Section Two £age Tw6 THE McHENRY PLAXNDEALER Thursday, June 10, 19(55 TWICE TOLD TALES FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken From the files of June 11, 1925) Mrs. Barbara Schiessle, a highly esteemed and long time resident of McHenry. passed away at her home nfter an illness t)f several months. Mesdames A. G. Barbian and John E. Freund have leased the store room which during the many years was occupied dren of grade school age or illume are invited to make use of the play gmund and it: equipment. First commencement exercises will be held at tin* Pista kee Bay school. Through the offoiis of the bead tn.i 'it. Ma jor Edward B< umn, the scho > has Uiken .wonderful strides in this, its fust year of exMciuv Mr. and Mrs. Albert Foileth by the M. M. Niesen grocery, [ haye taken over 1ho F >pp ,h and will open in the near fu ture a women's and children's apparel store yj be known as the "Nobby Style Shop". Elmer Koei ner. a member of store on Main street in West McHenry. M'arguei -1 e FnMin 1, lrHMV complcteil her .jnri'mi jr ir ; Mount. Mar\' (V.:V;c M \\".u the McHenry Community hkji i ^ wjs , lv, school faculty, expects to i*-i ,nci! wi,h' her parents. She is main in McHenry the coming maiorin„ in Fivneli summer. He is a very fine musician and will be a great aid to the McHenry band,during the summer season. Mrs. \V. E. -Sullivan wishes to aniiounce that she will give special attention to marcellinu every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 6"p.m. at the Kempfer barber shot), Johnsburg. A wedding of more than ordinary interest to their many friends in this community and surrounding cities and tow:n was solemnized by Rev. Charles S. Nix at St. Mary's church, the principals being Miss Esther Stoffel anr.) Mi- Gerald Carey both of McHenrv. The business men ol the West side are preparing for n celebration on June 18 for the official opening of the main street paving. The real celebration will be held in the eve-I narum ly escaped se, . >u ning when a band concert by the McHenry hand and pavement dancing with Frank Cans' orchestra furnishing the music. The Polly Prim tavern has Iwas juried beneath the sand opened its second season and !an-^ was in'nu,os belore lelmeals are again being served ' 'ow Pniployees could c\t:ica>e ma.ionn Mr. and ! Mrs. ChiYenee Ail glese and d;\i.ichtcr cxpect move to Fivanslon the. l.-itic part Of the montIV where Mr Anglese- will, evt-r a suninie ! school course at Nt>ri hwe>tern | university. 1 M'iF Porolhy K. Winters ol . Cry ml I-.ake :rxl Mr.. C'la:1 j Kinney . el Mel lenry \W I united in marriag-e at a <ju;ot 'ceremony performed iii the Me-. 1-thi'diJ-t chtreh e wit! . Re\. Albert efliei.-Hin . j al the leur . "<•!<• 1< iv ein«»ny. ' Ti:\ YKAKS A(«0 I iTaUcn f; cm ti'e^ ri .lime 4. H*.V>> ' Chaile- I. Miller, an en • ployee of t|-e Meilepiy S :n> i and Gni\-el Co.. anil a ie--ilen; ! of route .'U north of the <\tv in jury while at work. Mr. Mi! ler and seveia! other men \m r working near the l'ai:-,.,r.)u:-,.l at Woodstock in-a s nv. r lii'ee when the bank ca\ed in. He there at all hours. The place is under the management of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pouliot-. Miss Laura Meyers of Johnsburg was the lucky winner of a beautiful hat at the ball game »t McHenry Sunday afternoon. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of June 6, 1940 > Mrs. Ben Schaefer, who had been a resident of this vicinity the greater part of her lifetime, passed away as a result of an attack of asthma and a weak heart. The Birie-a-Wee lunch stand and soda fountain which stood just west of the Standard Oil station on Route 31 for the past eleven years was moved to a spot on the south side of Grand avenue behind St. Mary's church. Mrs. N. E. Tayhim. Daniel Edrtrom of Front street is confined to Downey Veterans hespitnl "s a resul' of injuries sustained in an aut< accident. The young man was taken to Memorial hospital ;in;l then removed to Downey when1 he was found to be sufferin from back injuries and face lacerations. The convertible he was driving was demolished. Miss Virginia Murphy of Fox River Grove became the hi idiot Mr. Raymond Hensehe! of McHenry. The couple exchanged vows before Rev. Fv Kilderrv at St. Peter and St. Paul (phureh. Cary. