PUN DCCW CONFERENCE DCCW deanery presidents and directors-at-large shown above are as follows: Seated, Mrs. Leonard Pawlikowski, McHenry, director-at-large; Mrs. Gerald Wermers, Dixon, Sterling (host) deanery president; Mrs. Florence Riopelle, Batavia, Aurora deanery president; in back, Mrs. John Kucysnski, Rockford, acting Rockford deanery president; Mrs. John Lee, Morrison, director-at-large; Mrs. LeRoy Welter, McHenry deanery president; and Mrs. Raymond Lyons, De- Kalb, Aurora director-at-large. * Mrs. LeRoy Welter, McHenry1 deanery president, with deanery and affiliated society officers, extends an invitation to all women of the McHenry area to participate in the day-long conference to be held this year on Sept. 25th at Newman high school in Sterling. This annual event consisting of speakers, workshops and exhibits, is sponsored by the Council of Catholic Women to assist women of parishes throughout the diocese in their social work and to help spread Christian principals of living in their homes and communities. Of special interest this year vill be the presence of the Most Rev. Loras T. Lane, Bishop of the Rockford diocese, after an absence of three years while attending Vatican Council n In Rome. His Excellency will address the women at the afternoon assembly and close the day with solemn benediction. Announcement of the Woman of the Year selection and presentation of awards will be made by the diocesan moderator for the council, the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis J. Franey. Other prizes will also be presented for best displays and posters and the traveling gavel will be given to the deanery having the highest attendance. Visitors will be given brochures, literature and an opportunity to join in the general discussion following the panel of speakers at the afternoon session. Workshops by committee chairmen will be held before noon from 11 until 11:45. CELEBRATES 65th BIRTHDAY IN NEW CHURCH BUILDING The c o n g r e g a t i o n a n d friends of the Xngleside Community Methodist church will celebrate its sixty-fifth birthday, Sept. 25, by starting services in their new educational church building. Pot-luck dinner in the new fellowship hall will follow the opening worship s e r v ice, which will be held at 10:15 a.m. in the new, larger sanctuary. Church school classes will begin in their new quarters at 9 a.m. the same day. C h u r c h m e m b e r s a n d /outh helped lay sod on the church grounds. Finish i n g touches on the interior will bfe completed by the time services open. Rev. Charles Jarvis , superintendent of the Elgin district, Rock River conference of the Methodist church, will be present for the first service. Other friends and former pastors of the church also have been invited. ; The new Ingleside Methodist Church building is located between Wesley road and Maple avenue just south of Grand avenue near Wilson road. Shop McHt NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION TO VOTE UPON THE PROPOSITIONS OF ISSUING $95,000 STORM SEWER BONDS AND 535,000 TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL BONDS OF THE CITY OF MC HENRY OF MC HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election has been called and will be held in and for the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, o nTuesday, the 18th day of October 1966, for the purpose of submitting to the voters of said City the following questions: 1. Shall bonds in the amount of $95,000 be issued by the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, for the purpose of paying the cost of constructin improvements and extensions to the existing storm sewer system of said City, such bonds maturing serigally $5,000 on January 1 "of each of the years 1970 to 1984, inclusive, and $10,- 000 on January 1 of each of the years 1985 and 1986, and bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6) per annum? 2. Shall bonds in the amount of $35,000 be issued by the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, for the purpose of paying the cost of purchasing and installing a traffic control signal at the intersection of Elm Street and State Highway Number 31 and repairing and improving the existing traffic control signals located in said City, said bonds maturing serially $5,000 on January 1 of each of the years 1968 to 1974, inclusive and bearing interest at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6) per annum? That said election shall be held in the several wards of said City heretofore established as election precincts for all City elections and the polling place for each ward shall be as follows: WARD -NUMBER 1. Polling Place: City Hall 1111 North Green Street WARD NUMBER 2. Polling Place: Clark Chevrolet Sales 908 North Front Street WARD NUMBER 8. Polling Place: Europa Motor Sales 3318 West Pearl Street WARD NUMBER 4. Polling Place: Buss Ford Sales 3936 West Main Street The polls at said election will be opened at 6:00 o'clock A.M. and will be closed at 6:00 o'clock P.M. of the day of the election. All persons qualified to vote at regular city elections are qualified to vote on said questions, and voters must vote at the polling place designated for the PASSENGER CAR , & TitUCK TIRES (all »!»