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Lake County Register (1922), 15 Feb 1928, p. 5

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- 221 So. Milwaukee Avenue { Social Stationery That meets the demands of the most fastidious. Miss Zelda Bock gpent the week end with friends in Chicago. Miss Helen Kilkenny visited Sun-- .'i_?yfv_iflsl_ relatives in White Water, R. A. Smith visited with friends in Mundelein Friday. Henry MeKee visited Sunday with friends in Chicago. f | . * " $ Spqtinfdfter 7f > _ i Cumberland Ripple LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK 1 O'Cedar Oil Mop 1 ('Cedar Oil, Value 60c 1 Heavy Mop Head 1 Mop Stix, $1.@ value Best Carpet PEAOCY neoonaernn rraintnreie en es ces 6 Doz. Clothes Pins : in Pkgs.-- :; >A $ P ECIA LS Libertyville ociety ana LOCAL NEW S Patience exercised in slowly accamulating the " first hundred " dollars, or the "first thousand," proves a valuable aid when later applied to greater problems in financial progress. ; '['Opeopnofanmmsum'uvmmnmdl.mws eutstanding characteristics--PATIENCE. & Lincoln won out because he had patience backed by persis-- tence and led by foresight. He never looked upon discourage-- ment as defeat. These qualites are just as essential in advancing the life program of the humblest and most obscure as in furthering the ambitions of the eminent and prominent. Neatly boxed 72 sheets and 50 envelopes A Man of Inexhaustible Patience Everything in Fresh Vegetables Fresh and Smoked Meats To save money phone 31 F. B. Lovell Co. 0. H. MOLIDOR Capital and Surpius $150,000 .00 Regular Value $1.00 SPECIAL SALE PRICE The Stationery De Luxe . 4 pkgs large American Family Chips for . 1 large pkg. free. Value, $1.2%5 FREE DELIVERY fani e iA J. A. Williams of Chicago visit-- ed. Sunday with John Numsen. day and Monday at latives in McHenry. M. O. Andersen --of Chicago, cal-- led on Libertyville friends Saturday das Mrs. John Numsen and Mrs. Cath-- erine Lancaster visited Sunday with friends at Deerfield. Mrs. Nick Cherenovich, 322 Four-- th Street, and son, Jack, were Chi-- cago visitors Wednesday. -- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bradford and daughter, Dorothy, spent Sunday with friends in Gary, Indiana. a -- . We } $1.00 } 65e While They 1928 $1.00 , ILLmos 25¢ TIllinois Last | _ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Colby,; 159 ;Newberg Avenue were guests Sun-- day of Mr. and Mrs. Monte L. Smith *'Brookside Avenue, Waukegan. *' | cago. ' Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Linders during the week tend_ were Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. | Kark, and Robert Wehrhein of Chi-- (Harley Lammering, who have been . touring the Southern and Western 'States during the past five months, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Disney en-- tértained the latter's b:ogher,glgrin' ank Mrs. Ralph Wehrenberg and Mrs. Vern L. Gerred called on Mrs. Char-- les Lehmkuhl of Mundelein Satur-- day .afternoon. 5 Mr. and Mrs. C.. Tyrrell and son, Jack, of Waukegan visited Thurs-- ay evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Suydam and family. Ted Havice of Chicago spent the week end at the home of his mother, Mrs. Alice Havice, 117 First Street. Miss Beatrice Numsen and Frank Baumgartner of Mundelein motored to Fox River Gardens Tuesday even-- Albert Boehm of Grays Lake was ;Wo caller Tuesday after-- ing. S. P. Majors of Lincoln, Nebraska spent a few days here last week visiting Mrs. Majors and relatives in Chicago. E. f Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Decker were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Hendee at Mun-- Mr. and Mrs. White and Mr. and Mrs. H. Harrison were guests Sun-- day evening at the home of the lat-- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown. f s Mr. and Mrs. Veddar Stone and family and Miss Mabel Knigge of Waucomia visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mae-- ther and family. The Ladies' Aid Society of the York House Church of Zion City will be entertained at their regular meet-- ing on Wednesday, February 15th at the home