' •'irk'y Section Three -- Page Four THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, March 11, 1965 SUNNYSIDE ESTATES FRAN OLSEN 385-5740 URBANSKIS PLAN MOVE TO COLORADO IN SPRINGTIME When it's Springtime in the Rockies Barbara and Gene Urbanski will be all settled in their new home in Littleton, Colo., with a view of those majestic mountains to the West and downtown" Denver to the North. The Urbanskis have just returned from spending a week in Denver scanning the city and looking for a home, which they were very successful in finding: "It has four bedrooms and all the things that we had hoped to someday have, but never dreamed we'd )>e able to have just now," said Gene, "Even a fenced-in back yard for Duke " On a 130x130 lot, they certainly wonlt have a space problem for Duke'nor for themselves on the level patio complete with bar-b-que pit. Denver's dry climate won't even present much of a problem because there is an underground sprinkling system. Going West, everyone? v Barbara didn't even want to come back for their final month here. Small wonder. And the Urbanskis will not be strangers in the new city because many of Gene's former fellow employees had transfered to Denver, as Gene is doing, and they had a warm western welcome for the Urbanskis. Although a blinding snow storm arrested their trip into the mountains, there will be time for plenty of those trips soon. This trip commenced the Urbanskis' jet liner experience, and changed their plans of driving to Denver when they move. Jet it will be! Our very best wishes are with you Barbara and Gene, for the happiness and success you are assured of in your new home. P. S. Any green faces around are probably NOT in honor of St. Pat! Congratulations . . . t o D o n a l d V o i g h t , a freshman at McHenry high, who wrestled his way to third place at the Elgin wrestling meet where boys from eighteen high schools competed. (Hmm. Bet your brothers and sisters don't argue with you anymore, Don.) Very good. day or it may be the last they see of them!! The company will not accept any rocks, branches, nor burnable items. Anything else can go. Clean now. Unload later.- Happy Belated Anniversary . . . t o P a t a r t d J i m W i l l i a m s who celebrated their tenth on the 26th, at the home of the Senior Mrs. Williams who figured that after ten years things should be going to pot -- so she presented them with some new wares. Now things can go to pot in style! Pot roast nestled in this new product is pot roast plus! Midwinter Breaks Mrs. Agnes Bettin has just returned from her daughter's home in Cicero where she spent a pleasant week resting and enjoying the visits Of all her children.. Mrs. Bettin is looking lovely with the new permanent her hairdresser son gave her, and if the weather would only let up, she feels she'd be feeling much lovelier also. But meanwhile she has the menrories of the loving attention she received during her stay. On their way to Berwyn to spend a week with Roy's stepmother, Ve and Roy Schroeder took Nonnie (Ve's mother) to Cicero where she will spend a month with her son there. And instead of a red carpet, the Schroeders were welcomed with a white carpet--a four-inch thick white carpet whose yardage had no bounds! Wishing Well Wishes . . . t o D a r l e n e G e r k e w h o has the flu. . . . t o S t e v e M a j o r w h o f i n a l ly started wearing overshoes and promptly acquired an oversized cold! -- Justice? . . ; to Deiores Gerstein who is nearly -- but not quite, yet -- acheless after a flying flip on the ice. Family Night . . . a t M a r i a n C e n t r a l h i g h was a many-faceted affair which began with an elaborate buffet dinner followed by a show produced by a talent youth organization (TYO) which has a nation-wide membership of youngsters who do shows for hospitals, CYOs, etc . . . After the song-and-dance show, there was dancing for everyone. A grand family night enjoyed by Judy Walczynski and her parents, Joan and Stan. Mary Anderson and her parents Lois and Herb, and Bill Davis and his parents, Red and Mary. Your Bills . . . for the road improvements are duo out April 1. There will be no penalty for the lapse between December and April. Plan Ahead The annual spring clean-up is scheduled for the first Saturday in May. On that date the disposal company will pick up anything that you wish to dispose of -- as long as it is not alive nor bigger