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Lake County Register (1922), 15 Feb 1928, p. 7

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The amendment. coming up (ordn- cusjon in the senate " its session yesterday. found opposition beam it was not included In the wt between agriculture] Wan". and those ot the minds municipal tabled Smear Swift's amendment by a m of " to W. Next mks Won't!) see mitttt a! mammal tug-house. which 'ttttttttsto-tmth-tttttgo. 'toetntrttteo1d2t-2pereentttrntta- MumeI-everycity SWIFT BONDING PLAN DEF EA TED mett-tttntnrettotttaueeesstutnn'it 'xtqt.8tI-ttqrtthttttrinattttttietgtq-1 {Manama-sent. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOII " _ GUS KRUNREY 'There are just three possum ways of .'ceaimzz with the Eighteenth Amendment. It mace Be enforced. theoreticaJLS' at least; it may be tutleifted lake the Fifteenth Amend- menr and the second section of the Foqrteentlt. or it may be repealed. id Can't Be "one! 56.0wa judgment is well known am has often been expresaed. The. Eighteenth Amendment cannot be enforced without the constant. per- stunt, and revolutionary violation of other and lanthanum portions of the mention. tnetmtintr, of cause. the an at rum Thef Biettteertttt Amendment my be nulo' men, " k and]: erteitttgtq to he the q'tteEttthteestttt Amendment may, andinartrNdtmtenteantuttt,attttttttt tte,repea3edinoedertttattheAmer- 'strttethettndetreettTettttttgttttgtete theprxtttie-otthetittttttrtmfne, It is not qetttttmt atgntttennee tho: alttttmett an "at a! prohibition hu been my More the Ameri- can people for the better part of n canary. neither political party has on: said a Word shout " in a na- tional platform. Neither party ever mainioned prohibition " a notional who: 'while tt was coming in and gt, mi! be a safe. though disappoint- ing: prediction. that neither party will have the courage to mention it white it is going out. "there are Just three possible wavs cue in the north, eutfsouth and m. Thislregardua very shock- greatly complicate rather than solve the questions which the nmegtttrgtettt ElectricalIJ/ BUTLER SPEAKS tll ml8llll'rltlil (Dr. Siam!" Harm Butler. plu- idem of Columbia university. was born m Elizabeth, N. J.. in 182. He was graduated ttmn 003mm: um- xetsny in 1881. and took degrees In various American universities. Dr. Butler studied " seven) universities in European! - returning to this country than. mien-or of pmxosophy " mm: university, and than "new the hum: of pmlosophy at the naive-alt! in 100. Dr. Butler has been president of Columbia ".?tvemtt, we "may. 1902. Be In; Been a mm m- un in Republican my pom) By Dr. manh- My Butler President o! cqhtiqahd. um SPRINGFIELD. 111.. Feb. 16.--'rhe an: dhtrtet legislative delegation Bake y6ur . ua - -riaGiiii - - _ "at-in- Pin-e LibeetrviBe m.w wafBerronsatt10 up --and the card with your light bill is worth a dollar, until March 1. _ Or You may apply the dollar cougon on any Warm pad at $750 up. when the I'o Act "w son, hrm or corporation shall Ped- be ", one or deliver bread or bakery goods Tr-,within the limits of said Village, Flonleither wholesale or retail without l°miifirst obtaining a, license therefor, as l 0tlhereinaifter provided. he, SECTION TWO: That any per- aul- son, firm or corporation desiring to thei peddle or deliver bread or bakery "woods within the limits of said Vil- tek- loge, either wholesale or retail, try "Imam of horse ind wagon. motor "lunch, automobile or other convey- tent