More Appointment Power Given To County Boards County boards will be given the authority to appoint members to numerous types of multi-country governing boards under the provisions of bill sponsored jointly by State Representatives Cal Skinner, Jr. (R-Crystal Lake) and Ralph Dunn (R-DuQuoin). "Previously, the state legislators whose districts covered any part of districts like fire protection districts made the appointments. That was a bad idea when it was suggested and we are well rid of that power," Skinner said. "Under the law," Skinner continued, "county boards will have the power to appoint members to the governing boards of ten different special tax districts when such districts cover parts of more than one county." The districts are fire protection, local mass transit, mosquito abatement, hospital, park, surface water protection, public water and water service and a couple of lesser known ones. "Furthermore," the Crystal Laker continued, "members are to be appointed in proportion to the population of the district within individual counties. For instance, if two- thirds of the population of the population of a fire protection district were in a particular county, two-thirds of the members must be appointed from that county." Skinner noted that this is one instance in which ten different bills were turned into one bill in order to cut down on the glut of bills. "It didn't help much, bu* since all ten bills were about the same subject, there was no reason not to combine them, as the 1970 constitution allows." Skinner noted that another representative introduced a whole series of bills aimed at the same problem-getting rid of the power to appoint trustees to various special tax districts. Crescent Criminal Justice Council Names Officers An election of officers to the Crescent Regional Criminal Justice council was conducted recently. Elected to serve one- year terms were John Johnson of Will county, first vice- chairman; Millicent Berliant of Lake county, second vice- chairman; James Jerz of DuPage county, secretary; Neil Mahoney of Kane county, treasurer. The election of chairman will be decided upon at the October meeting. Neither of the two candidates, Arthur Tyrrell, McHenry county Sheriff, and Walter Dean, McHenry County board chairman, received the required number of votes to be elected chairman of Crescent council. Judge Neil Mahoney HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS Intermatlc Names New Director Of Consumer Marketing Don Ferguson, 39, has been appointed director of marketing 01 consumer products by Intermatic, Inc., timer, heater and lighting manufacturer. Ferguson will be responsible for the national marketing of the anti-burglary Time-All automatic timer, the Heat Wave personal heater and Malibu low-voltage lighting. Associa^d with the company for twelve years, Ferguson for the last six has been eastern regional manager with headquarters in New Jersey. Earlier he was an Intermatic regional manager with offices in Los Angeles and Chicago. Ferguson was born in Lock- will serve as acting chairman until the October meeting. Following the Crescent council meeting, outgoing chairman, Judge Neil Mahoney, was presented a plaque by council members for distinguished service and dedication to the criminal justice agencies and the people of Crescent Region during his term as chairman from May 1, 1974, to Sept. 22, 1975. port. 111., and was graduated with a B.B.A. degree from Western Michigan university in Kalamazoo. Mich He is a I member of Sigma Mu and Alpha Kappa Psi fraternities. Robert Vavrik Elected To Head CCD Parents TAKf .-- family centers W^ m M • ^=^-••1 I | f Ww • At the monthly meeting of the newly formed CCD Parents association, the following of ficers were elected: President, Robert J. Vavrik, Vice- President, Carolyn Ritthaler Secretary, Lydia Fenner; Treasurer, Richard Smith. This association was formed by the parents of St. Patrick's church whose children, while they attend public school, receive their religious in structions through the Con fraternity of Christian Doctrine class offered by St. Patrick's parish. The purposes of this parents association are: 1. To assist in furthering the religious education of their children through financial support of the CCD program; 2. To work toward the im provement of the image of the CCD program; 3. To assist in any way it can toward the continued growth and development of the CCD Program; 4. To offer opportunity for m e m b e r s i n d i v i d u a l development through adult education programs; 5. To provide answers for parents who have questions about the religious education of their children and to provide a forum for (he parents to make known their own feelings, r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s a n d suggestions. The n^xt meeting of the parents' association will be held Oct. 21 at 8 p.m. At this meeting members will vote on the Constitution of the association. All members are encouraged to attend the Oc tober meeting to vote and lend support. Anthony Kryf Earns Degree At Roosevelt Degrees were awarded to 399 Roosevelt university graduates Sept 12, at the end of the summer, session. Of the total, 195 students received un dergraduate degrees and 204 were awarded master's degrees. The new graduates were honored at a reception in the university's Sullivan room, including Anthony J. Kryc, 808 Southgate, McHenry, master of Arts degree. * * * * Is anyone keeping up with the price of living? WANTED! FOR A LITTLE RASCALS only 38< PLUS 6 2 c HANDLING LIMIT ON SPECIAL Groups and additional 1 -- per person settings at our 1 --per family regular low prices Your child's photographer will be on duty at spurgeons 5' McHenry, III. Fri. 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The most wOhted fabrics Include heek suedes, twills, corduroys, and nylon taffetas. Hornsby'* have button front, belted, zipper fronts, fur trimmed, hooded unhooded, parka styles plus many, many more Men's and Young Men s (38-50) Boys', Big Boys' (4-20) Jackets 4400 W. Rte. 120 Daily 9-9 McHenry, III. Sunday 9-6 Rt. 47 & Country Club Rd. Daily 9-9 Woodstock, III. Sunday 9-6 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ON SALE ITEMS MERCHANTS SALE BEER NOT ICED OF FINE WINES AND LIQUORS 4610 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY, ILLINOIS PRICES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1st THRU OCTOBER 7th Ofttuberfest SALE Beer Kases Wonder Bar & Lemke Brick $169 • LB. $ J 29 PACKAGE THEALMAN Bratwurst Saurkraur 2 LB. PACKAGE Pirces Effective Till October 29 IGERMAN BEER! Dressier $069 6 1 2 O U N C E B O T T L E S ^ Heinekens $Q19| 6-12 OUNCE BOTTLES ** Wolfschmidt VODKA $Q19 FIFTH 1# J. 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