than the truck. And remind the children not to leave their wagons or bicycles at the end of the driveway that CP With all the canvassers at your door these days, you may not have noticed that you were not approached by one: the Cerebral Palsy worker. Due to the prohibiting weather conditions and all the various illnesses in the: Schneider family, Karen Schneider, who is the CP chairman for this area, was not able to cover the entire sub division. And for the same general reasons, the CP drive this year was hampered in nearly all other areas. Candle Capers With his new rifle and cowboy hat, Bobbie VonOepen is the rootin'-tootin'est three year old cowboy in these parts after a fun birthday where he kept things lively by singing "Happy Birthday" to himself all day long. There to share the cowboy's antics were Bobbie's maternal grandparents, great-aunt Jean, aunt Elaine, and three cousins, Chuck, Holly and Madelene. The Most Happy Cowboy. Just to be sure, Carol Segerstrom covered both sides of the 29th, to have her first biuthday celebration, date or no. Fifteen family members attended the Sunday affair: four generations were represented, from wonderful great-grandpa who boasts 96 years to tiny Carol. Gifts galore to unwrap, and what was her favorite? All the wrappings! On the following afternoon Rosie and Jerry May and Kerry Berg came over to have cake with Carol. All in all, SARGENT AUCTION The undersigned will sell the following personal property on premises located 1M mile East of Volo. Illinois, being on Route 59A, IV* mile East of Route 12 or 7 miles East of McHenry, on Saturday, March 13 at 12:30 FARM MACHINERY 1951 Farmall "M" tractor, in good condition: Ford Tractor & Loader; McC 2 MH corn picker, with grease bank & storage available until fall; McC 4 row corn planter; McC No. 455 4 row cult, with side dress attach.; Ottawa 36 ft. PTO elevator; McC grain drill, grass, seed & fert. attach.; 2 McC 3-14 plows; McC 2-16 plow on R.T.; 20 in. slough, plow; 18 in. Ford 3-point hitch plow; New Holland No. 77 baler w/engine & self-starter; McC No. 62 combine w/engine & Hyd. plat-form; Ezee Flow 10 ft. fert. spreader; Ford post hole auger; 6 ft. Ford 3-point hitch disc; 2 row 3-point hitch rotary hoe; 8' and 10" cultipacker; Ford 3-point hitch rear mower; McC 4-bar rake on high rubber; Ford 3-point hitch quack digger; David Bradley corn sheller; 16 ft. aluminum elevator; 2 hp. elec. motor; H, Ton elec. hoist; 2 McC. 10 ft. discs; 4 section'harrow; 7' x 12' tilt top trailer w/sides; 2 wheel trailer; 3 r.t. wagons w/sides & false front unloaders; wagon unloading jack; 1 wagon & hay rack; Ensilage blower; Elec. tank heater; Boat; Paint sprayer & motor; Cattle chute; Broad jet sprayer;' Jacks; Chain saw; Posts & wire; Hay slides; 3 20x40 tarps <2 new); 75' endless drive belt; Farmall C cultivator; Farmall C 1-16 plow; N. I. Mower w/PTO shaft; Massey Harris PTO Ensilage Chopper w/corn head, sickle head & windrow head (like new). Truck -- 1957 GMC 350 Cab forward w/14' Omaha Comb, bodv & hoist Many other articles too numerous to mention. BEN SARGENT, Jr. GORDON STADE * WILLIAM STADE, Jr. - Auctioneer* McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerks TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under cash. Over this amount, one-fourth down and the balance in six monthly payments! with interest at 6%. Make arrangements for credit with clerk before sale. Not Responsible for accidents Carol was pleased as a yearold can be, Darlene Gerke's aunts dropped by on her birthday, and sister Charlotte was home for the weekend. After receiving two turtles to amuse her two goldfish, Darlene thinks she should be a veterinarian. But not before she becomes a musician: the money she received goes into the fund she's building up to buy herself an organ. Quite a goal for a nine-year old. Janice Major is another twoparty gal. On her day, Mike's friend, Mary Larkin; was the dinner guest. Then on Sunday Jan's aunt, uncle, and cousins, and Stevie, Margaret, and the children were all over for turkey et al. Her birthday netted more charms for her bracelet and a transister radio, among the array. Lovely eleventh. 