i £'• V1-. . . • PG. 2, - PLAINDEALER- FRI., APR., 12, 1968 Seek Beauty Queen Entry .j-fti V,.vr .• Os^'i % V-, < «3&:. £->•? ; v' JKs. ' ^ ... »"V DON PSASLEY PHOTO ~ This photo of last year's Miss McHenry (crowning stirs memories as plans for the 1968 ^contest are formed. Miss Sandra Fry receives crown from Kris Chelini, 1966 Miss McHenry. Rainer-up candidates watching ceremony are Nancy Kralowetz and Gail McCormack. A giant color photo of Sandra Fry, Miss McHenry, and other beauties in last year's contest is on view at the McHenry State Bank. Its appearance coincides with the start of the 1968 contest seeking entries and serves as a reminder for eligible young women to file an entry soon. The photo shows Kris Chelini the 1966 winner, crowing her |su ccessor while Nancy Kralo- { wetz and Gail McCormack, run- >ner-up candidates, watch. Married Saturday Rummage Sale Sponsored By SHospitak'Unit The eagerly-awaiited annual 'rummage sale given by the wojman's auxiliary of Memorial hospital for McHenry county ,'will be held in the Congre- Jgational Universalist church on ^Wednesday and Thursday, April *24 and 25. Hours for both days *are 9 a.m. continuing until 5 Jp.m. $ Co-chairmen Mrs. Leslie £Neff and Mrs. Ralph McConnell Jare busy with committee mem- (fbers, Mrs. Emil Stassen, Mrs. > Harry Abraham, Mrs. Robert j Simpson, Mrs. John McConnell, | Mrs. Robert Conley and Mrs. J Kenneth Fiske, gathering items } for the yearly sale. Wearing ap- Jparel, including a great array of ^children's clothing, plus tables {of china, glassware, antiques* ^etc., will be featured. *' Auxiliary members are re- > minded to bring their contributions to the Gift and Thrift shop Jin Woodstock now. The public J is urged to mark these dates J for bargains galore. f ; JACK HUGHES 5» Jack Allen Hughes, age 36 fvarrant officer, U.S.C.O. pasfeed away at Atlantic City hospital, Atlantic city, N.J., on f>unday morning, as a result of injuries suffered Saturday evening in an automobile accident near Atlantic City. \ He was born on May J4, *1931 at Sheboygan, Wis., the ^on of Frank C„ and Helen 33rockman Hughes. He enlisted |n the U.S.C.G. fifteen years ago Jand at the time of his death was attached to the U.S.C.G. Cutter Spencer, a weather ship in <the Atlantic. { He is survived by three Slaughters, KathJeenrLaurieand piane, and two sons, Michael find Danny of Danburg, Wis., lalso by his mother, Mrs. Helen jHughes, of Genoa City, and one eister and one brother. J Funeral services ware held |>n Thursday afternoon at2p.m. Jit the Haase & Derrick Funeral fiome, Genoa City. » Right Appliance J When buying an electric ap- < p l i a n c e l o o k f o r t h e r o u n d seal of approval -- both > on the cord and on the apjj pliance. This stands for Under- £ w r i t e r s ' L a b o r a t o r i e s , I n c . , /and indicates the equipment **? y o u ' r e b u y i n g has p a s s e d |s pecial tests for fire, casualty and electrical safety. GAYLORD PHOTO MIt. AND MJIS. RICHARD HUE8NER Mr. Richard Huebner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Husbner of Wonder Lake, claimed as his bride Miss Sue Rauhut, daughter of M\ and Mrs. Howard Rauhut of McHenry, in a 3 o'clock double ring ceremony performed last Saturday, April 6 in Nativity Lutheran church. Pastor Thomas Johnson officiated. A dinner at Harmony house was followed by an open house reception at the Rauhut home, after which the couple left on a honeymoon to Milwaukee. from mWY'S SCRAPBQOK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS Franklin D. Roosevelt died, AdiH 12, 1945. Thefiret shot was fired at Fort Sumter, April 12, 1861. Russia and Japan signed a five-year neutrality pact in Moscow, April 13, 1941. The S. 8. Titanic was wrecked, April 14, 1912. President Roosevelt appealed to Hitler and Mussolini for a ten year guarantee of peace, April 14, 1939. April 14 is Easter Sunday, 1968. Abraham Lincoln died, April 15, 1865. Slavery was abolished in the District of Columbia, April. 16, 1862. GERMANY AND Russia signed the Rapallo treaty, April 16, 1922. The French and Indian War began, April 17, 1753. Mississippi was organized as a territory, April 17, 1798. Paul Kevere made his famous ride, April 18, 1775. For Thai Old Fashioned Flavor • Come To CfCoewetnann Sausage Company • 15 Varieties of SauMgv • True Germ&a Style Flavors • Lean Hickory Smoked llfCM • Ccmajtry Made Sausage • bSlplow Hickory Smoked Hams Roflte 1M Jost East of Kt IS Phone 385-6260 VoJo, IBBlnoto New Garden On Thursday, April 4, the new officers of the Wonder Lake Garden club were installed at the home of Mrs. Kopp, 4323 E. Lake Shore drive. Mrs. Kopp acted a s installing officer and was assisted by Mrs. Hoppe. The ladies installed were Mrs. Roxanne Vltavsky, president; Mrs. Elsie Ottoson, first vice-president; Mrs. Vi Kopp, second vice-president and Mrs. icers Of Lake Club Installed Announce Engagement Rita Graff, recording secretary. Each new officer was presented with a