ance, shall first make application with the Village Clerk, stating the my. name of the applicant, also the mid name or the firm under which the ner- business is conducted. the place of on. business, the amount of vehicles 01 used in connection with said bui- tne. ness, and must subunit proof-of the end inapectionoftheState Sanitaryl by Health Officer, together with a li- and cense fee of 'Thirty-dive dollars and (835.00). same being an annual li- cenee fee. No lieenae will he tamed for1etmthagtaix-thdnatdat11i- ceases issued shall expire April 30th. of the year following the date um men an 'm30tM8 wr- n nyriii"iiiU iii; s?atiiGli'Ti'rtiitiii, Mum Wankegan ttnd other cm" "H Improvements having filed in the: ' bond themselveg for five per eent d ; County Cour t of Lake County, Il-l the total property value that piecing linois, orrthe' 13th a. of February, them on tt PM with mango so ftrr' A. D., 1928, a e','lr'li'li,U'd Showing as issuance "will bands is l that the said improvement conforms concerned. ','tuhstar.ttitmrto thtraequirementai of-i ; -_----------.tq--- [the originalf orginance for Elie com' _ N " 1 . ':struetion o e same, t e cost l oR"N1i5..f.?i..No 483 i"viiiiii.cii't,iiittad,iiiiir, engineering ai,i,i) l NANCE Lieenshgl vices, amount estimated , I, A: .QfPIbaKW goods Mgthem to bereqmred to may them-71 ! rem . a . ' ,vill geming interest on bonds or voch-' I Ilers P the LVililage f 1.83%"?qu I ers issued to anticipate 'co'liection' _,f,'i',1i'sr'.tr ot a C an e o Ili the y/ttr',',',")',', fr said f",),:',',",'",,';','; t?,' , ti,.,' t, a ' . _ l in a new. oil'ei)/ePh2teteopeitiiii, g/in/id/tr/ii at; is: 2f "'t1d', ', i,v.i/ytq 52%;?"3312: 31m votlr't'eesit,',tt, ttrig $532233?! 5L3§£§ION 1%'!.dl. Tint. no peszaid County, on the 2nd day ofi ' . . ti hail ped- March, A. D. 1928; at-lOo'clock A.! 'son, hm." corpora on s M or as Soon thereafter as the! s'dl.e. y dew". breadog" 'tit"ufet.' "iiiiliiiisi oi the Court wiil permit.! 333$? 3:013:11? or it" wiggé' All persons tisftiaet,ui.1t, tit': F . . . =ticns in said our ore sah ay 1ti,tst1ta,ting,tttitnse therefor, (l"iiiii may .aprieton the hearing and I SECTION TWO: That my Der., make their defense. _ for less than six months and all 5-,!» the Board of _ lineal Im censes issued shall expire April ments of the Village of Ilium; Mth. of the year folk-in; the date Illinois, until 7:30 o'clock p. m. of issuance. 'Istandard time, on' the 5th da of SECTION THREE: Any person,iMareh, A. D. 1928, at the "flute Arm or corporation Who shall tterHatl of MW lllinoia. for the found guilty of View any 'to-ieonstruetion as a whole of an im- visions of this ordinance shall be movement consisting of water Ber- ftrtedmot1etusthanrNmtrdNursiieevipesand house chains in increase in the limit on Its Dwain: power and the delegation will prob-, - support the comm bill qettiettwiiltrive themtmettnttoart. AN ORDINANCE Lieenshg bread and bakery goods" pain altars in the Village of Libertyville, County of Lake and State of III- This measure amends the that; tti1HortrrmdetttntitattMtttttapptr to any school, park or unitary dis- trict. or city. village or mud town of over a ttto-td population. nndttitstandsuptmdertxmrtat- tacks. which are looked ttip, it will permit Waukegan and other cities tq bond themselves for tive per cent of the total property value thus placing them on a par with Chicago so (at as issuance oPmum'cipal bonds is concerned. In addition. the compromise bow» impower bill will come into the