Miss Alice Purkiss of Lake For-- est»--visited Tuesday with Liberty-- Mr.:-- and Mrs. August Knigge were guest's Sunday at the H W. Schwerman home in Gilmer. C;: M. Wilcox left Monday night for St Petersburg, Florida ';tn he expects to make a two month's stay. Miss Pearl Huff was a caller at the home of Mrs. E. Dietz at Mun-- " W. I. Collins left Monday for Peoria where he is to attend a con-- vention of monument dealers. delein Sunday. Millic, attended the Opera in Chica-- #o Saturday evening ter, Mrs. Lester Linders, were Chi-- cago visitors Monday. (SPECIALS Mrz. CharlessKaiser and daugh-- When Aquarius Rides the Heavens LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK CARNATION MILK, large FANCY CALIFORNIA ORANGES, EXTRA SMALL GREEN PEAS, 256 "alde,. O CHD----serrarcrancnrse.+. COUNTRY STYLE PORK SAUSAGE, 33 (Like you had at the M. E. Church, Jan. 10,) Ib. 4. * _--F.; B. Lovell Co. With all cuts and abrasions and clean them thoroughly with Parke--Davis' highest test FREE DELIVERY 231 So. Milwaukee Avenue L ociety ana LOCAL NEW S Libertyville Two Sizes 25¢ and 65¢ 6 for ... fl SOF --«...«.«. Germicide--Antiseptic--Disinfectant. PEROXIDE TOLILET for this week In January, according to the ancient as-- tronomers, Aquarius the Water Bearer holds sway--and has since history's start. . But in other ways the world moves on. Today, business, industry, and individuals alike have at their command the advice and help of their banker--and such safety and co-- operation in money matters as this up--to--the We'll welcome your account. O. H MOLIDOR Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 and daughter, Be Sate S PHONE 31 'Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Staford and daughter, Alice, of Elgin were Lib-- ertyville callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Numsen and Mrs. John Numsen spent Sunday with Mrs. Henry Numsen's mother at Highwood. , Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman of Wilmette visited> Sunday at the Kome of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brockman of Lincoln Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Magether en-- tertained Mr. and Mrs. E H. Prior and family of Wauconda Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Veddar Stone and family of Wauconda visited Friday evening at the home* of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maether. . Betty Jane, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dasher, has been sn the sick list during the past few ays. Mrs. John Whitney entertained the Five Hundred Club at her home Monday evening. Prizes were receiv-- ed by Mrs. Catherine Lancaster, first, and Mrs. Henry Numsen, con-- solation. 22192« $1.00 Tllinois 49¢ 55¢ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Granbois of Kankakee visited over the week end at the home of the latter's parents, sMr. and Mrs. George Morris. Mrs. Tegtmeyer and daughter, \ Mrs, Alma -- King of South _ Stwart t'Avenue called Wednesday afternoon 'at the home of Mrs. H.~C. Meyer iat Mundelein. $ Kenneth Conners was a Waukgan visitor Saturday evening. M Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seiler were i"nhuhegan shoppers Saturday even-- §. C _ Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Holmes and son, Irwin, spent Saturday evening in Waukegan. : Miss Marie Tonyan of Chicago was a guest at the M. Haas home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Firmbach of South Stewart Avenuie motored to Waukegan Saturday evening. -- Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Meyer and daughter, Bernita spent the week end in San Pierre and various 'other points in Indiana. y . Walter Schwerman attended the Ski jump at Cary Sunday afternoon. He was accompanied by Henry Heise, Jr., of Gilmer. Miss Louise Weg:ler and Frank Wellworth spent urday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grinnell of Kankakee --arrived here Tuesday, Janunr{) 17th, for a few days visit at the D. C. Grinnell and Guy Grin-- nell homes. 