrs. Fleanor Manning and Miss Gertrude May • of Oan Park visited McHenry reia'.,'\ei- "Wednesday of last v. eek S^t. Kenneth Espey was called to Washington. Pa.. las: week by the death of his brother, Clinton Meekf. who passec away of s,ack at th-. age of 60. Mr and Mr-. Wi.iiarrr 3e'.- cher and" Mrs. Lucy Thomas c'. "WtwtfcTock'wer* Sufiaiy~\TSRors in "he home (A Mrs. C. E Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dowel, and family made a recent tr.r to O'Hare Fjeld to pick up br: brother. P-ay Tonyan. of Crystal L^ake. who WHS retumin. from a trip to the World's Fair • Mr. and Mrs . James Brook? and family and Mrs. Walter Brooks were entertained in the home of the letter's sister. Mrs • Laura Breixnan. in Chicago Sunday li': ani Mrs I liber: Berj- •jm*r vho r<«cenUy returned i.'^m San iv-rnadmQ. C«¥°f Yir-i ? ' ne> hn-i been residing a."-:- rK>v> nK-e.y located in new home ir. Whispering Hiiis near Johnsr.'U!^. Mr and Mrs. M. L. Schoenhojtz visited their son. Jack, a* DeKaib Fndaj evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page sperr _eL_iesc. days. jecent ly... with he. sis-er. Mrs Alice Frasier. ir Grinneil. Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Goorge E Johnson and son. Stephen. o: A.ri:n.rtoc H-rirhts. visned Mc- Hor :y re '.a:•:* S'indiy. Mrs. Catherine Chicane o: Skok.e and hei dslighter frwr. Rose'ie were refers* guests of the i•' •rmer ' =•• sis*e:. Mrs. Htenrj J. Snlknr * • Mr. anr Mr? William Jordar visited friends in Rockford and £>ixun Sunday. Mrs Fred Schoew^er enterihinea \he members of her \V^ukes:£in card c-!ub at a iunho< »n and ca^ds Tuesda y Mrs. Nick M. Jus.cn and -^•oghtex. Ciarene. at'ended irrr-sduat Jon exercises at the Ricranond-Bunoo high school Sundaj- and also a gathering it the Joseph J us? en home in Richmond later honoring then s'»n_ Joseph, a member of the -•lass Others' present from this . kTnTtA were Mr and Mrs. Elmer J us ten. Mark and Dennis May and the Carl Mart in fam- Mr and Mrs. Fred Schoe^-er a Mended the. sixteenth annual sj-vrmg show for employees of a CT»mjiar5\ for which Mr. Schoewer worked in Waukegan Friday evening. Mrs. Ka'hryn Steilen has re- *umen from a two-weeks visit i in the home of her son. Charles, j in Hinsdale. j Mrs. Irene Guffey spent Sun- : day in the home of her son. William, in Richmond and saw : her granddaughter. Patty Guf- ! fey, receive her diploma at j graduation exercises of the j Richmond-Burton high school i Later Patty was guest of honor ! at a buffet supper and gather- : inc of t£k--enty-fcur relatives and j friends at the Guffey h>rr;-- I The previous Sunday. May IT. I Mrs, Guffey -e^t-en^ined -at--a ' four o'clock dinner at their \ home honoring the birthdays of • her granddaughter. Michelle ; Guffey. and h?r sister-in-law Mrs. Irvin Pope: c4 Woodst'-.K-k Miss Kathy Johns, dsuehter : of Mr. and Mrs. William Johns ; 'Ariene Warner' of Elgin, a 1 graduate of the Kigin high schc>o! this year, has received a schc.larship to the Columbus college of Art and Design in Co- | lumbus, Ohio Api>lying for the j scholarship Kathy sent a port- - folio of a dozen representative j illustrations of her work, in- ' cludihg pen and ink drawingB. i oil painting, waler color and charcoal, all work In the drawing and painting media. She attended daa**'# at the Art Institute JaK« summer, Mrs. Wayne Meyer and daughter, Dawn Marie, returned Sunday from a week's visit with Mr Meyer's parents jn West Salem. Wi», Repair Service Brake Kervlr* All M»'<hanlral Repair* Complete Motor Overhauling Towing Service For Fa pert Car Care Come to . . . BUTCH'S Auto Service 1002 N. Front St. 885-0811 McIIenry. IIL Freund enjo>:-gd dinner ;and a indies they left m four i:roups social e^-erung at the A. J. fr,j- Pans where they boar-ded a Wirtz JSome. Saturday, in ob- ' train for a tour of Europe in servanee of Mre. Freundi