of Mrs. H. Hagerty. * The Woman's Guild of St. Law-- rence's Episcopal Church will hold a bakery sale at the William Wal-- rond Store, 541 North Milwaukee Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brown motor ed from Chicago Sunday to visit with their sister, Mrs.: Magy'MT»-. l'll'hey were guests at the Sumeriski ome. i The Happy Hour Classof the Presbyterian Church will hold a balk 'ery sale on Saturday, February 18th at the Triggs and Johnson Stom February 25th. at two o'clock. p. m. onia. On Tuesday morning her con-- dition was reported as slightly im-- proved. Dr. J. L. Taylor is in at-- da¥, February <17th at two--thirty o'clock. All members are requested to come prepared to sew. --Mrs. Catherine Lancaster enter-- tained the Five Hundred Club at her home at 222 Second Street, Monday evening. First prize was awarded to Mrs. John Numsen and the con-- solation to Mrs. Otto Jirava. Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Berard, son, LeRoy, and daughter, Lorraine, Miss Katherine Dowling, Mr. and Mrs. John Haas and Albert Haas, all of Chicago were guests Sundaiv' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Haas. Charles Bernard, local~ Buick dealer, reports three sales dur the past three days. Kenneth p-- er© purchased a Buick sedan, B. O. Bowser a two door and Carl -- Bader, Mundelein taxi man, a mast-- er Buick sedan. o . A number of this city are m:fl: d-- ing to be present at Dietz' St Ivanhoe Wednesday evening, Febru-- ary 15th, when "The Dummy", a comedy in three acts will be present-- The public is invited to attend the card party and dance to be @iven by the local Woodman and Royal Negihbors camps at Gridley hall next Werdnesday evenin@, Feb. 17. A general good time has been planned and we are assured by Jim Kierl that there will be refreshments. Mrs. George Huffman entertained twenty--five ~relatives and friends Sunday at a «djinner. given at her home, 511 Broadwav in honor of her husband's birthdavy anniversav. The gnests were all Incal people with the exception of Mrs. Hufft-- man's mother, Mrs. Albert Swandt, of Chicago. $ . > The fire Jdepartment was called out about ten o'clock Sundg&yv morn-- ing by an alarm which reported a fire ijvst north of Aoplev _ avenue. On Arriving at the seene thevy found a small hean of rubhish #Which was being burned. Neishbors evidently s;eeing the smoke turned in the a-- arm. asts f 'Announcement was made Monday of the engagement of two popular local young meople, Evelyn Dawson Fellingham and E. Merle Weiskopf. Miss Fellincham is an instructor in English at the High School and Mr. Weiskoof is the provrietor of--a flourishing battery and radio shop. According t~ the announcement the nuptuals will be deferred for Workmen are busily engaged in remodeling the Kaiser block at 410 North Milwaukee -- avenue. A new front' is to be put in and the build-- in divided into two stores of which John Cichy will occupy: the south halt and Charles Jorian will oven a shoe store in the north part. Davi? Atchison, Jr. of this city was adjudged insane at a hearing at -- Waukegan -- Monday morning, February 13th before a commission M the court of County Judge Perry L. Persons and was committed to the Elgin asylum. He was taken there by the sheriff's office. ed under the auspices of the mem-- brs of St. Mary's Parish of Fremont Center. on . and family of Des Plaines Saturady --afternoon, is ill at her is sale wil go to the. Elizabeth ndell Memorial hospital. 3 \*'The Old Peabody Pew", by Kate ouglass Wiggin, which w nted Friday evenille, y the : id Society of the ist Church in the church hall, .was | well ceived by a large enthusiastic udience.. Credit has give to ach of the characters with much avorable comment as to the acting f Mrs. Elmer Pope as n.LNm Went-- ;'orth and Harold Mason as Justin eabody, both of m took : their arts exceptionally well. Mrs. E. W. olby who directed tha piay and ac-- ed as reader, read her parts with fine effect and spirit. It was through ?er untiring efforts and able leader-- ship and the co--operation of each of he members that thelplay was ac-- laimed so successful. The Aid