3 Miss Beatrice Numsen accompan-- ied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baumgart-- ner and son. | Frank, to Glenview Sunday where th@y visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Durand of Chicago visited Sunday at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Ed-- ward L. Sayre, who is fAl at her home at 307 North Milwaukee Ave-- All members of the Royal Neigh-- bors and Woodmen Lodges are urg-- ed to be present at the Gridley Hall Friday evening, January 20th, ati which time a joint installation of officers will be held. nue. David McCann of Chicafo visit-- ed with his wife and infant sorf during the week end. Mr3. McCann has bheen vxsmnf for the past week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Walter Madsen and family. ' Miss Louise Fredericks of Fre-- mont Center has accepted a i-- tion as stenographer for the }Jorth Shore Gravel Company. Miss Fred-- ericks is making her home with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. The entertainment committee -- of the Libertyville club is planning an old time barn dance to be held at the town hall on Tuesday em January Sist. No: definite have been announcefll but it is prom-- ised that there will be something real in the way of. entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Ro}' Chamberlin en-- tertained fourteen friends from Lib-- ertyville and Chicago Sunday ev-- enin?l.tampper ven in honor of the fourteenth bir&ihfi y anniversary Christ Hapke, during-- her stay this city. e of tlt\':ir daughter, Evelyn. lf'ollg:i ing supper : a most (Hfh social time was enjoyed by al Numerous falls resulted from the icy condition of~ the streets and walks Monday morning, but no se-- x'itmshe inju;{he was npomhrtedp"é"tfel members o state highway sprinkled cinders at the main street intersections to lessen the dangerl of accident by cars skidding. | Miss Marie . Fredericks . of Fre-- zlont Center and Bernard Miller ttended the performance at thel Genesee Theatre Saturday evening. George E.' Wilcox visited Satur-- day evening with Carl Taberman at lthe Lake County Hospital," Wauke-- gan. Mr. Taberman has been suffer-- ing since January 3rd from a fall 'which resulted in a fractured knee. ' _ Mr. and Mrs. Christ -- Hapke, daughter, Minnie, and Lester Sturm were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Grever of Lake Zurich, where they _ attended the baptismal services of Herman Grever, mdaon of Mr. and Mrs. Hapke. Miss Minnie Hapke and Les-- ter Sturm acted as namesakes for The Fox Lake Woman's Club is having a birthday party Thund&{ afternoon, January 18 at two o'cloc P. M. All members of the local Wo-- man's Club are cordially invited and they hope for a large attendance at this meeting. Anyone who is able to go is asked to call Mrs. James G. Weart, the Eoresident. at her home, 320 Wright Court. 8 The Woman's Guild of St. Law-- ll;:;:ee'a Episcopal Church will meet iday at two o'clock at the Parish House. There will be a demonstra-- tion given of Ware Ever Aluminum. It is hoped that a larg attendance will be present as the Guild will re-- ceive twenty--five cents on an order of aluninum for every person at-- At the meeting of the Libertyville Woman's Club _ Wednesday. after-- noon, January 18th, the speaker will be Mr. R. E. Pattison Kline. His subject will be: "What Do You Think. When You Think?" There will also be singing led by Miss Stanford. The program will be giv< en during the first part of the meet-- ing as it is necessary for the speak er to leave at an early hour. f One Half Y our Life or more is spent at home. Why not own it yourself? Opposite Electric Station ASK THE .LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY fire fighting unit Sunday . morning TClt:x? machific was uffl"t: tg:t from and was taken gravel pitc:g:n the pumper was put into operation' and given a thorough test 'with water pumped from 'the pit. The test was a part of the prelimi-- naries to 'determine the proper out-- fitbobepurchasedbythevfina. The Gurnee high school basket ball squad Friday night over the Libertyville prep cagers one m riniet se e game either m season. The score was 16--17 when the final whistle sounded. Wilson Themtembenoftheloca'lfindv partment were given a demonstra-- tion of the big fxgeriun