7220 1200 1000 900 120 630 400 1200 1200 1200 1350 7130 300 300' 4880 6070 6300 hoffer pt NE fri swi DR 684 P 374 2.45a Bandall and Suzanne Ferrari SB 581 F 213 ptNEl SWi la Arthur F and Mary p Schricker Pt NEi SWi Doc 425099 la McHenry Country Clublna DOC 462674 pt NWi SWi 1.50a Hugo M and Johanna M Weiss DR 395 P 612 10' strip S of and adj 1st Addn to Mineral Springs Park pt NEi SWi .05a John H and Margaret M Anderson DR 689 P llo pt NEi SW| .47a 16830 John E and Virginia* R Looze DR 554 P 231 Pt N Of Rt 120 NW^NEi -63a Peter A and Theresa Freund Pc bet hwy and Fox River and NE of and adj Lt 39 Sunny side pt Ei r NWi .32a McHonry Country Club Inc Doc 462270 pt W| NWl SWi 18.50a 11100 Herbert M Engdahl Doc 462270 W of Riv s| SWi 26.00a 15600 George R Michael DR 651 P 214 pt SWi SW{ .66a 6440 Eugene M and Myrita M Johnson DR 575 P 160 pt SWi SW£ .22a E M and Myrita M Johnson DR 473 P 3l4ptSWlSWi .22a Frances Deuter DR 484 P 79 (Ex DR 517 P 188) Pt SWi SWi .22a Frank A Stetson DR 517 P 188 pt SW^ SWi .22a 1200 John H and Mary A Koerber Doc 443777 Pt SWi SWi .44a Hughie H Kirk E of River Pt SWi (Ex 6.63a for Elmkirk Pk) (Ex Plat) DR 221P160 2.87a Donald F and Alyce L Fortin pc 33' x 50' E of . Lot 4 Fair Oaks Pt SWi DR 542 P 547 .04a Carl Hammer Tr DR 603 P 145 Pc 33' x 50'adj Lt 10 Fair Oaks E of Rd Pt Si SWi .04a Thomas R Hard and Wm S Danta et al Doc 407836 pt Si SWi .30a Frank B and Isabelle F Kellner N 40' E 150' W of Hwy Si SWi DR 273 P 492 .14a Elsie Mossman DR 625 P 458 W 75' E 300' N 123.6' W of hwy pt S| SWi .21a 6760 Fred C Kimball Pt Sf Swi DR 642 P 218 ,57a 10180 Paul J and Helen A Matteoni DR 430 P 305 PtSi SWi .*5a Donald F and Marilyn L Wagner Doc 459902 S of Hwy pt NEi SWi (Ex DR 611 P 176)Vll.01a 10400 Elmer W and Bertha F Stange DR 611 P 176 pt NEi sWi '10a Wm R and Mary Jane Son* neman £)R 544 P539 pt NEi SWi(Ex Doc 410257) .62a Fred Sonne mann Doc 410257 pt NEi SWi .65a 15130 Harold L and Mildred G Crokin DR 477 Pgs 592 and 595 (Ex DR 544 P 539) pc E and S of Hwy pt W| 1.27a 10100 Elmer and Bertha Stange DR 563 P 250 pt NEi SWi >20a Robert C and Dolores D Steiner Pt NEi SWi Doc 435032 ,25a Ethel M Peterson et al W 75' E 225' N 123.6' W of hwy pt Si SWi DR 636 P 167 .21a Frank B and Isabelle K Kelloer DR 493 P 562 pt Sj SWi -14a Amanda Freund NEi SEi and N 2 rds W? SE| SE| and of SWi SEi DR 238 Pgs 459 460 (Ex DR 528 P 200 and DR 483 P 59) (Ex Doc 419271) 35.92a 10780 Amanda Freund Ei SEi SEi DR 238 P 459 (Ex Doc 478102) .99a Hugh H and Dorothy C Kirk Doc 419271 N637' W 150' NEi SEi 2.20a 0 Klrby Kellner DR 483 P 59 S 320' W 150' NEi SEi M0a 15950 Hugh H and Dorothy Kirk DR 528 P 200 N 363' S 683' W 150' NEi SEi 1.25a Mllo Kotiw Pc 300' x 457' Pt SWi SEi Doc 430882 3.15a Raymond p and Mabel Pleronl Pt Swi SEi Doc 449746 .69a William W and Susan M Kagel Doc 478102 (Ex .99 a NW pt) Ei SEi SEi 19.08a Raymond and Mabel Pleronl DR 457 P 177 S 100' N 133* W 300' SWi SEi .69a 25950 Henry Kennebeck NWi SEi DR 101 P 468 .40a Joseph J and Ruth Sutton DR 339 P 124 (Ex N2rds of Entire Parcel) Swi SEi (Ex W 3510' N 690') and W|SEi SEi 54.96a 16490 SECTION 5-45-9 John M Exparza pt SWi NEi Doc 424259 .2011 LaSalle Natl Bank Tr # 5140 DR 444 P 569 (Ex DR 444 P 555) Pt NEi NEi '06a Wilfred and Wilma Stafford pc SWly of DuBell Park pt NEi NEi DR444 P 555 .40a Vernsr and Mary Ann . Thelen DR 345 P 227 Pc 120* X 80' Pt SWi NEi 6490 1750 1000 8120 7050 5120 4190 9260 1500 1020 5940 1350 5730 4950 5920 110 350 jjsj . Agatha Thalon DR 314 P*446 (Ex Plats and DR 167 Pgs 196 456 am 524 and DR 252 P 238 and DR 334 P 96 and DR 345 P 227 and DR 521 P 377 and DR 539 P 579) NEi NEi W| NWi 36.23a i0940 Peter and Julia Rajnka Doc 406951 pt NEi NEi 1800 Chgo Title and Tr CoTr# 46716 Doc 427058 pt NEi NEi la H550 