Priadgate Villas subn. afsd. -- A J Mooney to P F Phelps s* al, wa-- Lot 4, Mooney's subn. sers 27 an¢ 28. <Deerfleld. J A Whyte to W E Whyts, ged Lot & Lincoln Heights Addn, Wken P P Hardman and wf to M Erick-- son, wd. Lot 43, Raviniay Woods subn Deerflield s and wf, QCD. Lot 102 Maimans ist adjdn to Lakeside subn see 24, Wau-- conda. €. Schulz and wf to O. Jakobi and «te Rakeside subn, sec 24, Wauconda. -- L E. Wede®Fand husb to L. E. Sim-- C. DeYoung and wf to C. C. Leecn, WD Lot 11, Clarksons subn sec 20, Wkgn. A. Brunk and husb to O. Jakobi and wf, QCD. Lot 102 Maimans ist addn to Lakeside subn see 24, Wau-- conda. €. Schulz and wf to O. Jakobi and «w#*. QCD. Lot--102 Maimans 1st Addn A A Parsons and wf to & F Peter-- son and wf, wd. Lots 1 and 2. blik 27, Bartlett's Sheridgan Rd Park, sec UVnion Bk of Chgo to D F Pett-- koske. d. Lot 17. blk 6, Sunset Hills FEsts. sec 9. Deerfield M--H Detrick and wf to J Marck, wd 20t 54 Lower Lake Park Subn. se 2 wat EF H Bartlett to K A E Petersen and wi.~d. Lot 1, blk 99, Bartlett's N S Ests, secs 30, 31 and 32, Wikgn H P Thayer and wf to G S Wedge, ®¢ Lot 1. blk 1. Harden's Addn to JANUARY 18, 1928. R Sehweigser and wf to A A Par-- sons, wd. Lots 1 and 2, blk 27, Bart-- l>1t's Sheridan Rd Park, NW ar sec _B. I. Budd, et al to M. T Reuse, D. Lot 112, Libertyville Hlands. H. C. Litchfield and wf to C. De-- Young an@ wf. QCD. Lot 11, Clark-- sons subn sec 20, Wkgen. c.DnYm.ndvftoc.cuecn. WD Lot 11, Clarksons subn sec 20, 8 J Engle and hus to A Urban, acd. Lot 7. Subn of Lots 1, 15, 16, 17 and 18 Lakeside Manor,. Deerfleld A J Mooney to J C Higgins d. Lots i to 15. blk 1. pt biks 2. 3, 4, A, B. Brmargate Villas, Deerficill. Driargate Villas subn, afsd. wd. Pt blks 1. 2. 3. 4. A, B, all in -- A. C. Miller and husb to F C. Kramer. WD. Pt lot 2, Lindquist and Andersons subn. sec 16, Grant. A. G. Miller and F. C. Kra-- mer. WD. Lot 24, Millers subn sec 16. 'cAWtosremmdu Lot 22 blk 28. Washburn Park Grant SWw qr see 35, Fremont. ind wi. wd Lots 102. 104. 105 .and 1M Webb --and Jensen's resubn ies 1 J Kern and wf tp F H Spiering anct wf ged. SE gr NE gqd SW gr sor anc wf. ged 12. Antioch W Paddock and wf to A Madelung wa --Lot 26. Tower Lake Park Subn _LJ Yager and wf to T A Emanuel-- sim and wfi. wd. Lots 73. 74. 75. 76 and 77, Glen Flora Heights Subn. Wken W J Mikroy et al to R Berg and wf. wd. Lot: 3. bik 9. Grovelani Port Subn. sec 353. Antioch. C T and T Co to E A Diestler and ¥i, d. Lot 17, blk 7. Branigas Bros urset Terrac® Subn, Deerfleld. EFnreman Tr and Syngs Bk to J V Bnrek. d Lot 15, blk 2. Round Lake j 229 Waskington St., <e 4 C Y¥ I Manzke and hus to M Chard 41-- Lot 5. W Wkgn Subn. Martba Chard to H Manzke qed ibOn Deerfleld. s Cosmopolitan St Bk u«. I Stackler _ Lot 8, blk 12, Villa Heights s=bn Real Estate Transfers Abstract of Title Title and Warth H. F. Meyer and wt to P W. James QCD SW qr NE qr sec 32%, Benton 8. Shapiro and husb to D Pas-- ques! and wf, WD. Lot is Hwood, secs 14 and 15, Deerfleld. C T and T Co to E. Connoliy, D. Lo* 1, blk 11, Butler, Fett and Co's Crooked Lake Oaks, Antioch. 2. H Walker and wft to H. C. Bur-- Cedar Lake, Antioch. C T and T Co to G. C. Cumminys, D. Lot 58, blk 7, Branigar Bros Sun-- s --H. Harris et al to J. Andersor., QCD. Lots 1, 2, 3, 93. 