3 Cheerleaders Lend Support Tournament MI •*.** ^ ; Ifk :<V-^ FRI., MAR. 8, 1968 -PLAINDEALER-PG. 7 McHenry Cheerleader shows her spunk after Woodstock's No. 10, Steagall, while attempting a shot committed an offensive foul after knocking over Warrior Camasta. Rebound is being retrieved by No. 29, Hawthorne. It's all smiles for the above cheerleader as sequence photos show McHenry's Don Reinboldt getting the point on his free throw. Note scoreboard as it first read 22-29 and in lower shot 23-29 just as ball is leaving rim. 12 MM PLAINDEALER PHOTOS "Up, Up", says Warrior cheerleader as Hurckes of McHenry does just that as he captures the rebound away from Woodstock's Righy. Twice Told Tmies FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of March 8, 1928) Mrs. Joanne Rulien of Woodstock is the school nurse who arrived this week to assume her duties in the grade and community high schools of this city. She comes from the schools of Woodstock where she was nurse for more than three years. On Tuesday the Knox Motor Sales received the first Ford car for delivery in this territory. The model received was a roadster, finished in Niagara blue, and the distinction of driving the first Model A Ford in McHenry goes to Wallace P. Woodburn, the genial proprietor of the Central Meat Market. Hot waffles served at the Methodist church March 13 from five until all are served. Waffle supper, 35 cents. Members of the McHenry towards club participated in a chicken-bean dinner at the Niesen Cafe last Thursday evening at which time the two sides captained by Charles Unti and Dr. C.W. Klontz, sat down to the tables, >on one side there being chicken for the winners and on the opposite side a nice plate of beans for the losers. Mr. Unti's side was the winner of the attendance contest by a small margin. On Feb. 28 Frank Smith celebrated his eighty-third birthday anniversary at the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smith, on Green street. The members of the Hikers' club met at the home of Mrs. John R. Smith. The afternoon passed pleasantly at bridge. TWENTY - FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files, of March 11, 1943) The Stefan Hautzinger family has moved from the Buchert farm near the Clemens school to a place near Crystal Lake. The farm they vacated is being occupied by the new owners, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schroeder. A fire of unknown , origin started Sunday afterr.oer. in ihe boiler room of the Riverside Dairy, owned by Fred Ferwerda. The local fire department was called and the flames extinguished before the front of the building caught on fire. Much damage was reported in the back rooms. Miss Mary F. Knox passed away March 8. She had been in poor health for several months. Mr. and Mrs. P. Kanjinsl^ of McCullom Lake are proud parents of a baby daughter born 'in Woodstock Memorial hospital March 4. One of the loveliest occasions, too seldom celebrated, occurred on March 8 when Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Carr of Ringwood observed their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They have been residents of the community their entire lifetime. , TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Feb. 27, 1958) Judy Baur, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Baur, topped contestants from nine schools in the district this month to win the "bake off" contest held at Crystal Lake. She is a student in Home Economics in in the local high school. The judges awarded her first place on her cherry pie. Gordon H. Johnson has been awarded a certificate of merit as a result of his outstanding performance in the 1957-58 National Merit scholarship program. Mrs. Grace Marie Glorney of Griswold Lake died at the age of 46 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, Feb. 25. Principal Marvin Martin of the high school was called to southern Illinois by the death of his mother this past week. Jess Tuttle, humorist, of West .York, 111., will be the guest speaker at the annual McHenry County Holstein club ba'hquet to be held at the American Legion horn a, McHenry. More than 250 'people are expected to attend. ~ -Mrs»-Walter-Bartow-attended, the Washington birthday tea given by the Chicago chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Ralph W. Bennett of Riverside drive, McHenry, was among 1,214 students who completed wbrk for mid year degrees from the university of Illinois. Ralph graduated from the class of engineering and received his commission Feb. 15 as a second lieutenant in the army/signal corps. He will report for duty at Fort Monmouth, N.J. LAKE JAIL WILLIAMS 653-3371 SEEKS OFFICE WILLIAM WARD William A. Ward, Chemung township supervisor, this week announced his candidacy for the office of Recorder of Deeds of McHenry county. Mr. Ward, president of the McHenry County Township Officials association, is a lifelong resident of Harvard and served four years as Town Clerk prior to being elected supervisor. He is president of the McHenry County Mental Health board and hasheld several offices in the Township Officials of Illinois association. He served five years as secretary of the City of Harvard Planning commission, and two years as city zoning officer. Illegitimacy, accounts for 2 percent of white births, 22 percent of non-white births. AUXILIARY TO FIREMEN LIST COMMITTEES Eleven members of the Wonder Lake Volunteer Firemen's auxiliary met Tuesday evening, Feb. 20, at the firehouse. Mrs. Abbt was a visitor. The following committees were appointed: Mrs. William (Rose) Silk and Mrs. Jack (Rita) Rice as co-chairmen of the membership committee; Mrs. Larry (Jo-Anne) Bruce as chairman of the by-laws; Lilly Banks as chairman of the Ways and Means committee and Mrs . Harold (Marge) Evans will take care of the publicity. It was decided to dispense with a bazaar this year and hold a Christmas bake sale instead. This will feature all the Christmas goodies. The auxiliary is looking for new members and how about some of the old members coming back and joining in the activities. We need new ideas. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. for coffee and rolls. The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Firehouse. CONFIRMATION CLASS ^ PARTY The seventh and eighth grade Confirmation classes at Nativity Lutheran church held a party, Wednesday evening, Feb. 21. It was from 6:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. It was a Mexicanparty. There were games and then a discussion period. Tortillas, beans, potato chips and lemonade were served. After refreshments there was a pinata. Hie counselors for the evening were Dr. and Mrs. Donald Sturn, Mrs. Rudi Jirousek and Pastor Johnson. Sue LaGreca, reporter. NATIVITY LUtHERAN CHURCH NEWS A return of the film. .."THE requests received, there will be another showing of the filmstrip "The Hippies". We are planning to make this showing a family night showing. We would like all youth seventh grade and older and their parents to view and discuss this film. This film is open to any -member of the congregation and community. The film will begin at 7:00 p.m. Don't forget the Mid-week Lenten services, Wednesday evenings, at 7:30 p.m. LOCAL RESIDENT Robert Kiddell, Wonder Center, was hospitalized at McHenry hospital following a hit and run accident on the McCullom Lake road, Feb. 24. BIRTHDAYS Mrs. Jerry (Betty) Draffkorn Oakwood Shores, celebrated her day, March 6. Dana Scheib, son of the Ken Scheibs, Oakwood Shores, will blow out five candles March 9. IN THE HOSPITAL Carl Hallstrom, Wonder Cehter, was a patient at McHenry hospital this past week. Leslie- Bergdahl, Highland Shores, has been a patient at the Harvard hospital this week. Get-well wishes to you both!! Bye for now, see you next week. CANDIDATE Harry Hartel, Jr., has announced that he has filed as a candidate for delegate to the Democratic national nominating convention from the 12th Congressional district. Hartel, 31, is a Mundelein attorney. Proclamation WHEREAS, Girl Scouts ofthe U.S.A., will celebrate the 56th anniversary of its founding on the twelfth of March, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty- Eight; and WHEREAS, this group has grown from an original troop of 18 girls, led by the organization's founder, Juliette Gordon Low, to a national body of more than three million girls and more than 600,000 adult volunteers »from every walk of life; and WHEREAS, the Girl Scout organization is actively involved in extending membership opportunities to all girls, seven through 17, in both the inner and outer cities of our nation; and WHEREAS, Girl Scouting is helping girls to maintain basic social values in a world of challenge and change, while through its program activities, it is offering girls a kaleidoscope of new worlds to explore; NOW THEREFORE, I, Donald P. Doherty, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of McHenry hereby proclaim March 10 through 16" of this year, 1968, as Girl Scout Week in the city of McHenry. I call upon all citizens to give the Girl Scouts now and in the coming year their continued interest, cooperation and support so that increasing numbers of girls, ages seven through 17 may bene fit.for their lifetimes from the values they define for themselves through their explorations in Girl Scouting. Donald P. Doherty 1 News About Our Servicemen Second Lieutenant Robert M. Welter, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Welter, 5302 Pistakee drive, McHenry, completed a 16-week helicopter pilot course at the Army Primary Helicopter school, Ft. Wolters Tex., Feb. 16. During the course, he was trained to fly Army helicopters and learned to use them in tactical maneuvers. He will next undergo advanced flight training at the Army Aviation school, Ft. Rucker, Ala. s Underseas valleys or can-. yons extend under the ocean for ; great distances from the mouths lany of the world's great riespecially the Congo, Indus , Ganges, Columbia and Mississippi. The canyon of the Hudson extends over 100 miles into the Atlantic. lof- mai vers, HIPPIES", Sunday, March 17, at 7 p.m. Due to the many Expensive education: Last year, the cost of maintaining each student in the various U. S. Service schools was: Air Force Academy, Colorado Spring $28,600. - Military Academy," West Point ---$13,073. Naval Academy, Annapolis" $7,115. SHOP IN MCHENRY HEARING AIDS Batteries and Service Mai lory batteries ~ for all J GaUSS5^0125~- 1407. N. Green P£xee4-7b' FRIDAY New England Style $175 Smorgasbord ALL YOU CAN EAT 5 P. M. to ? 1 Children under 12 $1.25 SATURDAY , Italian Style Smorgasbord ALL YOU CAN EAT 5 P. M to? 25 Children under 12 $1.25 SUNDAY Family Style SmDrgasbord ALL YOU CAN EAT 12:30 P. M . to ? $A25 2 Children under 12 $1.25 Bas«p0t» • Parties 0 Meeting Booms • Weauiags ------ • • QYHA * Chapel Hill Rd. Phone 385-1475 .3302