other _men 'and they soon extin-- guished the flames but he was badl burned" on the back and the b.:{ * of his head.. Harry Lovelady has-- The nine teams in the conference include --Libertyville, Gurnee, Anti-- och, Paltine, Barrington, Benson-- vile, Arlington Heights, Franklin Park and Wauconda. _Wauconda Township High School is looking forward to a great day and it is hov::"that all w(ii)'l turn out and help --on this day of days. Charles Ferrin, a kind of a jack-- of--all--trades. and handy man wherever o«d jobs need doing, met with a bad accident early Saturday morning ~while the thermometers around town were registering below wzero. He, with a couple of other _men. occupied rooms over Henry W's barber shop, where they their own work. Mr. Ferrin, it seems, was suffering with the in-- tense cold and went to the living reoom and lit a gasoline heater and sat with his b.ekf_too l;eag Mlgu _garments caught fire, burinng him at Antioch and Arlington Heights. 'The winners of these games come to Wauconda on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock or at 7:30 in the eve-- ning to compete against one another. 'The final game Saturday evening will determine the leaders of the Northwest Conference for 1928. On Friday evening, Feb. 3, all teams in the conference are sched-- uled to plavy the semi--final @ames trom twelve to seventeen 'l'.- of age, by Jerome Davis, of Yale Uni-- versity, first rank went not to the banker but to the peasant! Indeed, both banker and &remst, invariably, in the opinion of Russian ami' ren h':ed at or near the bottom. The ten places, according to one grou p of "?efls' ot.-rtinf with what they considered the lowest, were: preacher, prosperous business man, manager of a small factory, bafiker, storekeeper, coachman, waiter, owner of a. store, street-- cleaner, house--porter. -- Nation's Business Magazine. | WAUCONDA | But now comes the surprise. In similar tests given to three different carrier, of than proud. On the average,,the banker rank-- ed first, followed e?' the colkfi pro-- essor, doctor, ergyman, er, and automobile manntaetnrer." Last of all came the ditch--digger. . Just RBove this tail--end occupa-- . Fust above this tail--end occupa-- tiom ramked the street--cleaner, hod-- On Saturday, Feb. 4, both after-- noon and evening, the Northwestern Conftereme Tournament will be held Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cchaeffer of MceHenry, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.: George Broughton. (Continued from Page 6) G. B. Blackburn and Rev. H. J. Locke were Waukegan callers Sat-- urday afternoon. order of merit, ranking at the top the kind of. work they would be most Eyoud ef and at the bottom the ind they would be more ashamed Any manp who comes into rontact with others socially knows that wo-- men are drinking to --an extent never *known before. My observation through the country is that at dinner parties where cocktails are served -- and they are served almost univer-- sSTUBENTS LIKE BANKING JOB, AVOID LOSSES A group of American school child-- ren were asked to check a list of 45 eesupatiorns and professions in the men. I regret to make such a statement, but it is a fact. In great cities like Chicago and New York there seems to be a class of cold--blooded, bloodthirsty crim-- inals who seem to think no more of taking a human life than a junzgle beast thinks of killing an innocent deer. Only a few months ago the chief of palice .of Chicago declared that. in his judgment, the fearful criminality in that city has been built un largely by prohibition SAYS DRY LAW IS ONLY MYTH The answer to statements that in-- dustrial prosperity is due to prohi-- bition is simply this: It cannot be due to prohibition because there is no prohibition. Statistics availsble show that arrests for drunkenness in 500 cities throughout the catintry have increased by leaps and bounds. --Everybody knows that this extraor-- dinary prosperity is due to ecaromic forees #ith which