corsage as she took her instructions, impressive ^because of the meaning of the ritual. There were ten ladies present Mesdames Fiala, Graff, Hoppe, Kinzie, Kopp, Nelson, Ottoson, Pose, Sanders and Vlatvsky. The officers and those who head various committees gave their annual reports. Roll call was, "Are you going to try any new flowers this year?" and several of the ladies gave a fine report on this sub* ject. The next meeting will beheld at the home of Mrs. Pearl Sanders, 7414 Cedar drive, Wonder . Lake, on Thursday, May 9. Carnival Time At Home-School Spring Dance St. Patrick's Home and School association will sponsor its annual dance on Saturday, April 20, at the VFW clubhouse at 9 o'clock,, based on the theme, "Carnival Time". A variety of interesting entertainment is planned, promising fun and dancing for all. Refreshments will be served by the VFW auxiliary. The public is invited. COMPLETES COLLEGE * COURSE Julie Rode, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rode, 904 N. Center street, has just recently completed her six month's course in fashion merchandising and finishing at Patricia Stevens Career college in Chicago. Upon returning from a vacation in Hawaii she will be employed by a large firm in Randhurst. AIDS SPRING FESTIVAL Rani Francke of 118 W. Cedar Dell drive, McHenry, has been chosen to serve on the steering committee for the 1968 Spring Festival celebration on the Carbondale campus of Southern Illinois university. This year's festival, May 10-12, will again feature a midway with a carnival, rides and booths, the crowning of Miss Southern, a Mothers Day program and a stage show on May 12 featuring Bob Hope. Buying Tips Whether to buy shoos of leather or synthetic materials pos es problems. * Esther Siemen, U of L clothing specialist, emphasizes that leather will mold to the shape of your feet while synthetic material retaias the same shape as when new. Each material is better suited for different types of feet. If you need only regular support, leather is a good choice. But if yoar shoes tend to become misshapen quickly, perhaps the synthetic material will be more beneficial as well as economical. Synthetic material shoes aj-a not recommended for feet that tent to perspire heavily mless highly absorbent socks, like wood or cotton, are worn. "As you fit synthetic shoes be sure that they are large enough," cautions Miss Sieman. Yoa cannot depend on their stretching and molding to the feet as leather shoes do. She notes that the new shoe styles are kind to your feet. Square toes and low heels guard against unnecessaryfoot fatigue and discomfort. Generally speaking, buy shoes roomy enough at the tip so that you c&n wiggle the big toes when you stando After a day of housekeeping and a night of party-going treat your feet to stretch and flex exercises and a warm-water and bath-oil soaking. Always wear stockings to guard against blisters and callouses, she cautioned. To relax overworked feet, sit or lie with feet elevated above your head for a half hour. Lakeland Park Club Sponsors Luncheon-Party The public is invited to the annual spring salad luncheon and card party planned Wednesday, April 17, starting at noon, at the Legion home. The event is sponsored by the Lakeland Park Women's club. Business people are reminded that serving will be prompt, and suggest that those planning to attend make reservations, if possible, stating time they expect to be present andthe number eating. Flora Hagemann is president of the club and Pearl Koester is general chairman. The committee includes Helen Strandquist, Kathryn Luing, Lyda Radisch, Arlene Bartos and Cecilia Oakford. COLLEGE BOARD MEETING A meeting of the McHenry County College board, Junior College District, No. 528, will be held Thursday, April 18, at 7:30 p.m. at the college office, 6200 Northwest highway, Crystal Lake,; for the purpose of canvassing votes cast in the board election to be held next Saturday and also to organize the board for the ensuing year. SUNRISE SERVICE ^ A sunrise service will be held by Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church at 6 a.m. Easter Sunday on McCracken field, followed by the serving of a light breakfast in the church. The public is invited. Engaged OES Chapter Initiates Six At the regular meeting of the Order of the Easter Star, No. 547, McHenry chapter, Tuesday evening, six were initiated in an impressive ceremony. Taken into the order at that tinie were Virginia Lagios, David Christie, Wilma Christie, Robert French, Kenneth Schopp and Veronica Schopp. APRIL 16 Catholic Order of Forester Reunion with Editor of the Mystery Ranger, Father Paul Tuchlinsky - Open House - St. Mary* s Gym - Ladies Invited. APRIL*7 Spring Salad Luncheon & Card Party - Sponsored by the Lakeland Park Women's club-American Legion Hall - 12 noon. APRIL 19 McHenry Woman's Club Monthly Meeting - Zion Lutheran church - 1 p.m. APmL 20 Carnival Time - Second Annual Dance - Sponsored