PUBLIC PULSE (The Piaindealer invites the public to use this col umn as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only re quest is that writers lim it themselves to 300 words or less - signature, full address and phone num ber. we ask too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We re serve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in ob- jectional taste.) DEFENDING YOUTH "Dear Editor: "In the May 10 issue of the McHenry Piaindealer, I read an article concerning the un- WHO KNOWS? 1. first woman ENJfOY MUSEUM TRIP - Fifty members of Cub Scout Pack 351 enjoyed a field trip recently to the Museum of Science and In dustry, Chicago. The Pack, sponsored by St. Patrick's Holy Name society, left at 8:30 in the morning and returned at 4:30 that af ternoon. Cub Scouts who enjoyed the trip were:Jeff Anderson, John Arm on, John Boro, Ken Bottari, Ryan Bradley, Mark Betancourt, Victor Betancourt, Keith Belzer, Paul Carlson, Tom Cheatham, Dan Coughlin, Larry Coughlin, Bill Cheatham, Joe D+herty, Mike Eisele, Greg Ernst, Ken George, John Gies, John G^nske, Joe Johnson, Bob Kinsey, Jamey Koch, Paul Knapik, M|ke Leon, Mark Lawrence, Ken Lewis, Jeff Lawrence, Mike Marino, Jeff Nylander, Chris Nylander, Joe Pieroni, Jeff Rhode, Scott Rehbery, Ray Roach, Jeff Schaefer, Don Smith, David Schaan, Myron Schaan, Tim Sahatka, Tom Sharp, Bill Slater, David Simons, Walter Turner, Larry Turner, Bob Tonyan, Rich West, Ted Weber and Tom Weber. Adults who chaperoned the outing were Mesdames Lawrence, Schaan, Gies, Schaefer, Knapik, West, Roach, Eisele and Tonyan, along with Cubmaster Dave Nylander and bus driver, Roy Carlson. Each adult was assigned 4 or 5 boys and each grpup took in the attraction that interested it most. The most popplar attractions were the Coal Mines and the Submarine. Economic Questions {Stabilization Answers O Internal Revenue This column of questions and answers on the President's Economic Stabilization program is provided by the local office of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and is published as a public service. The column answers questions mos^jfrequently asked about wages fend prices. Q. When my landlord notified me that he was going to raise my rent, I asked the Internal Revenue Service for an in terpretation as to whether the increase was justified and the IRS said it was. Can I appeal this decision? A. Yes. Within 10 days of the interpretation that his rent increase is justified, a tenant may appeal to his IRS district office and may also request a conference to discuss the case. In any case in which an appeal has been denied in whole or in part by the IRS district con feree, the tenant will be notified that he^ijiay appeal to the Price Q. Ait prescription druggists subject to posting requirements for retailers? A. Yes. The dispensing of prescription drugs is considred a retail activity and, therefore, it is covered by Price Com mission regulations requiring that base prices by posted. The fact that a professional pharmacist is employed to dispense drugs is incidental to the sale of those drugs and does not alter the retail nature of the transaction. IRS Publication S- 3010, Posting Requirements for Prescription Druggists, provides detailed information on how pharmacists should comply with the posting regulations. Send a postcard to your IRS district office for a free copy. Q. Will the Internal Revenue Service issue interpretations or rulings with respect to prices to be charged after April 30, 1973? A. No. The Economic Stabilization Act of 1970, as amended, expires on April 30, 1973, with respect to tran sactions after that date Generally, the Internal Revenue Service will not issue ruHngjf with imSPRTTnEMir sactions that will occur after that date. Q. Recently, the legislature in my state increased the per diem amount it pays to citizens who sit on juries. Is this in crease permissible under Price commission regulations? A. Yes. Because payments to jurors are economic tran sactions which are not prices, rents, wages or salaries, they are not within the coverage of the stabilization program. Q. Do I have to wait for ap proval from the Pay board to start paying a deferred in crease due next month under a pay agreement in effect prior to Nov. 14, 1971? A. No. Existing contracts and pay practices previously set forth can operate according to their terms except that specific contracts or pay practices are subject to review when challenged by a party at in terest or by two of the seven members of the Pay Board. Q. Do special procedural rules apply to providers of health services who request an exception? A. No. The general procedural rules for requesting exception to the Economic Stabilization Regulations apply to health providers. 2. 3. Consumers spent an average of $275 per person on clothing and shoes in 1971. Half of the in crease was caused by inflation. Name the admiral. Name the first six names suggested for 1972 hur ricanes. During what war was the national anthem written0 When will Memorial Day be observed in 1972? What is the medical term for baldness? Where is Casablanca? For what do the four H's in the 4-H Club stand? Who wrote "Song of Hia watha"? 