all are familiar. and that prohibition has had nothing to do with the perfectly natural re-- vival of industry after the war. The most lamentable feature of prohibi-- tion is the way it is building up a professional criminal class among our people. came a member of the Baltimore charter -- commisgsion, -- and general counsel of the public service commis-- sion of Maryland, serving until 1922 A democrat, he was elected to senate for the term 1923 to 1929.) tw. Cabell Bruce, U. S. senator, was born in Stauton Hill, Va., in land and Hampden Sidney college. Bruce was director and general coun-- sel of the~--Maryland Life Insurance Co.. and a member of the Maryland senate from 1894 to 1896. In 1908 he resigned as member of the Bal-- timore city law department and be-- University of Virginia in 1880, later attending the University of Mary-- (Member of U. 8. Senate from Mary-- ess o attend the man. Jack wa® also summoned and at 3 teamster, waiter, janitoer, e to seventeen years o Cause Crime. R. H. Morrow and wife to J. Grit-- fith, WD. W hf gr Sec 15, Wauke-- gan. L. Calrake to J. Griffith, wD. w hi NW qr Sec. 15, Waukegan *CC. CC VOTL XZG,,. AIGRKC MALLI¢ DUOQN. J. Kokkinen am:'o:ile to 0. Ekman l PUBLIC SERVICE and wife,. WD. 36, Belvidere Heights Subn. I ComMPANY R. H. Morrow ind wife to First / OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Natl Bk. of Waukegan. WD W hf ' > NW ar Sec. 15, Waukegan. | GEO. KRUMREY R. H. Morrow and wife to J. Grit-- | ; Local Representative fith, WD. W hf ar Sec 15, Wauke--| --_-- Phone Libertyville 144--W C, F. McDonald to M. A. McDonald WDN _E hf SW ar Sec. 14, Vernon. P. B. Lyon, et al to F. Sarja and wife, WD. Lot 22, Lyon Grove Subn °N. C. Knight and wife to C. B Harris, D. Lot 45, Block 76, S. Wau-- kegan. J ~J. Haisman and wife to -- J Moudry, WD,. Lot 121 California Ice & Coal Co., Lake Marie Subn. ville L. Williams and wife to C. L. Frazier and wife, WD. Lot 55 Moores F. H. Bartlett to S. Jacobowitz and wife, D. Lots 9 and 10, Block 94. Bartletts N. S. 3rd Addn. M. A. Crane and wife to E. C. Crane, QCD. NW gar Sec 31, Libertv-- Waukegan -- J McCormick and wif> to M; A. Seymour and wife, QCD Lot 4, ~*mars Subn, Deerfield. C.--T.&% T. Co. to T. S, Willis: D. Lot 111, Baird and Warner -- Inc.. Addn to Deere Park Subn. M. Gerretsen and husband. et al to J. W. Irion and wife, QCD. Pt. NW gr SW ar grel Sec. 3, Grant. L. A. Babcox et al, to A. F. Beau-- bein, WD. Lot 2, Corys Addn to Ribet, WD. Lot 20, Block 7. Good-- mans Beach View Hlands. F. H. Bartlett to A. BurkWart and wife, D. Lot 4, Block 4%4, Burtlet'ts ist Addn to N S Country Club. G. C. Hield and wife to J. D. Mc-- Gann and wife WD. SE qr Sec 36. Deerfield. E. D. DeKay and wife to W Toepke and wife WD. Lot 5. Wash-- ington Manor Subn Sece 20. V.au-- kegan. E. C. Coolidge and wife City of H. Pk., D. Pt Lakeside Manor Subn. NE qr. Sec 36. Deerfield. C. V. Griswold and wife to A. B Griswold, and .wife, QCD. -- Lot 2 Cotes Addn to Waukegan. * E. E. Keating and wife to E. E. Pritsch and wife, WD. Block -- 18 Deerfield Park Land and Impymt Assn Subn. \2dn to J., C. Willerton and wife to E. J Eauter, WD. Lot 186, Garwells Addn. to Smith &nd Adams Ad"~ :o Wau-- H. Durkin and wife to A. G. Bourns and wite, WD. SE gr SE qr S&~ 20, News from the sick bed of Mrs. oo ty Gevige Blyohborn io mot 0 rs. is very eneounfixg. She is at the hom of a son and her condition re-- mains about the same. l *3 piay luesday noon and s the thumb of hx'; right hnur%e it is painful, it is not badly injured. Glenn Blackburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn, fell while at play Tuesday noon and s . Mrs, Alice Geary has been num-- bered with the sick but is better at this writing. | Mrs. Lorétta Seymour, who has been ill at her home two and one-- half miles northwest of town, is now able to sit up and be wheeled in a chair from one room to another. She still has a practical nurse in attend-- ance. nation for sanity. He had been thought