Peter P and Julia Rajnka DR 342 P 593 pc in NE cor NEi NEi .40a 4300 Oliger w and Frances Howell DR 521 P 377 S of DuBell Park and N of i Creek SEi NEi 1.24a 740 Chester and Rosella Ullrich DR 480 P 383 NEi NWi 39a 11700 John J and Agatha Thelen Pt N 2 rds Si DR 252 P 242 .78a 3Q0 Peter P and Margaret A Vrasich Doc 459076 Pt SWi NEi 4.46a 1340 Chester and Rosella Ullrich DR 480 P 383 N 19a NWi NWi 19a 5700 Arthur Thelen S 20.25a NWi NWi DR 245 P 435 20.25a 6080 Arthur Thelen SWi NWi DR 245 P 435 40a 12000 Stewart and Veronica Bauer CCP Si Pt NWi SWi DR 660 P 279 2.87a 9060 Mt Hope Methodist Church Pt NWi SWi S 495.46'DR 614 P 117 7.54a 700 LeRoy and Rita Miller CCP Sj Lts 6t 7 and 10 DR 458 P 77 15.20a 4560 Joseph and Regine Nett and Marie Diedrich Pt SWi SWi CCP Si Doc 434228 1.80a 5500 John J and Agatha Thelen DR 252 P 242 (Ex DR 103 ' P 45 and DR 393 P 414 and DR 610 P 453 and Ex Pits) SEi 28.79a 7200 Richard G and Louise Gremley Doc 415729 S 1669.2' N 1709.2' E of Chan SEi «50a 2400 Louis A and Mildred A Kowalski Doc 462819 CCP S| pt Lt 17 .21a 8930 SECTION 6-45-9 Chester and Rosella Ullrich N 74.40a NEi DR 480 P 383 74.40a 31800 Arthur Thelen DR 245 P 435 S 84.41a NEi (Ex Doc 454078) 82.91a 38780 LeRoy and Rita Miller" CCP Lot 1 SEi DR 458 P 77 40a 12000 LeRoy and Rita Miller CCP Lot 2 SEi DR 458 P 77 50.50a 15150 Gerald J and Esther Carey (Ex DR 183 P 359) CCP Lt 3 SEi DR 561 P 303 69.35a 35770 Peter F Freund DR 183 P 359 CCP pt Lt 3 SEi .13a 200 Chester and Rosella Ullrich DR 480 P 383 (Ex DR 239 P 350) CCP Lt 4 Wi NWi 9.68a 2900 Walter F Harbecke DR 660 P 344 CCP SWi NWi 37.19a 11160 Stanley and Lorraine Freund CCP Lot 5 NWi Doc 414742 28.82a 8650 Gregory F and Rose Kattner NEi NWi DR 278 P 438 38.15a 11450 Gerald J and Helen C Schmitt SEi NWi Doc 414408 38.15a 11450 Harold P and Lois G Thelen Doc 454078 Pt E of Rd Si NEi !>50a 9390 Gerald J and Helen C Schmltt Ei SWi Doc 414403 80a 32060 Walter F Harbecke DR 660 P 344 Gov't Lt 2 SWi 75.14a 53760 SECTION 7-45-9 Mathias Nett CCP Lot 1 DR 146 P 200 15.08a 4520 Carl S. and Carolyn R Sima CCP Pt Lt 2 DR 618 P 203 7.17a 10880 Peter F Freund DR 172 P 296 CCP Lts 3, 4 (Ex Doc 435730) (Ex Doc 445- 321) 16.41a 4920 Edward J Finnegan Tr #005 Pt W of i Hy NEi Doc 445321 58.59a 16880 Susan Fitzgerald King CCP Lot 5 DR 332 P 86 and DR 630 P 462 1 5.22a 4570 Charles M May Tr #100 CCP Lot 9 DR 652 P 176 25.46a 7700 State Bank Wdstk Tr #476 CCP Lot 10 DR 267 P 143 10a 3000 Charles M May Tr #100 CCP Lot 11 DR 652 P 176 46.91a 14570 Walter F Harbecke DR 660 P 344 CCP Pt Wi NWi 61.73a 18520 Joachim H and Hazel L Kauffmann DR 573 P 18 CCP Pt Wi NWi 12a " 42420 Edward G Finnegan Tr #005 Doc 465186 CCP Lot 19 NEi 22.00a 6600 McHenry State Bank Tr #176 CCP Lot 15 Doc 451722 .75a 400 Stephen and Christina May CCP Lot 16 DR 649 P 608 .44a 300 John P Schaefer CCP Lot 17 DR 231 P 517 .32a 300 Irwin and Florence May CCP Pt Lot 20 DR 252 P 450 14.48a 4340 Gerald J and Helen C Schmltt Doc 414403 Ei NWi 80.44a 31570 SECTION 8-45-9 John J and Agatha Thelen DR 252 P 242 NEi NEi 40a 12000 Alfred B Bossier et al DR 477 P 2 Pt NEi NWi (Ex DR 644 P 190) .74a 1050 John R and Irene Sojka Pt NEi NWi DR 644 P 190 .18a 1050 Sal vat ore S and John Guz- . zardi DR 344 P 272 Pt NWi .70a 1050 Lillian E Bossier DR 324 P 306 Pt NEi NWi .50a 9690 Nick Diedrich DR 351 P 341 Pt NEi NWi .13a 7140 John R and Irene Sojka DR 351 P 342 Pt NEi NWi -15a 7210 1st Natl Bank ofWaukegan , Tr #1491 Doc 456736 Duck Island Pt Ei SWi •22a 740 Chicago Title and Tr CO Tr #47768 Doc 450439 NE of Lt 1 River dale and SE of Lts 1, 2, 3 Riverdale pt frl SWi 1.07a 15090 Dominic J Bruxer DR 257 P 10 CCP Pt Lt 3 .18a 600 Dominic J Bruxer DR 257 P 9 CCP Pt Lt 3 .18a 4500 Ellen Bruxer DR 679 P 126 CCP Pt Lt 3 .16a 600 