So-- iety: reports the approximate sum "The Dummy" a comedy in three cts will be presented under the aus-- ices of St. Mary's *rhh of Fre-- nont Center at Dietz's stables, Ivan-- f February 16, i t en he benefit of the f one hundred and thirty--five dol-- ars having been em _at this vent. e z hree acts by the y t. Matthew's chu_t(q "airfield Hall. > erger's hall, Prairie View. When the doors will get the best ba: aw at Langworthy's Let's > Insure You ~\___' _we take particular pride in our service. -- Phones 469 and 269 ' Ask ---- j Yellow © NO Just Call 306 when you want Taxi serfiéje_ and we will do the rest. ~ > Thursday, F "*"The Colonel's m 545 NORTH mt.ym £ AVE. (UPST} IRS )* LIBERTYVYILLE, ILLINOIS What ? COMING Wednesday, Opposite Electric Station Phones 469--269. ~ W *' S T comncay im 7, 18 cal review by Gal 17 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1928 Card party * io Tinee at Gridi an & ey hall by the Modern Woodmen and # # s '--_--* Ffiday, February 1l7th -- . +. Masquerade by the Royal Neigh-- bors at Herschberger's hall, Prairie hall by the American Legion and Mtgork supper -- prepared -- and served by the men o? the Presby-- terian church at the M. E. church Late style new spring coats in al}} * The greatest opportunities to buy the wanted colors and combinations standard merchandise at exception-- of colors at Langworthy's sale. _ | ally low prices at Langworthy's un-- ry sale by the Happy Hour #:f the: l_'re::byteripn cfiu_rcl_x_ at Thursday, February 23 Meeting of the Lake County Wood-- men Boosters Association at Gurnee. Initiation and mozing,pictures. t# % Friday, February 24 P. T. A. meeting at the North Grammar school at 3 p. m. Found-- ers' Day. y Royal Neighbors. Bakery sale at the William Wal-- rond Store, 511 N. Milwaukee Ave-- nue, by the Woman's Guild of St. Lawrence's Church. _ Friday, March 2 'Concert by the Chicago Y College Glee Club at the Mundelein Com-- munity House. Auspices of the Com-- munity Council. -- 2 March -- 8--9--10 i3% Rummage sale by the Libertyville Womans club. Wednesday, February 22 Card and bunco party at the town AUDITORIU M Saturday, February 25th All Phones 25 Heme Owned Store Thursday, February 23 Saturday, February 18 -- TRIGGS & JOHNSON s NHOME OWNED o \_STORE / "A Harp In H{)Ck" $4 Fresh New Cabbage perAD:.. >>~/--s~.>...0 :mc Rolled Boneless. Brisket Corned Beef, per lb. ... in the World. Regular 0¢ Value for :.:. Triggs & Johnson's Special is a Blond of the very best Coffee. per lb ... Campfire Marshmellows Plate Corned Beef per D. ...« Carey's Pure Maple Sugar, made in Ver-- mont, the greatest Maple Producing Center A story of life and love in ,the@hetto' »dy. ie o y _ News 4 <HIS IS a d :(m_.__'_w" by the antics g from Krumrey. 3 ' our youths who : fl%' Ives got the edge on Johnson with stop passing south bound machines'two out of three while Dolph by on Milwaukee avenue. He investi~ winning two from Franzen. Dolph's gtod_and on questioning the lads: g rolled up a total of 908 in ey told 'olfl; s¥ 2 atlonultr!p fgmiéfi'ir first game. Chicago which 'landed them Nere! p;i Peterson and Dolph tied for with no means of returning to their 4 7 homes. Taking. advantage of-- thei;';lek'pwgh game with a count of Lancgin's | birthdby holiday. in th¢ ) 'he stores: Chicago 86 oots the youths a mmdlri k 4tm out and by catching rides with Ruto--| vPu" p ols _ j4g q71 140 457 as Richard Scanlon and Edward| Scanlon of 6955 Kenneth avenue, William Zimmer, 58385 west Kenwood' avenue and Fred Bigner of 4655 west | Hazel avenue, all of Chicago. Their ages ranged from 12 to 16 years. Dennis found out their home addres-- ses and phoned to the Scanlon home.' A member of the family said that he would come out and get the quar-' tet and while waiting for his arrival the lads were taken to a resta'uranti and given their suppers. They lef here--late in the evening in companyl with the {ather of the Scanlon boys.