'So what's an eighteenth birthday?" asks Johnny Rau, "Just more homework and lots of it"--'But the Cubs are in spring training, and Ml is right with the world.' Happy Birthday Tomorrow' to Alice Beischke and to Cathy Davis who will be nine years old. On the 13th to Dolores Hanahan who is greying already-- sometimes. . On the 14th to Teddy Jost who will be fourteen years old. On the 15th to Henrietta Rau whose gaiety is ageless. On the 16th to Mike Maule who wears his green a day early to rate such a name' he'll !se an even ten this year. And on the St. Pat's Day td Pat and Mike's sister, Cheryle Kay Maule, on her fourth Irish birthday. Surely, with such a birthday date and such brothers as Pat, Mike, and Tim, you'll be EARL E. WALSH INSURANCE Flrt, Auto, Farm & Life Ins. Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of ^ Any Kind Phone S85-S300 or 385-0953 3429 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111. DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: 385-0186 Res. Phone: 385-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesday Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-65 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined--<ilasses Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Rond Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. fi Frl. 4:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tues., Thurs. & Fri. Kve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No Hours on Wednesday Contact Lenses Phone 385-2262 2-65 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 678-7491 Vi Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 5-65 3CHROEDER METAL CRAFT " Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 31 Phone 385-0950 2-65 DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician S327 West Elm Street Office Phone: 385-0743 Residence Phone: 385-0347 Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. ft Frl. 10 a.m. to 0 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 12-64 JAMES M. McINTEE Attorney-at-Law 3436 W. Elm Street Phone 385-2440 labeled "Kelly" one of these days, Cheryle. So may the leprechauns leave you off their mischievous lists and give you a fine day on and around the greenest day of the year--who needs grass- to make the world look green? With many happy returns of- your day. So Here We Are . . . d i g g i n g o u t f r o m u n d e r the various things the heavens are depositing upon us, and what is Gary Schroeder doing? Strolling along the balmy ocean front! Navy, anyone? Beware of Dog Donors A friend called to ask June Voight if she would like a dog that they came by and couldn't keep: but who seemed to be an excellent dog with children. The Voights went to see the dog which appeared to be a small german shepard, and were so impressed with her gentility that after a good examination, they agreed, to take the dog. With seven children in the house, a * gentle manner cannot be given too much importance in selecting a pet. So "Princess" was taken home and very quickly made her way into the hearts of every one of the seven children and June and Ted as well. But just as quickly Princess seemed to be getting all too heavy. Righto. On Washington's birthday, just about five weeks after Princess joined the Voight family she gave them a pup for each child except one. The children are thrilled. June? 'Ah, so!' READ THE CLASSIFIEDS MCHENRY SHORES BERNICE WILSON 885-4380 Mourn Death Of Of Alex Duncan All of Mr. Duncan's friends in the Shores were sorry to hear of his death last Tuesday. John Smith had been to see him on the Wednesday of the week preceding his death and he was fine. By all the reports he took sick the next day. He was taken to the Zion hospital and then removed to the TB hospital in Waukegap where he died on Tuesday. Burial and services were private, so we regret that none of us were able to -pay our last respects to him. He leaves two sons and one grandchild. Our sympathy to the family. Results of Heart Fund Drive Bernice Musielak reports that her girls collected $93.15 for the Heart Fund and appreciates the wonderful co-operation of all in this area, both the donors and collectors. Despite the bad weather during the collection period more was turned in than last year, so the hai'd work paid off. New Officers Installed At the McHenry Shores Club meeting on the 4th the new officers chosen for the coming itcrm were Dale Jenner, president, Roberta Meiritz, vicepresident, Anne Gruner, recording secretary, William Tennert, treasurer, Bernice Wilson, corresponding- secretary, and Bill Corcoran, Sergeant, at-arms. The state of the roads was discussed and