94 and 95. Glen-- wood Heights, Wkgn. D W. Williams and wf to R. ... Carlin and wf, WD. Lot 192, First add to Williams Park secs 28 and 33. Wauccunda. * set 7. -- K. Magee, et al to H. Hobein QCD. Pt sec 28, Cuba. O W Williams and wt io W. F. Brandt and wf, .WD. Lot 169, First addn to Williams ?ark. secs 28 and 33. Wauconda. sec 36. Deerfileld H. I. Coy and wt to J. Purze, WD. Lots 3 and 4, S D S sec 16, Benton. F. R. Sellers and wf to H. Reppert and wf, WD. Lot 182, Western Slope Dr. _ C. Hibbe and wf to E. Weltz, QCD.Lot 51, Sunset Manor, sece 27, Deerfleld. F. B. HMHuntington and wf to S. B. McDonald, WD. Part of sec 30, War-- ren. C. A. Moody to G. D. Knapp and wf, WD. Lot 3, blk 17, McKays addn to Wikgn. H. J. Morris and wf to A. R. Kan-- ne7, QCD. Lot 13, blk 8, Wikgn Gar-- dens subn. G. W. Bell and wf to A. R Kan-- ney, WD. Lots 2351 and 252 in Grand Ave Hlands. --~ C,. A. Newcomb to N. Escobedo, D. Le 21, blk 28, Washburn Park subun. James, QCD. SW qr NE qr sec 32 subn secs 28 and 33, Wauconda A. F. Beaubien aud wft to N Narva, WD-- Lt 106. R.verview Tosrace subn. G. Abbott to F. R VonGeyso, QCD. Lo--t °1+ Ravin'za Woods. D°s~" »Id J. W. Bain and wf io P R.»*Von-- Gevso. WD. Lot 11. Ravinia Woods. H. C. Burnett and wt to L. E. But-- ler, WD. Lot 11, blk 1, Glendale. G. Lindgren and wf to W. A. Mil-- le= and wf, WD. Lot 73. William Park Meyer et al, WD. Lots 10, 11 and 12. blk 5. Holcomb % C. T Sullivan and wf to W.J Buehler, et aql, WD. SW hf see i« Antioch > A. E. Philyaw and wf to C. C Leech and wf, WD. Lot 7. blk 8 Blumbergs subn S T S sec 16, Wken mens, QCD. Lot 95, Hyde Park, Wau-- Lots 65 and 70, Corys addn to Wkgn nett. To avoid imitati ~ ignature of Cha PA¥ MelzheA: Nee Aieereae shmais fook for the siguature of ataeh olfi . Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food ; giving natural sleep. Castoria is especially pre -- _\ pared to relieve Infants in -- arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Children Cry for 16, JANUARY 20. 1928 f 3 s \\\\' ILK Alice Piktel, to J A Jadrich, WD Lot 32, Blk 17, Resubn Wken Hlands J A Jadrich & wf to Marion Skubic, WD. Lot 32, Blk 17. Resubn H T'Rnberts to V M Eoberts, QCD NE ar NE ar Sec 25, Cuba.. G D Meyer & wfi to CGG M Racine WD. --E hf SE qr Sec 24, Freemont. C T &--T Co A Piktel, D. Lot 32, Blyk 17, Resubn pt of Wkgen P A Meyers & --wi c B Klujian WC." Lots. 1 ----~4 46 4s 10, Met~ and Worthingtons Sheridan Shore Foreman Tr .& vyng> SBk to I A Perrault & wf, D. uot 5,-- Blk 21 Round Lake Beach. Avc F H Bartlett to _A welind & wf, D Lot 2, Blk 50, Bartletts ist addn t~ N S Country Club. s . M Christensen and wf to J Seeler and wfi, wd. Lot 95, W Wkgn subn Worthington's Gardens. Wkgn Natl Bk to L Peterson and wf, d. Lot 101 Petite Lake Hwoods J Beich to C Medal and wf, wd. Lot 11, blk 6, Ashwood Glens subn D S Limberry to I Helfer. d Lot 7. blk 3, Woolridges add to iLsiberty-- W B Ingvoldstad and wf to A A Phillips and wf, wd. Lots 92 and 93, Pleasant View subn, sec 24, Grant J H Gulick to Pub Service Co. ged. W hf SE ar sec 8, Wkgn. . C L Worthington and wf to H C E V Orvis and wf to J Griffith gcdo-- Lots 18 and 22, blk 6, Bartlett's subn % * * 'nion Bk of Chgo to N Bla'rcumup d ~Lot 22. blk 15, Tower e Ests Cuba f _£& Van Horne Kimberly and wf to & R Kimberly, wd. NE gr sec 12 Cuba A V H Kimberly and wf to R R Kimiberly, wd. NW qr NE ar sec 12 Cuba hy ~--N K Marrcet al to R R.Kimberly q:d -- NE qr sec 12, Cuba.. : M K Marr and wf to R R Kimber-- iy. ged NE gr sec 13. Cuba M H Rubin and