somewhat unbalanced for jaries 'and the fright he sustained, uries {t was thought he would become sud-- Mrs, R. C. Kent is slowly improv-- ing at her home here. She is still under the care of a trained nurse. on Slocum's skhake road, was about her house work.. She stepped out of doors on an icy walk and fell and broke her arm. Dr. Ross was gso summoned at this time and Mrs. ilbert was taken to Waukegan for an x--Ray. At present she is at her home. a & o'clock Saturday morning, Mr. Fer-- rin was taken to the Wall'cm hol-l pital, where he underwent an exami-- T ecg for a mambnt of yemn Bot vey or a number of years, little was known of his former life, or whence he came. Since his de-- rntue to Waukegan it has beerf earned that he @nce had a family e o en ie who was so news of his father's eanditro:.n Up to this time no further news has been learned as to his condition. Mrs. Larson, wife of Mr. Larson of the Bowman milk plant here, fell near her home and Kroke her right arm just above the wrist. Dr. Ross was called and he rendered first aid. She was taken to the Victory Me-- morial hospital for x--Ray pictures and returned to her home here Fri-- da'f. Saturday forencon Mrs. Tyler Gilbert, who lives just out of town Mrs. Fred Rudsinsky, who had the misfortune to break her leg a week go, is not alone in her sufferings. rs. Rudsinsky met with her acci-- dent.Jast Wednesday. On Thursday, Lake County Title and Trust Company ashington St., m'am Real Estate Transfers Abstract of Title is one for each 4.7 persons. In Arkansas, Florida, Maine and Ver-- mont the registration for 1927 fell below that reported for 1926. Lots 4 and 5,--Co Clks Divn, Sec 36. Cuba. _ Lake Co Natl £k to A F Purlett WD. Lot 398 First Addo to Williams Park Subn, Wauconda. Lake Co Natl Bk to A F Purlott wWD. Lot 411, First Addn to Williams Park Subn Slocum Lake,: Wauconda. -- Lake Co Natl Bk to A F Furlott. Figures for the entire country show one motor vehicle for each 4.9 persons, while the. ratio in Illinois WD. Lot 412 First Addr. Many méen can tramp over a golf course all day who could not push a lawn mower ten minutes. W G Voliva and --wi to E C Bur-- gess and wf, WD. Lot 5. Blk 3, Lake J E Horton and wf to F Brown and wi, QCD. Lot 2, Blk A Craigs Subn, Antioch. L L Wood and hus to F--Brown and wi, QCD. Lot 2, Blk A Craigs Subn Union--Bk of Chgo to G M 'Racine D Lot 5, Mundelein Hewhts Subn R L Foote and wf to C W Johnson $ Martin to F Brown and wf, QCD. Lot 2, Blk A Craigs Subn NW . gr Set 8, Antioch. G L Martin et al to F Brown and ¥f, QCD. Lot, Blk A Craigs Subn. Subn. g eR C Shannon to W F Shannon, GCD. Lots 1 to 25 inc -- Shannons First Addn to Woodbine Park, Anti-- _ _M A Smith to O F Huth and al, QCD. Lot 20, Blk 44, Se~ 28, Benton. E H Mason to 1 R Mason and al, WD. SE ar SW qr Sec I1€, Vernon . --F--H Bartlett to T A Liberg. D. Lot 6, Blk 26, Bartletts Third Addn. Warren. ' Chgo Trust Co iw C A Bjerstedt, WD. Lot 15, Blk 6, Douglas Nursery C T & T Co to M T CGieseking and wi, D. Lot 12, Holts Subn Sec 33, Shields. Jh€ Sour" inlo t E. M. Runyard and wife to E. A Grant, WD -- Lot 18 Block 1, Run-- vards Second Subn. W. J. Milroy et al to L. Buttner and son. WD.. Lot 12, Blk 23,°Grove-- land Subn. E. Jensen to V. L. Jensen, WD Lot 3, pt. Lot 4, Blk 7. Warrens Addn to Waukegan. First Natl Bk. of Waukegan to D. R. Lewis, D. Lot 23. CGHilanwood Heights Subn. ; M. F. Schiavone and wife to C. L. Purcell, WD. Lots 14, 15 and 16. Northwood Manor Resubn. C.--T. & T. Co. to A. Nevers Macau-- ley, D. Lot 3, Block $, Branigar Bros. Sunset Terrace Subn.,; and wife, WD. Lot 3 --C. Frank Wrights Second Addn to LibertyviHle €. Hunt, to S.