REAL ESTATE 2932 W. Rt. 120, McHenry CHOOSE YOUR HOME: 3 BR ranch close to park w/great view! l/i baths, fern. rm„ util. rm., part, basmt., 2 c. gar. First Time offering at $49,500 2 BR condo just right for the retirees or newlywed. Swimming pool priviledges great area. Price reduced for fast sale. $24,950 Wauconda area offers this 3 BR vinyl sided ranch situated on lovely lot w/ rock garden. $27,900 Have a picnic on the lge. patio of this immaculate £ BR ranch w/full ba^mt., City water & sewer. Re duced to: $34,000 *' AND MORE! (815) 385-4810 REAL ESTATE BY OWNER RICHMOND Low taxes, 3 bedroom ranch with full bsmt. win dow a.c., carpeting, gas range, disposal, 2V2 car garage Many extras. Must see to appreciate 815-678-6691 815-678-4154 10-10 yooooooooooooooooooo FORJSLE BY OWNER New 3-4 bedroom house, lfa baths, wall to wall carpet] family roorn^ 2 car gar-1 age. 18 sq. ft. living area. J vVater pier & beach rights City Water. ! $38,900.00 Mortgage Available 815-344-1632 815-385-6566 I _ - 815-344-0748 ' 800000000000000000000, 10-3-TF-2 PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE YOUR AD REAL ESTATE OWNER TRANSFERED ^ J Must leave this very private, super sharp raised ranch, 3 bedrooms, IV2 baths, 2 car garage. Panelled rec. rm. Extra large utility room and financing available.. $40,500 RJ NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY +->l Get a good home with 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, and kitchen. One bath 2 year old garage, most of the essential furnishings plus a darling little screened-in summer house all for only $27,500 NESTLED IN THE WOODS This versatile family home has 3 bedrooms, family room, large 4th bedroom. The attached oversize 2 car garage has a super rumpus room on the second floor. The house is completely carpeted and the living room has a beautiful stone fireplace for cozy fall and winter enjoyment . $34,900 WINTER AND SUMMER SPORTS Enjoy boating and fishing, skating, snowmobiling and more in your own back yard. Maintenance free exterior gives you more time for your favorite past-time. This 3 bedroom ranch has a large family room and is completely carpeted.The kitchen is a good size, eat-in kitchen, range, refrigerator, freezer, washer and dryer all included $41,000 ENTERTAINING PLUS In this beautifully^earpeted 29 x 24 living room with fireplace overlooking the lake and in the 19 x 18 family room also w-fireplace, large eat-in kitchen and look, at these extras: 1 den or sewing room, 2-car garage, 3- ceramic tile baths, 4 bedrooms, and 5 sports are all yours - swimming, boatjng, waterskiing, snowmobiling and skating. 6 burner range in kitchen included. $65,000 IN MtHENRY across f rom HORNSBYS 4307 WEST ROUTE 120 1 • m PHONE 815 385-6900 OPEN WEEKNIGHTS Til 7 PM WEEKENDS 5 30 PM m At TOR * & m At TOR * & • IN CRYSTAL LAKfc 6315 ROUTE 14 PHONE 815 459 5400 ! m At TOR * & IN WOODSTOCK 209 BENTON ST PHONEA15 338 3951 Who Just Got A Ticket For Speeding? * Six#*: What Weil-Known Couple Just Became Proud Parents? f i t X What Just One Person Can Do <;KOK(;K ffkhki.I. Artist To people in the chemistry building at Atlanta's Kmorv university. George Ferrell is the janitor. But at Washington's Smithsonian institution, he is considered "one of the most talented and skilled self-taught wood car vers in the country." "You know, some folks think I'm kiddin' when I tells them I'm an artist," he says, "but that don't bother me. I don't have to prove nothing to nobody." Ferrell first started doine sculpture in the late 1940s "I saw a book about Picasso. ' he explains. "Picasso is something else - he sure did some really way out things. And I started thinking that 1 could so something way out. too." He started working in ceramics and plaster of Paris, but stopped because they broke too easily. Then he started carving in wood, using pieces he finds around construction sites or while sweeping up the chemistry labs. "Up in Washington (at the Smithsonian)," he says, "folks asked me if 1 buy expensive PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1975 gonna be able to spend my nights playing dominoes with the boys." For George Ferrell. i:i. ability to be himself is the key to a successful artistic career and a lull life. It's a key that's available to everyone. wood like cherry, mahogany, oak I just tell them I carve what 1 lind." His carvings sell well, but Ferrell has 110 in tention of leaving his job. "I like being a janitor. The people here are good to me and there is always time to do sculpture during the breaks." he says. He is actually a little wary of success: "What 1 gotta Watch out lor is becoming a professional?" he savs."Then I'm gonna be in trouble cause when that happens I ain't gonna l>e able to be mvself and I ain't For a tree copy of the Christopher 'News Notes. "There's Nobody Like You." send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Christophers. 