houteearirinttteweetr,ttavingtseen ttenttotheordet ofptumtgeinttse sexist: with muons of being passed there next Wednesday when the upper house reconvene for its ttrat hm session. The bonding bills are the only on" which will draw any particular in- terest from the Weizmann district's (Mention Besides Wuhan. pne- tleelly every sinble town in the dis- trict. including Bkhlsnd Perk. Wood- stock. Belvidere and others. favors an otttaideofCttieagtr, fourteen bills correcting taxtrtattttesiandatew eteettttetmeattureesintendeatottotster upthelmprlmnryact. Cross Off Washday , and Its Tedious Tail I Reliable Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. SEND us the weekly washing, and scratch off washday for. ever from your calendar.' Try our Damp Wash Servicq . a a .which brings the clothes to you fragrant ly clean, and just damp enough for the lighter task of ironing. Do you wagt more time for secretion, companionship or penned duties? %LAUNDRY -iliiiiiiitiistl ' We offer for sale to every household at a price within the mach of all . a. t2 Tomormvis Every Year. HIGHLAND PARK, Established 1899 Sealed proposals will be meeived brtheFrrd of'Ijoul r,',fff,'C. Board pf Loch] Improvements of tht Ytyttr, of 9fundeleiit, Illinois. Dated at. Mdndetein, Illinois. this 6th dav of February, A. D. 1928. am" 'tdt: . B. J. Drona. Passed peg. 7, 1928. fo on file in the office of said Approved Feb. 7, 1928. ithi'iie, qontmetor, m tole tel, Published Feb. Li, 1928. '1" Special- assessment .ttmyy , th ttr interest " the 2ti of at"?! ' ce C r annum, e am: , NOTICE or BEARING rf. d s,',"' vochers. gnaw. math: NOTICE is hereby given to all , m de upon blank furnished " the persons interested, that the Board, o ice of the Village Clerk of the of Local Improvements of the vir'. Vi latte of Mundelein Illinois. and lage of Mundelein, Lake County,} m st be aiiGiiiiiiriia by cash or Illinois, having let the contract for e ' k payable to the outer of the the improvement consisting of the P sident of the Board of Local Im, constngction of a connected system rp vergentS; mertitied by a respon- of salutary sewers in said Village/si 1e ank, for an amount not less outlet seyver,' treatment plant, etc.,itt np.ofr oCtfttaormratys propos- Special Ament_ No. 7, and the same having been complet- ed and,aceeptod by- said Boafd on the 6th. lay 9fAebruary,, A. D. ances or guts of ordinances con- f,1ei,egiy.r erewith are hereby re- pe e . _ . SECTION FIVE: This ordinance shall be in full force and etteet ttrom and after the date of its pas- sage, approval and publication. EARL H. CORLETT, President o. J. Bpehm, Clerk. Passed Feb. T, 1928. V Almond Feb. T, 1928. dud (:2'0'0) do11amofor each and every o fame. SECTION FOUR: All ordin- EL)!' Blujuti, graying Zehien, B. H. Miller, Attorney. NOTICE OF LETTING'CON- TRACT FOR LOCAL Ill- PROVEMENT. libertyville Tom-o Mt V, , _ ' ti" 12-14 I 21. al, Bids will be opened by the ard of Local, Improvements in o n session at 7:30 o'clock p. m.. st ndard time,- on the 6th dav of M Ich. A. Duly, in paid Village av nu, Vllw'lb "av "II; w WWW! (I. iil 1927. Said itnprovtsmept 31nd be (i'4dt"i'iiitG in aecordtutee with the terms of said Ordinance and with at plans and trpeeifieationa there. fo on file in the office of said i," "Special Axum-ell: Ne, " . in; theomanner shown nut forth mi an T rdinanee rand w- e by the PteridentandBoiidof tees of said VIII? of Murtde- Le n, anhe_ Md day October. A. STARTINGwith Rm ' Top Posts and the RED Tpr Driver