--J. Hunt, QCD. Lots 11 and 12, Block 24, Washburn Park. W. J. Milroy et al to L. Buttner et al, WD. Lot 1, Block 3, Groveland Park Subn. $ Broughton, WD. Lots 51 and 52, Elmcrest Cook and Paddocks Bangs Lake Subn. Wauconda. E. Wilcox and wife to J. 8. Duba First Natl Bk of Waukegan to J. Griffith, WD. PtW hf NEW qr Sec 15, Waukegan. during February. Good for $1 when you purchase either a waffle iron at $10 up or an electric warming pad at $7.50 up. * THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, To'avoid imitations, look for the si of Absolutery phaniess hgth" Sok to" the Signiture of Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. Children Cry for Aspirin is the Appropriation for the improvement was made m last session of the general assembly Springfield, , II1.--Construction of a dairy building at the IMlinois State Fair grounds at a cost of approxi-- mately $250,000 is under considera-- tion as a part of Governor Small's plan to make the state exposition one of the, most attractitve in the United States. * VOTE AGAINST PLAN $250,000 DAIRY There will be no milk strike called as far as the Pure Milk association is concerned, 7 : Betvause of a report that the Milk ers were present to learn at first hand, the facts in this situation. -- J. C. Olbrich, president of the Pure Milk association presided and repeat-- edly gave an opportunity for any one who wished to state "his mind" on this matter, to do so. Judge Smiley made a short talk in which he begged of all to keep cool. not to let anger or a feeling of in-- justice done or wrongs endured cloud the meeting. -- ~: Pure Milk association called a meet-- ing of dairymen tp the circuit court A milk strike is a vital matter to all farmers in this locality and the court room was packed on Monday afternoon. . About 150 milk produc-- SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! ® Unless you' see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART | COAL, FEED, SAND, GRAVEL, CEMENT, CIN-- PIRL »-- AUIMUOBILE 411 W. PARK AVE TORNADO CASUALTY Libertyville, Tel. 220--M Have two lots in Cameron Park, Mundelein, fronting south, size 50x150; sidewalk, sewer and water in. Will sell for $1100.00 each. A MILK STRIKE JOHN G. BORST c DERS, ETC. . s Office and yard at C. M. & St. P. Tracks & Aspinie INSURANCE T I & enc trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Selicylicacid BUILDING FOR FAIR Phone Libertyville 679--M--1 _!2 g i ubreces "!;h"r."'""" ahl: aatihe brts "----'""it For Sale CC CLs Ofly 'Bayer'"' package which contains proven directions. Handy ."Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. Accept . only "Bayer" Nothing has been heard from Col-- onel : Fawee& and his companions since May 189@5, . They were se'eking traces 'of ancient civilization an cities in an unexplored territory of some 100,000 square: miles in. the state of Matto g'ros:to. Command-- or --Dyott, who is to search for his compatriot . and brother explorer, has himself had wide experience in An . expedition to -- search the wilderness of interior Brazil for the lost explorers, Colonel P. H. Faw-- eett and his son Jack of London, and Raleigh Rimell of Los Angeles, has foreed the eancellation of a lec-- ture which Commanider Georf'e M. Dyott of London was scheduled to flye at 'Field Museum of Natural istory: on March 3 and 4. Commander Dyott is to sail from New York for South America at the head of 'the rescue expedition on February 18, according to word received by the director of Field Museum. "the postndiie" M nt chatrmdced : 11 i | : 2 ~*" detfiuleent * .' The improvement is one of a 8e--1 : : .. e X hard per. % of Whiclrzvfso :er?cl&;hsfiag'n?: i sistlenv:a:oz%tll:, it found poklothrz' grandstand f € so quickly "During. the past" s'&f:fim"é'é'ii"g' 5o Toefy Homy and Tor Nrtois i mm in B m o P e cost | Compound," says E. Boggess, Pora-- If & thpse' araiF 2000000 ?tllawin péalif.' Cotfi and throat irri-- of'u&l Tandsenoun o us pivep ot:l:eng 't,:;'ons hard broilzxial cough3, ling-- No rapim.og Phag (ach is ro--| ering "{lu' coughé, almost instantly enc o C oo fate frack 1{5 pthel:{longéd It combines the curative ie s oor: "f mecfastest in linfruenc.e of pure pine i1117 and the 3 PA ob sn ion i for the | mollifying dem"\ient .action of fresh e3 constructu;n #mm%fih 0cralled;clea.r hcney with