Mr. Corcoran will follow through on getting something. done of them. Mr. Tennert announced that the sale of car stickers is very slow. Have you got yours? Ideas to make money for the club were given, since our operating expenses far exceed the amount taken in by dues and stickers so a bake sale was agreed upon to be held the latter part of June. Also a fall dance will be held. All details to be agreed upon at a later meeting. . Birthdays Happy birthday greetings to I^rlward Vilim on March 11, Pearl Paulin on the 13th, Irene Mueller and Virginia Verstege on the 14th, Roberta Mieritz on the 15th and Susan Lamerand and Patricia Simonsen on the 17th. Susan will be 9 years old. Cathy Musielak has Birthday Cathy Musielak's birthday on Feb. 26 started off by her being sick and going in to see the doctor. On Saturday her luck improved and one dozen red roses were delivered to her as birthday girl of the week from a Crystal Lake Radio station. Cathy was cheered up by the flowers and felt well enough to have a party on Tuesday, inviting eight children in for lunch, including Missy Calvert and Jimmy Dostal from the Shores. She is feeling much better now but mother is keeping her home from school until Monday to be on the safe side. Anniversaries Congratulations and many happy returns of the day to Joseph and Marie Mondry on March 12, Fred and Ruth Dodge on the 15th, and John and Daisy Smith on the 17th. In The Shores Last Saturday the Ray Pogors had Mr. and Mrs. Bob Saunders of Odyl' Dell Road over for cards and a late snack. A speedy recovery is wished for the entire Wetzel family who have been victims of strep throats. Wednesday the Pogors spent the evening at the Al Mieritzes to help Vicki celebrate her eighth birthday. Marshall Jacobs reports that his bowling team won three games last week and have ten more weeks to play. Continued good playing to the bunch. Hope they come out the winners. -Recently Mr. and Mrs. Ed Olbinski, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schopp and their daughter and son-in-law, Linda, and Vic went to a country club for dinner and saw a stage play. The Al Mieritzes visited with Roberta's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews of Park Ridge, and her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Gene McMurray, to celebrate Vicki's birthday. Vicki received many beautiful gifts after enjoying a beef dinner, topping off the evening with spumoni and birthday cake. The Pogors enjoyed the trip to Chicago on Sunday, visiting Barb's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schaffrath, and her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Greg Schaffrath. Later they had dinner at the : Ed Cynars where Paul and Kurt had a rip roaring time with their six children. Well, here it is Friday again and we are having our usual batch of snow, is there no end to it? See you next week. DR. JOHN F. KELLY OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Wednesday) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION CONTACT LENSES HOURS: DAILY 9:30 a.m. to ft P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 385-0452 Big electric range pow-waw buy an electric range now and save new electric range features ••••••• big selection of models • special values • • Where's the pow-wow? That's easy, at your electric appliance dealer's. He's offering you a good opportunity to save money-- --and, give yourself the convenience of a truly modern flameless electric range, too. You'll discover surface units controlled by exact temperature settings that let you cook with a minimum of water--help retain vitamins, flavor and texture without scorching the pan or what's inside. Oven units with exclusive six-side insulation that helps provide fast, even heat, retains moisture to keep meats their juiciest, cakes their fluffiest. Fiameless radiant heat that keeps kitchens safer, cooler and cleaner. Flos, a $29.95 Commonwealth Edison-Public Service wiring offer that will save yon a substantial amount of money if your housepower is not up-to-date. Ask your dealer for details. See for yourself why it's easier to be a good cook, electrically--and pick up a bargain, too. But better hurry, your dealer's 1965 Electric Range pow-wow is for a limited time only. Satisfaction guaranteed, (7 PMc Service Company V D/VIS/Oft OF Commonwealth £&son Now more than ever it pays to live modern, electrically •C.K.C*,