birth- which the>- visited eleven counday. Mrs. Christian remained tries.. Amonc somit c>f the outfor a weekend visst. ! standing hirhlights of their trip Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Stil- were a reception by the O.E5. ling, scene recent visitors in the Jn Munich Germany, an audi- Anthony and James Caparuli ence with Pope Paul. YL in homes in Lombard and Mrs. Rome, a ride on the gondolas in Stilling -was a guest in the Venice, a trip on the Rh.ne rihame of her sister. Mrs. Calh- ver a \-jsjx to the tulip beds in erine Chicane, in Skokie a few • Holland and the changing of days the past week. Mrs. Gerald Newman called on her sister, Mrs. Calla Rainey the guards in London, They returned home May 12. Mrs. Ednh R.oeder. a former in Geno^ City. Wis., Thursday. ; McHenry resident, now of Bo- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wag- j wie. Md.. who with her famly ner of Round Lake were'Satur- was visiting in Chicago, spent day afternoon visitors in the a days in the Herman home of Mrs. Walter Brooks. ! Berkley home. Mrs. F"rank Meyer visited in j Mr. "and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl the home of her niece. Mrs. j attended a gathering in the William BeckneU, in Hebron Robert Brugger home"in Keno- i Thursday evening. ^bfr. and Mrs. E. C. Kimmel j and the Donald Kimmel family | of Elgin were guests of the < former Mrs. Kmnnei's sister. Mrs. . Waiter Walsh Sunday.' where -they celebrated the birthday of their brother, Edward Dwyer, of Chicago, who was here for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peterson entertained at a dinner and family gathering at their home Sunday honoring their grandchildren, Sherri Schaefer and . Vefrtpn. Ficken, who were eon- ! firmed at St. Patrick's church ! Monday evening. Present for > the happy occasion were Mr. ' and Mrs. Charles Peterson. sha, Sunday, honoring their daughter. Barbara, who was confirmed in the auditorium of Carthage college that day, Mrs. Robert Conway and Mrs. William Weyland were in Chicago Friday where they saw I the former's daughter. Judy, j dance in the Stone Camryn ] Ballet in a local theatre. Miss ! Naomi Sorkin of Glencoe. a member of the cast, returned , with them where she was an ' overnight guest in the Conway home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beardsley. Barbara and Bud. and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jensen and Miss Ruth Jensen, all of Chicago. spent a recent day with ' -^r- and Mrs. Ralph B^ezad of Mr J ani,Mr:_ UV™ Whispering HilJj. Mr and Mrs. Fred Schoewer. Mrs. Eleanor Young and Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mr! John L. May in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner and sons of Miiton. Wis„ were Sunday visitors in the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Simon. Peterson and children. Lake Zurich; the Roy Schaefer family. his sister and children, Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan, the Vefpori Ficken. Jack Schaefer, Donald and Richard Peterson families of this city. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson paid their last respects to a friend. George Koltz. in an Oak Park funeral home Monday evening. Mr. Koltz. a former resident of River For- Mrs. Edna Heimer and Mrs. est-.who now hls home Jn Clarence Craig of Chicago were Round Lake, passed away at bt. here to attend burial services *nierese, hospital. Saturday, at for Mrs. Gertrude Heimer of the age of 87. The Thompsons Kenrrsha in St. Mary s cemehad attended the celebration of teiy Wednesday, the sixty-fifth wedding' an-' . Mr. and Mrs. Ovo Adams nivereary of Mr. and Mrs. Koltz have returned to their home in hel<rin Oak Park in February. park Falls. Wis., after spend- Mr. and Mrs. George Garrity a few- week> here. .of Palos Heights and Mr. and Mrs. Elvera Durland arr.