9. Which branch of the Armed Services was abolished in 1950? 10.When was the first De fense Bond issued? '1*61 'toWOI •AJIbabo aqx "6 Monaj^uoT £iuan pue spusq 'peaH •OOOOJOW ui saiiiAfBO •(tepuow) taW *2181 jo am, •aotjaj pire Bupa 'umbo •auJBO 'iC^ag 'sau8y •sdioo asinN jCABN JO JopaJ -ip '^jana Bqjjag auajv fortunate death March 31 of the sixteen-year old Cary girl due to an auto accident. An eighteen-year old boy was the driver of the car involved in same. "I do not know the girl or boy involved personally. However, being the mother of four childbren, one who will soon be taking 'Driver's Ed;' I believe too much emphasis is put on young adults doing wrong and not enough on the good things they do. "I personally have been wrongly accused by 'several good citizens and long time members' of McCullom Lake village, of speeding through the village. A police officer has never cited me for same but because some adults have extra time on their hands and feel they must be the judge, court, etc., I am occasionally stopped by an officer and reminded to drive slowly although he has admitted he did not think I was speeding but must answer all calls. "I will commend McCullom Lake police on their thoroughness in patrolling the area. "I don't know if this boy had previous misdemeanors or not. I am sure however, the death of this girl will linger a long time in his mind and he certainly does not need a reminder of his misfortune of being 18 years old. "Some adults could certainly take lessons from our young adults in driving manners on our roads. Thank you for printing this letter. "Peace, "Buz Miyaki" PAGE 9-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1972 "LEARNING BY DOING -- Under the direction of their principal, Robert Putnam, the four Parkland students shown above made slides illustrating the educational program offered at their school. These slides were shown to visiting fifth graders who will be sixth grade students at Parkland next year. "Learning by Doing" proved to be a successful venture in this instance. Standing with Mr. Putnam is Michael Kalk, and in the front row, left to right, Kevin Mersch, Ken Putnam and Steve Hart. from HISTORY'S SCRAPB00K DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS Anne Boleyn, wife of King Henry VIII, was beheaded in England on May 19, 1536. The Homestead Act was signed into law, May 20, 1862. On May 21, 1881, the American Red Cross was organized by Clara Barton. Theodore Roosevelt's Meat Inspection Bill was introduced to Congress, May 22, 1906. South Carolina entered the Union, May 23, 1788. The Brooklyn Bridge was officially opened, May 24, 1883. Ralph Waldo Emerson was born, May 25, 1803. s*4U)| oqm o| swMSuy MARKET PLACE SHOPPING CENTER 4400 W. RTE 120 spurgeons It's Jersey at Just s9 FOR Reg. 4.99 You're seeing things--you're seeing the greatest price of the year for acetate jersey dresses! 14 styles in all --pick up a summer wardrobe! Brilliant prints--even eyelet jersey! Colors include aqua, pink, white, blue, navy, brown, black, orange, yellow, red or green. Sizes 12 to 20, 14V2 to 241/2- But this week only--rush in for an armful and save! £ CARRY- COOL! POHTABLE ROOM At COWmONER ^^MMSnSOMIHNUE 10 YE AM LEXAN * OUTOOO* CA«E • Automatic Thtrmoilal - You hi»« a choice of 10 oooling comfort levels to ohooM from • Carrying handle -- Ftaturti a luggage type built-in carrying handle for Miy portability • LEXAN& Caae - OutaMe Caaa virtually unbreakable, won t ruat - ever! • Easy Mount - Comes ready to Install with easy mount ctoaure penets 4000 ITU, 115-V«tt, 7-Amp. JUST 43-fc*. LIGHT Carry It aeywtwre... Phgltta... outdoor cimi cs'fy a 10 yesr parts and a#fv«c« labor re-| ptacamant wsfrsnty against manulacturtog dafoct* CAREY Appliance Daily 8:00-5:30 Wed. 8:00-Noon Friday 8:00-9:00 SALES & SERVICE 1241 N. Green St. 385-5500 McHenry YOU ALWAYS SAVE AT SPURGEON'S-CHARGE IT! lit 1IM ft LKEEN STREET MALI Gets up to795miles per gallon (of waiter) New GE Elec-TrakTractor is electric; quiet ,no fumes,no engine, no oil, no vibrations, no exhaust, no tune -ups, no warm-ups, no sparkplugs, no condenser, no coils, no carburetor, no gasoline, no messy maintenance. It's a complete outdoor power center. Mow up to three acres without re charging.* "Refuel" by plugging into any standard outlet. Mow lawns, blow snow, plow fields, do dozens of outdoor jobs. We have a complete line; come in for a free demonstration today! Batteries warranted f ive years on models E20, El5, E12, E12M, E10M; three years on model E8M. Free mower at participating dealers with any GE Elec-Trak Tractor during our special Spring Introductory Sale. From 795. Manufacturer's suggested retail price for E 8M plus taxes, set up, freight charges if any. G E N E R A L E L E C T R I C Consult dealer(s) listed below for their actual prices ana terms in effect. GEORGE P. FREUND, INC. 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. 3850420 McHenry \