PAGE 22 - PLA INDEALER • WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 25. MIS Nlldhpiliri Sampler Kit C 8 kits to choosa from. Each contain paintod canvas, yarn, noodlo, in* structions and folio. I Fur Covarad Floor Pillow Reg. 29.86 I686 Hugo 34 x 60 cushion covorod in fako fur. Assortod coloj |^y'| Basketball Shots Rog. 3.99 2so No-trill* snoaxors for tho no-nomonto athlato. ' Classic canvas stylo baskotball shoos wHli suro- grip solos and protoctlvo too caps. Man's 4%- J2. Boy's 11-2, 2'/t-4. yr.vXv!*! Saada Oxfords oavo 2.99 YOUR CHOICE Rog. 1J.W 11 00 Sot tho paco for '/• In handsomo oxfords of suppto suodo. Your choko of two attcdctlvo stylos with thick, contemporary bottoms. Woman's slios. HORNSBYS ^ f a m i l y centers ^ *C) FIRST 7A V, W n All-purposo toil for healthier plants. PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., IAN. 25 THRU FRI., JAN. 27. Wo rosorvo tho H(ht to limit quontitios. Pricos offoctivo whilo quontitios last. 4400 W. RTE. 120. McHENRY, ILLINOIS RT. 471 COUNTRY aUB RO., WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TIL 9. SUNDAY 10TIL6 ---- _jhold® Furnlturo Polish 12 o*. for a cleaner shlna. Liquid Vanish 16 ox. liquid disinfectant tollat bowl cleaner. Sialic Guard 9 ox. con. Won't *toln or discolor. Doraiassago Dishwashing Liquid leg. 1.16 Reg. 56< Rag. 1 'T! l"X«r Mo Mis '•0 (im Pol MM, Swo Km IS oi. Jif Choosy mofharschaosaJIf. 64 oz. Soft Drink Assortmont *•0.ftC 78 tof.n* c \\ WM8ZM 'llllli mm. • * Choosa from gallon Koldpruf Ant i-Freeze or Panzoil 10W40 Oil. co5# Supplamantal vitamins with iron In animal shaped chawabla tablets. 60 ct. ̂