Dominic J and Eleanor Bruxer DR 425 P 308 CCP Pt Lt 3 1.14a 14080 Carl and Sylvia Homes DR 398 P 128 CCP pt Lt$ 3 and 4 .23a 600 Glenn A and Florence I Hunter CCP pt Lts 3 and 4 DR 694 Pgs 215, 217 •23a 4290 John W and Madeline Maselter DR 570 P 601 pt NWi SWi -84a 20420 Paul J and Norma J Simon DR 608 P 257 CCP pt Lts 3 and 4 .23a 5070 Paul J and Norma J Simon Doc 462460 CCP Pt Lts 3 and 4 .23a 600 Irwin F and Helen KWolter Parcel 1 of DR 654 P 23 CCP Pt lot 3 and 4 .22a 5700 Douglas A and Esther M Wood Doc 434164 CCPPt Lt 3 and 4 .25a 4930 Irwin F and Helen KWolter Parcel 2 of DR 654P 23 CCP Pt Lot 3 and 4 .22a 5750 Jenny and Joseph Dichiaro et al DR 682 P 598 CCP Pt Lt 3 and 4 ,22a 4750 Jenny and Joseph Dichiaro et al CCP Pt Lot 3 and 4 DR 651 P 582 ,22a 1000 Richard Guyser CCP pt Lot 4 DR 204 P 328 .16a 5690 Harriet M Morgan DR 280 P 285 Pc 60' x 120' CCP pt Lt 4 .16a 300 Harriet M Morgan DR 231 P 86 and DR 290 P 379 CCP pt Lt 4 and 5 1.53a 1550 Harry R Christman etal DR 318 P 7 Pc 52' x 120' CCP pt Lt 4 .14a 1300 Harry R Christman et al DR 318 P 7 Pc 60'x 120' CCP pt Lt 4 .17a 6270 Joseph Sacco and Phillip B Hippchen DR 522 P 282 CCP pt Lt 4 .60a 16800 Joseph G and Rose Samuels DR375 P 588 PtBeutler's Shady Hollow CCP pt Lt 5 .06a 600 Harriet M Morgan (Ex DR 375 P 588 and DR 279 Pgs 118 119 and DR 461 P 291 and DR 678 P 496) Beutlers Shady Hollow Ests CCP pt Lts 4 and 5 6.25a 11100 John A and Ethel D Woodman Pt Beutlers Shady Hollow Ests CCP Pt Lt 4 £md 5 DR 678 P 496 .49a 1200 Sylvia M Sabath DR 285 P 583 pt Beutler's Shady Hollow CCP pt Lts 4 and 5 .90a 29370 George R and Audrey M -*jjJng Doc 466368 pt Beutler's Shady Hollow CCP Pt Lt 4 and 5 78a 25650 Ellen Bruxer DR 679 P 126 CCP pt U-3~U8a 4360 Carl J and Nancy A Oehler DR 574 P 212 CCP pt Lt 3 .46a 7800 James W Yardley and Wife DR 282 P 241 CCP pt Lt 4 .50a 10540 James L and Mary Ann Brogan DR586 P 496 CCP pt Lt 3 and 4 ,25a 4470 Edward H and Helen J Bielinski Doc 425088 CCP pt Lt 3 .91a 10550 Lee and Gertrude H Gladstone DR 461 P 291 pt Beutler's Shady Hollow CCP pt Lt 5 .60a 3000 1st Natl Bank of Skokie Tr #5476 Doc 460645 CCP Lt 8 .50a 16810 Richard J and Patricia J Wadecki Doc 464861 and Doc 464862 CCP pt Lt 9 1.29a 25510 1st Natl Bk of Wdstk Tr #380 Doc 416422 (Ex Doc 441036) Pc SE of and Adj Lot 4 River dale Sub Pt Lt 9 .18a 2360 Austin-American Corp Doc 441036 Pt Pc SE of and adj Lt 4 River dale Sub Pt Lot 9 .07a 1000 Marie A and Marion L ^Schweitzer DR 339 P 157 ~ Assr's Plat pt Lt 9 NWi SWi .66a 15070 Harris Tr and Svgs Bk Tr #30758 Doc 408628 pt Lt 10 .26a 8600 Dr Victor and Lucille Lodato DR 514 P 474 CCPpt Lt 10 .26a 11240 Mae F and Frances M Syring DR (700 P 348 CCP pt Lt 10 .21a 10300 Lawrence R and Ann D Mc Daniel Doc 446291 .CCP Pt Lt 10 .21a 8190 Elva Jane Mitchell DR 432 P 154 CCP pt Lt 10 .21a 7820 Dennis Jordan Carter Doc 454180 CCP pt Lt 10.25a 8450 Jas A and Grace P Jaques DR 248 P 280 CCP pt Lt IP .25a 8600 Eric Woyach, Tr Doc 424- 512 (Ex 3.13a Plstakee View Unit 1 and 4.62a Unit 2 and 2.87a Unit 3 and DR 407P417) CCP Pt Lt 1-0 7.11a 1450 Edwin L and Miriam E Frederick DR 464 P 525 CCP pt Lt 10 .28a 8990 Harold and Elsie Petterson DR 319 P 532 CCP pt Lt 10 .90a 10570 Carl W Anderson DR 297 P 522 60' X 125' CCP pt Lt 10 .19a 9680 Norma Bldg Corp DR 401 , P 248 CCP pt Lt 10 .15a 5360 Samuel A and Louise C Battaglia Doc 437015 CCP pt Lot 10 .21a 9760 Lewis J Pitzen DR 283 P - 381 CCP pt Lt 10 (Ex DR 414 P 468, DR 322 P 386 DR 297P 522 DR 295 P 422 DR 292 P 443 DR 319 P 532 DR 427 P 597 DR 339 P 548) 1.31a 8990 Harold and Elsie Petterson DR 339 P 548 CCP - pt Lt 10 .12a - 1000 Ernest C and lone C Bartz DR 414 P 468 CCP pt Lt 10 .20a 7170 LaSalle Natl Bk Tr #19829 DR 525 P 90 CCP pt Lt 10 .32a 19230 James X Jr and Donna