PAGE 10-PLAINDEAI.FR - WEDNESDAY. .APRIL20. 1977 f » I EDUCATIONAL I College Honors Local Girl To Attend Foreign Culture College RONDl CI NAT Rondi Cunat, daughter of Mr and Mrs Dean Cunat of 3200 Justen road. McHenry. will attend the Condordia college Spanish Language village this summer near Detroit Lakes. Minn The Language village will introduce Miss Cunat to a foreign culture at an informal lake setting in Minnesota, specially designed to recreate the atmosphere of the adopted country , Through the use of passports, foreign currency and names, each villager experiences a lifestyle similar to that of France. Germany. Norway. Russia. Spain and Sweden REPRESENTATIVE Michael Thornton, son of Mr and Mrs Robert Thornton. 6604 W. Mason Hill road. McHenry, has been chosen to be a representative of his junior class and will serve as a member of the Wheaton college s t u d e n t g o v e r n m e n t . Non-Equity Auditions Set At Old Courthouse The Woodstock Performing company has scheduled non- Equity auditions for Friday, April 22. between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. in the second floor courtroom of the Old Cour thouse on the Square in Woodstock. Performers will audition for the company's upcoming season as the resident professional company in the Woodstock Opera House which will open May 18, 1977. Scheduled productions are "But Not Good-Bye" by George Seaton. "Outward Bound" by Sutton Vane, and "The Mad Show", a musical by Larry Siegel and Stan Hart. Appointments are not necessary, but further in formation, if desired, will be available by calling 338-7487. BLOOD BANK The Aurora Blood bank, sponsored by the McHenry Area Jaycees and the McHenry Kiwanis club, will be having a blood drawing Monday, April 25, at the McHenry VFW, 3002 W Rte. 120, from 3 to 7 p.m. All types of blood are needed. Donors should be 18 years of age GET PROFESSIONAL carpet cleaning results! (At do-it-yourself prices) If NT out RtNSf N VAC--MM urn poriebie. Mty-to-uM hot wot*r •Ktrection carpet cleaning mochln* HwlMNTlY... •rinMt carpet Hbart wMi hot •voter end cleaning solution. •IsoMfli and lift* *11 dirt. (rime and rotldoe* to the carpet nrMce where they ere li vacuumed up *loave« your carpets CLEAN FRESH and ODOR FREE I A CHAM [Will t t̂ent tor only •Iftl TNM CliAMR 1MCM *400 > M* E. (lKHft. '5.00 Mk) HOUR 0N1Y *12.00 FOR 24 HOURS. ACE HARDWARE 3729 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. 3854)722 A P̂ f , Save on Famous ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY Each of these advertised items is required to be readily available for sale at or below the advertised price in each A&P Store, except as specifically noted infahis ad April 21st is Food Day, 1977 Food Day is the time for us all to take stock of our eating and buying habits. At AAc F we have pledged to use Food Day as an opportunity to draw your attention to nutrition information There are some things you. the consumer, can do that will help you to make the most of the tood you eat and the money you spend for that tood. We at A&P can help you to shop wisely. And we can work towards seeing that good nu trition is for everyone What You Can Do , .. . Head and compare the nutrition information labels on packaged and canned goods. . . . Check "freshness dating. Buy only the amount of a product you will use while it's still fresh. . . . \\ hen you write your weekly shopping list, plan well-balanced meals for your family based on the featured specials in newspaper food ads. • . . . Compare the price of similar items by using the information on Unit Frice tags. . . . Stock up on advertised specials. Carefully follow any special diet your doctor recommends to maintain or restore good health. . . . L'se federal food stamps if you are eligible for them. If you are uncertain about your eligi bility. check your local welfare office. What We're Doing at A& P Every day. we at A&P are committed to providing our customers with a wide variety of nutritious foods. We want to give you the Widest choice when you shop for