v t, »•"" •"'mi •--l S"« s$§§ : - Section Two -- Page Two <3 THE McHENflY PLAINDEALER Thursday# December 9,1965 1 s V* M V ^ "••'i' "Dear Santa, ¥• "Please bring me Secret Sam, ; .Johnny Express, Trick - Track and The Game of Life. w "Love, • •*••' "Michael Miller" hr , "Dear Santa: a "I would like a two wheel Bicycle with training wheels for Christmas most of all. I would like as a second choice one of the following: Secret Sam, Big Bertha, '01'. I will leave a piece of candy by the chimney." "Love, Tiger Glick, McHenry, ' 111. age 5" "Dear Santa Clause: This is what I want for Christmas: 1. A Boat. 2. Airplane. 3. "Motorific Torture Track. 4. Man from Uncle gun. 5. Gas Station; 6. Ice Skates. 7. Bathrobe. 8. Slippers. 9. Sweater 10. Games. 11. Guitar. 12. Little ears sportscar. 13. Some toys for my baby sister. I have been kind of good this year, so I hope you will bring me what I want. I am 6 years old. Seekret Sam." "Love, "Rick Fisher." "Dear Santa Clans: "This is what I want for Christmas. 1. Ice ski tes. 2. Man from Uncle gun. 3. Motoriiic Torture track. 4. Gas station. 5. Boat. 6. Airplane. 7. Ukelele. 8. Little cars. 9. Games. 10. BaBthrobe. 11. Slippers. 12. Sweater. A doll and a teddy bear for my baby sister. I have been a pretty good boy and I am 7 years old. "Love, "Ronald F. Fisher." "Seekret Sam." "Dear Santa; I wish you a Merry Christmas, Santa. Toys, guns, trucks, books, race track. That is all. "From Dennis Groth." "Dear Santa; "Please bring me a Hondo "50" just like Mommie's and some trucks and something real nice for my brothers and sisters. My mommie is writing this as I'm only 3 years. "Thank You, "Scottie King" "P.S. And also something nice for grandma, Daddy and Aunt Florence. Please make Aunt Florence live with us cause she is old and we love her." "Merry Christmas to You." "Dear Santa Claus; "I love you I would like to have a Trina and cars to. And Labor, Management Work At Industrial Development A new area development booklet called, "Stop, and Live in the Fox Valley" is presented to (center) Donald P. Doherty, mayor of the city of McHenry by (left) James Bapnister, executive director, Fox Valley General Contractors association. Warren A. Kuhlman (right) of McHenry, vice-president, commercial construction of the Fox Valley General Contractors association, looks on. A new booklet called "Stop, Look and Live in the Fox Valley," to promote the Fox Valley area was released this week. The booklet is the latest step in a move to advance industrial development in the Fox Valley which is drawing strength from a somewhat unusual combination of forces--a contractors association and two building trades unions. Governor Otto Kerner in a congratulatory letter made this statement: "This cooperation to promote the growth of the Fox Valley area establishes a new high in public responsibility." The Fox Valley General Contractors association and the Fox River Valley District Council of Carpenters, during con- 4rji£t negotiations in the spring of 1963, agreed that certain pionies would be contributed by •all contractors to establish a trust fund called the "Fox Valley Construction Industry Advancement Program." The Valley Laborers unions signed a similar contract a year later. The trust fund's purpose is to boost and develop the entire Fox River Valley area. It also is set up to attract young people and train them for the construction industry, and to give added training to persons already in the industry. It also inspires closer cooperation between all segments of the industry, including architects, engineers and builders. For almost a year, the committee has been bringing together in suitable form, the best promotable features of the Fox Valley. The result is the booklet which will be widely distributed and advertised. As additional funds become available further promotional materials will be developed which can serve to focus attention on the Valley as a desirable place in which to work, live and enjoy life. CHRISTMAS IS IN THE AIR! NORCROSS "" CHRISTMAS, SATURDAY. DEC. 25 '(COME IN AND SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION BOLGER'S 1259 N. Green St. McHenry, I1L PHONE 385-4500 like to have creepy crawlers. "From Mark Dragovich. "Here is my telephone and here is my address. "385-0394. 