'• . "-if. • •%••>• ^ " t.|, -.v"' ' ;i j;r" '• • • •' I \LUH0,, M .xsa® mm ' •••>». : • • • if-^ i';.:- . *• "'! $ 7J- l -' "SERVING THE CHASM-O-LAKES REGION SINCE 1875' ,"W £ iili •'(PSBSiSif; •; New Kiwanis K k t r Newly installed members of the McHenry Kiwanis club last week numbered fourteen, setting a record. Front row: Robert Mortell, Glen Blank, Wes Carlson, Joe Podpora. Ken Martin. John Kennedy and Wilbert Hecht. Back Row: Rev. Clarence Mason, Bill McCarron, Charles Fuller, Rev. Herman Graef, Ed Lane, A1 Mapes and Gerald Fain. Country CI«L N •wi Geri Neubauer 385-7194 Can I? LOCAL BOYS PLAY FINAL FOOTBALL GAME OF SEASON The McHenry light - weight football team lost its last game of the season to St. Mary's of Woodstock last Sunday in spite of some outstanding defense plays by Joe Walker and Ken Ludwig. It wasn't too good of a season for the boys with one win - four losses and two ties. However the whole team played exciting games and the Coach, Tom Warren, was proud of the boys and the good sportsmanship they displayed. He expressed his hope of coaching the team again next season. SINC EREST SYMPATHY Our sincerest sympathy to the entire Frett family on the loss of^Edward Frett of 410 N. Country club Drive on November 1st. Mr. Frett passed away in the McHenry hospital where he had been a patient for several weeks. Arrangements were made by George Justen & Son chapel and the funeral Mass was held at St. Patrick's church with burial in the church cemetery. Mr. Frett was survived by his wife Mary, and son Edward, two brothers, Albert Frett of McHenry and Bernard Frett of Florida. REGRET OVER SHELVING OF ANNEXATION Several of our friends and neighbors have expressed regret over the recently printed item on the shelving of the annexation petition, those of you who are interested in becoming involved in this project, keep your interest alive until the Road Ass'n meeting and express it then. If enough interest and enthusiasm is expressed perhaps the Road Ass'n. will take some action, however until that time those of us with the septic problems will just have to grin and bear it. MANY HAPPY RETURNS A belated Happy Birthday to Mrs. Helen Rohrdanz (Oct. 31st) and a very happy birthday to Christy Day (Nov. 17). NOTICE ANYTHING?^ I guess you' ve noticed the column getting smaller and smaller each week. Know wty? I haven't been getting enough calls to fill the space. Surely with First Communions, report cards, and Thanksgiving and all the excitement of the approaching holiday season there must be some news items you'd like to see here, some relatives visiting, a party, a trip or anything of interest. How about those birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, etc.? Girl Scouts, Brownies, Boy Scouts, and Cub Scouts news is also welcome. If you <5an't find our column next Wednesday you'll k n o w why . . . T i l l t h e n . . . . mm Q. How can I lengthen the life of a chenille or loop-pile scatter rug, and keep them flat at their corners? A. By dipping them into light starch solution after washing. This will not only keep them attractive and serviceable much longer, but will make subsequent washings easier and will not detract from the textured appearance of the rugs. Q. How can I clean mineral deposits out of my steam iron? A. Combine three tablespoons of vinegar with a half - cup of water, and put this mixture into your iron. Let the iron steam until empty. Q. How can I prevent my cake filling from soaking into the cake I am baking? A. By sprinkling the top of each layer with powdered sugar before frosting or filling. Q. Is there anything that can be done about a vacuum-bottle cork which, because of much use, has become too small for the opening in the bottle? A. If you'll boil these corks in a covered ves sel, they will not only expand back to usable size, but will also be nicely sterilized. Q. What is a good rug-brightening treatment? A. Wring a cloth out of water, to which a cupful of vinegar and a half-tea spoon of ammonia have Q. How can I repair a button in which the eye section has been pulled^out? A. Fill the hole with liquid cement, and when it reaches the almost-hard stage, take a needle, and make new holes. Then, after the cement has dried thoroughly, sew the buttoti back on its garment. been added, and go over the rug with this. Usually brings