MCCUUOM LAKE NEWS EVE LEVESQUE 385-4141 TICKETS FOR HARVEST DANCE NOW AVAILABLE for >'i small sum per <-uup)e. a rea residents can enjoy ur. evening of fun and fellowship. The Cullom-Knoll Association will i*. distributing the dance tickets this week, according to president Kay Lary. Allan Me- Kini is chairman of the event and may be reached at 385- .".141. Posters heralding the dinner-dance will be placed in ^prominent places throughout McHenry and surrounding ureas. The affair will be held Saturday. Nov. 12. at the Sponjna Polish Camp on the lake. Buffet serving will begin at 7 p.m. until 9. when the dancing will start. Food preparations will be handled by G ejr r y Jensen. .185-3461; Elaine Gleeson 385-0615; Barbara Caron 395-7817 and Jeanette Betts 385-0327. Donations of various foods will be needed and you can make your offer to the above named women. I«ast Call For Voter Registration Monday. Oct. 10, is the final day for residents to register in order to vote in the genera] election, Tuesday. Nov. 8. Mrs. Carol Bateman is the village registrar and she has hours • tonight (Thursday) evening and Saturday morning and afternoon. For the convenience of the voter Mrs. Bateman will register voters Monday, Oct. 10. only, from .!:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. If you have reached the ige of 21, changed your name by marriage, or moved here from another precinct, you iviUST re-register. Don't take chances with your precious heritage. The South Viet Namese turned out over 85 per cent in their election, and they faced bombs and shell fifreyto reach the polls! Can we do less? Boy Scout Project Is Sinking! * For parents who wish Iheir yfoung lads to join the Boy of the Cub Scouts, this is the final chance. Bud Brendle is holding a meeting at the bfeachhouse. Wednesday, Oct. 12, at 7:30 p.m. and wants the parents present. With no adult, help, there wiU be NO S<-ouf troops. The boys have shown their interest, now parents, must show theirs. Prove your faith in the young lads who will receive training which will enrich their lives. Accompany your lad"'to the meeting! Action From The Cullom-Knoh There was plenty of jiction at .the last meeting of the Cullom-Knoll Ass'n., Sunday. Oct. 2. when plans for the d i n n e r d a n c e w e r e f i r m e d up. Mrs. Lillian McCarthy who is incapacitated and cannot attend the meetings, sent in her dues of six dollars and also a $10 donation. Ron Godina will handle the kiddies' Halloween party. Re- [wrts were made by the various s t a n d ing committee heads. Because of conflict of employment, Gene Frost resigned his trustee position. He was commended for his excellent service to the club. This reporter was appointed to fulfill his unexpired term. The youth club for fellas ; i n d g a l s a t t e n d i n g h i g h school was scheduled lo have its first meeting last night 'Wednesday). supervised by Mrs. Gerry Jensen. T h e -y were to meet in the beachhouse, and we'll have a report on lhat next week. Those interested in joining, are asked to contact Mrs. Jensen. Preparing an adequate skating rink for the winter was discussed and Jake Lev- • •sque was placed in charge (»r the project. The Cullom-Knoll fiscal year has been changed from May of one year to April 30 of the next year and will now run from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. Bookkeeping and memberships will be easier to handle this way. An amendment to the by-laws was submitted and wiU be read at two consecutive meetings. The next meeting will l>e held Sunday. Nov. 6, at 3 p.m. in the beachhouse. t Republicans Will Hold Dinner-Dance, Nov. S .lake I^evesque, chairman of the Republican Central Committee dinner-dance, to lie held Thursday. Nov. 3. in Island Lake, has stated that tickets are now available. To make reservation, call 385- 4M1. Candidates Harris Rowe for state treasurer and Ray Page for State Superintendent of Public Instruction will »>e honored guests. .Halloween Party For Ladles Next Week The Ladies of the Lak^ will feature a Halloween party for their next meeting, Thursday. Ofct. U. Women are asked to come in costume and there will be prizes • •warded. Business session starts at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. 