Thursday, January 21,1905 ;• / 3.. THE McHENHY PLAINDEALEH ^w^ t? ^ } 11 "^'(' •. 1 nwr-- :tPlSTAKEE H ROSEMARY LTJ'fZ IGHLANDS w Va2'<* •si"'" y"'kHi. HYatt 7-8814 REV. ALTHOUSE GIVES SERMON AT MOUNT HOPE The Jan. 10 sermon was delivered by Rev. Jay Althouse. He chose the topic, "Serving the Present Age". The greeters for the service were Marie and Fred Diedrich and the candle lighter was Billy Barth. Don Krispin was the lay-reader and Delores Gregg was the organist. The seventh, Eighth and ninth graders will soon begin Confirmation classes. This is to perpare young people to be received into full and responsible membership of the church. Definite objectives for the class will be written out and publicized to the parents and congregation. Bishop Thomas Pryor will meet the classes of the district on Sunday, March 28. Alf children, in this age group, should now register with Rev. Althouse. Phyllis Meckley was the hostess -for the Jan. 12 meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Service. The society is planning a spaghetti dinner for the very near future. For those of us who have been to these dinners in the past will remember how delicious they are and I'm sure all of us are looking forward to another one. P.T.A. President Richard Morley would like to remind all parents of Pistakee Highlands and surrounding areas of the first meeting for the new year of the Johnsburg P,T.A. This meeting will be held on Jan. 19 at 8 p.m. at the school. Superintendant James Busch will give an outline on the Parentteacher conference procedure. Cub Scouts The monthly meeting of Cub Pack 452 was held on Wednesday, Jan. 13, at the Pistakee Highlands community center. An enjoyable skit, which was based on the January theme, "Americans Trailblazers," was put on by Den 1 and 2. The boys performing were: Mark Fredericks, Ray Von Obsfelder, Bob Decker, Frank Kayser, Elmer Pfling, Robert Pradelski, Richie Bulch. Tommy Sabielny, Mickey Diedrich, Billy Barron and Ewin Kreider. The colors were posted by the boys of Den 7, they included: Bobby Glueck, Steve Petrov, Rob Jackson and Tommy Morin; the colors were retired by Den 3, these boys were: Allen Kennebeck, 'Gary Decker, Tom Fiedler, Mike Siepman, A1 May, Stanley Walczynski and Don Rose. Also at this meeting three new boys were installed into the pack. They were: Bill Hegner, Bruce Bower and Ewin Kreider. This makes a grand total of 61 boys in the Pistakee Highlands Cub Pack. All the dens are busy working on the table decoration for the Blue anid Gold Dinner. This will be held on Feb. 7, at the Fox Lake Legion hall. This dinner is the birthday celebration of the Cub-Scouts and. will be for all Cub Scouts with their parents and grandparents. There was a Cub Scout Pow Wow, for this district on Saturday Jan. 16. This was for all scouters in the area. Scoutmaster, Henry "Zenner, with some of his committeemen and den mothers attended. Hank has been the Cub Scout leader of six5 years and £his Pow-Wow was the final step toward the Scouters Key, which is the highest award fbr a leader. This w&s also the final training session, for two of the den mothers from pack 452 and they will now be able to receive the den-mothers key. These conscientious ladies are: Marilyn Weggerman and Joan Stull. These gals have been den mothers for three years. Blessed Virgin Sodality The monthly meeting of the Blessed Virgin sodality was held on Tuesday, Jan. 12, at the Johnsburg Community Club. Those present from the Highlands were Dorothy Jenkins, Betty Zenner, Kay Sielisch, Jean Tomsa and Celia Thelen. The new officers for the sodality are: President, Kay Sielisch; Vice-President, Katie Huff; Treasurer, Eva Schaefer and Recording Secretary, Mary Hiller. These officers will be installed at the February meeting. • '; The hostesses for this meeting from the area were Dorothy Jenkins and Jean Tomsa Birthday and Anniversaries A very happy birthday to the following Ted Wroblewski on Jan. 22; Gloria Thoren on Jan. 24; Stevie Petrov, who. will reach the ripe old age of nine, on Jan. 26; Joe Ullo on Jan. 26 and to Lorraine Hurckes and Ann Mclnerney on Jan. 27. Hope all of you have a wonderful day with many more to come. B A belated birthday wish to Jack Reilly who celebrated his birthday on Jan. 12. A very special anniversary wish to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth VanNatta. They will be embarking on 25 years of weded bliss on Jan. 27. They were married in LaPorte, Ind., at a small family wedding. They will celebrate their silver wedding anniversary with an open house on Jan. 31. Those planning to attend the festivities are Mrs. William Salvage, Mrs. VanNatta's mother, Mr. and Mrs. William Carlenson, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Carlenson and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baolini, all from Chicago Heights; Mr. and Mrs. William Salvage, from Glen Dale; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jasper, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jasper and Mrs. Martha Jasper of Winthrop Harbor; Mr. and Mrs. W, Gimber from Walkerton, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. A. Karl from Chicago. All the friends and neighbors of the Van Nattas wish them a very happy anniversary and hope they have another 25 years together. Coming Events The monthly meeting of the Pistakee Highlands Women's Club will be held on January 27, at 8:00 p.m., at the Community Center. All of the members should remember to oring their Cher,r ry Tree items to this meeting. The Brownie Investiture will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 26 at the Community Center at 4 p.m. The Pistakee Highlands Association Executive Board meeting at 8 p.m. on Jan. 26 at the community center. Here 'N* There Little Eddie Koch celebrated his third birthday with a family party on Sunday, Jan. 10. Quality Radiator Repair By Factory-Trained Itadiator Specialists. 