LaFrance Gee, Jr., son of Commissioner Gee of Waukegan and McClure _ were the ontstanding stars of the Gurnee cagers. Bob Spellman did a large part of the heavy work for Liber-- tyville. * --LOCALS 1 The Maud Faylor House, Munde-- lein, has been rented through . the Offifieen:,f Al&mr H.BJ&I;es, x lofi:l resi to George B. y k Geraghty is head time mt of the W. J. Lynch Construction Company, which is erecting the new convent on the seminary grounds. Mr. Ger-- aghey has been married just re-- cently and is bringing his bride here for as lorg as 'this company is located in the Mundlein district, and perhaps longer. : Bud Seiler was the victim of an unusual accident Sunday evening when a large firé extinguisher in the office of the Libertyville garage fell from its hanging and struck him on the foot. The large toe on his right foot was badly crushed by the heav? weight. He was taken to the office bf Drs. Taylor -- and Penney where the injury was dressed, after which he was taken to his homé. : 3 ' Charles Crabtree of Waukegan will act as installing consul, at the meeting of the local Woodman camp Friday night when the officers of that body are to be installed jointly with those of the Ro&al Neighbors. John Davis, also of anksfln will act as Escort, All Modern Woodman and 'their wives and Royal Neigh-- Lors and their husbands are invited toa ~attend. Dancir;g and -- refresh-- ments will 'follow the ceremonies. The Federation of Woman's Clubs of the Tenth District met at the Orr-- ington Hote} on -- Friday, Jm 13th with .the Friends in _ Club in Evanston as hostess. The Libertyville Woman's Club was rep-- resented by the president, Mrs. James Weart, Dorothy Shanks and DNDorothy Black® , as °delegates and Mrs. Mabel Wallis, who is a mem-- ber of the district election commit-- staff-- of hifih-p_owered teal -- estate salesmen will soon be put out over the state sel.ling' Muscle Shoals lots. Towns where there are industrial gayrolls will be worked. Sycamore, treator, Matton, Paris, Libertyvile, DeKalb and Belvidere -- are largely the type of places that will E:'P"' ial attention. This scheme beer. worked all over the country and: is especially active just before Con-- Information has come to the Tilin-- ois Chamber of Commerce that a gress convenes as: each session of Congress is always "just about to do something about Muscle Shoals." Albin Polasek, head of the sculp-- ture department: of the Art Insti-- tute School, has just returned to Chicago from a half year's absence in ° Europe . and bas again taken charge of his classes' in the school. While abroad Mr. Polasek completed his heroic statue of, President Wil-- son, which will soon be . cast in bronze and next year erected in the city of Prague, to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the estab-- lishment of the republic. °® Yellow Gab $ NO W S Just Call 306 when you want Taxi service and we will do the rest. 545 NORTH MILNWAUKEE AVE 54 (UPSTAIRS)> _ L1 "Fan qowns ofe -- Beverlty, Duas Shop! LLE, JLLINOIS the series | Lawrence and his team were the only ones to make a clean sweep of the series in the regular club ule last Thursday fiht, th teams being conten with Hubbell _._......136 LIBERTYYILLE CLUB BOWLING place in the standings as a result of the stellar work of some of the bowlers, Muhike moving into sec> ond position and Krumrey dropping to third. -- The fourth place is very much congested with four teams tied for that position. Lovell ..............:...111 Pester ____...__..161 Muhlke Nicholas --.____..147 No. 3. H. Titus IY6CS . ......«.«--.~..~«.--~100 Huber ................. 140 Ayisworth ... 93 Helfer ...._....:.....155 No. 1. Smith ... Krumrey .. 10. Some of Our _ p s Regullar Prices KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, ; SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUITS KELLOGG'S PEP, i€. POST BRAN FLAKES, CAMPBELL'S.SOUP, JELLO, all flavors, ~ BE DRL, ... --snnitiitrescermivess imncriarisisscoms. FOULD'S SPAGHETTL macaroni and noodles........ JANU ARY nurrndeseveneber e DN Clearance Sale e HOME OWNED e \_STORE All Phones % | . Heme Owned Store . TRIGGS & JOHNSON nirnnnpnsiee o k s L riviaca £ 71 wecus«.L40 on es $40 :s RABT «... 