SUPPUMiNT TO DAILY CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD, OMIT CRYSTAL LAKE HERALD COUNTY EDITION, RIVER VALLEY CUWION. BARRINGTON BANNER. WOODSTOCK SENTINEL, McHENRY ftAWOEALER Wwdwand lord Ga/etio 'Car News Edition" Volume 1 - Paper 5 4 Pages Woodstock, III. Woodward tees off for the biggest tournament of savings! Mike Woodward of Woodward Ford-Mercury, Woodstock, 111., invites you to "get in the swing." The savings swing that is. With prices that will knock lots of strokes off the price of the new car or truck you've been wanting. Mike Woodward's challenge "We've got an all pro line up ol cars and trucks that will make it! easy for you to score big on a deal, but low on price." "it's an all pro show" MIKE WOOOWAfiD Winner takes all Your guess could win. A WHOLE SIDE OF BEEF is yours if you can just guess the exact number of golf balls in the bed of the COURIER pickup. Top money winners on this year's tour Ford-Mercury's line of cars & trucks for 1978 have been the top money winners in \ sales for the season. Now is your opportunity to be a part | of that winning team and save like never before. FORD LTD II BROUGHAM FAIRMONT 2 DR. SEDAN