this is 'irhatyimaionedandor ' Drive ?00, to_300 posts trday Ire,', ttetrttinti',Q 1gtf,ttti.t,'g'ittit you've . . T _ 1 quic - a??? l and what's tmre---be donewith that fence. re.C, ii',',ii'il)' j b for many long years. "gm; me in and let us show you on an actual F", . t the differences that sold us on RED TOPS d make us recommend them so strongly. Then, t , we catrshow you how doing a little fencing ill turn waste into profit. It'.s.a good idea-cone t t will repay the fencing cost m a couple of years a d, after that, make extra profits for you. t tlim 1hem perfecthr. Com- olete a weeks ftsnciti4ioris! a ittle more. than a single day. Telephone 220-3! The National Fire [mince Co. The National Alumnae Co. Ltd., and the _1. _is'tamurxrAeeidertt Intmratice Co. I can.giv'e you almost any kind 'of insurance required,. and win appreciate your business. V If I Iklomred new it an} tmrelasses, I wouldn't need to call your attention/to) {at that I handle Fire, Tornado, Auuyno.bile and Casualty htir1ir'atted, representing three strong compames. T T . 1}" SOME PEOPLE TIAVE ALL OF THE LUCK OTHERS HAVE MOST OF THE MONEY, ive 200 to300 aday ougl? the ie2tt'li and httAliamonRoadihtantdYii, ILLINOISCBELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM. ' Om: quicy - One SM . Universal Service on which a return was! be and. Th company's revenue: was! he, am am "is. the. YEAR hymn!» telephone - - wears out and 1m to ge upload at "in: and bitter "an the ow can ofthe oldplanl. This adds census!!! to do average invest- 'ieestt M "when. Desk Chair Journeys IYard-i at%mdeteirt, Prairie View, and Gillie! L Tripp Lumber Co. ' LLOYD C. RAY Why RED TOP Steel t Posts Are Better Alt W. Park Ave. Bell lines reach everywhere --not only in the United States, but Canada, Cuba, Mexico,' England, Scotland and Wales. . ' USINESS executives have learned how radi- ally selling costs can be re- duced by the carefuf .use of the long distance telephone. lit one day you can cover territorywhich otherwise could not be reached in weeks, get undivided atten- tion for your sales message and obtain orders at a small fraction of the expense incurred by other selling methods. _ . By long distance telephone you quunake profitable jour. neyiwithout leaving your desk chair. wi' Giftiiiriiairu - "f - Iii/itll'.' It: 'Wmi'am 7nrrtien." ' q T members of the Board of Local Im- prtrrrimphttt of the Villaae of Mun- de'e'in. Lukas Countv. Illinois. T B.m. Miller, Attorney. . 7 wuu "luau m: luau wan sum noun! . ' ___ ,',"°"" """ -- -e-.-V 'tuoe,ttt, for tht "stepeti,tni, rtfvit't, 'i'ontts'ii'iii'iitf,,',', dit Am gl gm 1efgo2,'g",'st, ". etiteted "3'91de can t "t, follows bronchitis 'or nd shall orovide that sand. and "tht'"', wikenin and when it contractor shall well, and ifaxthful- "hangs on'Wery' 'lf/df/U',',',', Foley's y Perform ahd exesute tsaid work'Honey and T at Compound. puts a m _all respects .aeor.dime to. the 'pm-. healing soothin coating on a mu it plete and detailed. ,peei.fieat.ions, . , ea throat: and imm ii Iii? $155531 fe/ gtgt1etcttt'gr, eases the immgon' that causes the accog'djng to the time and temus and" bgrcholtangli: gandable. Ask for eonditions of the contract, and 111-11 - . . ve g . 30.1 that such bidder and contractor: _ shall promptly pay all debts incufw V t red by such bidder or contractor m T the prosecution of such work, i111 _ 1 eludink those for labor and mater- : 1 wilfmg'ilshed' _ 1 h ll x _ l _ Its or proposas s a con- tath an offer todurnith such Aond in a Prescription for 1 upon It aeeeptarce' of such bid or Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, proposa. . . ( '. . . Austedgthis 6th day of February, Bilioug Fever and Malaria. . . 