M Bremner Doc 441579 and Doc 441580 (Ex DR 516 P 168) Stp 66' wide N and adj Lt 10 Crystal Glen CCP Pt Lt 10 .25a 9700 Alexander and Mildred W Andersen Doc 467071 CCP pt Lt 10 8 45 9 and pt Lt 2 17 45 9 .22a 220 John W and Jeanette D Tyminski Doc 467194 CCP pt Lt 10 .22a 220 John W and Jeanette D Tyminski Doc 464154 Pt CCP ,Lt 10 SWi SWi -22a 220 Kathleen Mars Doc 465- 971 Pt CCP Lt 10 SWi SWi .24a 220; John W and Jeanette S Tyminski Doc 464155 Pt CCP Lot 10 .22a 220 Raymond G Johnson DR 647 P 333 Pt Lt 10 Co Clks Plat .22a 220 William N and Dorothy M Thomas Pt Lot 10 SWi SWi Doc 429902 CCP .37a 750 SECTION 17-45-9 Theresa F and Conrad A " Pohlmann DR 568 P 377 pt Beau Cliff pt NEi .81a 11910 Eric E and Shirley J Swanson CCP pt Lt 1 Par 1 of Doc 451789 Doc 451- 790 and Doc 4517911.00a 8750 Eric E and Shirley J Swanson CCP pt Lt 1 Par 2 of Doc 451789 Doc 451790 Doc 451791 2.90a 15850 Louis J and Marilyn A Glogowski Doc 436313 CCP pt Lt 12 18 45,9 Pt Lt 2 17 45 9 .24a 8860 Wm E and Ruth Vines DR 428 P 99 CCP Pt Lt 12 18 45 9 pt Lt 2 17 45 9 .24a 8600 Michael and Jose fine Doser Doc 445972 CCP Pt Lt 2 .15a 7730 Eric Woyach Tr Doc 424- , 512 CCP pt Lt 12 18 45 9 Pt Lt 2 17 45 9 18.95a 5690 Grace L Berger DR 627 P 543 CCP Pt Lt 2 .26a f 2190 Lewis J Pitzen DR 283 P 381 (Ex DR 408 Pgs 131 134 thru 137 and DR 292 P 443 and DR 436 P 515) CCP pt Lt 2 .27a 300 Lewis J Pitzen DR 245 P 457 (ExDR 408 P 132 - and DR 347 P 247) CCP pt Lt 2 NWi 2.50a 5660 Helen K Biedermann DR 228 P 272 CCP pt Lt 2 „ NWi .29a 740 Hugh and Luc lie M Fanning DR 616 P 545 pt Ne| NWi .29a 2770 Helen K Biedermann Pt NWi DR 447 P 562 .29a 2570 American Natl Bank and Trust Co of Chicago Tr #20943 CCP Pt Lt 2 Ni Par 1 2 and 3 of Doc 437395 .69a 26850 Hugh and Lucille M Fanning DR 408 P 135 CCP Pt Lt 2 .17a 500 Helen K Biedermann DR 408 P 134 CCP pt Lt 2 .25a 500 Wallace Berger DR 348 P 519 and DR 408 P 136 CCP pt Lt 2 (Ex DR 627 P 543) .18a 8330 John G and Joseph A and Mary Lis DR 549 P 205 CCP Pt Lt 12 18 45 9 pt Lt 2 17 45 9 .27a 8030 Aubert C and Esther J Ruth DR 696 P 533 CCP pt Lt 2 17 45 9 and pt 12 18 45 9 3.57a 3500 Roy and'Rosalie Roadman CCP pt Lt 10 8 45 9 DR 696 P 535 and pt Lt 2 17 45 9 (Ex DR 522 P 593 DR 327 P 57 DR 416 P 107) 1.29a Partial a 7290 Albert A and Bernice J Schumacher DR 473 P 425 CCP pt Lt 10 8 45 9 and pt Lt 2 17 45 9 .40a 8440 Wm Sherman and Donald Hamilton DR 327 P 574 CCP pt Lt 2 .20a 5660 Helen K Biedermann DR 408 P 131 CCP pt Lt 2 .20a 500 -Wallace and Grace L Berger DR 476 P 192 CCP pt Lt 2 .07a 200 Harriett and Arthur Rohar DR 522 P 593 CCP pt Lt 2 .20a 13720 Eric E and Shirley J Swanson CCP pt Lt 2 andptLt 3 Par 3 and 4 of Doc 451- 789 DoC 451790 and Doc 451791 2.61a 8930 Swedish Gyinnastic Club DR 242 P 47 CCP pt Lt 3 .50a 28640 George J and M&rgaret Krubert CCP NWi Pt Lt 3 Doc 424568 .50a 12950 Lawndale Natl Bank of Chicago Tr #3790 CCP NWi Pt Lt 3 DR 670 P 534 .34a 10630 Louis J and Dorothy Pitzen Parcel 2 of DR 400 P 292 CCP NWi Pt Lt 3 1.41a 76I0 Geo E Nemec DR 204 P 453f CCP NWi Pt Lt 3 .63a 10140 Louid J and Dorothy Pitzen Parcel 1 of DR 400 P 292 CCP NWi Pt Lt 3 .56a 4430 Florence Bankes Pt Lt 3 17 45 9 CCP pt J,t 12 18 45 9 DR 210 P 259 75.42a 23130 Florence Bankes DR 175 P 315 (Ex DR 120 P 446) „CCP pt Lt 4 16a 17100 Lewis J and Dorothy Pitzen Parcels 3 and 4 of DR 400 P 292 NEi NWi 2.53a 17310 Florence Bankes DR 210 P 259 CCP NWi Pt Lt 3 4a 10140 Florence Bankes DR210P 259 CCP pt Lt 5 21.69a 6510 E Allen and Mary FJoslyn Pt Coon Isld CCP pt Lt 6 DR 683 P 470 1.81a 6080 Wilfrled and Gisela, Schubert Doc 466300 CCP Pt Lt 8 Pt Coon Isld 1.29a 2430 Raymond M and Juanita Brown Coon Isld CCP Pt Lt 6 DR 489 P 369 .36a 3280 Matthew and Elizabeth M Kassnel Coon Isld CCP Pt Lt 6 DR 451 P 439 .30a 2960 