outthe colors beautifully. Q.How can I care properly for the rubber seal around my refrigerator door to avoid its becoming soft and gummy fttkl losing its insulating proper^?, A. By washing this; aealabflflit once a month,and sprinkjtingit with talcum powder whet| it. Is dry. _ •- ::a \ Q. What can I do about the removal of tar from rugs?1 A. Scrape off as much as possible, then treat with carbon tetrachloride. A complete section of my household -hints bqok deals with spots and stains of all kinds. Q . How can I clean glass flower vases that are encrusted with a brown scrum? A. Soak in a strong solution of hot vinegar, then wash in clear water. The vase will not only sparkle, but will also smell sweet and fresh. Q. How can I keep potatoes from sprouting in their bin? A. By placing a few apples among the spuds. "God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it." Speech (June 3,1834) Buy U.S. Savings Bonds, new Freedom Shares ; NOVEMBER SPECIAL I |CBffleSSaOBSaaQaQOaBBBBB'BBBBBil| ! for MEN ! When selecting a gift for him.... let us help! STORE FOR MEN 1245 N. Green St., McHenry, 111." Phone 385-0047 Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fri. 'til 9 p.m. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS USE THE FREE GREEN STREET PARKING AREA (In lots of one ton or more) These logs have been seasoned for one full year and are now offered as the finest logs you can burn in your fireplace. PRESTO SPECIAL OFFER: With Your Purchase of Two Tons of Logs- A FREE LOG TOTER 75c bag $1.49 For 6 slow burning logs GIVE TO THE UNITED FUND ISERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1906 ROSENTHAL'S LUMBER CO BUILDING SER TER MAIN ST. & CRYSTAL LAKE AVfc. CRYSTAL LAKE 4592700 Whispering Oaks Gertrude Disney 385-7515 HOME OWNERS GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT LEGION HOME The Whispering Oaks Home Owners Association will hold its second general assembly, on Wednesday, Nov. 20 at the American Legion hall, 2505 Ringwood road, McHenry. All home owners are urgently requested to attend. Ttus is an important meeting. NEWS BITS Mr. and Mrs. Alex Palermo of Tucson, Ariz, spent the weekend at our home. We have been long time friends and have not seen them for 17 years. Mrs. Palermo says she just loved to see the good old black earth again, and the moisture in the air, coming from the desert country, it would seem good, but the aches and pain are less there in Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Bautell had their son and family come to set- them for the weekend, seven grandchildren and they have all their own special menues, each one to their own liking. The children just love it over here. Over the river and thru the woods to grandmother's house we go. That is what they sing coming over. New increase in adult living "Chipper" is the name. They do not know if it's a boy or a girl. A complete package deal, cage and all. Aparakeetfor Mr. and Mrs. Uhlman of 1106 Summerset. Patty Van Zambt, who lives at 4711 Ashley, was inaplayatthe West Campus high school, canned Androcles and the Lion, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. She played the part of a Christian. The Eeles at 4717 Cumberland Circle have installed a very attractive sign post at their curb, indicating their name and address. Anyone wishing to locate these folks will surely have no problem with such an aid. Madeline Kauth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kauth, of 4515 Sussex, came out for a weekend visit, and did some Christmas shopping out here, and says she likes it best for shopping. Walter O. Hansen of 1125 Cumberland died on Thursday at the McHenry hospital. He was 64 years old. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Myrtle Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becker Mrs. Joyce and Miss Hofmeister will be dinner guests at the Clausen home on Sussex drive. Mr. Becker is a brother of Mrs. Clausen. William Boetter is still in the McHenry hospital - after falling in his home, on Saturday. He is still in critical condition. OUR TRIP OUT WEST CONTINUED YVe awoke in our big queen size beds, wondering whether we could possibly make it to Reno, Nevada that day. We decided to play it by ear, and see how far we could get. Fortunately the roads were good and the weather clear. We covered 540 miles arriving in Reno at about 6:30 p.m. Checked into another fine hotel, had a private hors <Foeuvre hour and dasi^off to the gambling tables, and the one arm bandits^ John got the first jack pot, which stimulated our interest, and held our attention for the next couple hours. We then found a nice place to eat, had spaghetti dinner, and on our way home to our motel we stopped and fed a few more nickles to our new found bandit friends. Continued. Some people like little dogs, others big dogs, and some, no dogs at all. When everybody can agree on one size and type of dog, then the time will be ripe to merge all our churches into one. YMCA CONDUCTS t CANDY SALE FOR ^ NEEDY PROJECTS ?! -vVivrH, Youth members and adult -k members of the Lake Region^. YMCA will continue to appeal*?.V to their friends and neighbor^ to support their YMCA, in its£' fourth annual World Service^ candy sale. The sale will last/ ; until Nov. 16, when all candy or;^ the money received for itisduepy to be returned to the Lak^.[ f Region YMCA office at 65 Williams street, Crystal Lake, .;, The goal of the Lake Region j YMCA's 1968 World Service^ sale is $1,150. All proceeds "". from the sale are turned over to the International World Service committee for distribution to needy projects in thirtynine countries. A sample of pro-... jects include boys' clubs, clinics for health programs and? recreation, resident camps, workshops for educating men and women for jobs and careers establishment of resident hotels schools to teach reading and writing, and in many countries the teaching of modern agricultural methods. The ambitious goal of the Lake Region YC MA's ; World Service Candy sale will be met if all salesmen faithfully canvass their neighborhoods and if residents greet salesmen with enthusiasm and a positive gesture of support. 1 * Ornamental Iron and o Structural Steel » ADAMS Biros. Repair 3004 Wo ®S0120 385-0W GET THE PARTS YOU WANT - WHEN YOU NEED THEM from Community Auto Supply Pheso 885-8978 FOE §B?I€E 5 COUNTERMEN Mike Kalfus Frank Meisner Arnold Anderson Dan Strach Stan Pankiewicz Drive in Anytime, and see your car shin fast! Lefefead Park CM! WASH KTestt to FMlllp's 86 Barber Shop ^ * Hair Coloring ^ • Hair Styling ^fl • Hair Pieces • Razor Cuts JANE'S by appointment 885-7771 Farm Equipment George P. Freund, Inc. Case • New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry Bus. 385-0420 Res. 385-0227 Home Cooking S Good Food • Fine Drinks Package Goods Edwin Hettermann Johnsburg • McHenry 385-1787 iAYCRJL i PATZKE UILDERS General Contractors McHENRY Phone 385-7851 or 5534 McHenry Plaindealer Now Twice Weekly PHONE 385-0170 for news# sports, «dv. y\ «/$/>)/ JACOBSEN LAWN MOWfR SALES AND SERVICE iipttt Bapair-- factory liained roachanica Full stock qI ganuina factory raplacvnant pitta Engina tuna-up and complati aafaty chack Fast pracision tharpaning-- Complata aalaction ol '60 Jocobsen lawn 385-1 Ada: ;pair 3102 N. Chapel HIURd. ienry Buy-Sell-Trade Illinois most complete Gun Store with a selection of over 1,000 gums in stock GUN CENTER Daily 0 • 9, Sat. & Sun. 9-6 3325 \V. Elm Ph. 385-7320 fCfcctcofux Sales & Service femes Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd. McHenry ving Radiat©r Troubles? Let us FLO^TEST it! Our Inland Flo-Test Machine will quickly determine if your trouble is in the radiator. Moet radiators over a year old are partly plugged--some seriously. This can causa heating and costly damage to your engine. We specialize in "Factory Method" radiator cleaning, repairing and re- Aoiisam Bros. Repair Serv Test can bo made without radiator from your FOR AN AD-TAKER Phone 815-385-0170 Insurance & Real Estate Earl R. Walsh life Fire Auto Homeowners Liability Plate Glass Bonds Marine Workmen's Accident & Compensation Health Office 385-3300 Residence 385-3321 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois, 60050 OISTIWCTIVS Mdwcmwti- Complete Selection Also Register In Our Bridal Register Agatha GUts 1242 Green St. Candies 385-0097' Be fPise Shop In McHenry PORT-O-CALL Featuring PILOT BAR South Sea Island Dining 1406 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, Illinois HOSTS: Waliy & OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11;00 A.M. to Closing 385-9700 Nut to V.F.W Phoro 385 3004 W. Roj£to 1Z0 IS YEARS EXPERIENCE ItcKsnry, M.