| Lincoln's birthdgy' holiday in the Chicago schools the r{ouflu started out and by catching rides with auto-- ists got as far as Libertyvillé, When night came on they were stranded| here with no money for car fare| U and were trying 'to find some good , * natured motorist who would take| M them home. They gave their names | LIBERTYVILLE CLUB BOWLING | Three bowlers rolled 'six hundred series . du}ir;f the 'evening, * Titus with 603, ~Meyers 609 and Dolph with §21. > -- : Harry Titus and his gang hung up a new record in the Libertyville club league last Thursday night in their match against Swan's gang when they rolled a total of 261z for the three mes. Their low game was 852. This is the first match in the league when all six games went over 800. > [# t es loading sale. Wright went up a notch b{ taking two from Bltghm and Muhilke kept _ 49¢ :. 39€ o 15¢ 'Ad v. Ives got the edge on Johnson with two out of three while Dolph by winning two from Franzen. Dolph's mmfledupatotalofmm first game. j Bill Peterson and Dolph tied for No. 1 Krumrey up his winning streak by taking two No. Woolf . G. Meyer . Published in the in-- terest of the people With all this mod-- ern tendency to scan day mongering in biography, there is nothing in the mem-- or{nof Abraham Lin-- coln that in any way besmirches his char-- acter. He stands in history and will con-- tinue to stand as one of the most ben-- eficiently great men that civilization has produced. GOOD SENSE Honest Abe said: "Bad laws, if they exist, should be re-- pealed as soon as possible; still while they continue in force, for the sake of example,. they should be religiously Get acquainted with your neighbor, you might like him, and observed." ##9¥te es + «+ 2 * * GROWERS OF FINE FLOWERS Libertyville, IH. -- We Deliver Anywhere. PRONE 174--] EDITORIAL. For any occasion. They best For any occasion. They you wish to express--wheth-- er it be joy or sorrow-- Sympathy or Sentiment. _ Whatever your needs, we can supply them-- Cc * Flowers sent anywhere by Flowers First National Bank > Little Creehs Into Big Rivers Grow Joseph Kohout Co., Inc. 3 Tus MAP shown. here is the key chart which has led many One Doliar is @ man to comfortable circum-- ::':""" stances. You, too, can use it "9°98" _ wich the same results; Open a account at d.. oi Mok * 9L o Gnsna dn artahicthant pte 146 144 141 121 2038 155 180 112 126 136 CaPITAL axp Surprius $110,000.00 %':':fi'"u'.'"fl}"o': '¥ / i' )j"'/"?' s Ei I C *A "V 813 184 142 134 142 166 171 141 152 147 716 2284 188 552 145 399 151 411 163° 448 169 471 816 2281 140 158 117 141 160 are friendly is a fine place to live.= _ Ray Andrews says: "One thing that puz-- bachelor isn't rich." Husband: "It says here that the newest This is the week when all retail lum-- ber men gather at the Ed lge w ater Beach otel and learn how to manage their yards more ef-- ficiently. Of course we will be there and dine and dance at the expense of "Bob' Roberts, "Les" Wal-- leck and the rest of catch you doing it." chicken for trét"' Wife: "Just let me F. H. Eger, our en-- ergetic hardware man is installing a new "Easy Set" Cop-- per store front. Wm. Brumm, local cement contractor is doing the ~cement work. Mr. --Brumm uses savings account today at this bank. Then add to it recslarsly the gang. Convention Week New Store Front 410 10, G. Petersen ... 176 R. Titus ... 198 No, 4 Klepp Especul!;' to -- the ladie@ y e (THMeERLLCL-- to re men at thepllethodilt church Thursday February 23rd. Good cooks -- g eats -- good waiters. the date and place. Proceeds to go to the Presbyterian buget. Wells ... high quality garnte0y at $1.19. Wflf:m sale. --Adv. Colby F SiX\\ Ladies' %Ji ! EL :........... 1098 HHG. {:3 worsre----o----:------.... 168* 814 ceme--....... 148 165 118 (Continued on Page 8) folks ! "Universal" Peoert © land cement because There never was any No Mam, groths do not eat holes in gar-- ments. . They eat the at all times. This material is tongue and grooved on both ends. and can be placed in position by anyone -- eliminating but not ifthr ments are hung im a closet lined with '\romatic Red Cedar We carry a stock of all waste. twenty years." Libertyville, . Phone 47 and 48 LIBERTYVILLE ILIUMBER OO. "Down by the old loth and leave holes PAGE FIVE p€ in ee}ld

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