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tomlinson are the parents of a dnugh ter born at Memorial hospit'al on June 8. Stanley, son of the Harold Alms, called his parents from Naknek, Alaska. He is s'a lor who owns the building, in- tione(1 (here ui1h thc Ajr tends to sell all the equipment porco and convert the place into a little home. The play ground program is With $200 turned in to date to the beach fund a life guard is being held each day on the j now assured for the local beach high school grounds. A large , to take over his new duties variety of games are available j very soon. so every child can find some j game he will enjoy. All ehil- i ATTEND CHI KC il SINDAI FATHER S DAY JUNE 20 Dad's biggest day. Grandad's too! SRemcmiel fofft tat/A a by VAN HEUSEN Dads deserve the best! Compliment their good taste by giving each the gift he'd choose for himself . distinctively styled, meticulously tailored men's wear by Vati Heusen. Dr. SI MS says... SAFEGUARD A PUBLIC SERVICE OF THE ILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY WHY Till: "PEP IMIJL" PKOHI.K.M With all the fume and fuss ibout pep ]'• iii,-. I.i 1 eA, you may wonder• wiiy they are on ihv maiket in. the lust place, "The t'ael is - and this may. surprise' you' so-called pep" help d-ieto; s mfin.T.;e a wide vaiiety of medical problems. • - -Technically,; pep pi'ls belong to a group of drugk doctors call pyschomotor stimulants. In other worisr they stimulate he brain and nervous system > work overtime. For this "easoii they should not be use< unless preserilKHl by a physi- i eian, for you must be under his observation to guard a-1 I gainst adverse reactions. ' i When given pep pills, many ; -patients with severe emotional' : .oid mental disorders are able i 'o "come out of their shell" I and establish temi >rary conj ta^t. with reality. During this ' period the "doctor is belter able ! to begin psychiatric and othei5' | essential treatment. 1 Certain classes of jjep pills • have a kind of built-in honu action they suppress the ap petite. This- is doubly good news for the dieter he nc | only ]pses his craving for food. ; but remains alert and in goo I 'spirits while -adjusting to his » reduced food intake. | You-may not know it; but the ! A'ild nicknames attached to pep pills actually come close to their scientific names. A 'Benny" for example, is short r Benzedrine, the trade name ur a compound frequently used in stay awake preparations. "Dexies" is hipster talk for Dexedrine, frequently prescribed by your doctor to control appetitie. Perhaps the most common of all stay awake preparations contains nothing .noie than plain caffeine, same as you get in a cup of coffee. Like anything eise, pep pills •jet their bad reputation from bad use, When taken in overdoses and without medical supervision, they can stimulte your brain to a point where you become so "high" you lose control over your rational and moral behavior. In this abnormal condition, any kind of action even murder - could be performed without recollection or remorse. What's more, pep pills are habit-forming; and when they let you down, they, let you down HARD. You may feel awake aTfti alert, bu< the pills only mask exhaustion that could lead to physical and nervous breakdown. Because of certain undesir able side effects, pep pills arc dangeious, particularly fo.