3930 W. Main street. "I love you from Mark Dragovich." "Dear Santa North Pole; Clause In The "Dale and Bill would like these toys for Christinas. Mustang that lights that go off and on. Ford car. Big Boss Truck. Air in crash up pickup and truck with a car. Boxing Goves. Ice Scates. Rote control car. "Dale and Bill Barbour." "Dear Santa Clause, "I have been good. Please send me microphone bake set. "Thank You, "Lee Ann Freund "1701 W. Rt. 120 "Kent Acres, McHenry." The Drivers Seat "Are older cars involved in more accidents than recent I This question was asked by U. E. of Coatesville, Pa. (Most questions are answered by letter, but some of the most interesting are answered in these columns.) The U. S. Bureau of Public R o a d s r e p o r t e d i n J u l y , 1964, that cars over 10 years old are involved in accidents at about a two-and-a-half times higher rate than cars under three years old. R. S. E. of Dimondale, Mich., would like to know how the United States compares with other nations in the rate of traffic deaths. W&' fare very well comparatively. Take Europe, for example. The total number of people killed on European roads is double U. S. highway deaths, in terms of miles driven. Given the same number of cars on the road as the United States last year, and maintaining its higher mortality rate, Italy last year would have had 180,000 people killed in traffic accidents, compared with the 47,800 who died on JJ. S. highways during the same period. "I've had so many narrow escapes lately at night that I was wondering if you could suggest some ways to avoid accidents when I'm driving after dark." P.D., Onaway, Mich. Glad to oblige. Most important is driving slower at night, lor you can't see hazardous situations as quickly as during the day. , Also, if the reads in your area aren't marked at curves and other hazardous spots With reflective edge-striping and reflective highway signs that pop out of the darkness, by all means tell your public officials that you want them. ; If the glare of oncoming headlights blinds you, look at. the oil streak down the center of your lane ahead of your car and follow it. For better night vision, look at the sides and the outlines of objects^ rather than directly at them. Your eyes are made to register images more sharply at night when you look at objects in this way. - MOVE TO CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. John Laures of Sherwood drive, Crystal Lake, -are. moving to California, where they will reside at 4855 Louise, Encino, Calif. They hope to keep in touch with friends in the McHenry area. RECORD DANCE There will be a record dance o.n Friday, Dec. 10, for single women and men beaveen 1 an 35 years old from 8 to midnight. The sponsors of the record dance are the Lake Region Y.M.C.A. Young Adults club. The dance will be at the American Legion hall, 406 Woodstock street, Crystal Lake. BE WISE USE THEI at*.-*. CLASSIFIEDS iflfahliHife' RUDY BECKER'S KENNELS 1 Mile East of Skyline Drive-Tn PHONE 385-2436 BOARDING AND TRAINING Obedience -- Hunting and Retrieving (Large Heated Kennels) STlfD SERVICE AVAILABLE All Brands Bearing The A&P Seal Are Not Better Than Nationally Known Brands ...SOME ARE ONLY JUST AS GOOD Every fine product in your AftP store that carries the A*P seal (this one guaranteed to be better than or the equal of the famous national brands. Pick one! Try it! Agree or it doesn't cost you a penny. We're proud of that A*P seal so it's only on the finest. WHY DO WE HAVE PRIVATE BRANDS? They're our finest values. They help us live up to our century old pledge... to provide the best food to the most people for the least amount of money. j Are A*P private brands a good reason for shopping A*PT They're one of many! EIGHT*. gTLOC* COf f€ © dexola COPVMMHr • MM. THE GREAT ATLANTIC A.MCIFIC TEA CO„ INC. Beef--as Beef Should Taste! CHUCK ROAST A&P's Super-Right Top Qualify A&P's Super-Right RIB ROAST BLADE 1st thru 3rd Ribs 4th & 5th Ribs 89.' 79. o Boneless Chuck Roast Fresh Ground Chuck Boneless Brisket! HAT CUT IB. 19c lb. 1 Super Right 69 IL 695, 79f„ Super Right Freth End Cut Large Chunk Bologna Super Right 55'b lb. CHUCK STEAKS Blade Cut M Super-Right RIB STEAKS & 7-in. Cut Super-Right PORK STEAKS'" Fresh f" ^ Super-Right W Pork Cutlets Fresh Chicken Legs Ocean Perch Fillets Fresh Lake Smelts Pon c lb. 75k 551 Cop'* John't • i-«b OApkg. 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PLAID STAMPS H PLAID STAMPS SlIID STflUS With this coupon and the purchase of ' ~ ram CAU " H •! »»» A4P Fond Store thro Dw. II. IMS With this coupon and the purchase of £ 4 78* •l any A4P Food Sior* thru Drc. II. 1»6J. | ^ With this coupon and the purchase of I m OIANCt JUKff^5^ g9c I I . «.ny su"*,hru ,,M- JT I »•««•* A*P Food Stor. thru D«. 1I. >t >ny A4P Food Stow thru D« M ! B "WHiRS <1 OT» Vrt^lBSi j *ni»«w»n»i| -a.n^ff-nTn1 iw"'ji- n*P ' m With this coupon and the purchase of , £ CHOCOLATIS Cr^3^JlW at any Store . 11,1964. | M With this coupon and the purchase of 1 Zi FROZEN s*llm M 11-tz. HA ft DINNERS *«•< I Aaatn O PB at any AAP Foe i VALUABLE COUPON I V t y U A B L E COUPON I 1 m WINS J *«•> oy VWMgm II MARVEL Id CHAM J\ AOC rm • VJ V A L U A B L E vCwOuUrP-vOjrN. VALUABLE COUPON 50 EXTRA 50 EXTRA 50 EXTRA 50 EXTRA PLAID STAMPS PLAID STAMPS PLAID STAMPS PLAID STAMPS • U. I II VALUABLE COUPON A IOO EXTRA PS PLAID STAMPS . With this coupon and the purchase of t. The«c price* effective thru D*c. 11,1965 j Fresh Med. Yellow Scotch Pine Trees 6 to 7 ft 3.99 DRY ONIONS 3 lb bag 19c