12 K. 48th St.. New York. NY 10017 r your week ahead BY DR. A.W. DflMIS ARIES Mar. 21-Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20-May 20 GEMINI May 21-June 20 MOONCHILD June 21-July 22 LEO July 23-Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19-Mar. 20 How Did The City Council Vote On The Last Issue? I 5 = J ...Find out in the next (and every) issue of the McHenry Plaindealer (Subscribe today! ) 385-0170 Forecast Period: October 11 to October 18 There's things that you must look into per sonally. Don't make the mistake of letting an associate take care of your job, task or project. Do it yourself. It's highly probable that you'll stumble over a series of small reversals. So, simply crawl from one event to the other--make it through the cosmic cycle. Teamwork, associates who will work as soldiers, shows in your chart. No question about it, there's all sorts of help and moral support coming your way. Don't jump the gun on a project that should begin at the close of this month. Apparently, you're too anxious to get a new venture star ted. "Red tape" seems to be in the scheme of things. Some sort of hassel or legal en tanglement, in one form or another, will delay a purchase or possession. Give first consideration and priority to your own projects; you're prone to becoming involved in someone else's affairs. Conse quently, several opportunities might escape. According to your chart, there's high powdered financial information heading your way. Someone will put you on a winner, as the saying goes. It's a good time to ask for favors. As a matter of fact, a little aggressiveness will work won ders. Incidentally, several valid rumors are on the wing. Stellar patterns focus on several interesting, very interesting, conversations with a mem ber of the opposite sex. By the way, guard your words--they'll be repeated. You'll be obligated to protect an associate. Here's a tip. First, strengthen your own position with persons in authority. And, whatever you do--get your facts together. A member of the opposite sex might seek your help. It's highly probable that the situation ana pending event will be beyond your control. Double your guard against someone who claims to have a mutual goal. In reality, you'll be drawn into a scheme that will work against your own interest. Saving Seed May Not Be Economical , Home gardeners frequently attempt to economize by saving seed from their annual flowering plants. But this can lead to disappointment the following season, says George Young. University of Illinois Extension adviser in McHenry County. Insects or wind may cross- pollinate ordinary inbred varieties with other varieties of the same species growing nearby. The result may be an unsatisfactory mixture of color and growth habits. Because of their unique genetic makeup, it is even less desirable to gather seed from hybrid varieties. The seed from hybrids almost never produce plants that faintly resemble the desirable traits of their parents. Gardeners who do plan to save seed should make sure the seed is mature before har vesting. Seed should be air dried in a warm, dry at mosphere for about two weeks. Young cautions against drying seed in an oven. He recom mends cleaning the seed and placing it in a cool, dry location, such as in a glass jar stored in the basement or in the refrigerator. Farm Exports May Total $21.6 Billion In 1976 U.S. agricultural exports during fiscal year 1976 are now expected to at least match exports of $21.6 billion in fiscal 1975, according to Jimmie D. Lucas. County Executive Director of the McHenry County ASCS Office. Mr. Lucas said a report arriving at his office from Washington D C. shows that besides a sub stantial increase in U.S. ex ports to the USSR, larger ex ports are expected in fiscal 1976 to South Asia, Southeast and East Asia, Japan, Canada, and North Africa. The outlook report was published by the USDA's Economic Research Service and Foreign Agricultural Service. "Export volume of principal agricultural commodities is likely to total nearly 100 million tons -- about 12 million tons above the level in 1975 and near the record of 1974," Lucas said, "but export prices will likely average below fiscal 1975." Don't Freeze Everything Certain foods should not be frozen, because their flavor or texture changes during the freezing process For example: cooked egg white toughens , salad greens lose their crispness: raw tomatoes change their flavor and color and become limp and watery; raw apples and grapes become soft and mushy; fried foods tend to have a warmed- over taste when reheated. S E S Q U A R E S III TME QUICKEST WAY TO WIPE OUT A FRIEMDSWIP IS BY SPONGING/ m WE WILL Columbus Dau Monday, October but WE WILL BE 13th OPEN for Your Convenience Wednesday, October 15th DRIVE UP & WALK-UP WINDOWS 9:00 AMi. to 3:00 P.M. McHenry State Banki 3510 W. ELM ST. - McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 385-1040