12 Years Experience Every Job FLO-TESTED For Your Added Protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE Complete Stock of Rebuilt and New Radiators ADAMS BROS.' REPAIR SERV. Phone 385-0783 McHenry, 111. Next to V.F.W. 3004 W. Route 120 Don't just take their word for it Try a new Gas dryer free or 60 days! Your friends and neighbors in Northern Illinois prefer gas dryers 3-to-l over other automatics. But don't just take their word for it. Or ours. Find out for yourself with our free 60-day home trial. Enjoy advantages like these: Gas Dryers Save Money\ Dry big loads for just a penny--save up to $20 a year compared with other automatic dryers. No costly wiring needed. Gas Dryers Save Work--No lugging heavy laundry to the line-- no weather worries. Less ironing, too! Gas Dryers Save Time--Handle big or small loads automatically. Save your time for other things. Gas Dryers Save Clothes--No line-whipping, sun fading--just gentle tumbling action at "just right" temperatures so clothes come out soft, fluffy. Visit your Northern Illinois Gas showroom or have one of our sales representatives call on you, and select the dryer you'd like to try for 60 days. No down payr ment required! (Matching washers also available.) After the 60- day trial, we're sure you'll want to keep the new dryer. You can arrange for low payments with up to 36 months to pay. But if you're not delighted with the dryer after the home trial, we'll pick it up. No obligation, of course. Your nearby appliance dealer also has attractive offers on thrifty gas dryers. NORTHERN AILLINOIS GAS Phone: 385-2081 Service around the click Those present to help, him celebrate were, his Qrondma and Grandpa Larson, Uncle Harry and Aunt Joan Larson 4tnd cousins, Denise and Gregory. Eddie was thrilled with his birthday cake and the many lovely gifts he received. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Art Thelen. He has been under doctor's care for awhile and we all hope he will be better real soon. Bob Lutz handled the installation of the new door which was put on the community center and Hank Bohlens was responsible for doing such a nice job of varnishing it. A reminder to all leaders of the various organizations needing keys: *You are to meet with Richard Farwell, president of the association, at the executive board meeting on Jarj. 26. This is the only way you will be able to obtain a key. Ron and Pat Jackson were at the home of Pat's brother and sister-in-law, Ron and Mary Ann Ward, of Chicago on Sunday, Jan. 17. They all enjoyed a nice dinner and a day of visiting. Bob and I, with the four children, were in Mundelein on Sunday, Jan. 10, to help our nephew, Chris, celebrate his second birthday. His mother, Pat, did a beautiful job of baking a birthday cake in the shape of a train. All the children had a ball in deciding which part of the train they would like to eat. Cheri Janquart was busy baking a big, beautiful birthday cake for guess who? on the thirteenth, he also enjoyed a delicious dinner, cooked by mother, Jan, on that day. ' Carl and Blanche Haefliger have just returned from a wonderful, one week trip to New Orleans, La.- Carl was there on business and Blanch just, went along #to do some sight-seeing. Lynn Johnson from Pistakee Highlands was elected to the post of "Faith" at the Grayslake Assembly 88 of the Rainbow Girls. Lynn, will now be going up the line to become the "Worthy Advisor". Henry Zenner will be showing slides on boating at the Power Squadron's first class, of the season, on Feb. 24 at a ) HOLIMV? HILLS NEWS I NEZ YOUNG 885-4672 FOURTH DAUGHTER MAKES HOME WITH ABBINK FAMILY It was very early on Wednesday morning, Jan. 13, when there came a cry from a tiny Grant Community High School. Any adult" interested, in this class, may join at this time. Mary (Glueck) Doll was given a surprise party at the home of her father, Raymond Doll, of Antioch. Those present were June (Glueck) Doll, Yerry Meyers, Jim Ulrey and Lynn Johnson and friend. This gala evening took, place on Saturday, Jan. 16. Again the residents, of Pistakee Highlands are being annoyed with stray dogs. If ymi -are one of these call . Deputy Sheriff Edward Jelinek at his office; 815-338-2440, ex. 50 or his home; 385-0541. Best wishes to the Glueck kiddies. They have all been down with the flu. Hope you are all feeling better and will soon be running around. almost forgot a very special birthday. Baby Ellen O'-- Malley