other heal;ng in-- c ar aud contrac, dients, A boon to thos» who suf-- r and contract awarded early to ; gre > couphs, ;:rmit 'completion of the xmgggye--[ger. from troublesome night coug} bovar ons B 0 0 4e cCn q on ces uio un q e ment in time to have the building in readiness for the fair opening. and architects are now working on plans and specifications. Whether or not the building can be erected during the present summer and made ready for use with holding of the fair in August has not been LLOYD C. RAY 1928 P.S. Thete will be another picce here a few weeks from now. Look for it I knew that New Y ork was 'amus-- ing the world'L" but I wanted to meet the fellow who was "feeding it."' I am kinder oddly constituted. You can cut off my amusement, but if my food stops you are going to have an iment on your ?nds. i, as Editor and Propri¢tor of the Bull's Eye, wanted to meet not only the readers, but the consuwinersof THIS Wonderful ProductofOURS. (The American Tobacco Company and me.) Well, I wishyou could see the type of Men they were, Big fine healthy upstanding He--Men. They were not the little Anemics that has to tap his Cigarette on the box before he can smoke it. "I{ey were our Pro-- ducers of our Necessities of Life. When I saw the type of He--Men smoking "Bull" Durham, it almost made me cry, that I wasn't a smoker myself. . x 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City I am just making, as the Politician says, 'A swing around the Circle," to see what was going on in "Real America."' Ihad been in New York solong.lwuzettingakindofa'Sub- way *'Slant'"' on things. I was be-- coming as narrow as a Metropolitan NewspaperEditorial W riter. My eye-- sight was getting so poor I couldn't see beyond the Hudson River, and my mind wouldn't function farther away than Albany, N. Y. --_ | remedy so d and so quickly re-- { lci(e)ving a; Fole :sE.Hflney andPTar mpound," sayg E. Boggess, Pom-- 'ona, Calif, Cot&h?u:nd groat irri-- tations, hard bronchial cough3, ling-- iering "{lu' coughé, almost instantly I stopped. It combines the curative 661 Petting partie® show flappers can love hard enouzg'and divorce courts show they can't ove long enough. tion. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar Compouna.--Adv; % & one of his expeditions South Americar exploration. The ; lecture he was to have given here, , "Roosevelt's Trail Down the River of Doubt," -- was to have describedz BULLES EYE --Stop Coug mM. I 4 + _ <2), ALFRRD M. TURNER, Cae: & ~ Executor. Waukegan' I!l§ Jan. 19th 1928. s t . ; . 6--8--10. nd General Manager Wll-gl-mn 9 uickly--healing, J Z AAR WANTED--General housework by good reliable girl. Phone Wauke-- gan 3188. 9--2t--pd. FOR REN'T--6 room brick house at o SmE .}ND.Fngg tl;'on RENT ome for im 1@' 5 10 SELLERS AND PETERSEN, FOR -- RENT--A heated room s two persons. F First Street. P FOR RENT--Furnished room to re-- sponsible partg. Board if wanted, also garage. For particulars write C. R. Care of Register. 9--1t--pd. FOR RENT--Modern 7 room dwell-- ing and two car garage on West Park Avenue. Immediate posses-- sion. a . A. R. SCHNAEBELE, Libertyville, IIL. 9--6t FOR SALE--A: FOR SALE--No. 1 FOR SALE--Duroc Jerse FOR SALE--Old--fashioned buck-- wheat flour. Home grown, fresh ground. Buckwheat seed @ $1.00 per bu. Delivered. Bergeron Stock FOR SALE----BABY CHICKS. Order FLYNN--GABLE CHICKS in 100 lots W. Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Anconas, $11.00. --Barred Rocks, Reds, Wyandottes, $12.00. Ph. Arl. Hts.