1 Keepin Healthy A. G. Edwards & Sons, Inc. WEEKLY MARKET REVIEW We can remember few periods when confusion and uncertainty so dominated the outlook for the stock market and the factors which directly or indirectly control its direction. Of course, when things are perfectly clear one can start to look for the opposite to occur. However, even during healthy markets there is consensus about a few important things. Today, one can get totally diverse opinions from conservative authorities about everything which dominates the current investment scene: The short term market direction; the health of our Bull; the next direction of interest rates and inflation; the type of business recovery, fast or slow; the future of New York City and its bonds. Not only do we have almost a total difference of opinion but the disciples of each camp seem about equal in number. This condition can explain the sickeningly low trading volume, 12.4 million shares a day on average last week and going lower, and the standoff in the stock market the past two weeks. Apparently the seesaw is about equally balanced between the optimists and the pessimists and few have enough conviction to do anything aggressive. Of course, periods like this in the stock market always seem to be accommodated by some alternative investment vehicle. This time, the institutions can again avoid making a long term decision on stocks by buying short term bonds at rates which have jumped back up lately. It will probably be close to year-end before the "experts" can do anything but guess about most of these uncertainties. Our opinion, looking out past the short term, remains that the sizable amount of cash still available for stock purchases, the historically low P-E multiples, and the yet to be seen business recovery will combine to get hopes high again and stock prices higher until optimism is possibly proven wrong by facts. Short term, however, it continues to appear that it will take either lower prices or more backing and filling to shore up confidence that the risk-reward ratio of buying stocks is again favorable. Thus, we would continue to maintain a defensive posture until the market action shows more strength than we have seen so far during this correction. VA NEWS EDITOR'S NOTE: Veterans and their families are asking thousands of questions con cerning the benefits their Government provides for them through the Veterans Ad ministration. Below are some representative queries. Ad ditional information may be obtained at any VA office. Q -- Is there a limit on the amount of money a veteran can pay for a home purchased with a loan guaranteed by the Veterans administration? A - No., but there's a limit on the amount of guaranty VA can provide -- 60 per cent, up to a maximum of $17,500. Also, the loan cannot exceed the agen cy's appraised value of the property. Q -- As a veteran's widow, I was drawing pension from the Veterans administration until I remarried. Since my second husband died recently, I wonder if I can get back on the pension roll? A - Yes. Under current law, a formerly eligible widow can FIND THE LETTEHS IN THIS PICTURE ThATSPBLL D TurfBuiMer C TL TMI1T* \bur lawn needs feeding right now even more than it did last spring! In the fall, your lawn is going through its most important growth cycle. It's trying to develop the vital root structure it needs for the following year, and to thicken itself by sending out new grass shoots. The better your lawn is fed, the better it can develop. So right now, a feeding of Scotts TURF BUILDER® is especially important. It provides the long- lasting, high-nitrogen feeding that makes lawns thrive. Prove it to yourself during Scotts Lawn Improvement Sale! Save Now! 8" 23,s HORNSBYS _ f a m i l y c e n t e r s ^ 4400 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY RT. 47 & COUNTRY CLUB RD. WOODSTOCK by Mary Richards Did you know that eat ing in restaurants has become more popular in the ' past couple of years than ever before? Some experts feel that , with the high price of groceries, many people f ind i t costs no more to eat out than to cook a meal at home. The Il l inois Department of Public Health, which has the responsibil i ty of making cer tain the places where you go to eat out are clean and sanitary, also has some helpful hints on how you can determine for yourself whether a restaurant is -meeting basic sanitary requirements. First , don' t be misled by fancy exteriors. Health department inspectors have found some of the most un sanitary kitchens behind some of the fanciest doors.