Casimir and Jean Moson Coon Isld CCP pt Lt6DR 425 P 439 .33a 4720 Robert Z Miller and Dorothy M Isaccson Coon Isld CCP Lt 7 DR 431 P 92 2.61a 798O Wm Roedel Coon Isld CCP Pt Lt 9 DR 180 P 225 .80a 7880 Martin E Sandin and Wf DR 283 P 531 (Ex DR180 P 225) Coon Isld CCP Pt /^Lt 9 .25a 4010 Wm H Kraft DR 161 P 404 Pc 100' x 200' Coon Isld CCP pt Lt 9 .46a 4450 Bank of Lyons DR 576 P 490 Coon Isld CCP pt Lts 9 and 10 la 8720 Louisa Herrmann DR 110 P 585 (Ex DR 123 P 301 and DR 482 P 29 and DR 243 P 94, Ex Lt 9 CCP Ex Louis Herrmans Sub) Pt Coon Isld 8a 1280 Florence Bankes DR 210 P 259 CCP pt Lt 10 Coon Isld 3a 800 A Clifford and GeorgianaV Thornton,, CCP Pt Lt 11 DR 463 P 532 (Ex DR666 P 616) 8.90a 3100 Earl I and Marie LBoysen Pt SE of Rd Pt Lot 11 CCP DR 666 P 616 .35a 750 Clarence E Ericsson DR 221 Pgs 565 and 566 and DR 170 P 479 CCP pt Lt 11 2.77a , 2070 Virginia C Olson DR 205 P 71 Pt NW of Rd CCP Pt Lt 11 1.80a 1080 Dewey A Ericsson DR 536 F 489 Ft NW of Rd CCP pt Lt 11 .70a 700 Dewey A Ericsson DR 212 P 158 (Ex DR 221 P 565) Pt NW of Rd CCP Pt Lt 11 .87a 870 Hazel Ericsson Thies DR 205 P 70 Pt NW of Rd CCP pt Lt 11 .80a 800 Martha E Leverone DR 205 P 73 Pt NW of Rd CCP Pt Lt 11 .75a 750 SECTION 18-45-9 Edw Todd DR 205 P 123 NE , 60' Lt 1 Schaefers Sub and NE 60' CCP Lt 1 NEi •30a 6290 Evelyn Christine Moran DR 493 P 437 SW 50' Lt 1 Schaefers Sub and SW 50' CCP Lt 1 NEi .25a 8090 Richard M and Edna S Kangas Doc 435688 Lt 2 Schaefer's Sub and CCP Lt 2 NEi .5°a 7780 Falcon Outing Club DR 152 P 250 Lt 3 Schaefer's Sub and CCP Lt 3 NEi •39a 10830 Charles J Schoenwald DR 239 P 257 Lt 4Schaefer's Sub and CCP Lt 4 NEi .41a 8820 William F and Gabriel Frett Lt 5 Schaefers Sub and, CCP Lt 5 NEi Doc 461165 and Doc 462191 43a 6930 Robt E Urbanek Doc 467059 and DR 641 P 53 Lt 6 Schaefer's Sub and CCP Lt 6 NEi .22a 14310 Fred Chvatel DR 251 P 424 Lt 7 Schaefer's Sub and CCP Lt 7 NEi'.46a 9530 Emma Buhrke DR 246 P 580 Lt 8 Schaefer's Sub and CCP Lt 8 NEi .46a 8220 Indian Lodge DR 199 P149 Lt 9 Schaefers Sub and CCP Lt 9 and pc adj on SE pt 13 NEi -57a 10120 Chgo Title and Tr Co #40559 DR 579 P 51 Lt 10 Schaefer's Sub and QCP Lt 10 NEi -49a 9320 Clayton Jr and Viola Horton Doc 449621 CCP Lt 11 NEi -25a 7420 Walter and Lorraine Coari DR 284 P 14 Pc NE and adj Lt 10 Schaefers Sub CCP Pt NEi -25a 10050 Louis J and Marilyn A Glogowski Pt Lt 2 NWi 17 45 9 Pt Lt 12 NEi 18 45 9 Doc 451426 CCP •50a 1200 James and Gladys Hansbrough DR 511 P 472 CCP Lt 12 NEi -30a 13630 Emllie, Lawrence and Eleanor Edmler DR 417 P 165 CCP Lt 12 NEi •50a 1200 Karl R and Dorothy J Tomm DR 327 P123 CCP pt Lt 13 NEi -17a 1000 Fred and Julia Karplnskl CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 428 P 27 (Ex DR 620 P 526) ,56a 8260 Domlnick A and Kathryn L Scolaro Doc 464175 CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi >15a 8320 Howard C and Bernice E Anderson CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi Par 2 of Doc 435295 .19a 1000 Karl R and Dorothy Tomm DR 399 P 423 and DR 376 Pgs 242 and 243 CCP pt Lt 13 NEi 2.70a 4570 Velmont A and Ruth D Hosier CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 402 P 251 .26a 5150 Wilbur H and Minnie E Thede DR 375 P 617 pt frl NEi CCP pt Lt 13 .58a 5820 Chicago Title and Tr Co #48424 CCP pt Lot 13 NEi Doc 448576 .18a 600 Emilis, Lawrence and Eleanor Edmler DR 418 P 620 4' strip S.of and adj Lt 7 Riverview Park Sub CCP NEi Pt Lt 13 .02a , 150 John J Weingart CCP pt Lt 13 NEi DR 365 Pgs 410 and 495 (Ex DR 301 P497 DR 365 P 407 DR 375 P617 DR 376 P 242 DR 402vP 251) (Ex 3.29a for Welngarts Riverview Sub) 62.50a 33320 Edward J Jr and .Robert E Urbanek CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 529 P 202 .16a 5980 John J and Helen J Sanders CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 646 P 439 .17a * 5680 Wm F and Gabrielle A Frett CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 248 P 529 .18a 600 William F and Gabriel Frett Doc 461165 and Doc 462191 CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi -18a ^ 600 Howard C and Bernice E Anderson CCP NEi Pt Lt 13 DR 690 P 341 and DR 692 P 533 and Doc 436432 •20a 4390 John and Agnes Kroplk CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 204 P 400 .19a 5720 Frank A and Blanche K Koslerowski CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 543 P 510 .20a 9400 Aubert C and Esther J Ruth CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 696 P 533 5a 23400 Raymond and Rose Hitzel DR 286 P 273 (Ex DR365 P 410) CCP pt Lt 13 NEi .19a 8640 Emllie, Laurence and Eleanor Edmler CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 417 P 165 .74a 13670 Gladys Lockhart CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 177 P 280 .25a 7110 Mathilda Chalpeck Tr #2 CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 630 P 412 .20a 8210 Elmer F and Ruth R Pflug CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 532 P 224 .25a 7000 J C Berndt Si of DR 142 P 489 CCP pt Lt 13 NEi and DR 161 P 375 .50a 11010 George Bambas DR 233 P 119 (Ex DR 269 P 331) CCP pt Lot 13 NEi <23a 8390 Joseph and Kathryn Riha CCP NEi Pt Lt 13 DR 674 P 499 .29a 9050 Emllie Laurence and Eleanor Edmier CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 417 P 165 .25a 1QO0 Howard C and Bernice E Anderson CCP Pt Lt 13 NEi Par 1 of Doc 43 5295 .19a 5940 John and Agnes Kroplk CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 246 P 175 .20a 1540 Anthony A Schoenwald CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 269 P 140 .18a 620 Falcon Outing Club Inc CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 416 P 4 .18a 620 James and Caroline R Riha CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi Doc 446325 ,16a 620 Chas Jr and Mary Riha CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 389 P 95 .16a 620 Thos S and Bellvie Smith and Walter E and Iris Wlberg CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 2?6 p 594 «12a 1460 Edward A and Elaine V Todd CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 678 Pgs 151, 152 and Doc 453792 .18a 600 Walter and Katherine Glueck CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 486 P 441 .15a 1790 Edward A and Elaine V Todd CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 428 P 74 and Doc 453792 .18a 13020 Julia and Fred Karpinski CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 428 P 75 .22a 6640 John A and Agnes Kroplk CCP Pt Lot 13 NEi DR 348 P 551 .20a 740 John R and Helen Sauder DR 399 P 306 10' strp E of and adj Lt 3 Riverview Pk Sub and pc S of M Schaefer Sub CCP pt Lt 13 NEi .20a 5390 Delia K Miller DR 157 P 55 (Ex DR 178 P 485 Ex Plats) CCP pt Lt 14 37.97a 11390 Leo and Martha Miller Freund DR 225 P 423 CCP pt Lt 16 SWi -21a 8520 Earl and Elinor Ferrlck CCP Pt Lot 14 DR 401 P 504 .13a 250 Tomasello Bros Inc DR 587 P 244 CCP pt Lt 16 SWi >25a 1790 Delia K Miller CCP 'Lt 16 17 33 SWi DR 157 P 55 and DR 151 P 29 (Ex DR 610 P 73 DR 225 P 423 DR 269 P 472 DR 366 P 123 DR 394 P36 DR502P * 503 DR 588 P 555 DR667 P 26) (Ex Pit) 54.07a 21570 Leo and Martha M Freund DR 610 P 73 pt CCP Lt 33 2a 800 Marvin H and Dorothy <F Rodewald Doc 466347 Pt Lot 17 SWi CCP 4.33a 2850 Raymond M Jr and Raymond M King Sr DR 276 P 5 Pc 4x10 rds adj Schaefers 2nd Sub CCP pt Lt 13 NEi -22a 6710 Otto and Coletta Adams DR 269 P 472 CCP pt Lt 17 ,84a 10280 Otto and Coletta Adams CCP pt Lot 17 Doc 445639 .43a 9740 Albert A and Dorothy A Adams CCP pt Lt 17 DR 614 P 369 JUld DR 681 \ P 547 .67a 12170 Albert A and Dorothy A Adams Pt Lot 17 