'Nut her reminder next Week. "L'» tialft" Young ladies of the community of ages 7-14 are organized and have started on projects. The first is Halloween decorations which will l»e entirely made by the girls. It was discovered belatedly that the club could not function effectively without a secretary so Donna Schiavone was given this task and this is her first release. The youngsters played outdoor game while the light l>ermitted. "They enjoyed cupcakes and Koolaid--courtesy of Lynn Gleeson; and the Jensen girls --Darlene, Sharon and Tammy. Food committee for Tuesday's meeting was Terri Wils o n , C h e r y l T h a c k e r , a n d Debbie and Sandy Nelson. Senior Citizens Will Organize A group Will be formed, comprised of the older population in the village and Ed Caron and Theresa Schultz are in charge. Fdr those int e r e s t e d -- c a l l 3 8 5 - 7 8 1 7 . T h e Kroup will meet in the beachhouse once a month fqr planned activity. Card games have already been suggested and there is plenty of activity possible for the older folks. If transportation is needed, it will be provided. The committee is interested in ideas from all of you. You need not be a member of the Cullom-Knoll to join this club, but the organization is sponsoring the idea. Why not call that number now, and join up? Bulletin Boards On Club Activities If you want to know what the Cullom-Knoll is doing, check the bulletin boards at the three business houses or at the beachhouse. These will be installed in the near future, so that residents may be better informed. Raft Beached For Tie Reason V e r b a l o r c h i d s t o F r a n k Gregory and Nick Tabor for the use of their equipment to bring the raft in for the fall and winter season. The local men who supplied the muscle were Ray Lary, Elmer Kanak, Ed Caron, Dick White, Tom Bateman and Tom Kacprowicz. EBowilng 84sGBdllE!jj» Last Friday night, Len Jensen's team took two from Jeanette Betts; Bill Gleeson's five took two from his wife--- Elaine, while Ed Carma dropped two to Kay Godina. Ken Ingersol bowled a beautiful 214 game and with his handi- Forget that Gas is cheaper. (Remember you're in command with a gas range.) A gas range never tries to take over and boss you. When you turn it on, it responds instantly with full heat. And off means OFF. No lingering heat to overcook your food. What's more, you can see what you're doing. You can adjust the flame to any degree of heat you want. That's one reason why nearly all professional chefs like to cook with gas. And a gas range is the only kind that doesn't smoke wlren it broils. < tp. came up with 229 for high mim bowler! How about that?, Carol Bateman took high woman's game with 228 • includes handicap), and Gary !\|orris captured high series with 624 while Carol Bateman led the gals with a 578 series. Once a month, we'll print team standings. Orchid Occasions Four candles on the cake for Chris White. Oct. 8. Natal day congrats to Frank Tomasek on Oct. 10. Theresa and Wiliard Schultz will be wed 36 years. Oct. 11. John Bailey turns 17 on Oct. 12. Best wishes to all. Be sure and display the Stars 'n' Stripes next Wednesday. Oct. 12. even if the kids don't get the holiday! See you next w^ek. October 6, 1966 - McHenry Plaindealer - Section 2, Page 3 JOHNSBURG NEWS BETTY HETTERMANN 383-1290 DRAM SHOP SUIT Wilhelm Levander has filed an $80,000 dram shop suit in circuit court. As administrator of the estate of Patsy Ann Benderwald, now deceased, he asks that amount for the benefit of Cathy Ann Benderwald and Deborah Lynn Benderwald, both minors. The amount is asked from James J. Petrillo. doing business as 'The Riverdale." 1422 W. Wauconda road, McHenry, $20,000 each for the two minor children as sole and exclusive benefit for their estate. The suit also requests $20,000 each for Cathy and Deborah for the plaintiff as administrator of the estate. According to the suit, Patsy Ann Benderwald was a customer at "The Riverdale" prior to an accident in which she died of injuries in 1965. One more point: Who wants a fair-weather friend? Gas is dependable. You can count on it to cook your meals (and keep your kitchen cozy) no matter how much it sleets, snows or blows. The handsome new gas ranges are on display at your dealer's and at our stores. Sees them now. Phone: 385-208f Forget that gas is cheaper-- remember that gas is modern. NEW MEMBERS TO BE ACCEPTED IN SODALITY At the next meeting of the Blessed Virgin Sodality, which will take place on Tuesday evening, Oct. 11. new members will be received. Any woman of the parish who would like to .join is asked to contact Mrs. Mike (Eva) Schafer. Benediction will be held in churcli at 7:45 p.m.. preceeding the meeting to be held in the Community Club hall. All members of the sodality are urged to be on hand at this meeting to make the new members welcomed. Florida Fun Clara Nell called the other evening to say she had just returned from a wonderful v a c a t i o n i n F l o r i d a . S h e dropped in to see Jack Keenan in Pompano Beach and said he is doing just'- great recuperating from his recent surgery in a Fort Lauderdale hospital. Keep up the good work, "Jackson". Birthdays In Tlie News Belated wishes to Mike Hettermann who observed birthday number 11 on the third of this month. A ' triple celebration went on last week in the Kollenkark home on Spring Grove Road. It honored the third birthday of Tammy Kollenkartj. the tenth birthday of ftocky Palmer and