^ This doesn' t mean that every restaurant which looks beautiful on the outside is not clean on the inside. But. a fancy exterior does not necessari ly assure the cleanliness of* the interior . ? Here are a few other hints that may help you avoid eating in an unsanitary establish ment : 1) Drive or walk around the outside of the restaurant , if possible. Check the general condit ion of the exterior, and pay part icular at tention to the SENIOR CITIZEN'S CORNER^ HELPFUL IDEAS FOR SUCCESSFUL RETIREMENT regain her pension if the sub sequent remarriage ends in death or divorce - provided her income and net worth do' not exceed income limitations. Q - I wear a brace on both legs as a result of a service connected disability. Am I eligible foi an annual $150 clothing allowance from the Veterans administration? A - Prabably yes. The allowance is available to service disabled veterans whose prosthetic or orthopedic devices tend to wear out or tear their clothing. Application should be made at your VA regional office. ABOUT GOOD HEALTH avoided since they have little Good health during the senior nutritive value and may con- years is maintained through tribute to arterial disease. proper nutrition. Ol3er people. Some older people need particularly if they live alone, smaller, more frequent meals just don't bother always to since eating too much may be as prepare proper meals. , harmful as not eating enough. Such individuals tend to live on Overweight individuals are more snacks, with too many car- likely to develop high blood bohydrates such as bread and pressure, coronary heart disease, jam, and too little of the essential strokes and diabetes, proteins--fats, fresh fruits and An exercise program de- vegetables which provide vi- veloped before retirement will taminC. keep leg muscles from dete- The well-balanced diet includes riorating. Walking is good ex- adequate protein in the form of ercise; so is golf, curling, lawn meat, poultry, fish, eggs and bowling, gardening and swim- milk. Carbohydrates are needed, ming. but an excessive intake of refined Consult your doctor about your sugars and candy should be diet and your exercise habits. garbage storage area. Trash cans should be clean and t ightly closed Other refuse should be neatly wrapped or bagged 2> Check the condit ion of the (l ining area. Look for clean walls and floors, and lor fresh tablecloths or thoroughly wiped tables. Look at your waiter or watress. He or she should be wearing a clean uniform, have clean hands and fingernails , and should not have an un covered shaggy hairdo. 41 Check the dishes and eating utensils . They should not be cracked, chipped, bent or scratched Drinking glasses should be clean and spotless. .")) Visi t the customers ' washroom. It should be clean and f ree of objectionable odors. The facil i t ies should be in good working order. Although most of the state 's 21.i)()() restaurants l ire in spected by ci ty, county or state" health department inspectors, I l l inois law does not require restaurants to be l icensed. Therefore, even if unsanitary condit ions exist , there is no l icense the Health department can suspend; al though the department can get a court injunction to close the restaurant . Also, under state law. restaurants are not required to post notices in dicating whether they have met state health standards. But. if you will fol low these t ips when eating out , especial ly when you're looking for a restaurant in a strange town, you can enjoy eating out reasonably certain that the place where you are eating is being managed in a sanitary wav. Special English Classes At MCC McHenry County college will offer classes in English as a Second Language this fal l for the seventh consecutive year. All college distr ict residents who can benefi t from these classes are invited to par t icipate. There is ho tuit ion charge for the course. These classes will be held at Marian Central high school. 1001 Mc Henry avenue in Woodstock, on Tuesday and Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m beginning Sept. 2. PAGE 15 PLAIM)EALER - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27,1975 Major Election Reform Bil ls Signed Into Law JOINS ANGUSGROUP Roland A. Besserud. McHenry, has been elected to membership in the American Angus associat ion at St . Joseph, Mo., announces Lloyd D. Miller , executive secretary. There were 218 memberships issued to breeders of registered Aberdeen-Angus in the United States during the past month Way Out West At least some of the Westerns coming out of Hollywood these days are modern Like the new one where the good guy couldn' t get the badmen any other way--so he jai led them for in come tax evasion If you want more information about the state health depart- met 's restaurant inspection program, write to Dr. Roy Upham, chief of the Division of Food and Drugs, I l l inois Department of Public Health, 535 West Jef ferson, Springfield, III . , 62761. Governor Dan Walker has sigijed into law a package of major election reform bil ls sponsored by State Senator Jack Sehalfor. Cary. One bil l deletes provisions requiring a separate ballot card when electronic voting devices are used for judicial retention questions. Another al lows the use of voting machines or electronic devices for marking con sti tut ional amendment ballots and ballots cal l ing for a con st i tut ional