SWi SWi Doc 432225 .67a 1000 1000 1120 3000 3000 1600 6990 The McHemy Plaindealer, Friday Nick S'and Christine Pitzen CCP DR 276 P 80 E 205* Lt 18 2.49a John and Francis Weingart CCP Pt Lot 18 DR 377 P 366 3a Lewis J and Dorothy Pitzen DR 367 P 116 CCP Lt 18 (Ex DR 377 P366) (Ex E 205') 11.20a Marvin H and Dorothy F ROdewald Doc 466347 Pt SEi SEi 13-45-8 and Pt 1 SW| SWi 18-45-9 14.49a 40570 Walter W and Virginia Ullck DR 586 P 388 CCP all Lt 4 and Ei Lt 5 Rocky Beach and Pt Lt 19 ,44a 11720 Villa Hotel Resort Inc DR 306 P 130 CCP (Ex E 49i') Lt 6 and All Lt 7 of Rocky Beach and pt 19 .80a 28260 Walter W and Virginia Ullck DR 586 P388 CCP Wi Lt 5 and E49i' Lt 6 Rocky Beach and all 23 and pt 19 1.13a 27000 Villa Hotel Resort Inc Wi Lot 8 Rocky Beach DR 306 P 130 .22a 21590 Villa Hotel Resort inc Ei Lt 8 Rocky Beach DR306 P 130 .22a Villa Hotel Resort Inc Lot 9 Rocky Beach DR 306 P 130 .43a Villa Hotel Resort Inc DR 306 P 130 Lt 10 and pt 11 Rocky Beach .86a 14330 Eugene J and Rosemary H Manny E 1/3 Lt 1 Rocky Beach and Pt Lt 20 CCP Doc 448986 .14a 14030 Blanche Cllnge and Kenneth P Scherf Mid 1/3 Lt 1 Rocky Beach and pt Lt 20 DR 678 P 13 CCP .14a Harry S Tawle W 1/3 Lt 1 Rocky Beach and pt Lt 20 CCP .14a Harold B and Mary B Cassidy DR 657 P 114 pc 33' x 165' N of and Adj and (Ex Wly 33') Lt 2 Rocky Beach .25a 19090 Helen Creighton DR 590 P 110 pt SEi SEi and Wi Lt 2 Rocky Beach .25a 26900 Helen Creighton DR 590 P 110 pt SEi SEi and Rocky Beach Lt 3 .50a 9500 Bernard C and Mildred B Bollman DR 524 P 591 CCP (Ex S 74') Lt 24 la 19120 Bernard C and Mildred B Bollman DR 524 P 591 CCP (Ex E 11') Lt 26.70a 1000 James and Mary E Kpnton DR 640 P 174' 26' x 111' pt Lt 19 CCP Lt 25 S 74' Lt 24 E 111' Lt 26 1.50a 19960 Pioneer Tr and Svgs Bk Tr 10252 CCP Lot 27 DR 484 P 112 .25a 2180 B C and Mildred B Bollman Pt Ei frl SEi DR 363 P 37 .18a 3270 Pioneer Trust and Svgs Bk Tr#l0252 Pt S 50' SEi DR 484 P 112 .50a Martha and Ben Freund DR 267 P 227 (Ex 4.98a 1 Pt Freunds Sub) CCP Pt Lt 28 NWi 18.40a 14460 Jos G and Fred L Huemann DR 214 P109 Pt SWi NWi .30a Richard J and Ella Flood DR 344 P 179 CCP pt Lt 28 NWi .10a Bjorne and Myrtle ASkjorestad Doc 419208 and DR 399 P 3 (Ex Doc 420738) (Ex Doc 419210) CCP pt Lt 28 SWi 18 45 9 and Pc NE of and adj Doc 419210 and SE of hwy pt NEi SE^ 13 45 8 .51a 14660 Raymond L and Catherine V Marubio Doc 41^9210 Pt ' NEi SEi I3 45 8 and Pt NWi SWi 18 45 9 .31a Jos G and Fred L Huemann DR 255 P 581 CCP ia pt Lt 28 NWi -50a Ben J Thelen DR 223 P 130 NWly of Spring Grove Rd CCP NEi NWi 3.35a 20090 Irwin and Florence May DR 619 P 440 (Ex Plats and NWly of Spring Grove Rd) CCP NEi NWi 29.25a 16260 George and Hazel Neff DR 251 P 349 CCP pt Lt 31 NEi 3.80a Irwin and Florence May DR 252 P 450 CCP pt Lt 500 7220 500 6640 5980 !27j0 31 NEi 3.80a 1270 State Bank of Wdstk Tr. #476 DR 267 PI43 NWi NWi (Ex DR 563 P80 and DR 500 P417) 34.71a 13880 J oseph and Stephanie Waynne DR 563 P 80 SE cor NWi NWi -96a 1200 Delia K Miller DR 157 P 55 NWi SEi 37.50a 11250 Delia K Miller PtSwiSEi DR 354 P 301 DR 272 P 57 DR 346 P 187 (Ex DR 346 P 188 and DR 319 P 449) 34.08a 10220 George R and Mildred M Nowak DR 600 P 485 and DR 653 Pgs 327 and 328 Pt SWi SEi la 8190 Gene J and Madelyn Meyers DR 236 P 456 and DR 272 Pgs 53 and 55 ptSWi SEi 1.41a 8160 Robert A Scheldt et al Doc 452871 Pt SWi SEi .69a 13490 Kenneth 1^ and Genevieve Bennett Doc 445806 Pt SWi SEi -50a 7830 Villa Hotel Resort Inc DR 306 P 130 Pt Deer Park Pt Si SE^ 43 1600 Bernard C and Mildred B Bollman DR 524 P 591 Pt Si SEi 3.40a 1540 SECTION 19-45-9 Louis J and Ethel R Hartmann Doc 454287 CCP pt Lot 3 56.50a 45070 Sam and Patricia Tomasello DR 469 P 478 CCP pt Lt 3 .62a 11310 Frances Schmltt DR 352 P 105 (Ex DR 352 P 85 ana DR 370 F 548 andDR 