1 28. . T . R. P. Rouse, l. It kill. the gems. Gordon Ray, -------------d------------------ Edwin E. Roder, C I . _ ' A. . Bluhm, '. .Is.f.1 Dorfler, .. " to'be approved by the President of the Board of local 2lzgy",tf, of It!!!, 31.1.1389 of., kiwi? Gina. Shiv}! mum of nah ui, with aunties _ E"??- titt approved by the President of! 2tfftl?,t 33 in: SP,'ttlt 5. ftiiiidfiastenAr www.mkh mustTbe filed with said Boa'rd Obs-Mum Studded-Re Writ: makes post DAY, NTru_Jh1LY_1f,_1ir28 Check up on each of these points. Artn'ttherjusttht pointy you want In a fence post? Libertyville, Ill. 1#Kedymahuninym itdtlUte,'tig,seitrt ma 1gfifd." ance of tucd inc. iEif,2ee dim... ret?.', nacho: "tnt., swat"! to btiieivutud to a". Firmer A Nabok- 0% "The result E3 -r- -- - o _ uain As a Ind Tar foi'a 'gdgtr' L'tt W, " ytime tnd at yight, {as a not: LAUNDRY :THINKS ty'jftpph", leusmess no DO , YOUR MrASt: r V .AT HOME." 'c',Mlltsl and "itu'"%, wdiltenine and when it "hangs on" very debilitating. Foley's Honey and Tii' Compound puts a healing, soothin' ebatintt on a rough inilamisd fgtt and immediate y eases the irrita on' that causes the hard coughs. ttg.""'" Ask for it.-P. B. Lovel ' Co. OAK TERRACE aaatablemp, The Steir Paint Shop paper ever printed and can 'ateroumoney? . "a, "314% a ee beforeihcruahm 'Paérntingt. van: Byg Wall Paper _ NOW is the time to call in the gating expert. Remember ie you suffer- ed. last winger. Ask our advice and @1111 to follow ieit' ' Don't wait i for winter's ' chilling storm. Make sure right now you will be warm. lowest "Prices Thetimeiothihkof wall m M Huge LIBBmm. ILL. THE In sure l men. Btqd if (hiked. Call at ' 312 Blood"! or phone Liberty- vilk 21. 12-61:. ROOM FOR Tttmr-UG-are for-"2 len... new if desired. Call at FOR FOR: RENT-q room house. New. Apply with, 215 Johnson Avenue, Li ille. Phone 701. . 12-6t-pd. FOR RENT-M room brick house at 169 School Street. Libertyville. Inquire " 148 E. Cook Avenue. FOR RENT-Two broom flats. 1 heated here, the other in Wau- Kegan." Call marine 111ii 1 HOUSE AND FLATS FOR RENT-- FOR RENT-Modern 7 room dwell- ing and two ear garage on West Bark Avenue. Immediate posses- FOR SALE - Dining room set (American walnut), nearly new. Reasonable price. Call " 212 Johnson Ave., or phone Liberty- ville 595-1 I-tf. FOR sAraiV-Bred zilts due to far- row t'piila,,ttrcr,t', of ,A,tri1i Cross bred Poland ina an Dames. These are exceptional individuals Jsut an priced to sell. Tel.' Liber- tyvilie 589. Henry L. Casey. FOR SALE--Apptes, Jonathan, Baldwins, Starks, Wugners. Tal.. man Sweet Spy, Penukee and Grimes' Golden, 82.25 per bushel; Eustace. 81.25 per bushel; eats- MN, 81.50 per hundred. Onions, $1.60 per bushel; rudabagas. 82 per hundred lbs.; cider made to order, Me per gal. in 5 gal. lots 9g__more. _Phopt _232-R, W. E. FOR "LE-No. l baled timothi " and straw. Bergerort Stoe Farm on Lake St., 2 miles west of Libertyville. Phone 6784-2. FOR t1ALEr-.-A11 modem house. 6 rooms and bath; all oak floors, oak trim in living room, dining room and hall, gum trim in kitchen and bed rooms. mt 50:140. Good basement and tum. Oakwood Terrace, Homewood Are. Price $10,000. Phone Libertyville 294-R. . 