the thirtieth wedding anniversary or >lr and Mrs. Ray Kollcnkark. All events hap|)end on Sept. 27. * Many, man) happy return* i«» all. Fifth Branch Added Tu Family Tree Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rizzo are in line for congratulations this week. This young couple's family tree is really l>eginning to sprout. They welcomed with open arms their fifth child and fourth son on Sept. 20. The young lad will answer to the name of Jeffrey. He weighed 8 lbs.. 12 oz.. upon arrival at the McHenry hospital. Continued happiness and good health in the future to this young fami! y. Participate In Day Of Recollection Marie Oeffling, Catherine Dehn, Susie Hiller, T i 11 i e Stilling, Nadine Frett, Eva Schaefer, Mary Hiller, Judy Huff, Andy Oeffling and Virginia Ritzen attended the Day of Recollection at St. Joseph's church in Aurora last Thursday. Father Everett Hiller was the speaker and St. Stephana court was the hostess court for the W.C.O.F. Rockford Diocese Association members. Visiting Folks Mrs. Gladys Schmidt and Mrs. Amanda Lenz \of Elgin wen- recent visitors in the A It holt" home .here. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Stilling and Ted Stilling drove tu Jefferson. Wis., last Sunday afternoon to spend the afternoon with the boys' sister. Carol Ann. who attends St. Colleta's school there. "We Have A Boy" Excitement has reigned in our house over .the past two weeks and there does not seem to be a let down in sight either. The reason, in case you didn't know, is 7 lbs. 1 oz. bundle of blue .joy who entered our family on Sept. '2?,. Our little son. who is sheer heaven to all of us. will be known as Scott James in his future years. He is just a mite too young to know his name right now. but in the years ahead he will become well acquainted with' it. Trying hard not to spoil him. as Jim and I are trying also, are Scott's big sisters. Joy. 15. and Karen. 14. along with i ousin Ted. 17. This is it for another week, f hope you weren't inconvenienced too much if you tried calling me and I wasn't .•round. Please give me a »all in the future and I will »»e most happy to take your news items. Have a very happy week I know we will have one here. In 188:;. a vukanic eru(>- tion on the island of Krakatoa destroyed all animal and vegetable life. In ?. years, moss and algae were observed growing: in -6 years, insects were seen, and in 40 years, there were 400 types of animal and insect life visible, and some 450 types of plant r life./This island is suiTounde^l-'hy hundreds of miles of open Pacific in all directions. Still unanswered is: where from, and how, did all get there? FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO KOENEMANN SAUSAGE CO. • Sft VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS* • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • DELICIOUS HICKORY 8MOKEO HAMS '•.COUNTRY MADE SAUSAOES Phone 385-6260 Kuuie I'M -- Just East of Route 12 -- Volo, 111. X ILDORADO ... WOf l^j/finest personal cca r i. ,'V: (i.i'ii n.i'rtxri.i SEDAN de VILLE... another dramatic Cadillac surprise INTRODUCING THE 1967 STANDARD OF THE WORLD You are looking at two of the newest luxury cars ever created. They are typical of Cadillac for 1967. The Fleetwood Eldorado--the world's finest personal car--is the first exciting case in • point. Eldorado is a styling masterpiece ... with its spectacularly long hood, its daring new roof lines and its dramatic r^ar quarter design. It is also an engineering triumph. For Eldorado is the first car in the world to combine the surefooted traction of front wheel drive with the maneuverability of variable ratio pqwer steering and the balance of automatic level control. And with all its spirit and action, Eldorado provides unusual five-passenger spaciousness and the quietness and comfort that only Cadillac could create. This brilliant newness also marks the Cadillacs you are most familiar with. For they are the most beautiful Cadillacs of all time . . . with a new forward-sweeping grille and a new side contour that flows from front to rear! And with this new Cadillac look come a number of other achievements...the most luxurious interiors in history... a new generously padded instrument panel...a more responsive Cadillac engine .improved variable ratio power steering . .. and a new General Motors-developed energy absorbing steering column. Discover Cadillac for 1967 for yourself... at your authorized dealer's. Once you have personally seen and driven these exceptional new automobiles, you'll agree that never before has anything on the highway said new so beautifully... or Cadillac so well! CMillac MOW Car Division SEE AND DRIVE THE EXCITING 1967 CADILLACS NOW ON DISPLAY AT YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER'S. OVERTON C£uDI LLAC - PONTIAC COMPANY 1112 N. Front St. McHenry, Illinois