celebrated her -"first birthday" on Jan. 19. She celebrated on Tuesday with all of her little playmates. Those present to sing "happy birthday" to her were Baby, D. J. Sabielny and mother, Mary Lou; Baby, Johnnie Lewandowski, and mother, Bev; Baby, Terry and mother, Pat Siciliano; Jan Janquart with little Davie and Jane Malek with the big? Everyone had a lovely time especially Baby, Ellen and she was very sleepy, after blowing out that big candle. Kindergarten Information Pistakee Highlands parents who are interested in the second semester program for. kindergarten will find information printed elsewhere in the paper. Well that is it for this week, keep warm, and God willing we will meet here next week. infant at r McHenry hospital. The pretty pink bundle delivered there is, the fourth daughter of hen proud parents, Vi and Bill Abbink, of 1505 W. Evergreen. ^ Terri Lynn, is a bit of each of her three sisters, Linda, 15, Connie, 12, Judy, 6. The little miss weighed in at 6 lbs. % oz., and measured 18*6 inches long. Congratulations to the Abbinlc'family and a special warm welcome from the neighbors. Woman's Club The Holiday Hills Woman's Club 'met at the home of Phyl Harper on Wednesday, Jan. 13. A brief meeting was held with a discussion on playground equipment. The rest of the evening was spent, playing cards. Refreshments were-served by Gloria Smith, Jimmie Justes and Dorothy Gabriel. Old, Useless Cars It has been noted that there are a number ofetars in the subdivision that Me not in use. This tends to give a cluttered and untidy look to the neighborhood. If one of these cars is yours, how about giving Wally Fore- Be modern with MOEitf FOR EVERY KITCHEN Unique Faucet Convenience ALTHOFF'S INC. Plumbing & Heating Watch for our New "Showroom 907 N. Front Ph. 385-5700 man a call. tfe has been kind enpugh to offer to tow them away, free Of charge if there is a title for the car. Call him at 385-5276 for further information. , Two Homes Report Fires Twice in the past few weeks the fire department has been called to homes in Holiday Hills. This first at the Strossner home where some rags were smoldering, but it was extinguished before the firemen arrived. The second call came from the Tackitt home at 1502 Hickory when grease caught fire in the oven. There was no damage reported to the home. Birthday Parties Billy s 7th Birthday Billy Mahon, who was 7 years old on Jan. 5, celebration with a party on Jan. 8. Arriving right after school, they enjoyed pake, ice cream and games. The guests were; > Tommy Luiidelius, Kenny and Johnny Boettcher, Joey Foreman, Kenny and Karl Hallberg and his two sisters. Deb-* bieand Julie. fit Karl Hallberg Is 8 Karl and his mother, Lux; both celebrate their birthdays?" on. the, some day, Jan. 9. Karl* Was nine years old, Lux just bad a birthday. On Jan. 11, Karl invited his friends over after school for a" birthday party. His guests were Debby and Billy Mahon, Kenny and Johnny Boettcher, Joey Foreman, Tommy Lundelius, Dale Still, Aryln Dobbs and his sister, Kathy, and two brothers, Kenny and Kurt Hallberg. When we put ourselves in the other fellahs place, we're less likely to^ want to put him in his place.-- YEAR ROUND POOL ni BOURBON STREET FUN W E E K - E N D just-,45 rnrtfutes . west of. Ch'rcggo . Pheasant Run Informal, country club atmosphere^ luxurious accommodations, entertaining activities... Year 'round indoor/outdoor pool, lounging area, four excellent dining rooms... old New Orleans sty I* street of exotic shops, cafes and cocktail lounges with entertainment nightly. •« DM Pheasant Run tfiecrtre features famous stars of stage and screen^ in person... Dixieland band am Bourbon Street, Toes. Am Sat. PtaR your wcdc-end of fun now, cdl JU 4-6300 far rales and reservations PHEASANT RUN LODGE I win let of St, ChwU» •took mm North It M) Luxurious new look Luxurious new morn Luxurious new ride (discover the difference) Sporty Swinger I '65 Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe Like surprises? We have quite a few waiting for you. One of them is the elegant, trend-setting styling of the big luxurious '65 Chevrolet. The car looks downright expensive! Then, there's room. More of it than many expensive cars have. Extra foot room with Chevrolet's new frame and forward engine design, extra shoulder room with those handsome curved side windows. The car will actually feel expensive when you ride in it. (And it should--new Full Coil suspension, wheels wider apart, over 700 sound and shock absorbers between you and the road.) There's plenty of power to get you around, too --including an improved Six. And did you know there are more than 150 different ways to personalize a Chevrolet? Come look them over. And let us show you how easily your old car and modest monthly payments can have you driving away a beautiful '65 Chevrolet-just the way you want it! Life is full of surprises. So is our showroom. Come in for yours. discover the difference Drive something really new-discover the difference at your Chevrolet dealer's Chevrolet • Chevelte • Chevy H-Corvair* Corvette CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 12 5318 908 N. FRONT STREET McHENRY PHONE 385-027? A"