wf to I ileska and wi. wd. Lot 79, Wadsworth subn First Nat! Bk of Wkgn to L Jensen, d. Lot 18. Glenwood Heights, sec 17 ville Chgo Trust Co to T V Lehde and wf. wd. Lot 2, blk 12, Douglas Nurs-- Lake ~a rest Tr a Syngs Bk to E Reese, D. Lout 44. Creer Bay Addn JAN. 41, 1928 THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1928 ington, QCD. Lot 66, Meyers & Wor-- thingtons Midway Gardens, Benton. C L Worthington & wf to A D {Holdorf, WD. Lot 60, Meyers & |Worthingtons Midway Gardens. ( P. Petges & wfi to K. Petges, WD Lot 1,-- Dymonds -- First Subn, Sec. 20, Libertyvyille. => K. Petges to P. Petges & wf WD. Lot 1, Dymonds First Subn Sec 20, P Wilson to P Scheurmann, D. Lot 17, Blk 6, Wilson N S Vista, Sec 6, Shields. -- C Beringer & huso to C L Worth-- ~W M Givier to L : 'elsor, QCD. Lot es N.w gr Sec--7 Lake Villa t L J Yager & wf to . Glenz & wi. WD, Lot: 32,. Gler -- Flra Heights Subn, Sec 17. Wkgn. * M C Decker & w. ioi' raszs & wi, WD. Lot 45, Allen Farm Subn.: D T Webb & wfi to H DeYoung, WD. Lot 91, Webb & Jensens Resubn. H. °M. Deacon & wf to A. A. Wilens, WD. Lots 31 and 34, 85 T S Sec 16, Wikgn. f R. L. Sandwick & wf to D. T. Webb & al, WD. Lot 20. Blk 9, Blumbergs Subn. Lot 24, Org! Town of Wauconda. 3. Sandstrom to D. Sandberg & R L Sandwick & wf to W« Mc-- Namara, WD.~Lot 30, Hovlands H PX Acre Subn.' ¢ M Parkhurst Weare Morton to H C Smith, WD. Pt Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, Lakes Subn Org! Lots 43, 44 and 65 Fauntleroy & Gordons Subn. Kirwan, WD Lot 24, Org! Wauconda. 4, Birch & Wim?ms Subn NE gr sec 36, Deerfield. W Cosmos to W V Schnur, WD: Lots 1 and 2 Resubu Lots 1 to 10 inc, Deerfield Park Land & Impymt y--J. E.. ~Peterson: &, wf to H. A. Benson. WD. NW frcl Sec 10, Grant. ~H J Nelson é& Yf to W M Givier, Q('?D- Lot 2, N W qr See 7, Lake Villa. § 448y WD. Lot 6, Resubn Ravine -- Manor Subn, 43. 13. ~_F H Bartlett to 1 C McComb, Di Lot 6, Blk 18, Bartletts Shore Crest E R Schaffer to G W Jordan, wfl Lots 5 and 6, Blk :, Org!l Plat Vilg of I <ke Bluif. > . A33 : E M Runyard & wfi w --£ McDer-- mott, WD. _Lot ©38, ~Oora Morans Subn Sec . Wkgn. -- R L Sandwick & wf to W F Even daintiest apparel safely washed at the Laundry FIRE AUTMOBILE / _#11 W. PARK AVE TORNADO --CASUALTY-- -- Libertyville, Tel. 220--M Have two lots in Cameron Park, Mundelein, fronting south, size 50x150; sidewalk, sewer and water in. Will sell for $1100.00 each. --msurance _ LLOYD C. RAY JAN. 23,; 1928. ---- For Sale DAINTY tbg should be washed only by those have made a sgientific study of fabrics--and the effects of cleansing agents upon them. We have dis-- covered the safest methods of cleansing sheerest materials. You can entrust your daintiest to us, secure in the knowledge that our years of specialized experience will bring them back to you spotlessly clean in every pore and fibre, * Rstablished 1899 Reliable Laundry & Dry ° Highland Park, IIl. ona, Culif.. Coughs and.throat irri tations, hard bronchial cough1, lir:f- ering "f{lu' coughs, almost instantly W It combines 'the curative luence of pure pine iar and the mollif{mg demuleent action of fresh clear honey with other healing in-- gredients. A boon to thos» wha suft-- fer from troublesome night coughs, Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar YOUNG AMERICA --REACTIONARY? "I was bothered with a hard per-- sistent cough, but found no other remedy so good and