182 _ IIG .. 160 ... 144 ... 128 ~1Ab9 181 146 191 780 157 161 129 119 176 167 115 813 WA TCH FOR OUR . -- Size ... 218 183 136 157 213 157 145 149 142 168 761 125 138 119 176 196 "B2 167 92 180 141 108 143 174 183 145 115 172 211 210 184 180 133 149 126 179 167 191 188 157 the other 19 17 114 2877 136 164 129 178 167 160 145 156 143 812 2353 708 176 129 119 176 170 210 119 135 857 2448 188 157 141 162 187 188 825 2400 T70 185 169 218 115 193 153 139 186 137 215 "80 2339 18, 138 140 157 221 819 2486 2194 2210 401 482 571 488 485 542 476 396 857 528 513 470 577 575 517 460 459 418 491 572 519 590 o+ igneseneccenas ces mss nens nnt aut n oha 3 n +0 454 401 '""""""'"":"'".'"":""'"7'_'""'fi#""'v"' v AT BISCUITS, 121/ 571 521 428 11 13 Johnson . A Wisconsin Mother says: "I find mothers very well informed on the subject of '!Kope" in medicines, Few mothers 'now--a--days would buy a preparation that contained opiates or chloroform.. A glance at the Qvackage before buying tells her this. ith Foley's Honey and Tar Com-- Yo-und, the name tells a true story. t is quickly effective for coughs, colds, croun and throat irritations. Pure as it is sure, and worth many times its price.'"--Adv. -- Short Talks by Thoughful Mothers. Wright ......... the one. who agrees with you in everything and then compliments you on your good judgment. The finest man you ever ases cassssenessnnat*eee0 80000 «x en0 nk u00 +m +0 |AUDITORIUM] Wednesday Jan. 18. A ~gorilla: that commits murder; an uncanny pres-- ence which permeates every-- thing and is yet unseen; a wierd influence, working for savage ends--insane jealousy mixed with drama and com-- edy.. See this amazing story of a scientist who humanized an ape. 'The Wizard' 'The Wizard with Edmund> Lowe -- and Thurs. Fri. Jan. 19--20 j Leila Hyams. From the <play, "Bal . Gaston Le Roux. Comedy WALLACE BEERY AND _ RAYY¥OND HATTON i'anofl\er comedy 'Now: We're In The Air' 'The Valley of the Gants' with Doris Kenyon This picture contains so * very beautiful scenery. _--Also Comedy | Big Matinge at 2:30. _ ~I2_C _ MILTON SHLS in a Peter B. Kyne story, Saturday, Jan. 21. Also Collegians *FLASHING OARS" 12c amum w t 9 10c "Baloo" by 10c 16 15 News 14 15} ol 15' Friday, January 20 15 ., Card party and dance by the Car-- 16 . dinal club at St. Joseph's school hall. 17' * O# %# 19 TuriDaar Enmasmeasces 'Whte Tuesday, January 31. Old--fashioned barn dance by the Libertyville Club at the town hall. Annual Masquerade vall of the Libertyville Fire Department at the High School Auditorium. Big list Joint installation of officers of the Woodmen and Royal Neighbors. Friday, February 3rd. Card party and dance at St. Jo-- COMING EVENTS In regular Commercial Courses, advanced courses in Commercial Work, Civil Service pmpmtion. Call for particulars Friday, January 20 jAMY SEVENTEENTH Add 2 breath of Summer to your winter festivities with tasty decorations of cut flowers. k 2 '. ? Jurf/:'j '?( First National B: Joseph Kohout Co., Inc. A Touch of Summer We have them of every kind for all occasions Delivery made on short notice Flowers sent anywhere by telegraph. Libertyville, Illinois CAPITAL & SURPLUS $110,000 New Classes GROWERS OF FINE FLOWERS This is Thrift Week. It is cetfbraed throughout the country as a ial to Benjamin Franklin who was on January 17, 1706 . .. Franklin ied a wealthy man because he practised thrift. You, too, can practise thrift by i a savings account in this bank . . . now. Mrs. Geo. E. McDonald 811 W. Park Ave. Libertyville Phone 130 Forming January lst. 7 Benjamin &\ ~ Franklin PHONE 174--] seph's school hall by the ladies of the parish, starting at 8 o'clock. Wednesday, 8th Fourth lnnn,al m of the ? Mundelein _ Fire ; Department at S Diet?'s Stables, Ivanhoe. Friday, Feb. 10. -- KaTt:'eDoOld P#Indy Pew" Iz the Methodist m by the La-- is to marry her. dies' Aid Society. You can't always believe what a girl tells you. The only way to find out what one of them thinks of you _ This would be a better worid to live in if it offere; a man as many rtunities t e moncy pe it P:ra him to m:é:'a_tul lf_,:!l- PAGE FIVE