•») 6 or 12 Volt Batteries for All Cars lip to $5 Tridi In McHenry Tire Mart S9S1 W. Main St. PHONE 885-0204 McHenry, 11L SERVICEMEN BALLOTS Congressman Robert Mr- Clory (R.-Lake Bluff) has re-, minded all members of the\ Armed Forces an d their spouses and dependents that they may vote in the general election to be held on Nov. 8. According to Congressman McClory, the simplest way for a serviceman to receive his balloMs for a close relative to make application in the office of the County |'Clerk. Application may also be made in the office of local voting registrars who will forward the application for ballot from hi scommanding officer. Ballots will be mailed as early as 45 days before the election and mttst reach election officials no later than the day of election. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TOPIC A Lesson-Sermon on "Matter" will be presented at McHenry's Christian Science church this Sunday. The Golden Text is from Jeremiah: "Truly in vain Is salvation hoped for from the hills, and from the multitude of mountains: truly !h the Lord our God is th& salvation of Israel." FIRST AID CLASSES The Rock River chapter of the American Red Cross offers a class in standard first aid training which began Tuesday evening, Sept. 20, and will continue for six consecutive Tuesdays, 7 to 9 p.m. An advanced first aid class will be given beginning Nov. 1 and continuing for eight consecutive Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. prerequisite current standard first aid e l e c t i o n p r e c i n c t w i t h i n which they reside. By order of the City Council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. Dated this 19th day of September, 1966. Donald P. Doherty Mayor Attest: Earl R. Walsh City Clerk Publish Sept. 22, 1966. MARIAN OFFERS SUPPLEMENTARY NIGHT COURSES Registration for the first Adult Education courses ever offered at Marian Central Catholic high school will take place Monday evening. Sept. 26. The classes will start the week of Oct. 3. Registration, will take place from 8 to 9:30 p.m. °at Marian Central. The program is part of a diocesan-wide effort to provide adult education courses on a f o r m a l b a s i s . The courses are intended to supplement existing adult edu-. cation programs offered at various county high schools. Here are the courses, and all residents of the county are welcome to take part in this program: "Contemporary Religious Thought" will be offered Tuesday nights, starting Oct. 4. "Personalism" will be presented Thursday evenings, beginning Oct. 6. Counseling concepts and practical application of developing mature attitudes in everyday living are involved in this course. " Language Learning" will be offered Monday evenings, starting Oct. 3. Participants will learn four languages during the course and will also acquire different concepts in counseling. 5%ie "Language Learning" course has a pre-requisite for registrants -- students must have attended one of the "Counseling for Maturity" classes offered at Marian the past several years. The first two courses have no pre-requisites to register . A registration fee of $10 per person, or $15 for a married couple will be collected registration night. Couples may take different courses and qualify for the $15 fee. Classes will start at 8 p.m. and continue until 9:30 p.m. Plans call for a total of twelve classes in a semester's instruction. Mail Driver License - ^ Notices In Advance Notices of the approaching expiration d'lte of driver li- (onses will he mailed prior to the .'!0-d:iy requirement of the l?'.w in order to giv»* drivers the l>enefit „of a /full f .'.0 days' rmtk e. Sr< rotary\of \jtate Paul Powell has ;inlounred. The law requires only that tl.c notices b.o forwarded .'10 clays before the expiration d:ite Mr. Powell said, but experience with the notification pro£rnm*$pince its start July 1 has shown that many «»f the applications are not returned to his office until only 10 or 15 days remain hrfnrr the expiration date. Sep t. 1966 - McHenry Plaindealer - Sec. t I f Pg. 9 it Jill \ For 1967, Oldsmobile is introducing the new Del- line and rear axle. When ordered with the larger mont 88 in four body styles. This car may be engine, the car is physically identified with ordered with either a 330 cubic inch or a 425 "425" insigne on the front quarter. cubic inch V-8 engine, each with its own drive WATER SAFETY COURSES Seven Water Safety courses will be offered this fall and winter by the Rock River chapter of the American Red Cross. All classes will be held Thursday nights from 7 to 10 p.m., in the Jefferson Junior high . school pool, 2525 Ohio Parkway. Rockford. ENTER SHOW Early entries for the sixtyeighth annual American Royal Live Stock and Horse show to be held in Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 11 through 22 include fourteen head of cattle in the Hereford breeding division entered by Northern Pump company, 5420 West IVlcCullom Lake Road, Mc- Henrv N®wspap@f Subscriptions Provide Advertisers