\-ed Mrs. ."Hoop" Schoewer of Oak fro-- Seal Beboh. Calif ., ^as? Park spent Sunday in the Fred w eek for a visit with relatives Schoewer home. here Mrs. A. P. Freund and PJchard Joblonski has purdaughter, Leone Tony an. spent chased the Wsnkel place at a recent day in Chicago where 1502 N Court street arKi afte; they renewed acquaintance and remodeling is comf^e'eo w:J enjoyed luncheon at a popular move his famj.v hert from Sur.- hote] with Mr. and Mrs. Bob nyside. The Winkel famny .- McLean, whom they had met now at home in rme of "thco » « but tour. The McLeans Gladstone a p a i t n. e n t s en were enroate from a visit to: James street. the World's Fair to their home Mr. and Mrs. Herman Buck in Oakland. Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson. -daughter. Marcia.. and son. Gary, -motored to O'Hare Field. Friday evening, where they saw Mr. and Mrs, N->chan Mareia .-eave by jet direct for moved to Johnsbuig. have moved from the Town club to the -Joseph Nischan home on \N"a>h:n^ton street which they have purchased have "LAY OFF THAT 'DUMB ANIMAL* ALIBI . . . ANYBOOT CAN KlIN A MOTO-MOWE! ROTARY!" See Them On Display MOW! #lfiLW» Css'Elal Make Scad P. ,-t .EUND 'r MMIGIMMIEED eat IN THE meat mTHE SEASONS FIRST" Even More You Get The Charcoal... See lUPs Great Selection Of Rotisserie Roasts, TWck Juicy Steaks, Pork Chops, Ham Stills, Splsti M Sauces-JUI Priced Right-And All Right In The "Cook-Out" Sikfan Of The Meat Bept W«D c0 cgreo a *ee ti Hm most import owl in^ndiomi Ml far csjy n JdM "borbecM." So why not Mart with the "Soporquelitl. |Im MEATS fe) odBefly an ooary boA g»uiui<»»d to EAT a* goad i--li o": d r-itow cooking • iktjr look ... AVi luoiowt "Wp«i Bgttf" moon? fi-- rtw Th top podrnt wo -- Uet tho koorty, flavorM. com-fod boof MOAT m Czs<3 pork fro« wfciefs ere cW cU »r ipeciui "•vtdoor evoking" MHy fcidk. ff £sss2i Om bvym bon Cfcaf 9 >Wy ch'i b« gBoiumwd botisseM BO-w et-css ROtLSP. IWy oiae know (kal *tn fltoy f coo bo fsBy gpoi niilnd oMior for or Mo Ion saoatffk "owtdoor~ kind, door horfc»c-- 1 AV «W EAT foo'ro iimplrtit) MkM or yovr MFi AND T1CO Tfep fioaihy Yes * Sirloin Tip • Reared Roost Beef like Steaks Skinless Frisk: fel frpi T 37c T ||e Cooked Hans Youogforlgp II5 Isoked Ha JUt i All tea) llftaria Per W Sem ftonftesv- . Vhetr or HaH--Yovr Ckoa tt »0» 17 Lk Sua A&Ti SaprrM ^ our Choir* siSifW SoHrt iPcaVrteUm. &Ua e Florflda Grown 2£98c Iriiiir'silieeilacMi^l 59° Soper-SSg'jSli§eiBacoi£ 4?e Caned Hiee 4^*2" •s. 79c Agar Canned Hams I *eS _ J Ri0 RIPE WATERMELONS --« eo. SLICING CUCUMBERS FRESfrJ ©Rim OWSONS 2 F- 25 f*©XS* Pies .<-hrrr> OQ{ • ... fcv LIBBY MUSHROOMS T DOG BUNS ^ STUFFED OLIVES PAPER BARBECUE SAU0El=g|J9 OT BEER 3 a 00 ill I ULfi.ll •Gw Alt • Onaji Ifls. Sf"l (1 n , iir>h<M> 0^ fmm HILmI 2 ~ D RINKS Sr -10 >•!<»•'« -- Ttw poifocl tMHOwr inodk ti log. ft fw 29c Jam Puker -- Mcfl. Fresh . . . SCT»» bat ?" Hoi Dog Roll or ®' itoa 12 Mve "Hi" Lux Liqnid Heterg@nt A9C 3-Ifc , 1-«z. Pkf. 9 Size ^9- of csl Hz:; temis^. 100 Phone 385-4H20 WE INV1IE SAVE AM SHOP AT A&P PLAID STAMPS TOO! *mzzwm& MHTia * TODS WEEK SHESn V@CJ1 LUCC2V DUMBER PRICQS €D3ESn THE ESTQfl 6GXT«A SPSgflAl BONUS LBS7 S--CHECK TNI MEW tt/TEGCUV MOT OF W0MPSCJ® NUMBERS. WILD AWO fiSELLOW mm @9€i@m mmt NOW fi ONtr -- [TH COUPON mow IS< (f® MHO AND M El LOW BMT O'CLOCK C0FFCI SIC"*A 3-ik. to, »|.98 B'tLOC toeff 4 Good Thru Mor 29»h i„ oU * 1 A*' WOO STOIIS ••9 Without Coop on 52.11 ltL" „ r« lhht ^ Low met At A&P nAtl'n»r Ann Page 6-0*. ;"PPl Re9 49c '™ °-ir m. 39' fST* '• " " " " m L2 ** Brondwiw Brond Pitm and Stent Ptrfrd for Topping Steaks 49 4:-9 3iero 49eSMM 1 PI Liquid iiiffoi W* Swift'BingSherteniag 3-I91 Mustard i 3710 WEST ELM ST. McHENRY. ILL. STORE HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 6 THURS. & FRI. 9 TO 9 SUNDAYS 9 TO 12

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