convention The third measure al lows qualif ied voters who wish to vote on a proposit ion or in a general election held at the same t ime as a primary election to vote ' in a "non part isan' ' voting booth or machine. Currently, these voters must use ei ther a ""Republican' ' or "Democrat" booth or machine. The measure al lows county boards, municipal boards of elections or county boards of elections to provide separate booths or electronic devices Un people who do not wish to part icipate in a party primary. Independents could then vote on important issues affecting their l ives without becoming "party members." Schaffer said he was pleased the measures have become law. explaining that they will greatly improve and simplify elections and cut costs . "Electronic voting systems have been inst i tuted in many Il l inois counties to el iminate confusion in voting and save t ime m tal lying ballots ," he commented. "But requiring a second ballot for judicial retention and a third paper ballot for con st i tut ional proposit ions leaves the voter with a handful of ballots and the task of deciding which ballot is used for each question. Election judges must .spend hours tal lying con sti tut ional ballots . The mult iple ballots are costly and defeat the whole purpose of electronic voting." m e r i c a n V i e w p o i n t s w American Viewpoints A decent and manly examination of the acts of Government should be not only tolerated, but en couraged. William Henry Harrison ITO9I Automotive Sale Power up for fast starts. Save 607 Trade in your tired old battery for Wards 36-month guaranteed Get Away. 22 88 / i mi-«T oopppoj // 1 0 1 EXCHANGE REG. 28.95 EXCH. FITS MOST US CARS qKfiw»nir»tvfyiriM nLr>«*orist irp.^MwffirMrvM'\ riMWDiUUlVMmjflU'w-iBir'./'WAj <rwi. o A solid performer. With tough, all-weather polypropylene case and cold cranking power rated up to 305 amps. Wards Get Avvav 36 meets or exceeds the specifications of most similar sized standard batteries. WARDS BATTERY PROTECTION PLAN I Montgomery Word will reploce thij battery ot no cost t< I owner if it fails to occept and hold a charge «n noncomme se during the free Replacement Period shown TOTAL GUARANTEE PERIOD 60 48 42 36 24 18Mos *5 off Wards 6-, 12-volt VW battery 24!' FREE REPLACEMENT PERIOD 24 16 12 9 6 3M6i Powerful, all-season starts with 3-year guarantee. Up to 280 amps cold cranking start power. Hard rubber case. EXCH. REGULARLY $29.95 After this period, to the end of the guorontee period Montgomery Ward will replace the battery, charging only a pro rated omount for the time since purchase, based on the current regular selling price less trade-in Batteries in commercial use ore guaranteed on a similar basis for half of the specified periods Commercial use «s defined as 1 use in any vehicle for other than family or personal use For service under this guorontee, return battery with evidence of date of purchase to any Montgomery Ward branch 36 FREE BATTERY INSTALLATION SAVE 4" WARDS SUPREME MUFFLER REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE For as long as you own the car on which installed, Montgomery Ward will furnish a free replacement for any Wards Supreme Muffler which fails for any reason If Montgomery Ward orig inally installed the muffler, it will install the replacement free. Return muffler to any Montgomery Ward branch (any branch having installation facilit ies, if free installation included) with evidence of purchase. This guarantee does not apply to mufflers installed on commer cial vehicles or to mufflers damaged in an outo accident. WE REPLACE THIS MUFFLER FREE If i t ever fails. Wards p" OO Supreme is guaranteed as I long as you own your car. Fits most American cars. REG. 19.99 Fast installation, labor only, low as 5.00 Special. DRUM BRAKE INSTALLATION LABOR ONLY We install shoes, re build wheel cylinder check master cylinder bearings, seals, more. Disc brake job $49.8 LOW COST INSTALLATION AVAILABLE WARDS TOWN & COUNTRY SMOCK ABSORBER REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE i the d Montqomer y Word will fu placements for any Wards To* y'ShocW Absorber which foils fo (ison If Montgomery Ward orig1 is tailed the shock absorbers it w- eplacements free Return shocfc ah . to any Montgomery Ward branc cinch having installation facilities itoMation included) with evidence se This guor an tee does no' apply obsor bers installed on commerc s Or to shock absorbers damaged o • < ident W Save 39% Got sloppy shocks? Get Wards heavy- duty Town & Country shock absorbers. Car shake? GET OUR FRONT- END ALIGNMENT ter . camber. toe- ^ in to s pec Farts extra EACH REGULARLY 8.99 EACH They're bigger, stronger than most originals. You'l l get more road grip, surer steering and a saf er ride. For m -t US cars. 42% savings on Wards O.E.R. shock absorber. Comparable to most original e q u i p m e n t . Most US cars. Wards load levelers. Front or rear wheels. 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