-- 34--Flynn--Gable Hatchery, E. Euclid Avenue, Arlington Heights, IIl. 0--tf. 169 School ~Street. Libertyville. Inquire at 148 E. Cook Avenue. FOR SALE or RENT --Suitable FOR SALE-{"-;S.' C. Rhode Island . --Red Cockerels, $2.00. Also fresh eggs. -- Phone -- Libertyville: 181. FOR SALE --60 White Leghorn} chickens, 24 full--blooded White Rocks, (yearlings), team 1ight] young horses and brooder stove. Call Sunday. R. Voelker, Mun-- delein, IIl. 9--1t--pd. D UTINHHHHTTL e hucinnas ie se esssscnmaccmsmmnccus c & man : a FOR SALE--Purebred Barred: Rock| Pianos regulated : cockerels. $2.50. Bergeron Sbock; Libertyville eves Farm, on Lake St., 2 miles west! ders taken at .fl of Libertyville." Phone G7S--F--2. --1> or call or write cheap excursions to the Rio Grande Valley. EDWIN AUSTINX 405 So. Milwaukee Avenue Phone, Libertyville 167--W. FOR SALE--Real Estate HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN 205 W. Maple Avenue. Libertyville, IIL, Telephone 147--M. OR SALE--Bred gilts due to far-- row the latter part of April. Cross bred Poland Cfi?na nndp Durocs. These are exceptional individuals but are priced to sell. Tel. Liber-- tyville 589. Henry L. Casey. )R SALE -- Dining room set (American walnut), nearly new. Reasonable price. Call at 212 Johnson Ave., or phone Liberty-- ville 595--J. J .+4) hay and straw. Bergeron S Farm on Lake St., 2 miles j of Libertyville. Phone 678--J--2 or more. Phone 232-- Volkman, Mundelein. man Sweet Spy, Pewaukee and Grimes' Golden, $2.25 per bushel; tatoes, $1.25 per bushel; cab-- E;ssz,.'l.w bt;':l:e lhundred. ;(:z'onssz, i per . l per hundred lbs.; cider made to order, 50c per gal. in 5 gal. lots Baldwins and bed rooms. Lot 50x140. Good basement and furnace. Oakwood Terrace, omewood Ave. Price $10,000. Phone Libertyville 294--R. 8--3t--pd. foe en T " d. papye 2099R v:;.-v---t «4 CAE ly trees; c:r for hfl'%nx Terms: $500 h-hm mo.-- R. C. Heff, 6549 "Newgard Are Avenue, Libertyville, south front; west of Stewart Ave. Fine shade of : Libertyville now for fiture 'de"l.ive";.' "A'T,o' brooder stoves. Chas. Simmonds. Phone Libertyville 614--J--1. FOR SALE--40x199 ft. on property for tea room or health sanitorium. «Call Libertyville 383. Ji¥ s(AliF--UUrOC Jersey BOAr. Wirtz Bros., Mundelein, Ill. Phone 661--J--1. ht MISCELLANEOUS See EDWIN AUSTIN for rates 06 If you want to buy anything, or if ou have something to rent or exchange, or if you want f\elp, m!he it mm& columns. . You will get results. 'l'hereisnowayyoncanruchumnypoophhl-lhu lnsonhortatimeandttoomnubhaeutume-flm make your wants known here. A trial will convince you. Minimum charge, Libertyville, Illinois _ 82--tf oALF~----Apples, _ Jonathan, i'!fv 'Stirg Wagners, Tal-- FOR RENT FOR SALE iss DEAD ANIMALS. Classified Ads 2 miles west ge, 20¢ 6 insertions for $1.00, : b¢ per line per insertion. 4--6tpd. 8--6t. 1.if, : [ There'sa way todo it--HILL'S. Daoes 7 +L. | Inspector in Charge Office with Farm Burean t Phone Libertyville 829 . That Cold LIBERTYYILLE | ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR } Telephone 18 Meets First Tuesday -- Gridiey Hall DK. J. L. TAYLOR -- . Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Oakwood Terrace B. H. MILLER ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Build Telephene 57 LUIBERTY Scientific Examination of the Eyes HilP's . Datshs,2id youreed Don't m"'w StODPS C "Sht now and get HiiZe DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON NORTH CHICAGO, ILL -- © Room 208 1704 Sheridan Road -- Real Estate Office Phone 2766 Insurance Res. Phone 2899 JOSEPH A. JADRICH Free of Charge By U. S. Government Veterinarian Luce Bldg. We pay the highest prices for dead> _ animals. Telephon: Dundee 810-- AUTOS WANTED--25 Automobiles wanted. Spot cash. Cars sold on Libertyville Post No. 329 AMERICAN LEGION Frank Jeffers Suite 203--1704 Sheri-- LIST YOUR FARMS FOR SALE OR TRADE libertyville every Monda y. _ O ders taken at Rn(! Furniture "Store or call or write C. J. Diehl, Wood-- 2iz Tilinois, . Phone Weedstock i4=d . Harry Madill Bartlett _ --REALTOR-- JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Office at Stewart and Lincoln. Open Sunday§ end Evenings. commission. NATIONAL MOTOR MARKET May End in Flu ____ Check it Today« J. A. Jadrich and REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE LYELL H. MORRIS CATTLE TESTED Y North Chicage, LIBERTYYVILLE, ILL. 622 Grand Avenue, o n@nx wow and in the red box. 88c. LIBERTYVILLE PAGE SEVEN Il,