HORNSBTS ^ fami ly centers -- Supplement to the McHenry Plaindealer; Harvard Herald; Woodstock Daily Sentinel; The Beacon News; Morris Herald; Fulton County Democrat; Pontiac Daily Leader. Illinois Valley Shopper. Prices effective while quantities last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Hornsby's Gift Certificate CHARGE IT! Available in any amount. We Honor Both • MASTER CHARGE • BANKAMERICARD Buy now . . . don't pay until next year. 5 m iV WE WILL BE CLOSED THURS., NOV. 27. THANKSGIVING DAY! Thin Ttiir T-r'V* <S-*IIS-* tv- tv- ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* ft* *** Tl* LAY-IT-AWAY Our layaway plan is a nifty way to ensure NOW . . . of having your selection LATER . . . when you need it. A small deposit holds your purchase. PRICES EFFECTIVE WED.( NOV. 26 THRU SUN., NOV. 30, «3£ Brack's 3 lb. jBoxed ChocolatM 6 I Thr«* pound* of dtllelow candios covorod with puro 1 milk chocolotol A groat SWt! Assorted cromot, nougoti, coromoli. Our Reg. 3.6? l&Vr*. • MMJ O Or if ft, 147 •/ I too 1500' Hock®* iQ?>«zv 'J:° I» of Our R*9- ,We ,500 </,•• v»»** punty tor W • Vnch#* v"°pp,n9( M** ChrUtwo* hoVo *of* «nou9h hondt 4'1 '6 •*. 0u' D.< «3c *»lr 50 ?«"»i 'Of. lex Christ"®11* Cards on n s -- 2 7 * Sir < °gr 5'c r\b * i.MAÔ V „ <)3C *<*** o o ^ c bT r> THESE HORNSBY'S FAMILY CENTERS OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY Rt. 34 A 47 Yorkville. III. 110 Waverly Morris. III. Route 136 Havana, III. Rt. 66 4 116 Pontiac, III. U.S. 6 4 Rt. 26 Princeton, III. Market Ctr. McHenry, III. Route 47 Woodstock, III.