Intangible Benefits DRYER Sale/ HONOR 4-H CLUB MEMBERS SEPT. 30 AT AWARDS DINNER Representatives of twentysix 4-H clubs from DuPage, Ford, Iroquois, Kane, Kankakee, McHenry, McLean and Will counties will be tendered an awards banquet Sept. 30, at the Redwood Inn, south of Kankakee, in recognition of their recent milk and milk products. The twenty-six 4-H clubs have an estimated membership of 500. Each club has been invited to send four representatives, which could include a club leader or as- The people of the United States spend more than asistant club leader. Farm adb i l l i o n d o l l a r s e a c h y e a r f o r t h e i r n e w s p a p e r s . v i s e r s , h o m e a d v i s e r s a n d • The investment of the public pays approximately one-their assistants and directors fourth of the cost of producing the nation's newspapers. In a and president of PMA disense the expenditure is a billion dollar public contribution totricts 6 9, 13, 14 and 21 have local advertisers. also been invited. In fact, subscription payments mean far more to the Sponsored by the Ameriadvertiser than the dollar expenditure of the consumer. In can Dairy Association of IIaddition to paying for the paper the local advertisements arelinois, the banquet will begin printed on, the investment provides intangible benefits which at 7 p.m. The awards will money cannot buy. be presented by Pure Milk The act of subscribing to the local paper is an act of association, Chicago^ major faith. It is a deliberate purchase of a desirable product which milk marketing and bargainis welcomed into the home. For many consumers, especially ing cooperative for dairy the housewife who does the bulk of the local buying, the sub-farmers. scription is a conscious investment in shopping information. A. L. McWtfliams, general Thus, the newspaper advertiser is in the enviable posi- manager of Pure Millc assotion of having part of his advertising subsidized by his cus-ciation, will present a grand tomers. He can accept this subsidy with the knowledge that championship award, county the public places enough value on late shopping information tofirst place awards and other pay for it. recognition honors. He will The retailer knows tnat the newspaper subscriber has be assisted by Miss Mary enough faith in the medium to accept at face value the re-Pat Taylor, Rt. 1, WnnfioH. corded claims of the local advertiser. the 1966-67 TlHnnis state From a purely practical standpoint, the newspaper dairy princess. advertiser knows that the potential customer who studies news- Ernest Winings, Rt. 1, paper advertising is & serious prospect with money to spend Lovington first vice-presifor the product he reads about. He is ready to buy; he is dent of PMA, will emcee willing toj>ay for reliable shopping information. the program which will include a talk by Timothy M6- gan, director of management services and public relationis for PMA. SHOW FILM The Billy Graham film, MR. TEXAS, starring Redd Harper of Hollywood, Calif., will be shown this Sunday night at 7 p.m. ait the Fox Lake Baptist church located jUst two miles south of Fox Lake on the frontage road along highway 12. Mr. Harper will sing and speak in person each night at the church during the following week and on Sunday. 11, 3 and 7. Thei services will be a pre-service "Hymn Sing" at 7:15. Information concerning special features for each evening may be had by calling the pastor, Rev. John L. Breitholtz at JU 7-7723. FIRST AID CLASSES The Rock River chapter of the American Red Cross offers a class in standard first aid training which began Tuesday evening, Sept. 20, and will continue for six consecutive Tuesdays. 7 to 9 p.m. An advanced first aid class will be given beginning Nov. 1 and continuing for eight consecutive Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. prerequisite current standard first aid certificate. Shop In McHenry Bwan ONLY AT GOETTEL NEVER BEFORE WAS GERMAN QUALITY The bright new ideas are •Electric^ ySiWuliu parariMi- . „ Kmited-thM offer to cmtMMrs •» CommonwMlth Ed.sonf CCo.nF p any •OFFERED AT AOTOM«IC DRYER BIG 10-LB. CLOTHES CAPACITY • VARIABLE TIME DIAL CONTROLALLOWS SELECTION OF ©KYINO TIMES UP 7© 140 MINUTES FLUFF CYCLE BIG CAPACfl¥Y LINT TRAP COUOTSR. PEPTH AND COUNTER Htmm SiWti? Hiif® Less Edison $11 Payment. Your Net Cost BRAND NEW TUTORTCOi VALUE COMPLETELY EQUIPPED *1645°° NEW .LOW PRICES VE ONI OF MAMY M0B1LS QUALITY-MADE GERMANY CUSTO^-TAIIOHED BY BERTONE OIF [ITALY A true hot-blooded fastback with overhead cam and disc brakes. A BIG BONUS BUY *1 NSU The World's first rotary-engined * production car is already• a match in performance and economy if V £• Wu iCHI for comparable piston-engined machines. Its smoothness and lack of fuss are far superior. Spider HIS 1966 LIKE NEW CONVERTIBLE $79.95 nee, Inc. 1241 N. Green St. 385-5500 Lota died W/Extras ^ £ o\® %-Jf§ x, *rw. ALL NSU'S Carry an Exclusive 50,000 or 5 Yr. Guarantee SPECIAL 1966 MSU CPE. -- -- fctoo Cop WapFacufty MvHENRY COUNTY IMPORT CENTER Goettel's Motor Sales . SPECIALIZE IN FOREIGN CAR SERVICE RTE. 120-- LAKEf 3 Ml. EAST of McH^iY 385-3330-1