s> quxck(liy re-- lieving as Foley's Honey and Tar Compound," says E. Boggess, Pom-- carvings made bgeeCu'l Hallstham-- mar, which have n seen at recent exhibitions in the museum.. These carvings are small, of a size to rest comfortably on the mantle or shelf and are colored. -- One such carving entitled "The Singing <Brothers," was recently added to the Children's Museum, the gift of Charles H. Worcester. Another, entitled "De-- votion," was shown in the American exhibition "at the Institute, -- just closed. This was the representa-- Many visitors to the Art Institute will remember the whimsical wood manner. <~Then the war changed evolution --. into -- revolution. These kids are premature children, produc-- ed by the shock of battle. There-- now. But they'll grow up all righ: NEW YORK, Jan. 26.--That flam-- '~»~.croup of the younger generation which regards itselt as extremely ad-- vanced, revolutionary and intellec-- tual isn't going to like this at all Jesse Lynch Williams says that element :of young> America is deac-- tionary--that it not only is not ad-- vancing but -- is slipping backward from the state of civilized progress attained +by the Victorians at whom it sngers. f y CC Although it uses "Victorian" as a term of 'scorn, the younger genera-- tion is really imbued with Victorian ideas, those -- of -- Darwin, Huxley. Summer and Freud, which it "hasn't bad time to digest*# says Mr. Wil-- liams' McClure's article: He con-- tends that the often--blamed war is not the cause of the moral upheaval and revolt against convention. | "The war didn't do it," he says "the war merely precipitated it. The scientific spirit was coming along nicely before the war. It was gradually permeating our life and thought in an orderly evolutionary "I admire you for wanting to be happy. . That is right. ~It is CG~d's will backed by scientific findings. You are --keen on science, you are out for the truth. That's fine, too. . You are the first generation that has been conceived and born in science. But the trouble is that you have not gone far enough." Mr. Williams, distinguished author and playwright. and a successful father as well, presents his views in an article written for the February issue of McClure's magazine. ~--*"The trouble with you kids," he writes, "is that you are out for a good time and don't know how to get it. You have pieked up some stuff about repressiens and inhibi-- tions'from doctor books and so-- you think the way to enjoy life is to let yourse!?! go and not--give a damn." stuil anbout repressions and inniDi-- , K er, Attorney. tions'from doctor books and so-- you ,PU-BLICIJL Ng'll'%?s he,rel!y ivce® think the way to enjoy life is to let |that the Subscriber Executur o%lthe yoursel?! go and not--give a damn." Esta,tx of Herbert ~A. Parkyn, de-- ~ The youngsters who scoff at the will attend the Probate Court conventions of the past gencration|of Lake County,; at a term thereof nave substituted no improvements,|to be holden at the Court House in but have. merely stripped off the Waukfrxn. in said County, on the code of their elders and are revert--ifirst Monday of March, next, 1928, ing foward barbarism by. coarsening!"l'h?n and }Vhftfféifl}l pg'ionfi ha""t',fi *lanir' sanmar k yan claims agains id estate are noti-- {uclr s,d'clgl r-ela;lu..s apd going. tq ied andg rema C to present the pxcess in physical pleasures, he | Td Olurt for adjudica-- noints