8-3t-pd. l FOR SALE-P cockerels. $2 rog t9Auik--Nohttr1 on bum coni- no: SALE-BABY CHICKS. Older NEED CASH FOR "LE-Piano, 2 Beds, day bed, 2 tables with leaves, ice box. Will qtteriiiee. Phone890rcallat118 E. Cook Ave., Libertyville. 12-1-pd FOR SALB,--Duroe geese Boar Witt: Broec, Imelda. Ii Phone 6614-1. tMt. Matthews. Vfirfiz'iE-- iiriJidiGrf. Plume 481- 12-lt FLYNN-GABLE CHICKS in 100iots T W. Leghorris, Brown Leghorns, Atteonair, $11.00. Barred Rocks, Reds, Wyandottes, $12.00. Ph. Ari. Hts. '34-r:Ntr-47able Hatchery, E. Euclid _ Avenue, Arlington Heights, IU. _ 9-24-pd. FOR SALE-MO bu. barley, wed? hay, baled straw. Phone 558. G. I Hardin Rouse, Muttdeiein. 10ctf.l sion. See EDWIN AUSTIN for rates oh cheap excursions to the Bio Grande Valley. --- . 5°" PPker1.t,tft._ttJet1y, Some for immediate possession SELLERS AND PETERSEN. T _ Ltttertrviite, Illinoi- b"2-tf FOR SALE-Real Estate HERMAN A. SCHWERMAN 205 W. Maple Avenue. Libertyville, Ill. Telephone 147-31. 'Avenno. Lacuna», south from; west of Stem Ave. Ftne dude trees; r? for building. Terms: R. C. Hoff, 054! e-ry) Ave- nue, Chicago. 'tMhNrd, Volkman, Mundelein. Stanley Steamer Sedan, new cof- per boiler. Terms to responsible party. 4929 N. Western Avenue, Chicago. Phone Ravenswood 7441. JR SALE-rpurehred Barred Rock toekerels. $2.50. Bergeron Stock Farm, on Lake St., 2 miles west of Libertyville. Phone 67812. Hyou wantto tertutrthirytertfrttule--rtt-t, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it be" thrmtd* h columns. You will get results. 'rhrtito.o.waryiiurnreaetta-tr-ous inwshortatimeandatoombleneoltuyueum make your wants known here. A trittlxritleeetveti-. Minimum charge, A. R. SCHNAEBELE, ' one. with Fu- Ilia-i Littertrvine, Ill. 9-6t' Ph- ubeetrrftte 81! "r-e------.--------------------- ' LIBERTYVILLI nu me EDWIN AUSTIN 405 So. Milwaukee Avenue Phone, Libertyville 167-w. FOR RENT -(Chsseiitiied Ads FOR SALE 1 charge, 25e 6 insertion for 81.00 Rates: 5e per line per insertion. 4-6tpd. " 8-6t. 1rtlfr' CATTLE TESTED For Tuberculosis w. I for I-tt at ,,' ttaa.' _, Libertyville Post No. as AMERICAN LEGION l . Commander, C. c. I" - an Meets First Tun-thy - Gm I. DR. J. L. TAYLOR Office in First Nathan! M m ,lfIarrrlthtdilmrtiett Seientitie Ext-hul- at b "- GLASSES mo Room 208 1704 Sheridan Id DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON "Estate l BALE8W0tEEN-.a want on. or m l ulcswomen for Libertrvitte ad I vleini.ty, experienced _ W. i' MiSCELLANEOUS WANrED---Couple capable of un- aging mum and to." apartments. Address up". to .Box "S.R." c-o Uire Com IQ» ister. Libertrvfi% Ill. btf WANTED-MU rent modern 3-" house. Preferably east hf In- wankee Avenue near 3%,. Address replies to FL? an: Of Law: County Register. 11at wfAo)"l,',liieid, Bronze Turkey is: for ing Puma-u- Phone. ertyville 210-3. 12-1bqd. LOtrrr--MeHing silver dinner M on Park Ave. Finder pies-e 10- turn to the Regiater ottiee and receive reward. M-tt WANTED--Pintn sewing. Gum very reasonable. Phone IM- ville 712-R. tS-te Htrymi1to89tidft_o_ JUSTICE 0PMI'IACI mama!!!" JOSEPH A. JADRICH don , Frank Jefers Suite 203-1704 Sheri- LIST YOUR FARMS FOR SALE OR TRADE Open Sunday: and th-tsos, ArNRN3N-Ar.LAW First National M and REAL ESTATE "WWI 'ill?, : Jll", week! 'ttttat' to y. and pleasant work. "Kw. M. J. Alexander, 256 tk mp1: Ave., Oak Park, Ill. 124m Residence, onkwoodNmuo J. A. Jadrich 1nd LYELL M. MORRIS Free of Charge mm mm CHICAGO. ILL LIBERTYVILLE. 1L1. North Chicago, 1:..th PHONE: tT66 BHLMllLLER Walk-cu, 'tttrt- _ qrG -- -__ PAGE SEVEN

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