meals for your family. On behalf 01 Food Day 1977, A& P has con tributed a grant to a nutrition intern program. This grant will make it possible for a graduate dietician to train to become a member of a med ical team bringing in-depth nutrition knowledge to the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Food Day. Because better nutrition de pends on all of us. Katherine Smith Vice President, Consumer Affairs OVEN READY Ducks Sirloin Steak US GOVT I INSP 4 TO 5-LB AVG. Box-0-Chicken Fryer Legs Fryer Breast Bulk Turkey Drumsticks 1S.ASST PIECES U S. GOV T INSPECTED CUT FROM HEAVY GRAIN FED WESTERN BEEF COUNTRY STYLE WITH BACK PORTION ATTACHED COUNTRY STYLE WITH BACK PORTION ATTACHED LB. LB. Porterhouses189 Steak LB. I CAP'N JOHN'S WHARF Cap'nJohn's LakeSmelts Jack Salmon Fancy Frog Legs VanPeKamp's Fish Fillets HAG WHITING 5-LB. BOX LB. 12 OZ PKG 99c $229 $199 $149 LB. Bone In Strip Steak Boneless Strip Steak Whole Beef Tenderloin Boneless Rib EyeSteak Oscar Mayer Sliced Bacon Boneless Chuck Roast SOLD AS ROAST ONLY LB 99 0 ROUND BONE ARM CUT LB. 5 TO 7-LB. AVG LB. LB. LB. LB. 1-LB. PKG $229 $299 $299 $299 $149 Chuck Roast I Whole Pork Loin Asst. Pork Chops Pork Loin Roast Boneless Pork Butt Roast Oscar Mayer Bologna 79 14 TO 17-LB. AVG. • 2 SIRLOIN • •CENTER • 2 SHOULDER FULL RIB HALF LB. 99c LB LB. 99C LB. U09 SLICED. REG. OR BEEF AA. 12-OZ. PKG. FRESH FISH SPECIALS! A&P CHIPPED MEATS FRESH DRESSED Smelts FRESH JUMBO OSCAR MAYER WIENERS OR BEEF FRANKS Lake Perch $129 SEVERAL VARIETIES 3-OZ PKGS 1-LB. PKG. FRESH FISH AVAILABLE IN FRESH FISH DEPTS Gold Medal *OMATO JI % Milk REG. OR UNBLEACHED 46-OZ. CAN DEAN'S & OR SPINNEY RUN DOZEN LIMIT TWO LIMIT TWO PLEASE LIBBY'S SLICED PEACHES OR DELMONTE HUNT'S Tomato Paste Fruit Cocktail Tomato Catsup DAIRY DEPARTMENT 1 Dean's Yogurt ASSORTED VARIETIES $ h $100 CANSB 16-OZ. 32-OZ. BTL Ballard Biscuits BUTTERMILK OR HOMESTYLE C A N S MACARONI & 8-OZ CTNS 8-OZ TUBES DIET RITE COLA •FUDGE CREMES «VAN. CREMES • ICED OATMEAL HALF GAL CTN MINUTE MAID • SANDWICH CREMES YOUR CHOICE 7-1/4-OZ PKGS 16-OZ BUS PLUS 18 TO 19-OZ PACKAGE GOLDEN GRAIN Orange Juice BAKERY DEPARTMENT JANE PARKER Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns PKG. OF 8 39 Coca Cola Cake Mixes I FAMILY LIBRARY Ol GREAT MUSIC RAINBO DUNCAN 13-OZ SIZE Cream Filled Cakes 89C HINES 4 VARIETIES 18-1/2-OZ. PKG. TREAT THE FAMILY TO A LAYER CAKE 32-OZ BTLS PLUS RECORD ALBUMS 2-22 20-OZ. SIZE PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU 8AT. APR. 23, 1977 NONE SOLD TO DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS HOME PRIDE BUTTER TOP White Bread CARY RTE. 14 & SILVER LAKE RD. HARVARD 106 W. SUMNER WOODSTOCK 220 N. JEFFERSON McHENRY 3750 W. ELM ST. Brands at A&P! Chuck Roasts si.o Prices Effective Thurs. Apr. 21 thru Sat. Apr. 23 > IT TAKES ALOT TO MAKE A FOOD STORE GREAT WE'RE WORKING AT IT! CUT FROM HEAVY GRAIN FED WESTERN BEEF LB. 1ST CUTS-SOLD AS ROASTS ONLY CUT FROM HEAVY GRAIN FED WESTERN BEEF CUT FROM CHUCK CENTER CUT 7-BONE Chuck Roast LB. 59c Swiss Steak APPROX.77% LEAN C Ground Chuck FRESH PICNIC GOVT. INSPECTED Pork Roast S TO S-LB. AVQ. Smoked Picnics Full Shank Half Ham SMOKE Y Boneless Turkey Ham CANYON Chunk Bologna LB. 69c GRAND PRIX de VEAU U.S. PRIME PAGE U - PLAINDE ALER - WEDNESDAY. APRIL 20.1*17 PEOPLE, PRIDE AND PRICE Notre Dame Alumni Club Meets April 21 The Notre Dame Alumni club of McHenry county will celebrate the fifty-fourth An nual Universal Notre Dame night Thursday evening, April 21, at the Crystal Lake Country club, according to Tim Lawrence, president of the McHenry county chapter. Cocktail hour will start at 6:30 p.m. and dinner at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. J. Robert Rioux, S.C.S., will be the principal speaker and discuss "Notre Dame: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow." r - Universal Notre Dame night was established in 1924 by the late John H. Neeson, class of '03, of Philadelphia, the president of the Alumni association, as an annual oc casion on which Notre Dme