••a HELPING PAWS ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 205 • Crystal Lak», Illinois 40014 • (§15) 459-2*41 by Est«IU Atwoll Come to the Crystal Point mall and see the pete pictured above who will be for adoption...the dog Peppy on Sunday and the cat Taffy on Saturday. Pete Just like them will be entered in the pet parade show. Come one and all, and don't delay before the pet you want has been adopted away. R.NELSON PHOTO This is the weekend you get your big chance to make your pet a Valentine winner -- the event, a Valentine pet parade sponsored by Helping Paws; the place, Crystal Point mall; the dates, Feb. 11 and 12; the time, 12 to 5; the participants, you and your pets. Cats will be judged Saturday, the eleventh; dogs on Sunday, the twelfth. There are five categories to be judged each day -• Most Dignified (looks like a king on a throne) from 12 to 1; Most Attractive (pretty, handsome, well-groomed) from 1 to 2; Most Personality (funny, playful, friendly) from 2 to 3; Most Affectionate (loving, gentle, shy) from 3 to 4; and Most Obedient (obeys instantly on comirand) from 4 to 5. You may enter your pet, any breed or mixed breed, in one or all five categories. Ribbons and prizes will be given to the winners. Each category in volves a small fee, so multiple entries will call for individual charges for each. Applications for entry are available at most of the stores in the mall. Look for them (they are pink) but if you can't find them call the HP office, 459- 2641, hours 10 to 2, for further information. Last minute entries will be accepted at the HP registration booth in the mall. A few cats and dogs will be on hand for adoption but only cats will be adopted Feb. 11, only dogs Feb. 12. Helping Paws personnel will be there all day starting at 10 in the morning. Something to remember -- everything purchased is a donation to a non-profit organization. A sizeable portion of donations received has already gone to the rehabilitation of injured strays this past year, and it is because of these donations that many a happy healthy pet has been saved. HP is limiting the number of cats and dogs brought for adoption at the show as they prefer to guard against sub jecting the animals to too much noise and confusion; also they have an aversion to animals being caged for too long a time. Those who enter their pets in the shows should remember too that it would be advisable to limit the categories in which they enter their pets as a long day might tire them. DOGS FOR ADOPTION Young Golden Retriever mix male, extremely gentle, housebroken, good with children, all shots. 312-639-4423. Yellow Lab male, 6 years old, very good with children, housebroken all shots, 385-3677. Border Collie female, spayed, housebroken, good with children and pets, all shots, ll2 years, 648-2169. Doberman-Airedale mix male, 2 years, housebroken, neutered, good with children and pets, 385-1307. Cock a poo, 8-month-old male, , housebroken, all shots, 312-639- 6853. SChnauzer mix female, 4 months, and Beagle mix female, 4 months, partly housebroken, good with children and pets, 312-658-5860. Miniature Schnauzer, 5-year- old spayed female, good with children and other dogs, housebroken, 312-658-5869. CATS FOR ADOPTION Orange-white semi-long haired yoling male, neutered, 455-2577. Two white short-haired kittens and 1 black, shots, 9 weeks, 312-639-2881. Orange-white blend semi- long haired female, 4-5 months old, 385-2451. Dark grey-white semi-long YEAR ROUND GENOA THEATRE OCNOA CITY, WIS. M rn U m Nop. N t «, 1 Mi. ft. * hkMi 414-27X491 MY--RITE OPEN RITELY 4 SUNDAYS FROM 2 PM haired female, shots, 338-0982. Grey-white semi-long haired neutered male, all shots, 6 months old, good with dogs and cats, 312-658-8389. LOST AND FOUND L o s t : L o n g - h a i r e d Chihuahua, 3-year-old male, McHenry Chapel Hill, 344-2978. Found; White with black spots, male semi-long haired cat, 385-4858. Once again we have come to that time of year when there are far too many found cats that no one will claim. We do not have the foster homes or staff to keep them nor can the temporary homes who have found them. So what happens to them? They are usually let loose, or put to sleep or placed into an animal shelter already brimming full. They don't stand a chance.;.if you help us find a home, please call the office. Refresher Cdurse For Inactive Nurses Feb. 20 I SERVICE NEWS 1 Air Force Airman Rank For Recruit Gerald D. Jergens, son of Mrs. Layne J. Dehann of McHenry, has received his first promotion in the U.S. Air Force. Jergens, promoted to air man, recently completed technical training at Keesler AFB, Miss., and is now assigned at Pease AFB, N.H. He serves as an administrative specialist with an unit of the Strategic Air command. The airman is a 1977 graduate of Dodgeville high school, Wis. His father, Jerry J. Jergens, resides at 105 W. Walnut, Dodgeville. Memorial Hospital for McHenry County is offering a refresher course for inactive registered and licensed practical nurses starting Feb. 20, Mrs. Arlene Hosick, R.N., director of nursing services, reminded this week. The four-week refresher course will be offered from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, -and lunch will be provided during the noon-time break. •* No charge is made for this course in keeping