by St. Patrick's Home & School Association - VFW Hall - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. APRIL 22 St. John's Homo & School Association - Open House - Johnsburg Junior High school -8 p.m. APRIL 23 O.E.S. Meeting - Friends Night - Acacia Hall - 8 p.m.. APRIL 25 McHenry Garden Club - Regular Monthly Meeting - Home of Mrs. William Voss - 314 N. Timothy Lane - Installation of Officers - 1 p.m. APRIL 28 Sesquicentennial Program Honoring Illinois' 150th Year of Statehood - Presented by MCHS Vocal Groups - High School Auditorium - 8:15 p.m. MAY 1 • " •••' Auxiliary Fashion Show1 Benefit - McHenry Hospital - Martinetti's, Crystal Lake -12:30 p.m. MAY 4-5 McHenry Choral Club Anmial Spring Program - "Sound in Music" - MCHS Auditorium 8:15 p.m. MAY 9 District n Hospital Auxiliaries Semi-Annual Meeting -- Luncheon at McHenry Country Club - 9:30 a.m. Woman's Auxilary to McHenry hospital Hostess - Tour of Hospital in Afternoon. UNICEPs annual income is less than the amount spent on world armament in two hours. >• «• ' \ •-If nVCAROL MOFFETT M^. and Mrs. Joseph Moffett, 7405 Northwood Drive, Wonder Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol Frances, to Rdger E. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Johnson, 2209 N. Ringwood road, McHenry. Hie marriage will take place Saturday, July 20 at Christ the King Catholic church, Woader Lake. Miss Moffett and her fiance are both graduates of McHenry hiph_gchool. Grandma Sez - - - \ This is a lovely time o* the year. Nature bringin' all the beauties to our notice andmnkin* us aware o* the wonderful things in life, ft is plumb amazin* how tiny seeds can lay on the ground, all winter, in the snow and cold and then, just when the right time comes, and the sun is warmf n' up the good.earth, low and behold, that tiny spark o*, life bpgins tp gr.ow. In sech a short tim? you cap see the little thing burst-* ing through and the wonder is, that the roots seem to com3 and reach in the right direction to find Mother Earth's nourishment. My, goodness! How wonderful it is. If ever'body took time to appreciate all the wonders, before our very eyes, every day and night, I feel that they would acquire a real sense of richness, jest bein' alive and sharin* that spark o* life that most folks take so much for granted. Some people go along as though they ain't a never goin' to die like they was goin' to be around forever, and what they don't take time to appreciate today, they kin put it off OFFICIAL ENTRY FOR M3SS McHENRY CONTEST Name Age MARSELLA ANN WITTINGER Mr. and Mrs. John Wittinger of 4056 Sacramento, Chicago, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marsella Ann, to John C. Pence, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Pence of Wauconda. Address -Birth date- Parents' Names Phone Number - School Status -- I consent to my daughter^ participation in the Miss McHenry, 1968 contest. SIGNED by either mother or father Photo must accompany entry. 'til tomorrow, until they have more time. The sad thing is they keep on puttin' it off, until they isn't no more time left, and they find that life hasn't held the things they'd expected it would. The thing to do is to become aware of all the beauties of Nature and they'd be surprised how it would stimulate a newer appreciation of most ever'thing. To this old grandma, Easter has always -seemed a time to start refreshin* the appreciation of just bein' ialive. When my little kids waz a growin' up, I alius tried to point out that Easter is a time for "New Life". And with Nature tryin* to show it in every nook and comer, it isn't hard to believe. Little children need things like this taught to them , rather than the new Easter bonnets and clothes. Seems like, to some folks, that is the most important thing what they will wear to church that lovely day. To my mind, they should be giving thanks that they are alive to enjoy another Easter Day. Grandma Radtke , ITEM: To help lengthen the life of sheets, don't use a sheet as a laundry bag. COLOEir -x, ; M i^- 1Qm Cftoum* s*„. TRUSS Patented ^Hf/ $11.95 LUXURIOUS Duign ^ Doubls RUPTURE COMFORT New cool, washable 3-ply miracle materials! Unexcelled relief and comfort. Flat foam rubber groin pad. Padded leg strap. No fitting. For reducible inguinal hernia. Bolger's Drug Store i259 N„ Green . 385-4500 1 Annual Spring Salad Luncheon and Card Party dnesiiy, il 17,1968 Serving starts at 12:00 Noon at American Legion 2505 Ringwood Rd„ Enjoy a delicious Luncheon. Enjoy your favorite card game. Tickets 1.50, available at the door or from any club member, sponsored by Lakeland Park Women's Club. • x • • • i• • t • • • x • • • X • * ^is$SE Roast Young Tom Turkey, ! Broiled Ham Steak $3.50 Don't forget Nickel ni April 24th . / ) I *s h h i l c H• ouse 2028 Rte. 120 Phone 385--9892 McHenry WHY NOT ?? t GLAMOUR PORTRJUT For Your Engagement Announcement! ' $14.95 VALUE ~ FREE AT LEONARD STUDIO 902 North River Rdv 385-5579 m w, I