out. "You don't even know :i':)';'e." saf 6 2C §°"' to drink,. You just get druntc"3" "*~ . > s rpRPB M. TURNER, e says e ae it 3 fjeo * ~~ dimining e o ~ The yvoungsters who scoff at the conventions of the past generation nave substituted no improvements, but have merely stripped off the i ind ickty-- --Stop Conzbh-flmck! of old people of humble --healing, Office with Farm Burea Phone Libertyvyille 329 LIBERTYVILLE ILL €ommander, C. C. Hoskins -- 345--) Meets First Tuesday -- Gridley Hall Telephone 57 DR J, K. TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Bldg Hours: 1 to'fi:so and 7 to 8 p. m. . Residence, Oakwood Terrace Scientific Examination of the Eye GLASSES FITTED Waukegan National Phone 993 circumstance, -- the woman with luie Bible across her lfi" mdh& to her hard--working, gallused hus-- to her hard--working, gnfluud hus-- md' who sits beside e:l;o :rtle ag wn protectingly - shoulders and the other holding a pipe which he thouihtfnlly smokes as he listens to the . -o:{mword. Mr. Hallsthammer «Joes this sort of thing most skillfully and with a sense of humor'that is highly di-- verting. 'Admirérs of his work will be pleased to note that an exhibi-- tion of his w carvings will: be given at the Institute, in the children'"s gallety, from Jan. 6 to DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Optometrist Real Estate Office Phone 2766 Insurance: ¢ Res. Phone 2899 JOSEPH A. JADRICH Feb. 28. cide to remain 1704 Sheridan Road Our idea of useless worry is the Libertyville girl who does not fear all the eligible young men will de-- Libertyville boys will do well to remember that are too scarce to be used in diving into strange swimming holes;. ' Free of Charge By U. S. Government Veterinarian 274--J. Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION JANE -- McALISTER SCHOOL OF NURS-- ING, VICTORY MEM-- ORIAL HOSPITAL, WAUKEGAN. Offers a Three year course leading to degree. R. N. Next class enters Feb. ist. For in-- formation apply to Principal of Harry Madill Bartlett . --REALTOR-- f JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Office at Stewart and Lincoln 15 Phone 38. Waukegan, I}l, Jan. 19th 1928. A2 4 Fir . . jze. cact s .-- »Arelec ty . REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE ATTORNEY--AT--LAW * First National Bank Bui ephone 57. | LIBEIB!%LB Suite 203--1704 Sheri-- LIST YOUR FARMS .-- _FOR > SALE OR TRADE LYELL H. MORRIS ADJUDICATION NOTICE CATTLE TESTED For Tuberculosis J. A. Jadrich and Frank Jeffers LA WYER NORTH CHICAGO, ILL. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL North Chicago, B. H. MILLER ILLINOIS Exeeutor. | FOR*SALE--130 acre farm withii; close range of Antioch and on good gravel road. 9 room house, shade and fruit trees, 2 wells and poultry house 12x16, milk house 10x12, granary 15x18, tool house 14x80, hor®e barn 24x48, cow barn 33x66, 2 silos, all black soil, about 100 acres under plow, 20 acres of virgin timber. Owned by non-- mt and must be.O'OOld at 100. acre, $3000 cash, balance ?:rs years "Wwith no pre-- payments. up a mixture of Sage Tea and Suiphur § . eV _ | to keep her locks dark and beautiful, c Wrirtk Bros., Mundelom, 111. Phone "" thousands of women and men who b6bdF--1. -- > * *_* * .c |Yaiue that even color, that beautiful 3 dark shde of hair which is so at-- Td ernre mmmomnarmneeenmennarrnonnmmmmmmmmenay" { SHRITIVRes SR OH Hikk whitchime tz FOR