- per sons with epilepsy, high bloo: pressure, or glaucoma, a di sease of t»he eye. However, if you feel the need for this type of medication, seek the advice of your physician. AWARDED DEGREES Two students from McHenry are among the 3,400 students who received degrees at the University of Wisconsin's June commencement at Madison this year, - held at Wisconsin's historic Camp Randall Monday morning on the campus. They are Jack D. Hansen. 271,1 N Iroquois Tr.. Bachelor of Science, and Nancy A. Stilling. 3710 Lee St., Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education. Farm Cooperatives Seek Milk Order Eight farmer cooperatives arc seeking a federal milk marketing order for the Cen tral Illinois area and an extension of the present subuiban St. Louis order. The cooperatives estimate that dairy farmers in the 612 counties involved would gam more than $1 million in annual income through the new 'marketing program. Objective of the cooperatives' action is to improve milk maikcling conditions and milk ; rices in Central and Southern Illinois marketing areas. Be Wise r Read The Classifieds BEN N SMOKED PICNICS A&P'S SUPER-RIGHT 6 to S-lb. Average Serve A*P Foods and Your Well-Fed! Save on A*P's Low I WHOLE (SLICED & TIED, LB. 39c) I® A&P'S Super-Right BEEF ROTISSERIE ROAST Rump or S409 Boneless Top Round A&P's Super-Right 1 lb. A&P's Super-Right BONELESS CHUCK ROAST YOUR MONEY'S WELL-SPENT! WHEN YOU SEE THE FINE CHOICE OF GIFTS--YOU'LL AGREE: PLAID SUMPS WATERMEION RED-RIPE, JUICY SWEET •I Fresh Chicken LegsE Harfwig Brand Boneless Turkey Roasts ,h A&P's Super-Right--No Woler Added m Fully Cooked Ham 49 A&P's Chipped Chopped Ham or Chipped Beef FRESH, PAN READY Herring 2 l£ Sharp Cheddar Cheese Supreme Cookies C. Sirainrd Meals A OWITT S for Babies £ Apple Pie Filling Tl Hi-C Drinks Apple Juice 2 Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee ^ lb. Pecan 15-oz. Sandies pkg. 'ioz. jars unk You 20-oz. Brand can .--Z;4h Chicken 1 •• Breasts IB. 59c ID* 8 VM Chef- 13V2-OZ Boy A r Dee Frozen PIZZ9 EACH 10-oz. tube 88 Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry and Others Marvel Ice Cream """" '1 Vx gallon ITQQ carton YOUR CHOICE A&P Brand ^ ^ Frozen Orange Juice 2««29c A&P's Cream Rich Brand Cottage Cheese s^rcL 2 ^ 45° FANCY, FROZEN Halibut m r. Steaks 40 12oz. can 6-oz. cans 49° 39C W 39< Wita 12y;-oz. we n 1 Sausage Pizza Blue-Bonnet Margarine J Ji HeinzTomato Ketchup i Metrecal Liquid 2 Frenchette Dressings Milnot for Baking '^„0i 10c Swift'ning "ToT 3-79 MIX or MATCH 'I00 SALE Your s100 Buys More at Your A&P Food Store lew 8oz. Calorie btl. 14'/2-OZ. can A&P BRAND Bartlett Pears or Sultana FRUIT COCKTAIL FRESH GROUND FLAVOR YOU CAN'T GET IN A CAN A&P's OWN MILD & MELLOW ght O'Clock Coffee SIGHT > 0 CLOCK COff€* 73 10c Off ror Dishes Charmin Tissue Balhroom 4 °o 39C Fab Detergent White Cloud 2P°G 27C Ajax Detergen' Puffs Facial Tissues 4^rt*29c Silver Dust Vets Nuggets 2^ 5 ^56c Lux Liq. Detergent " Cold Water "All" Detergent mi.73cPalm°Iive Gold Soap 2 Surf Detergent ^ '^"35' Palmolive 3 Hot Dog Rolls &L 2^ 49' Morton's SPies '^29' Breeze Detergent S gjc Rinso Blue Detergent 79c giant size large P^9- 39' giant OAf pkg 09 29-Oz. $100 OPEN PIT BRAND Barbecue Sauce Tangy, Tasty-The Perfect Touch! Piknik M Shoestring Potatoes o 3 7-oz. pkgs. Scott Paper Place Mats or Jumbo Towels White or Colors--Waldorf Bathroom Tissues Beef, Liver or Fish Daily Dog Food pkjis- 100 ><100 4-roll $ packs 1 16-oz. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COAAPANY, INC. £uper Markets AMERICA'S DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT SINCE 1859 These Prices Effective Thru June 12, 1965 OPEN SUNDAYS 9 A.M. TO 2 P.M. MICHIGAN STRAWBERRIES SPECIAL . 49e qt. ( HONEYDEW MELONS 12 49 SOUTHERN FRESH PEACHES . 29 \ STORE FOR MEN