clubs (there were twenty-six in existence at the time) could call to the attention of their communities the many phases of the university other than athletics. This was not to disparage athletics, but to achieve for the academic university what the "Four Horsemen" at that time were achieving for the athletic program. Reservations are a must, so please call Tim Lawrence at 459-6743. All alumni, friends, parents, and prospective students are cordially invited to attend. TREAT THE FAMILY AND > n SAVEI LB. 3-LB. PKG. OR LARGER - LB, 4 TO 5 LB. AVG. LB, 60 99 89 69 FULLY COOKED WATER ADDED LB /JC LB. LAND Of FROST ALL MEAT CHICKEN ADDED LB. $169 59c " THIS VEAL IS HAND PICKED. SCIENTIFICALLY FED AND PAMPERED TO INSURE FINE. LEAN TEXTURE OF MEAT. THAT IS GRADED U.S. PRIME. TRIMMED TO AB SOLUTE PERFECTION. YOU'LL BE PROUD TO PUT THIS VEAL ON THE DINNER TABLE. TRY SOME SpON." BLADE $149 CUT LB. *1" ZIGGYS DELICATESSEN r y Boneless Beef Stew $ 3-LB. PKG. OR LARGER Veal Shoulder Chops Veal Shoulder Chops «. *1" Veal Loin Chops lb j259 AGAR BOILED Ham $ Hormel Spiced Luncheon Leon's Old World Knockwurst ik *1» L. H" Hormel Italian Genoa Salami -"uL4»lls Eckrich Old Fashion Loaf TSD •£& 89c Vienna All Beef Bologna HALF 7A POUND AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES WITH ZIQGY DELICATESSENS POUND $2.38 HALF POUND 'f 0X&A FROZEN FOODS m Kraft Miracle Ragu Spaghetti Crisco Vanilla Scoop FROZEN 1/2-GAL. CTN. SEVERAL VARIETIES QUART JAR Gaucno Beef TV Dinners Morton 32-OZ. LIMIT WITH GRAVY 91100 W_ PKGS. • ASST Hbi m LIMIT * TWO • B-B-Q Sara Lee Coffee Cake Rings VARIETIES SIZE 79c lt~\ II 1 A. WISHBONE DELMONTE ELBO MACARONI Salad Dressing Tuna Fish HEALTH & BEAUTY PACKED IN OIL 6-OZ. CAN m m Fresh Florida Sunshine Harvest Shampoo "loriae" 69c Secret Spray Deodorant ^wuSu U59 . * n. REG. OR WITH BODY Tame Cream Rinse - I-OZ >TL 88C Shower to Shower Bat h Powder REO OR HEROAl 99c Shick Super II Cartridge ColgateToothpaste OCT. PKG. ™°« 79c LARGE SLICING PREMIUM RUSSET Cucumbers 3 FO„*l00 Baking Potatoes 1-LB. CELLO BAG A JLRES«H ®Ji"EDDED Golden Carrots 3 ro„*l00 Cole Slaw YELLOW OR ' ' FLAVORFUL Zucchini Squash L. 39c Bean Sprouts LARGE SIZE FRESH FLORAL DEPT. LB. LB. LB. 25c NavelOranges 8 tOBJl00 LARGE SIZE CALIFORNIA 49c Avocados 3 ro„*l00 DELICIOUS 49c WinesapApples 3 „£*119 Mum Plants $ 6 INCH POT FLORIST QUALITY 3• Hanging Baskets $I 8-INCH POT SAVE $1.00 Green Glo Leaf Shine 6™ 2 LB. BOX SJ99 BUY TYSON FRIED CHICKEN AND GET 2 PKGS. 9 0Z. A & P FRENCH FRIES FREE! SILVER BROOK Butter.. 99 t LB. NEW HOURS McHENRY STORE ONLY SUNDAY ^ 9 AM TO 5 PM MON. -- FRI 8 AM TO 9 PM SATURDAY 8 AM TO 7 PM | SERVICE NEWS 1 DUTY ASSIGNMENT Marine Private First Class Edward D. Czechowski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Misiak, 1608 West avenue, has reported for duty with the Second Marine Aircraft Wing, Marine Corps Air station, Cherry Point, N.C. A 1976 graduate of McHenry high school, he joined the Marine Corps in January, 1976 Energy And Ethics Governor James R. Thomp son recently presented major proposals to the Illinois General assembly on criminal justice, energy, aad govern mental ethics and ac countability. The energy proposals call for an Energy Conservation act and major reforms of the Illinois Com merce commission. Ethics legislation proposed by Thompson includes a measure to strip the secrecy from lob byist spending aimed at in fluencing public officials. "Sunset" laws included in the Governor's legislative program would help insure that the taxpayers' money is spent effectively and for economically. Placed When we put our selves in the other per son's place, we're less likely to want to put him in his place. -Farmer's Digest. UE NEED YOUR CAM OUR USED CAK LOT NEEDS More Good Cars IF YOU PLAN TO BUY SOON. .. SEE US NOW! TOP TRADE ALLOWANCES WHEN WE NEED MORE, WE GIVE MORE ON GOOD USED CARS. EASY BANK or FORD MOTOR COMPANY FINANCING COLLEGE HILL LINCOLN- MERCURY Rt. 31 Just North of Rt. 176 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. v 815-459-4900 .