with the community service aspect of the program, said Mrs. Hosick. "So far a dozen interested persons have signed up for this brush-up course," she said. "We are offering this course at this time because Memorial hospital is experiencing a shortage of nurses as are a great many hospitals throughout the country. Because of this need for qualified nurses, Mrs. Hosick said those who complete the course will be eligible for employment." The course will include lectures by doctors and nurses, the showing of several films, deiiionstrations of new procedures and equipment and an opportunity for clinical experience. Among the eight films are movies on cardio pulmonary resuscitation, infection control in urological care, hyperalimentation and in travenous therapy. A Persons interested in lear ning more about the program or in signing up are invited to contact the Nursing office at Memorial hospital between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. PAGE 17 - PLAINDEALER I TAX FACTS I Senior and disabled citizens of Illinois are not required to declare or pay income taxes on grants received under the state's Circuit Breaker program, an official of the Department of Revenue said today. "Property and additional tax relief grants paid under ihe Circuit Breaker law are for relief of taxes already paid," said Gary Ey, manager of the revenue department's income tax processing division. "Since the tax relief is not considered new income, it does not have to be declared on the state income tax return. The Circuit Breaker law makes available to senior and FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1*. 1978 disabled state residents relgf£; of property and other tai ^ they pay. Claims for taxes [ in 1977 may be filed anytif this year by any Illirn resident 65 years of age or oldi or disabled whose househc income was less than $10,000 1977. SS Applications for 1977 Circ<&£ Breaker tax relief are availabfi^ at any Illinois Department of* Revenue office or offices of the# Illinois Department on Aging.J Information and forms also* may be obtained by calling the- department at 1-800-252-8972 or* the state's Senior Action center '4 at 1-800-252-6565, both toll-free- numbers. * • * • * I , ' 4 Progress does not '* come by itself; like gen- * ius, it's made. * E "THE FANTASTICKS" "The Fantasticks", one of the longest running musicals in New York, will be performed at the Woodstock Opera House Friday, Feb. 10 and Saturday, Feb. 11, at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday, Feb. 12, at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are available at the Opera House. SPAouf- In U.S. 14 & 173 HARVARD, ILL. 815-943-4451 24 Hr. Information JUST 50 tat SI* AM 75'QM . AND COUPON c ADMITS ORE FEB. 10-1STH LAST CHANCE! Entft Fab. 9: Mr. Billion (7:05) A Jfenmabon Alley (8:40) IIRI--UWAI--II Fri.-Sat Sun 4:05 Mon.-Thur Walt Disney's Pete's Dragon & Charlotte's Web; First Love A Love Story, The Gauntlet, Sat Nighi Fever; Heroes; Close Encounters of the Third Kind; Julia PRYM Fri.-Sat. 6:55,10:051 Sun. 2:30, 5:40, 8:50 Mon.-Thur. 8:30 | ,1 FEB. 10-16 1st Run SNVWY 7 & 9:45 Villi. \ I I < i I'IN'K \> I'MIKI'll I'Al I. TIH >\l wllh Kniiii ,'V'i Kiislimim • Htwiiiic lloll<l>i\ ' 8:30 ONE BUTIMY HUSBAND ANY4 IUTI .. c„ Starrinq C J To-y PerM Eric Edwards Jer ~ Bf«* Anthony Robert Kerr Dianra Darby RoOer; Combs i Mchenry McHENRY 385-0144 ADULTS S2.00-CHILD $1.00 FOR THI$ ENGAGEMENT rue Adventures or the WILDERNESS •FAMILY FRI. 7-9 SAT.-SUN. 1-3-7-9 MON.-THUR. 7:30 ONLY S H O W P L A C E 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 5 RT 14 & ]1 CRYSTf l t I AH F PH0N1 4SS 100 ' EQUIPPED WiTH D01 BY SURROUND i l l RED BURT REYNOLDS Fri 7,9, 11-SaL 1,3,5,7,9,11 Sun. 1,3,5,7,9-Mon,Th«rv 7:10,9 "HIGH ANXIETY" k MEL BROOKS Fri. 7:15,9:15, U:lS-Sat 1:15,3:15,5:15,7:15,9:15,11:15 Stan. 1:15,3:15,5:15.7:15.9:15-Mt-Tlwi. 7:15.9:15 "THE ONE WDONLY" « HEN"V w,NKl" Fri 7,9, 11-Sat 1,3,5,7,9, 11-Sml 1,3,5,7,9-Mon. Ttairc. 7:05,9 I ACT lAICEIf *•• )«MM"Sff.MGMTmar TVECIX M Mb) Sanwad SImm? SATURDAY NIGHT F.EVER Frl 7,9:15, ll:15-Sat 2,4:30,7, *15, U:15-Sm. 2,4:30,7,9:15 M w t - T l n v 7 , - SHOWPLACE 5 EQUIPPED WITH DOl BY SuRRl l i IND r IE FINAL WEEKS mm l Fri. 7,930-Sat A Sun. 2,4:30,7,9:30, MoL-Thm. 7,9:30 SP. 1-244-5 BARGAIN MAT. $1.25 TILL 2*0 ADULTS $3.06 YOURS ADULTS $2 JO 1211 CHILD $175 FROM THE BIG TO THE SMALL WE HAVE THEM ALL IN STOCK Mercury Bobcat Station Wagon Zephyr Station Wagon with Villager Option Bobcat 3-Door Runabout XEPHVH'S mona°25'* Mercury Monarch Zephyr Z-7 THE ENERGY ENGINEERED CAR OF THE FUTURE AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE TODAY Mercury Monarch 2-Door Cougar XR-7 Cougar 4-Door 1 FROM THE MOST IN ECONOMY TO THE MOST IN LUXURY WHY PAY MORE FOR LESS FULL SIZE LUXURY WITH FULL SIZE COMFORT Mercury Marquis STANDARD BY WHICH LUXURY CARS ARE JUDGED Continental Mark V Grand Marquis 4-Door Pillared Hardtop 0UI PRICES ALWAYS INCLUDE FREIGHT A DIR. PREP SALES TAX. UC. A REGIS. FEES ADDITIONAL THE NO HASSLE DEALER WITH SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE... AAon.-Thurs.9-9 Fri. 9-7 Sot. 9-5 Sun. 11-4 SERVICE AAon.-Fri.7:30-5:30 Sot. 8-12 Lincoln Versailles Route 1 76 Cryt ta l Lafce Route 14 ' LINCOLN-MERCURY RT. 31 Just North of RT. 176 Crystal Lake, III. 815-459-4900