383 P 75) CCP pt Lt/3 ' .50a I 15000 Walter and Clara H Feb. 2,1M8 Section 2-ftgel J Jurczyk DR 606 P 84 CCP I. pt Lt 3 NEi >63a „ 11150 State Bk Wdstk Tr #1185 ? DR 599 ,P 103 CCP pt Lt 3 NEi .60* 113001 LaSalle Nat'1 Bk Tr #31082 Pt Ni NEi Doc 417552 3.50a 21430 Pioneer Tr and Svgs Bk Tr 10252 DR 484 P 112 CCP Lt 1 and Pt Lt 3 n£ N| NEi 3.68a 12520 Harold J and 'tngeborg D Padgitt Doc 409072 pt SEi NEi -96* ' 19820 Chester H and Grace Pauly DR 686 P 529 pt SEi NEi 1.33a 19840 Bernard A and Anita Freund DR 321 P 519 CCP Lt 4 4a 1200 Fox Valley Brake and Clutch Inc DR 652 P 517 pt SWi NWi 17a 620 Francis M and Laura E Schmitt DR o24 P 490 S| NWi (Ex DR411 PI86 and DR 216 P154 and DP. 652 P 516) 78.30a 42000 Fox Valley Brake and Clutch Inc E 192' W 422.58' S 147.58' NWi DR 652 P 517 .65a 1000 Fox Valley Brake and v Clutch Inc Pt SWi NWi DR 652 P, 517 .61a 8140 Bernard A and Anita Freund (Ex Freunds Oak Glen Sub) CCP Lot 5 Ni 1 NWi 74.64a * 32460 Leo and Evelyn Diedrich S23a Ei SWi DR 530 P 215 23a 5750 Leo and Evelyn Diedrich DR 530 P 215 N 57a Ei SWi 57a 17100 Leo and Evelyn Diedrich DR 530 P 215 NWi SWi 41.53a 23230 Julia Stilling etal Pt SWi SWi DR 638 P 113 %4a 9980 Charles and Herlinda Stilling DR 616 P 509 Pt SWi SWi .33a 500 Charles and Herlinda Stilling DR 536 P 591 (Ex DR 554 P 252) SWi SWi 41.47a 18070 Clarence and Estelle Regner DR 386 P 397 pt Ei 3.38a 1540 Louis J and Ethel R Hartmann Doc 454287 (Ex DR 302 P 79) E frl i SEi 76.30a 19080 Lake Building Material Co Doc 454287 SWi SEi 40a 4000 Lake Building Material Co Si NWi SEi Doc 454287 20.75a 2080 Lake Building Material Co* Ni NWi SEi Doc 454287 19.25a 2890 Alfred Thelen and Wife DR 383 P 75 CCP pc 70' X 200' pt Lt 3 .32a 9770 SECTION 20-45-9 Sylvester and Elsie Tonyan DR 383 P 572 and DR 323 P 204 pt Wi frl NEi (Ex DR 567 P 191)31.79a 40950 State Bank of Wdstk Tr #877 DR 384 P 317 (Ugasty Contr Ex Worthmoor Estates) pt Ei'NEi • 32.50a 16250 Henry B and Charleen Tonyan Pt Si NEi DR 527 P 466 (Ex DR 649 P 347) 8.09a 19800 Elsie Tonyan Pt center Pt NEi DR 528 P 596 12.72a 6360 Sylvester and Elsie Tonyan Pt Ni NEi DR 496 P 338 12.58a 6290 Sylvester and Elsie Tonyan DR 567 P 523 CCP NEi Pt Lt 2 1,20a 1000 Edw M Mikkelsen CCP NEi Pt Lot 2 DR 496 P 340 .86a 2500 Florence M Foreman DR 225 P 269 CCP NEi P* SW of Hwy pt Lt 2 1.97a 2000 Florence E Waters DR 174 P 98 CCP NEi Lt 8 and E 33'Lt 9 of Lakeside and (Ex W33')Lt4 1.15a 14010 Florence M Forman and Byron A McAnsh W 6' Lt 10 and all Lts 11 and 12 Lksd and CCP NEi all Lts 5 and 6 and W 3' N- 57' Lt 9 DR 248 P|S^ 434, 435 , 436 1.37a J 19140 Marshall E and Delores B Leonard DR 569 P 404 CCP NEi AH Lt 7 and pt Lt 8 and Lt 13 of Lakeside 1.50a 24840 Ralph Munson DR 332 P 136 CCP NEi Pt Lt 8 1.40a 2518< Albert K and Anna TWinge DR 326 P 498 and DR 534 P 333 CCP NEi pt NW of Hwy Pt Lt 8 .26a 8240 Margaret Dolezal et al Doc 459012 CCP NEi Pt Lt 8 1.70a 12210 Bernice R Kling CCP NEi pt Lt 8 DR 557 P 192 and Doc 410749 (Ex Doc 452036) Ola 200 Ralph O and Catherine Munson Doc 45 2036 Pt Lot 8 CC Plat NEi .21a 9150 Geo J and Mary Pittner CCP NEi pt Lt 8 DR 282 P 402 and DR 314 P 331 and Doc 408723 (Ex DR 373 P 622 and DR 326 P498) .55a 16550 Sidney Bates CCP NEi pt Lt8 DR 343 P 393 .38a 7010 Robert W and Marguerite M Bachechi CCP NEi Pt Lt 8 Doc 428464 1.03a 27080 Wm E and Catherine Pierce CCP NEi Pt Lt 8 Doc 411749 .77a 9480 Albert H and Muriel N Scheuer Pt Ni and CCP NEi Pt Lt 8 DR 552 P 17 and DR 567 P 191 (Ex Doc 442086) .11a 11570 Lee W and Nancy Moses Doc 442086 Pt Lot 8 CC Plat NEi 1.78a 2000 Sylvester and5 Elsie Tonyan DR 548 P 588 pt NW of Hwy Wi NEi 3.05a 1200 John J and Sophia Urban DR 470 P 502 (Ex DR 584 P 333) CC? NEi Pt NW of Hwy Lt 8 .48a 7670 Edw A and Wanda A Klrsten DR 279 P 73 and DR