SALE--BABY CHICKS. Orucr| Nowadays we get this famous now for future 'delivery. Also | ture improved by the addition of other brooder stogés. Chas. Simmonds. gw by asking at any drug store Phone Libertyville 614--J--1. | for a bottle of "Wyeth's sz::" 8--6t. m Compound," which : pmnieNHTNNNGN T O Hieimeiireniaremememcerrremrmmiaieccmeameneaevinrgrereeeciencenieas so naturallvy, so evenly, that FOR SALE--Typewriter. Standard FOR SALE--Old--fashioned buck-- FOR SALE--120 acre farm on State todld'zzahulSroonbom.pod e indmill ltry mummzm-u 16 cattle also stock barn 18x80, FOR SALE--Gentleman stock farm | FOR SALE--160 acre farm within close range of-- Antioch, located on state highway; 9 room house, fur-- nace heat, hardwood fioors, ample shade and wonderful orchard. Milk Valley. FOR SALE--Real Estate * HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN ~Channel Lake. Has a good 12 ~woom house; good well, shade and fruit trees. Large barn, concrete floors and stonewalls with ample room for 40 head eattle and 6 horses. New cement silo 14x40; garage, milk house, implement shed, poultry house, large gran ary, double corn crib and large ho house with cement floors. This i: positively a real stock farm an« owned by non--resident and we ar authorized to sell same at $100.0( ,per acre, $5000.00 cash, balance on or before 5 years. 'OR SALE--240 acre stock farm jlocated in Lake County, close «range of Antioch, Illinois and Avenue, Libertyville, south front; west of Stewart Ave. Fine shade trees; ":ir for building, Terms: $500 , balance $20 per mo.-- R. C. Hoff, 6549 Newgard Ave-- nue, Chicago. 7--6t--pd. per bu. Delivered. Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake St., 2 miles west of Libertyville. Phone 678--J--2. _ ke@board. Phone Libertyville 180 95--tf wheat flour. Home grown, fresh ground. Buckwheat seed @ $1.00 JR SALE----BABY CHICKS. Orger now for f&gure delivery. Also brooder stotes. Chas. Simmonds. house, drilled well and windmill, barn 33x60, ample room for 6 horses and 30 cattle with concrete foors and stone walls, 2 new con-- crete silos 14x42, 2 car garage, granary 14x18, implement house 18x30, over 106 acres under plow. considerable vi timber with a good live creek same. Has all dark soil, same being offered at $125.00 per acre. $5000.00 eash, balance in 5 years with noe pre-- er institutional grounds eouufiufl isting ef All acres, located about miles from Chicago, and on state highway. Has a new modern 12 reom house, hardwood foors and hardwood trim, electric lights, bath, with hot water heating plant; 4 room basement. Cement walks and cement porches, house' is nicely surrounded by shade and | fruit trees. Two car garage, poul--| try house 15x24, milk house 16x24,| 2 drilled wells and 2 flowing' springs. Brick horse barn 24x72, with concrete floors, 12 'singlel stalls, 6 double box stalls; cow barn 38x154 with a 26 ft. lean and ample room for 100 head cattle, 6000 bushel grain and 200 ton hay; 2 new cement silos 14:42;| root cellar 50x50, platform scales,| hog house 27x54 with concrete} floors and feedmard. tool house 24x72. Farm is tiled, fenced and all black soil has 225 acres under gl;w and 178 acres of virgin tim-- with 1% miles Fox River : frontage and over 2 miles of state | road frontage. Also 5 room tenant house with good well and shade trees. -- A positive sacrifice at $175.00 pg; acre, $30,000.00 cash, balance in' 5 years with no pre-- payments. : m 12x18; within 2 miles of and School. Owned by nen--resident and closing estate at $100.00 periacre, $3000.00 cash, Bbalance as rent. See EDWIN AUSTIN for rates on eap excursions to the Rio Grande If you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, rent or exchange, or if you wantl'selp, make it known through these columns. You will get results. Minimum charge, 25¢ 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion, There isno way you can reach as many people in Lake County in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you car if you make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. T. J. STAHL & COMPANY 226 Washington Street Waukegan, Illinois Phone 237 or 238 Residence Phone 683 R SALE--40x199 ft. on Lincoln %J. STAHL & COMPAXNXY, 226 Washington Street, Waukegan, Ilinois Phone 237 or 238 Residence Phone 683 . :: EDWIN AUSTIN 405 So. Milwaukee Ave%e Phone, Libertyville 167--W. 205 W. Maple Avenue. Libertyville, TL Telephone 147--M. FOR SALE Classified Ads 86--tf£. & + A him may be right. strand at a time. B ning the Inn dimppean ) bet west oogarme esegte" TTE _ _ After all, lack of consideration has brought more sorrow in this old world than a lack of monev. body can possibly tell it has been ap plied. You just dampen a mz lustre and gives it an appearamce or when it fades, turns gray, dull and lifeless, is caused by a lack of suiphur FOR REN'T--6 room brick house at 169 School Street. Libertyville. Inquire at 148 E. Cook Avenue. W:'NTE%--!:;;omem C:mec of 'fi- e or double beds. 'm. Nitz, 220 Broadway, ifi,.m. SITUA};['IO!:; L,WANTH)-._ ~N grapher. 3' yrs. e furnish references. Ente L K care of Register. 7--2t--pd. WANTED--#8 ft. grain drill.. A dress Box 231, Libertyville, HL. AUTOS WANTED--25 Automobiles wanted. Spot cash. Cars sold on commission. NATIONAL MOTOR MARKET 622 Grand Avenue, Waukegan, IlL HOUSE AND FLATS FOR RENE-- DEAD ANIMALS. We pay the highest prices for dead animals. Tem Dundee 810-- J--1. --Reverse 4--6t--pd. FOR SALE--Purebred Barred Rock 'cockerelBse. $2.50. sA.ho Toulouse se. rgeron tock on fiaeke St., 2 miles west m tyville. Phone 678--J--2. ko -- A FOR SALE--Bred gilts due m row the latter &an of ':rfl. bred Poland ina Durocs. These are--exceptional individuals but are priced to sell, Tel. Liber-- tyville 589. Henry L. Casey. FPOR, SALE--N hay and stra Farm on Lz} FOR SALE--All modern house, 6 ak Hrim in Piving eoone tane ' trim in room, room and hall, gum trim in kitchen and bed reoms. Lot 50x140. Good basement and furnace, Oakwood 'rfiace, Homewood Ave. Price _ £10,000. Phone Libertyville 294--R, C _ $--8t--pd. ----llWe FOR -- SALE--Apples, Ju'h Baldwins, Starks, Wagners, man ESweet Spy, Pewaukee and Crimes' Golden, $2.25 per bushel: Oruggist Says Ladies Are U: Recipe of Sage Tea and Suiphur FEW FOLKS HAVE -- ---- GRAY HAIR NOW One thing you seldom find is a Hair that loses its color and Open Sundays and Evenings. First Street. Phone 27--W. porstnes, $1,25 s;]er l;:hei; cab-- bage, $1.50 por bundre oniflg $1.50 per bushel; rudab&gas, per hundred lbs.; cider Ilfi' order, 50¢ per gal. in 5 gal. or -- more. Phone 232--R, W. E. Volkman, Mundelein. A--6tpd. SELLERS AND PETER Libertyville, Hlinois MSCELLANXEOUS A. R. SCHNAEBELE for FOR RENT room suitable for one or FOR RENT. ville. Phone $78--]J--2, a W PAGE SEVEN baled. ti Bergeronma t.. 2 miles west Are Using 8--1t--pd.